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1、1姓名_ 成绩_新概念英语青少版 1A 期末测试卷(总分 110)一、 听力部分(共 20 分)1. 听单词,从 A、B、C 三个选项中找出划线部分发音不同的选项(5 分)( )1.A.table B.that C.bag ( ) B.dress ( )3.A.brown B.know ( )4.A.white B.silver C.bicycle ( ) B.umbrella C.banana 2.选择你所听到的内容。(每题 1 分)( ) (1) B.grey C.brown( ) (2)A.good B.foot

2、 C.look( ) (3)A. pupil B. people C. paper( ) (4)A.Its a hat. B. Its a bag. C. Its a key.( ) (5)A.Whats this? B.Is it grey? C.Whose is it?3.把你所听到的单词写在横线上。(1-4 题每空 0.5 分,5、6 题每空 1 分)(1)012 6 _ _72 _ _ _ _4(2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(3)16 _33 _ _=40(4)_+8 _ _ _ _ _9 _ _(5)Those shirts arent white! Theyre

3、_.(6)What time is it? It is _ oclock. .二、词汇(共 20 分)1.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,每短线一字母(10 分)1. It isnt old, its n_ _.2. Karen is Williams w_ _ _.3. It isnt clean, its d_ _ _ _.4. This is a fast car, Wow, what a s_ _ _ _.5. We arent late, were e_ _ _ _.26. He isnt thirsty, he is h_ _ _ _ _.7. A car has four w_ _

4、 _ _ _.8. They arent cheap, theyre e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.9. Lucy is Karens d_ _ _ _ _ _ _.10. The bus isnt full, its e_ _ _ _.2.写出下列单词的正确形式。 (每空 1 分)1)child(复数) 2)new (反义词) 3)small(反义词) 4)short(反义词) 5)book (复数 ) 6)woman (复数) 7)am (复数) 8)actress(复数) 9)knife (复数) 10)clean(反义词) 三、选择题(共 16 分,每题 1 分)( )1、Are

5、you a student? _A. Yes, Im not. B. No, I am. C. Yes, I am.( )2. Whose is this pen? Its_A. Lucy B. Lucys C. Lucys ( )3.Is there a house near the river? _.A. Yes, it is. B. No, there is. C. No, there isnt.( )4. Our school buses _ all full of people.A. is B. are C. am( )5. What s _ your bag? My bag is

6、full of books.A. on B. under C. in( )6. _ an interesting tie, Robert.A. This B. These C. That s( )7. Are you _ a hurry?A. in B. on C. up( )8. No, not that one, the _ on the table.A. an B. one C. ones( )9. Youre the captain _ one side, Robert.A .with B. for C. on( )10. Its _ English book.A. any B. an

7、 C. a( )11. There is a rabbit _front _ the car.A. on with B. in for C. in of( )12. Hurry up! Lucy, were late. -Never _ .Its early now.A. mind B. matter C. thing( )13. _ is this pen? Its his pen.3A. Who B. what C. Where D. Whose( )14. A: _is Claire from? B: Shes from Washington.A.Where B. What C. Who

8、 D.How( ) 15. A:How do you do? B: _A. Nice to meet you. B. How do you do? C. Im fine. ( )16.Were both late _ school.A. at B. for C. In四、完形填空(共 12 分,每题 2 分)Paul and Gary are over there _1 _ the football field. We can play football 2_ them. Robert is the captain 3 one side. 4 thirteen players on the f

9、ield. Mr.Ford can play football very 5 . He is 6 two players.( ) 1. A. in B. on C. with( ) 2. A. on B. in C. with( ) 3. A.with B.for C. of( ) 4. A. There are B.Are there C.They are( ) 5. A.fair B.well C. good( ) 6. A. late B.let C. like五、选择适合的提问词填入横线处。 (共 12 分,每题 2 分)What Who Where Whose How Whats t

10、he matter What colour How many1,A:_is at the door?B:Its Polly.2,A:_are your new shoes?B:Theyre red.3,A:_is Robert?B:He is in his bedroom.4,A:_are you?B:Im very well, thank you.5A:_boats on the beach?B: They are five.6A:_tie is that?B:Its Dads.六、仿写、改写句子(20 分)41. What colour / your shirts / white. Wha

11、t colour / his socks / greenWhat colour are your shirts? _My shirts are white. _2. camera / new / in / case ruler / long / on / deskGive me that camera, please. _Which one? _The new one in the case. _3. Robert / hungry? No Lucy / cold? NoIs Robert hungry? _No, he is not. _4. There is a man in front of the door. _ (否定句)5. There are two books on the desk._ (疑问句)七、翻译(10 分)1. Thats a good idea. _2. Bring it here. _3. Were both late for school. _4. Lets go. _5. Hes like two players. _

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