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1、 - 1 -Dear Mr. Green,This is to let you know that I will be transferred to Beijing office of our company as of May 11, 2008.I would like to thank you for all your support during the past years and hope that you will continue to extend the same to my replacement, Miss Gao.With thanks and regards,Sinc

2、erely yours,Alex亲爱的格林先生:2008 年 5 月 11 号我将调职到敝公司的北京分公司,特此告知。感谢您一直以来的支持与照顾,同时,也拜托您对我的继任者高小姐继续予以支持关照。献上诚挚的感谢和祝福,艾力克斯 谨上Dear all,All good things must come to an end. I am leaving this company.When I look back on the past years, all the memories I have of working with you are invaluable to me. I would li

3、ke to deliver my heartfelt thanks to all that have shown me your guidance, support and assistance.Attached is my personal contact information.Keep in touch and I wish all of you a promising future!Warmly regards,Mike Pan亲爱的同事们:天下没有不散的筵席!我要离开公司了。当我回首过去这些年,与大家共事的回忆对我来说是无价的。我在这里衷心地感谢大家曾给我的指导、支持与协助。随信附上

4、我的个人联络资料。保持联络,并祝福大家都拥有美好的未来!献上最诚挚的祝福,麦克 潘Dear Edward,I have recently changed my job and become a consultant in Milestone Consultation International Co. So I have also moved to a new place near our company.My new address and contact number are as follows, Address: 8F, 130, Sec 1, Fu Hsin Road, Taipei

5、 106Telephone number: 886-2-2730-8888I hope to keep in touch with you.With my best wishes,Kate亲爱的爱德华先生:我最近刚换了份新工作,进入了里石国际管理咨询公司当咨询顾问。所以我也把家搬到了公司附近。下面是我的新地址和电话号码: 地址:106台北市复兴路一段130号8楼 电话:886-2-2730-8888希望今后保持联络并多多关照。献上最美好的祝福,凯特Dear John,I hope this letter finds you well.I just want to let you know th

6、at I have recovered from my recent appendicitis. Now I have come back to work again.I look forward to working with you again and hearing from you soon.- 2 -Thank you very much for your consolation.Yours truly,Ken亲爱的约翰:收信愉快。我只是想告诉你,我的盲肠炎已经痊愈,并且已经再次回到工作岗位上了。期待再次与你共事,也期盼你尽快与我联系。非常感谢你的慰问。肯恩 谨上Dear Kevin

7、,First of all, congratulations on meeting and exceeding our goals for school instrument sales in October!You worked on arranging for a trade-in for a completely new set of instruments and helped make October a month to remember.I hope you will put the bonus check to good use, and continue to bring n

8、ew ideas to the sales department.Sincerely yours,John Diamond亲爱的凯文:首先,恭喜你达到并超过了十月份的学校乐器销售目标!你以旧换新的点子使得十月份成为了值得纪念的月份。我希望您能好好利用这笔奖金,并且继续为我们销售部提供新的点子。约翰 戴尔蒙 谨上Dear Mr. Smith,Holiday greetings and best wishes for the New Year!May you and all your family members have a joyous holiday season.Thank you for

9、 your patronage over the past few years and I hope we will enjoy more years of business cooperation together.Best regards,Yours faithfully,Walt Lin亲爱的史密斯先生:岁末年初送上我最诚挚的问候,祝您新年快乐!祝福您和您的家人度过一个愉快的佳节。对于您过去的关照在此深表感谢,并且希望今后我们能够一如既往地长期合作。献上最诚挚的祝福,华特 林 谨上Dear Sir or Madam,I would like to apply for admission

10、to your university as a Masters student in Applied Economics next September.I am in my fourth year of undergraduate studies at Peking University at present, and I will receive a Bachelor of Arts in Economics in July. It has been my dream to pursue graduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania,

11、an institution well-known for its excellent faculty and students as well as the strong leadership in the field of economics. I am confident that I would benefit a lot from the rich academic and cultural community of your university.As requested, I have sent two letters of recommendation, an original

12、 copy of my university transcript, and a copy of my TOEFL certificate. Please also find attached my completed application form.- 3 -Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours,David Wang亲爱的敬启者:我想申请贵校明年九月开学的应用经济学硕士课程。我现在是一名北京大学的大四学生,将于今年七月份获得经济学

13、学士学位。能去宾夕法尼亚大学读研究生一直是我的梦想。贵校教员和学生都相当优秀,而且贵校在经济学领域里享有极高的声誉。我相信我将在这个富有学术和文化气息的校园里受到熏陶,受益匪浅。我已经按照贵校的要求,将两份推荐信、一份大学成绩单正本,以及一份托福成绩单副本寄出。入学申请表请参见附件。非常感谢您对我的申请予以考虑。期待能尽快收到您的回复。大卫 王 敬上Dear Boss:I am afraid that I have to tell you the bad news.Something incredible happened to me last weekend. I had a car acc

14、ident and thus broke my legs. Therefore, I have to inform you that maybe I cannot go to work in the next few weeks because of this serious accident. So I want to ask for a months leave. Thank you for your consideration andIm expecting your approval.Enclosed herewith is my X-ray photo for verificatio

15、n.Sincerely yours,Nancy Li亲爱的老板:很抱歉,我要告诉您一个坏消息。这个周末我发生了一件令人无法置信的意外,我出了车祸,并且弄断了腿。所以我必须通知您,由于这个严重的意外,我可能在接下来的几个星期内无法到公司上班。特向您请一个月的假。望您考虑并予以批准。随信附上我的 X 光照片以兹证明。南希 李 敬上Dear Bank of Taiwan, Tunhua Branch,I hereby request you to effect the following remittances subject to the conditions overleaf, which I

16、have read and agreed to be bound by.T/T M/T D/DDateAmountName of BeneficiaryAddress of BeneficiaryName of RemitterAddress of RemitterRemarksSignature In payment of the above remittance, please debit my account with you.致台湾银行敦化分行:本人已阅读并同意遵守此页背面所列条款,兹委托贵行据此办理下列汇款。电汇 信汇 票汇- 4 -日期金额收款人姓名收款人地址汇款人姓名汇款人地址备

17、注签名上述汇款支付办法,从本人在贵行开立的账户中扣除。Dear Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks,(Corporate Name)(State or Country of Corporation)(Business Address)The above identified applicant has adopted and is using the trademark shown in the accompanying drawing for (common, usual or ordinary name of goods) and requeste

18、d that such mark be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of July 5, 1946.The trademark was first used on the goods on (Date); was first used in (Type of Commerce) commerce on (Date); and is now in use in such commerce. The mark

19、is used by applying it to (manner of application, such as the goods or labels affixed to the product). Five specimens showing the mark as actually used are presented herewith.Corporate NameBy:(Signature of Corporate Officer and Official Title)亲爱的专利商标局局长:(公司名称)(公司所在州或国家)(公司地址)上述申请人已经并正将附图中展示的商标用于(商品通

20、用名称),现请求美国专利商标局根据 1946 年 7 月 5 日通过的法案而建立的商标目录上注册该商标。该商标于(日期)第一次用于该商品,于(日期)第一次使用于(贸易类型),且现在仍在该贸易中使用。该商标采取(使用方式,例如在产品上附标签)用在商品上。现附上 5 份样品,显示商标的实际使用情况。公司名称由:(公司官员姓名及正式职务)Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms. According to your request for opening an irrevocable

21、L/C, we have instructed Mega International Commercial Bank to open a credit for US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until Sep. - 5 -20. Please inform us by fax when the order has been executed.Thank you for your cooperation!Sincerely yours,ABC Company敬启者:非常感谢贵方 6 月 18 日有关条款详细情况的来信。根据你方要求开立不可撤销信用证,我方已经通知

22、兆丰国际商业银行开立金额为 5 万美元的信用证,有效期至9 月 20 日。当你方执行订单时,请传真告知我方。谢谢您的合作!ABC 公司 谨上Dear President of CECA,I, Min Li, do hereby apply for a license to display the trademark of CECA, “COOL” at my place of business located at Felicity Street 520, in the Tang city.This application is in accordance with the regulatio

23、ns of the CECA. I am cognizant of the regulations of CECA that govern the display of said trademark and the manner of conducting business, and I agree to abide by such regulations at all times.Sincerely yours,Min Lee亲爱的中国电子元件行业协会会长:本人,李民,在此郑重申请中国电子组件行业协会商标使用许可证,以便获准在位于唐城幸福大街520 号的公司所在地展示“COOL”商标。本申请

24、系依据中国电子组件行业协会条例提出。本人清楚协会对上述商品展示和业务经营模式的规范条例,并同意永久遵守这些条例。李民 谨上Dear Loan Section Head,Im writing this letter in applying for 150,000 dollars from your bank for opening a Japanese cuisine restaurant.Ive carried out a survey and found that there is only a small restaurant selling Japanese foods. The pot

25、ential Japanese food market is large and we have sufficient customers. Whats more, we have employed excellent cooks that can ensure the quality of the meal. The loan money will be used in the inner decoration. My partner, Peter and I will provide real estate of our families that worth 200,000 dollar

26、s as guaranty. Leading us the loan will prove a wise choice. Please consider our application seriously and we are looking forward to your response!Sincerely yours,- 6 -Ted Green亲爱的贷款部门经理:我写这封信是为了向贵行申请十五万美元的贷款来开一家日本餐馆。我已经做了一下调查,发现这里只有一家很小的日式餐馆。日式餐饮的潜在市场非常的大,并且我们有充足的客源。此外,我们有很棒的厨师来确保餐饮的品质。申请的贷款将用于室内装潢

27、。我的合伙人彼得和我将会提供我们价值二十万美元的房产作为担保。贷款给我们是明智的选择,请慎重考虑我们的申请,并期待您的答复!泰德 格林 谨上Dear Mr. Miller,I am writing to you for a big plan!I am the supervisor of Research and Development Department. In order to improve my professional skill and offer better service for our company, I think I need to learn more about

28、current international cutting-edge technology. I hereby advance an application for further study abroad.I will ensure to study hard and come back to contribute more for our companys prosperous future! Your decision may affect our tomorrow. Please consider carefully.Expecting your support!Sincerely y

29、ours,Betty亲爱的米勒先生:您好!我写信给您是为了一个大计划!我是研发部的主管,为了提高职业技能以便能提供公司更好的服务,我认为我需要学习当下国际上的尖端科技,特此向您提出出国进修的申请。我保证会努力学习,回来为公司的繁荣做出更大的贡献。您的决定可能会影响公司的未来,请慎重考虑。期望您的支持!贝蒂 谨上Dear Sir or Madam,This is Chrissie Snow from Administrative Department. I have worked here for 6 months since May 2, 2008. I am always working v

30、ery hard in my post and doing my best to pursue perfection.I love our company, and I really hope I could have long-term development here. Therefore, I want to know the company overall. As the Market Department is the leading department, which is in charge of the main business, I want to enter this d

31、epartment to learn more. I promise I will work as hard in the new department as in my current department.I desperately expect your permission!Sincerely yours,Chrissie Snow亲爱的敬启者:我是行政部门的克丽丝 史诺,于 2008 年 5 月 2 日开始在这个部门工作,至今已有 6 个月的时间了。工作中,我始终坚持努力工作,每项工作都力求完美。我很热爱我们公司,并希望能够在这里得到长远的发展,所以我想了解公司更多部门的工作。行销部

32、是公司的主要部门,- 7 -负责公司的主要业务,我希望公司能够同意我前往这个部门学习,我一定会像在现在这个部门一样努力工作。热切盼望您的批准!克丽丝 史诺 敬上Dear Boss,I am writing to you for solving a problem.My name is Alvin Hsu, a new staff member of the company. I come from Yunlin County, and came to the city alone, where is completely strange to me. I have no relatives h

33、ere and I have no money to rent a house. It is definitely difficult for me to get accommodations. I sincerely hope that the company could help solve my big problem. I hereby apply for a dormitory.Expecting your approval!Truly yours,Alvin Hsu亲爱的老板:我写信给您是为了解决一个问题。我是公司的新进员工许艾文。我来自云林县,现在一个人来到这个对我完全陌生的城市

34、,在这我没有亲戚,也没有钱租房子。住宿对我来说真的很困难,我诚挚地希望公司能够帮助我解决这个大难题,特此向老板申请宿舍。希望老板批准!许艾文 敬上Dear Mr. Affleck,I am replying to your advertisement in the New York Times for an administrative assistant.I worked for a big multinational company for one year as an administrative assistant and such experience has prepared me

35、 for the work you are calling for. I believe I am the best man for this position.Enclosed is my resume. And I hope you will consider my application.Thank for your time.Looking forward to hearing from you soon!Yours sincerely,Colin Jackson(Enclosure)亲爱的艾佛列克先生:我写信为了是回复贵公司在纽约时报上要招聘一名行政助理所刊登的广告。我曾在一家大型跨

36、国公司做过一年行政助理的工作。这一经历使我能符合你们所要求的工作。我相信我是这个职位的最佳人选。附件中有我的个人简历。敬请考虑。谢谢您宝贵的时间!殷切期待您的回音!科林 杰克森 谨上Dear Mr. Jackman,I am writing to inquire if your company has any opening in the area of food engineering. I have long been interested in working in your company.Although I am a recent graduate with some intern

37、 experience, I still want to pursue a job which I find fascinating.If any, please reply and I will send you a resume via Email. Thank you for your time.Looking forward to hearing from you soon!- 8 -Yours sincerely,Andy Carter亲爱的杰克曼先生:我写信给您是想询问贵公司是否还有食品工程领域的职位空缺。我一直很向往到贵公司工作。尽管我才刚毕业不久,只有一些实习经验,但是,我还是

38、想找一份自己心仪的工作。如果有的话,烦请回复,我将 Email 我的简历给您。谢谢您的宝贵时间!殷切期待您的回音!安迪 卡特 谨上Dear Mr. Reynolds,I am honored to provide this letter of recommendation for Ronan Cruise.I have known him for several years as his team leader. He is an excellent assistant with high responsibility, team work spirit and positive workin

39、g attitude. And I believe he would be a valuable asset to any company.If you need any further information, please dont hesitate to contact me at 886-2-9876-543.Yours sincerely,Adam Bennett亲爱的雷诺兹先生:我很荣幸能为罗南克鲁斯写这封推荐信。作为他的团队领导人,我们相识多年。他是一个很出色的助手,有着强烈的责任感,团队精神和积极的工作态度。我相信,他在任何一个公司都将是一个非常能干的人。如果你们想了解更多的话

40、,请尽管与我联系,我的电话是886-2-2987-6543。亚当班奈特 谨上Dear Mr. Johnson,I worked as an English editor for two years, but I have held a particular interest in teaching English since I was an English Department student in University.With my knowledge in English, work experience, patience and passion for teaching, I be

41、lieve I am capable of doing this job. Please consider me for the teaching position. If possible, you can contact me at 02-2987-6543.Looking forward to hearing from you!Yours sincerely,Kevin Seal亲爱的约翰逊先生:我曾做过两年的英语编辑工作。但是,从我还是一个英语系的学生开始,我就对英语教学特别有兴趣。- 9 -凭借着我的英语知识、工作经验、耐心和对教学的热诚,我相信我能胜任这份工作。敬请考虑我对这个教学

42、职位的申请。如果可能的话,您可以电话联系我,我的电话是 02-2987-6543。期待您的回音!凯文 席尔 谨上Dear Ms. Billman,I am responding to your job offer announcement in and applying for the position of computer clerk. I majored in computer science with a minor in English. I believe all these will qualify me for this position described on this

43、website.Enclosed is my resume, which will detail my qualifications for this position.Thank you for you time.Looking forward to hearing from you!Yours sincerely,Lindsay Chen(Enclosure)亲爱的比尔曼女士:我看到您在无忧网上的招聘资讯,特此回复,想应征贵公司电脑职员的职位。我在大学主修电脑、副修英语。我相信这些将使我能够胜任求职网站上所描述的电脑职员一职。附件中是我的个人简历,里面有我各项资历的详细描述。谢谢您的宝贵时

44、间!期待您的回音!琳赛 陈 谨上(附件)Dear Mr. Jackson,Stanley Donen has been in our employ for the past three years. He is a man with a pleasant personality and really did a great job those years.We are indeed sorry to lose Stanleys services, but he leaves us to find a position with great opportunities for advanceme

45、nt. We wish him a brilliant future ahead of him.Yours sincerely,Orlando Knight亲爱的杰克逊先生:史丹利 多南曾在我们公司工作三年之久。他性格开朗,这些年工作也相当出色。我们对他的离开深感遗憾,但是我们也深知,他是为了谋求更大的发展空间而寻找新的职位。在此,我们预祝他前程似锦。- 10 -奥兰多 奈特 谨上Dear Mr. Kidd,I am writing to apply for the position of a secretary, as advertised in the New York Times.I h

46、ave more than five years of experience in government agencies. I am sure my employment experience is perfect for the secretary position. I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can fully explain my qualifications.Looking forward to hearing from you soon!Yours sincerely,Kevin Charisse亲爱的基德先生:我想应

47、征贵公司在纽约时报上刊登的秘书一职。我拥有在政府部门工作五年多的经验。我相信,我的工作经验完全符合秘书这一职务的工作要求。我谨希望获得面试的机会,以便能充分说明我所具备的各项资历。殷切期待您的回音!凯文查理丝 谨上Dear Mr. Mitchell,You mentioned that you would be getting back to me concerning the outcome of our meeting by March 5, 2009. Since that date has passed, I think I should make sure that you have

48、 no additional questions. Your prompt consideration would be greatly appreciated and you can reach me at 02-2645-3280.Looking forward to hearing from you soon!Yours sincerely,David Reynolds亲爱的米契尔先生:您说过会于 2009 年 3 月 5 日之前通知我面试的结果。由于日期已过,我想我应该确认一下您是否有其他问题。如您能及时考虑,我将不胜感激。你可以电话联系我,我的电话是 02-2645-3280。殷切期盼您的回复!大卫 雷诺兹 谨上Dear Mr. Urban,Thank you for your offer of employing me as your secretary.I am very excited about being part of your team, and eager to start work on March 15, 2009. I will work harder than before and get along with the team members.

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