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1、1Unit 3 Life momentsListening to the worldSharingScriptsF = FinnPart 1F: I love living in London because theres so much to do. Ive been to lots of interesting places but theres always something new to experience. How do you feel about London?W1 = Woman 1, etc; M1 = Man 1, etc.Part 2W1: I love London

2、. I actually lived here for 14 years.W2: I love London. I love the diversity, and all the different people here, the multiculturalism.W3: I love London. London is one of the most amazing cities. Its so exciting; theres so much to do and see in London. I think its one of my favorite cities.W4: I like

3、 London, but sometimes its too busy.M1: Theres (Therere) too many people; its too big a city; um it doesnt have any real heart, and um, you know, for a holiday, its its just not, its its its not very relaxing.W5: Living in Australia at the moment, comparing it to London, I find the people to be more

4、 humorous and lively. There seems to be more going on.2M2: Absolutely love London. One of the best places, I think, anyone can live. Theres just so much happening, I mean. Um, my fathers just over for two weeks and (has) actually been going down to all the galleries and stuff today along the South B

5、ank.W6: I feel very comfortable in London. Its already, like, my fifth time.M3: I wouldnt like to live in London, but to visit, its an absolutely tremendous place and where I live its just a short train ride.M4: I do like London. I really like the old architecture and the history that they have here

6、. Theres a lot to see and its just a really nice city.M5: Londons a very nice city. It takes a lot to get used to.M6: I like London very much. I like London because of its huge diversity of people, and huge diversity of things to do and places to see.Part 3F: Whats the most exciting thing youve done

7、 in London?W3: The most exciting thing Ive done in London recently is to see Oasis live. I went to the Roundhouse and it was the most amazing concert. It was free, so we ended up having nice passes, so we were close to the band and it was incredible. Its the best thing I think Ive seen in a long tim

8、e.W2: Ive been to the theater quite a lot in London. I went to see Waiting for Godot at the National.W5: Ive recently been to Hampton Court, which is a royal palace most famously known for being the place where King Henry VIII lived, and a few of his wives that 3made it there.M3: I I think Tate Mode

9、rn is the best place Ive been to, you know, because its its different every time Um, you know, they really push the boundaries of, you know, the displays, compared to a lot of the traditional museums and art galleries in London.M5: The best thing Ive ever done was watching a gig in Hyde Park for my

10、cousins birthday.W4: The most exciting thing Ive done in London? Um, Ive watched England play football at Wembley that was quite exciting.M2: Just this weekend, we were in er, Brixton, in Brockwell Park, and there was a country fair going on and just the characters in the crowd were just absolutely

11、fantastic.M4: Ive done a lot of interesting things. Ive had a lot of good experiences here but probably the best thing was when I went to Wimbledon this year. Um I got to watch I got to watch Andy Murray on Center Court. I managed to get tickets to that. And it was just a really good atmosphere and

12、it was a good example of, sort of, British culture and sport.ListeningScriptsThis happened in Australia when I was about 25. I spent a few days at a hotel in Alice Springs and went to Ayers Rock and Well, anyway, one day, I went out 4for a walk in the outback. It was a lovely day so I walked and wal

13、ked and then I realized I didnt really know where I was. I was a bit stupid, really because I decided to go further I guess I thought Id find the way back. Um anyway, after that I heard some dogs. First I heard them barking, and then I saw them There was a group maybe five or six dogs, wild dogs, co

14、ming towards me. I felt really frightened, but I remembered some advice I, I, er um, I I read in my guidebook: Dont move, and dont look at the dogs. So I froze, like a statue I didnt move and I looked at a tree, not at the dogs, and didnt move my eyes. The dogs were all around me, jumping and barkin

15、g I thought they were going to bite me. Then one dog did bite my arm, just a little, but still I didnt move. In the end, after about 20 minutes, the dogs went away. I stayed there for a few more minutes and then luckily found my way back to the hotel. It was the most frightening experience Ive ever

16、had!ViewingF = Francesco; M1 = Mamas; M2 = MariaF: Kalimera. Kalimera. Er, can you show me around Crete?M1: Yes.F: This is the biggest Greek island of all, so Ive got a local guide for the next two days.M1: Francesco, do you want to see a Cretan wedding?F: Oh, great! Traditional Cretan weddings can

17、be incredible. Preparations often last days. Mamas is taking me to meet the bride, Maria Skula.5F: Kalimera, Francesco.M2: Welcome! Come in.F: Congratulations!M2: Thank you.F: Are you a little nervous?M2: A little.F: All the women are helping prepare for the wedding feast. Theyre making decorations

18、in dough for a special wedding bread. How many guests for your wedding?M2: Er, 1,500 about (about 1,500).F: Mamma mia, its a lot! Mamma mia. The whole of Marias village has turned out to see her get married. The bride arrives with her father. Shes gorgeous. This is the nervous bridegroom, Jorgos. In

19、 a few minutes he and Maria will be man and wife.M2: I do!F: And now we go to party. Its certainly the largest wedding reception Ive ever been to. At Cretan weddings, guests give money as gifts. And now the food is served. The meat of 150 sheep . and a whole lot more. Maria and Jorgos first dance as

20、 man and wife includes all the close family. Im destroyed! Ah, really.Speaking for communicationRole-playScripts61A: Hello.B: Hi, Sean. Its Debbie.A: Hi, Debbie. Whats up?B: Is Kevin there?A: No, hes not. He went out about 10 minutes ago.B: Oh A: Whats up?B: Well, I locked the keys in the car. Kevin

21、 has the spare key.A: Oh, what a drag!B: Could I leave a message for him?A: Of course.B: Just ask him to call me.A: On your mobile?B: No, thats in the car Ill give you a number.A: Hold on OK, go ahead.B: OK, lets see Its 3-double 2, 6-3, 2-8.A: Got it. Ill tell him.B: Thanks, bye.A: Bye.2A: Berkley

22、Bank.7B: Hello. Could I speak to customer services, please?A: Just a moment.C: Customer services.B: Hello, Ive got a problem. I think Ive lost my credit card.C: I see. Im sorry, this line is very bad. Where are you calling from?B: Im in Madrid, actually. In fact, Im calling from a public phone and I

23、ve only got one minute on this card. Could you ring me back?C: Of course. Could you give me the number there?B: Just a moment Its 34 for Spain, 91 for Madrid, then 308 5238.C: Let me check that. 34 91 308 5238.B: Thats right.C: Fine. Put the phone down Ill call you back straight away.B: Thank you.3A

24、: Hello?B: Oh, thank goodness. Hello, uh Whos this?A: My names Marianne.B: Thanks for picking up.A: Well, the phone rang so I picked it up.B: Yes, well, thats my cell phone. And you found it.A: Oh, OK Its yours. Do you want to get it back?B: Yes, thanks. Where are you?8A: Central Park, by the founta

25、in. It was here in the grass.B: Ah, yes I thought it might be.A: So where are you?B: Not far away. I can be there in 10 minutes.A: OK, Ill wait here.B: Great. Thanks a lot!Group discussionScriptsI = Interviewer; S1 = Speaker 1; S2 = Speaker 2; S3 = Speaker 3I: Excuse me. Do you have a second? Were a

26、sking people about experiences of a lifetime for a survey.S1: Oh Er, yes, if if its quick.I: Great! Could you look at this list? Have you done any of these things?S1: Hmm Yes, yes, I have actually. Well, one of them! Ive been to Guatemala and Ive climbed that volcano, I think.I: Anything else?S1: No

27、, no, I dont think so. Sorry, I have to run I: Excuse me S2: What?I: Have you ever ridden an elephant?S2: Uh, what? Why? Uh, no. No, I havent 9I: Were doing a survey on experiences of a lifetime. Can I show you this list? Um, have you done any of these activities?S2: Oh, OK. OK. Er, lets see Um No,

28、no, no, no. Oh, Ive sailed down the Nile So thats one thing. In fact, I went to Egypt last year, with the (my) wife our wedding anniversary It was funny because I: Excuse me. Er, were doing a survey about experiences of a lifetime.S3: Right I: Two minutes. Could you just look at this list? Have you

29、done any of these things?S3: OK. Well I dont travel that much, so I, I havent been to Iceland but it looks nice swimming in a thermal spa looks fun.I: And the other things?S3: Hmm no Well, Ive seen some of them on TV. Is that OK? Does that count?Further practice in listeningShort conversationsScript

30、sConversation 1W: How I wish you had gone to the concert with me last night. The band was terribly good!M: I knew it would be. But I came down with a bad cold and had to stay at home to rest.Q: Why didnt the man go to the concert?10Conversation 2M: What did Jennifer think about her job interview? Im

31、 so looking forward to hearing about it.W: She didnt say much. When I saw her late this morning, she said she would prefer not to talk about it.Q: What can we learn about Jennifers job interview?Conversation 3W: I was waiting for you to call me last night. You know I really needed my bicycle to go t

32、o the library.M: Oh, Im so sorry. I was playing a computer game with my roommate and completely forgot. You know what, Ive got it right here.Q: What will the man probably do?Conversation 4M: How was the high school reunion party? You must have had a lot to tell those people since you hadnt seen each

33、 other for 10 years.W: I sure did! I was so excited seeing them again. Everyone had interesting experiences, exciting jobs and a happy family.Q: What are the speakers talking about?Conversation 5W: I had a quarrel with my roommate. Every night she stays up very late. I cant fall asleep when she is around making noises in the room.M: Im so sorry to hear that. Like you, Im an early bird, too. Its hard to share a

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