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1、表地点的介词 at、on、in 到底怎么用【at、on、in 的用法】一、at 1、用在表示地域面积不大的某个点的地方(如饭桌旁、电影院、车站、机场等)前(to refer to a position or location which we see as a point)I was sitting at my desk. (当时我正坐在课桌旁。 )2、用在公司名称(侧重表达的是工作的单位,而不是工作地点)前(to talk about locations at companies, workplaces when we see them as a place of activity)How

2、many people are working at Microsoft? (有多人在微软工作?)3、用在很多人参与的活动场合前(to refer to activities which involve a group of people)Were you at Lisas party/the cinema/the theatre? (你当时在丽莎的聚会上/电影院里/剧院里吗?)4、用在学校前(with school/college/university)She always did well at school. (她在学校表现一直很好。)5、用在具体地址、某人家里前(to refer to

3、 an address or someones house)They once lived at number 12 South Georges Street. (他们曾经住在南乔治街 12 号。)6、用在公共服务场所(to talk about public places where we get treatments, such as a hairdressers or doctors surgery)I cant meet at four. Ill be at the hairdressers until five. (四点我无法跟你碰面。我在美发店要呆到五点。)7、用在大部分商店前(t

4、o refer to most shops)Look what I bought at the butchers today. (看看我今天在肉店都买了些什么。)8、用在旅途中经过的地点前(to refer to a place which is a part of our journey)We stopped at a very nice village. (我们途经一个很漂亮的村庄。)9、用在不含 day 的节假日前(to refer to a holiday without “day” in its name)People will always enjoy a big dinner a

5、t Christmas. (人们在圣诞节总会享用一顿大餐。 )【特殊用法】at home - at work-at the seaside - at sea (on a voyage) - at reception - at the corner of a street - at the back / front of a building / group of people, etc. - arrive at small places or some events二、on1、用在任何物体或地点的表面前(to refer to a position on any surface)I know

6、I left my wallet on the table. (我知道我把钱包落在桌子上了。)2、用在道路和河海湖前(to describe a position along a road or river or by the sea or by a lake)Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland. (都柏林位于爱尔兰的东部海岸。)3、用在建筑物的楼层前(to talk about a floor in a building)They live on the 15th floor. (他们住在 15 楼。)4、用在公共交通工具前(to talk abou

7、t being physically on public transport)I was on the train when she phoned. (她给我打电话时,我在火车上。)注意:当我们描述旅游时选择的交通工具时,一般用 by,如:He went to Paris by air. (他坐飞机去了巴黎。) 但是,如果要表达走路,则用 on foot。5、用在小岛前(with small islands)She spent her holiday on a small island. (她在一个小岛上度的假。)【特殊用法】on the left - on the right - on th

8、e way - on holiday - on the radio - on television - on a horse - on the back / front of a letter / piece of paper etc.三、in1、用在某个地方的内部前(to talk about locations within a larger area)I know my book is somewhere in this room. Can anyone see it? (我知道我的书就在这个房间的什么地方。有谁看到吗?)2、用在物理意义上的工作地点前(to talk about wor

9、kplaces when we see them as a physical location)She works in an open-plan office. (她在一个开敞式的办公室里工作。)注意:当表示农场(farm )时,一般用 on,如:Ive always wanted to work on a farm. (我一直想在农场里工作。)3、用在 class 前(with class)He found it difficult to concentrate in class. (他觉得很难在课上集中注意力。)4、用在国家、城市、县镇或其他地域前(with countries, cit

10、ies, counties, towns or places as such)They live in New York. (他们住在纽约。)【特殊用法】in the newspaper - in bed - in hospital - in prison - in the street - in the sky - in an armchair (sit) - in a photograph - in a picture - in a mirror - in the corner of a room - in the back / front of a car - arrive in a country or town

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