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1、1小学英语冠词冠词的定义:冠词,是用来表示名词特性的一种词,它表示名词可数不可数、单数复数、任何一个还是特定的一个等。也就是说,冠词与名词是紧密连在一起的。使用冠词有三种基本情况:1、用 a / ana / an 用在单数可数名词前面,表示这个人或事物是泛指的不确定的一个,相当于中文的“一个”。注意:可数的单数名词前,必须要用 a / an 或 the. 我们不能说 boy, desk, dog,而必须说 a boy / the boy.a 和 an 的区别不定冠词有 a 和 an 两种形式,a 用于辅音( 不是辅音字母)开头的词前,an 用于元音(不是元音字母)开头的词前。 例如:a boy

2、, a university, a European country; an hour, an honor, an island, an elephant, an umbrella, an honest man ,a useful book不看字母看读音,不见原因(元音) 别施恩(n)2、用 the1.特指某(些) 人或某( 些)物,这是定冠词的基本用法。The book on the desk is mine2.指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。 Open the window, please.3.指上文已经提到的人或事物。I have a car. The car is red.4.指世界上独一

3、无二的事物。Which is bigger, the sun or the earth?5.用在序数词,形容词最高级前。The first lesson is the easiest one in this book.6.用在乐器名称前。She plays the piano every day.3、不用冠词有的时候,名词前面不用任何冠词,没有 a / an / the. 有的书上称为零冠词1.棋类,球类,一日三餐名词前不用任何冠词Play chess play football have supper2.人名,地名,国家名前不加冠词Beijing is the capital of Chin

4、a3.名词前已有物主代词(my,your,his,her 等)、指示代词(this/these,that/those)、不定代词(some,any 等)及所有格限制时,不用冠词my book(正) ; my the book(误)2三、经典例题一.冠词填空:在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划。 1There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall 2This is _ useful bookIve read it for _ hour 3 _ elephant is much heavier than _ horse 4 _doctor told h

5、im to take _medicine three times_day5Lets go out for _ walk二.选择题。 1. -How about _Christmas evening party? -I should say it was _ success. A. a; a B. the; a C. a; / D. the; / 2. We have every reason to believe that _ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be _ success. A. /; a B. the; / C. the; a D. a; a 3.

6、 -Could you tell the way to _Johnsons, please? -sorry, we dont have _Johnson here in the village. A. the; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; / 4. Have you heard _ news? The price of _ petrol is going up again! A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; / 5. I looked under_ bed and found _book I lost last we

7、ek. A. the; a B. the; the C. /; the D. the; 四、专项训练1.在空格内填上 a 或 an 1. _ear 2._actor 3. _hen 4. _toy 5. _university 6. _elephant 7. _hat 8._umbrella 9._rabbit 10._idea 11._hour 12_honest boy 13._interesting book14._easy question 2.用 a,an,the 或 “/”填空 1._Washington is_capital of_United States of America

8、 2.There is _”A” on his paper. 3. I ate _apple .Its _red apple. 4._tall man over there is my boss. 5._earth moves around sun. 6.No news is _good news. 7.Have you visited Great Wall? 8.They often play football after school. 9.Are there any birds in sky? 10.Did you have breakfast this morning?3.选择填空 1

9、.Mom tells her little daughter old story every night. A. a B. / C. an D. the 2. computer on the table is Susans. A. A B. An C. The D. / 3.There is map of the world on wall. map is mine.A. a, a, A B. a, the, The C. the, the, The D. the, the, A4. Whites live on floor.A. /, three B. A, third C. The, th

10、ird D.The, the third 5. Spring comes after winter. A. /, / B.The, / C.The, the D.A, the 6.I bought shoes yesterday. shoes are very beautiful.A. a, The B. a pair of, The C. the, The D. a pair, The pair 7.He was soldier in the Second World War. A. a B. an C. the D. /8.She can play and . A. the tennis,

11、 the guitar B. tennis, guitar C. the tennis, guitar D. tennis, the guitar 39.I can see moon and clouds in the sky.A. the, a B. a, a C. the, / D. the, the 10. “c” is in “cat.” “s” is in “sat.”A. An, An B. An, A C. A, A D. A, An 11. Tiananmen Square is in Beijing. A. /, / B. A, / C. The, / D. /, the 12.Can you tell me nearest bookshop? Go straight and turn right at_third crossing, and you will see it. A. the, a B. the, the C. a, the D. the, /

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