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4、ion? 是,部位 Yes, specify 否 No您的身体是否有任何部位的缺陷?Do you have any physical disabilities? 是,部位 Yes, specify 否 No教育与培训 Education and Training 最高学历The Highest Level学校名称Name of School日期Date获得证书或学位(主修科目) Degree(Major Subject)大专/大学College/University从/From 至/To中学(初中、高中、职高)Secondary School从/From至/To 其他Others从/From

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8、n1、兹正式申明本人在此职位申请表所填报的一切均属实,我已尽全力提供我的信息,并再次申明本人已公开此表所需提供的信息,决不隐瞒真实材料或任何可能影响我录用的信息。假如我被录用,此申明将成为本人雇佣合同所必须的组成部分,如有隐瞒及虚报,本人愿意接受湖北一方山水凯莱大饭店的无通知或以薪代通知的解雇处分。I hereby declare that the information given by me in this application form for employment is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

9、 I further declare that I have disclosed all the information required to be given in this application and that I have not withheld any material fact or information which may affect my applicaton. This declaration shall, if I am employed, constitute an intgral part of my contract of employment, I agr

10、ee and accept that if this declaration is in any part false or incorrect, the No. 9.Haitang Bay Sanya may terminate my employment without notice or payment in lieu of notice.2、本人同意凯莱酒店集团可直接使用本人肖像图片及其它形式的影像,用于旗下所管理酒店的推广活动和刊物出版。本人在此将所有图片及底片的相关权力正式授予凯莱酒店集团,允许其无偿使用,并同时放弃这些权利。I am willing and consent to

11、Gloria Hotels & Resorts to use my pictures for any and all promotional publications and activities directly related to the group of hotels managed by Gloria Hotels & Resorts Ltd. I hereby authorize and give up all rights to Gloria Hotels & Resorts for the use of my pictures and films for publicity u

12、se at no cost.特此签署,以示证明。I agree to all the above without any prejudice.签名 日期Signature: Date: 请勿填写此页 For Office Use Only等级代码 (5)优秀 (4)良好 (3 )一般水平 (2)水平之下 (1 )差Grading Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor 人力资源部意见Interview by HR Department用人部门意见 Interview byDepartment Concerned面试评价 Interview Evalu

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14、lt 部门 职位Department Position 到职日期 税前工资:试用期Commencement Date Gross Salary 批准 Approved By部门总监/经理 人力资源总监Department Head Director of HR 财务总监 总经理Financial Controller General Manager 背景调查 Reference Check公司名称Name of Company公司名称Name of Company联系电话/传真Contract Telephone/Fax Number联系电话/传真Contract Telephone/Fax Number证明人及职位Proved by and Position证明人及职位Proved by and Position离职原因Reason for Leaving离职原因Reason for Leaving工作期间表现 Work Performance 工作期间表现 Work Performance是否已办理离职手续?Whether or not completed formalities of Leaving?调查员签名/日期 Sign by reference/Date:

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