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1、0高 考 英 语 复 习 专 练初一1all right 好;行;不错2at home 在家3at school 在学校4come in 进来;进入5come on 来吧;跟着来;赶快6family tree 家谱(图)7get up 起床8go home 回家9have a look 看一看10have a seat 坐下;就座11have supper 吃晚餐12how many 多少13in English 用英语(表达)14look after 照顾;照看15look at 看;观看16look like 看起来像17look the same 看起来很像18middle school

2、 中学19on duty 值日20over there 在那边21put on 穿上;戴上22sit down 坐下23very much 很;非常24watch TV 看电视25Young Pioneer 少先队员26a bottle of 一瓶27a glass of 一(玻璃)杯28a little 一点;少量29a lot 很;非常30a lot of 许多;大量31a piece of 一片(一张,一块)32a shop assistant 售货员;店员33after class 课后34all day 一整天;一天到晚35and so on 等等 36at night 在晚上;在夜

3、里37be full of 充满的38be good at 在方面39bus station 公共汽车站40by air 乘飞机41by plane 乘飞机42by sea 乘船43by ship 乘船44come out 出来45dinning room 餐厅46do homework 做作业47do morning exercises 做早操48do some reading 朗读;阅读49each other 互相50for example 例如51family name 姓52from to 从到53get down 下来;落下54get on 上车55give a hand 给予帮助

4、56go shopping 去买东西57go to bed 睡觉58have a rest 休息59have sports 进行体育活动60helpwith 帮助(某人)做(某事)61high school 中学62hot dog 热狗63how long 多久64how much 多少65ice cream 冰淇淋66in the day 在白天67a kind of 一种;一类68learnfrom 向学习69listen to 听70look for 寻找71make friends 交朋友72make phone calls 打电话73make money 赚钱74make the b

5、ed 整理床铺75notat all 一点也不76of course 当然77on foot 走路;步行78one day 有一天;某一天79put away 把收起来180right how 立刻;马上81shopping list 购物单82table tennis 兵兵球83take off 脱掉衣服84take photos 照像85take time 花费(时间)86talk about 谈话;交谈87talk with 和交谈88the Great Wall 长城初二1a moment ago 刚才2agree with 同意意见(想法)3all the time 一直、始终,总是

6、4all the same 仍然,还是5all the year around 一年到头6ask for 请求,询问7at breakfast 早餐时8at first 起先;首先9at the end of 在结尾,到尽头10at the same time 同时11at times 有时,偶尔12be late for 迟到13by the way 顺便说,顺便问一下14come over 过来;顺便来访15fall down 倒下;跌倒;从落下16field trip 野外旅游17get married 结婚18get together 相聚19give a concert 开音乐会20

7、given first name 名字21go back 回去22go boating 去划船23go hiking 去徒步旅行24go on 继续25go out 外出;到外面26go skating 去滑冰27grow up 长大;成长28had better 最好29have to 不得不;必须30help oneself to 自取;随便吃31hurry up 赶快32in a hurry 匆忙地33in front of 在前面34in the open air 在户外;在野外35just now 刚才;不久以前36later on 后来;稍后37less than 不到;少于38m

8、ore than 多过;以上39morning paper 晨报40next to 相邻,靠近41notany more 再也不;不能再42on the left side 在左边43on the right side 在右边44on time 准时45put on 上演;放(唱片)46ring up 打电话47say goodbye to 告别;告辞48take/leave a message 捎(留)口信49take out 取出50the day after tomorrow 后天51the day before yesterday 前天52the same as 和相同53trip o

9、ver (被)绊倒54turnover 把翻过来55up and down 上上下下;来来回回56a waste of time 浪费(自费)时间57write down 写下记下58a bit (of ) 少量(的) ;一点59a few 一些;几个60a moment later 片刻之后61a pair of 一对;一双62after a while 过了一会儿63again and again 再三地;反复地64all by oneself 独立;单独65any more 再;更66asas 与一样67as soon as 一就68as usual 像平常一样69at midnight

10、 在半夜70at once 立刻;马上71at the head of 在的前头72at the moment 此刻73be angry with 对(某人) 生气74be awake 醒着的75be famous for 因而有名的76be fed up with 厌倦77be interested in 感兴趣78be/get lost 迷失(道路)79catch up with 赶上80come along 来;随同81come to oneself 苏醒;恢复、知觉82do ones best 尽最大努力283eitheror 或者或者84enjoy oneself 过得快乐;玩得痛快

11、85fall asleep 睡觉;入睡86fall behind 落在后面87fall off (从)掉下88find out 找出,查出89first of all 首先;第一90get back 回来;取回91get off 下来;从下来92get on 上(车)93get on well with 与相处融洽 94get on doing (sth) 继续做某事95go wrong 走错路96have a cold (患)感冒97have a cough (患)咳嗽98have a good time 过得快乐99have a headache (患)头痛100here and ther

12、e 到处;处处101high jump 跳高102hold a sports meeting 举行运动会103in fact 实际上104in front 前方;正对面105in the end 最后106in the future 将来107in time 及时108instead of 代替109just then 正在那时110kinds of 各种各样的111knock a t 敲(门等)112knock on 敲(门、宿等)113ladies room 公共厕所114laugh at 嘲笑115leave behind 把遗留在116long jump 跳远117look out 留

13、神;注意118look over (仔细)检查119look up 向上看;抬头看120lots of 许许多多的121make a noise 吵闹122make faces 做鬼脸123make ones way to 往 走去124make room for 给腾出地方125mouth to mouth 口对口的126neck and neck 并驾并驱127no longer / more 不再128neithernor 既不也不129not as/soas 与不一样130on ones way to 在途中131on watch 值班;守望132out of 从向外133the Su

14、mmer Palace 颐和园134pass on 传递;转称到135p lay a joke on 戏 弄 人 ; 对 人 恶 作 剧136quarrel with (和某人)吵架137100-metre race 100 米赛跑138reading room 阅览室139run away 逃跑140set off 出发;动身;启程141sooner or later 迟早142stand in line 站(在)队里143starting line 起跑线144finishing line 终点线145stopfrom 阻止做146take a seat 坐下;就座147take an a

15、ctive part in 积极参加148take-away 可拿走的149take care of 照顾,照料;注意150take exercise 做运动151take ones place 坐某人的座位152take turns 轮流153teach oneself 自学154throw about 乱丢;抛散155to ones surprise 令(某人)惊讶156tooto 太而不能157turn on 打开(电灯、收音机等)158turn off 关(电灯、收音机等)159wait for 等候160waiting room 候诊室161wake up 醒来162well don

16、e 做得好163work out 算出;制订出164stop from doing 阻止做165every five minutes 每五分钟 166by oneself 单独、独自167spendon 在上花费168review lessons 复习功课169off watch 不要值班170go on a picnic 去野餐171go fishing 去钓鱼172go swimming 去游泳173go dancing 去跳舞174go climbing 去爬山175go sailing 去航行176Thanksgiving Day 感恩节3177all the same 还是;仍然17

17、8putright 使恢复正常初三1a place of interest 名胜2a TV set 一台电视机3all over 遍及4as if 好像5as long as 长达 6as soon as possible 尽可能早地7as well 也;又;同样地8at all 一点也不9at last 终于;最后10at least 至少;起码11at sea 在大海上12at the age of 在岁时13at the beginning of 起初;开始14base on 以为根据15be able to 能;会16be afraid of 害怕17be amazed at 对感到惊

18、讶18be busy doing 忙着做19be excited about 对感到兴奋20be filled with 用充满21be made in 在生产或制造22be made of 由 组 成 ; 由 构 成23b e pleased with 对 感到满意24be proud of 以自豪(高兴)25be used for 用于26before long 不久以后27bothand 和都28writing brush 毛笔29by the time 到的时候30carry on 坚持下去;继续下去31clean up 清睬;收拾干净32come down 下来;落33come tr

19、ue 实现34come up with 找到;提出35credit card 信用卡36cut down 砍倒37do well in 在方面干得好38drop off 放下(某物) ;下车39even though 即使40ever since 从那时起;此后一直41far away 很远;遥远42from now on 从现在起;今后43getback 退还,送回去;取回44gire birth to 生(小孩)45give up 放弃46go over 过一遍;仔细检查47go straight along 沿着一直往前走48hand in 交上来49hands up 举手50have

20、a try 尝试;努力51hear of 听说52hour after hour 一小时又一小时53human being 人54in the air 在空中55in this way 用这种方法56keep doing something 一直做某事57large numbers of 许多58live on 继续存在;继续活着59m ake a contribution to 贡 献 给 ; 捐 赠60make a decision 作出决定61make a mistake 犯错误62make sure 确保;确认;查明63make up ones mind 下决心64mobile pho

21、ne 可移动电话65more and more 越来越66more or less 或多或少67multiplyby 乘以68never mind 没有关系69no matter 不论70not onlybut also 不仅 而且71on display 陈列;展览72on earth 在地球上73on show 展出74on the other hand 另一方面;反过来说75once upon a time 从前;很早以前76open up 开设;开业;开放77pay for 付款;支付78preferto 宁愿;更喜欢79put(sth) down 把(某物)放下来80put off

22、拖延81put up 挂起;举起82rather than 宁少,是而不是 83regardas 把当作84run away 流失;逃跑85rush out 冲出去86send up 发射 87set ones mind to do 一心想做 88shut down 把关上489slow down 减缓;减速90so far 到目前为止91so that 以便,以致92speak highly of 称赞93thanks to 由于;幸亏94the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂95the more, the better 越多越好96 the Olympic G

23、ames 奥 林 匹 克 运 动 会97the Palace Museum 故宫博物院98think about 考虑99think of 认为;想起100try on 试穿;试戴101turn down 关小;调低102used to 过去常常103wear out 把穿旧;磨坏104if possible 如果可能的话105fall asleep 入睡106come out 显影,洗出107have nothing to do with 和无关108tell of 讲述109at that time 在那时110be kept off 保持关闭的状态111start with 以开始112

24、end with 以结束高一Unit 11. be into sth 对深感兴趣;深深迷上2. be fond of 喜欢3. hunt for 搜寻,寻找4. in order to 为了5. think about 回想,想起,考虑或盘算6. treatas 把看作,视为7. care about 喜欢,关心,在乎8. make friends with 和交朋友9. such as 像,诸如,例如10. share sth. with sb 与某人分享11. bear/take ones share of 负担的部分,参加12. for my share 至于我自己13. come in

25、 for a share 得 到 分 配 , 分 得 一 份14. drop sb. a line 给某人写信(通常指写短信)15. argue for 赞成16. argue against 反对17. argue sb. into / out of (doing)sth 说服某人做/ 不做某事18. be scared to death 吓得要死19. strike sb. with scare 使某人感到惊惶20. scare away / off 把 吓跑21. scare into / out of doing sth 吓得去做/不敢做某事Unit 222. for the firs

26、t time 第一次23. make yourself at home 别客气,别拘束24. be / feel at home 感到好像在自己家里一样无拘无束25. in total 总计,总共26. above all 特别是;最重要的是27. first of all 首先28. after all 到底,毕竟29. all the same 尽管如此30. all of a sudden 突然31. a number of 很多,好些32. the number of 的数量33. except for 除了之外34. as well as 同,和, 也35. take off (飞机

27、)起飞,脱下36. turn down 拒绝;把音量调小37. stay up 不睡,熬夜38. come about 产生,发生39. come across 碰见40. come along 一起来41. come true 成为现实42. come back 回来43. come up 走上前来,提出44. come to an end 结束25. come out 出版46. come into use 被使用47. come down 下降48. come on (挑战语)来吧!49. end up with 以结束50. at the end of 在的末端51. by the e

28、nd of 到时为止52. in the end 最后,终于53. put an end to 结束54. end up as 最终成为55. bring in 引进,引来;有收入,赚得56. bring out 出版,显示57. bring up 抚养,教养58. bring down 使倒下,使价格等降低59. a great many 大量,许多,极多560. be independent of 与无关,不依赖,不取决于;不受限制61. have trouble in doing sth 在做方面有麻烦62. have difficulty in doing sth 在做方面有困难63.

29、 have fun in doing sth 在做方面有乐趣。64. have a hard time in doing sth 在做方面不顺利65. have a good time in doing 在做方面很顺利Unit 366. get away from 逃离67. watch out 注意,当心68. protect sb./sth from 保护,保卫某人(某事物)68. see sb. off 到火车站,飞机场等处为某人送行69. on the other hand 另一方面70. get close to 靠近,接近71. combinewith 把 和联合起来,合并72.

30、by all means 当然,务必73. by any means 尽一切可能74. by means of 通过,借助于75. by no means 决不,一点也不76. by this means 用这种方法77. live within ones means 量 入 为 出 地 生 活78. from tip to toe 从头到尾;完完全全79. have sth at the tip of ones finger 对了如指掌80. in particular 特别地;详细地81. separate into 分离成82. be separated from 和 分离开,和分散83

31、. rescue sb. / sth. from sb./sth 从某人或某物处搭救出某人或某物Unit 484. take place 发生85. on fire 失火86. light a fire 点火87. make / build a fire 生火88. lay a fire 准备生火89. catch fire 着火90. fight a fire 救火91. put out a fire 熄火92. play with fire 玩火,做危险的事93. set fire to 纵火去烧94. seton fire 纵火去烧95. go through fire and wate

32、r 赴汤蹈火96. between two fires 腹 背 受 敌 , 两 面 夹 击97. pull sb. up 把往上曳98. get on ones feet 站立起来99. go through 通过;经受;仔细检查100. on holiday 在度假101. be upon 逼近,临近102. worry about 担心,担忧103. hold onto 抓住(不放) ;抓牢104. look into 调查,了解,研究105. fall down 跌倒,垮下;失败,不解决问题106. cut down 跌倒;削减; 压缩; 减小107. sweep away 扫走,冲走;

33、清除108. hand in 上交,上缴109. far away from 离很遥远110. all the way 全程,一直地Unit 5111. take off 成功,成名;脱掉(衣服) ;(飞机)起飞112. go wrong 走错路,误入歧途,不对头;出毛病。113. owe sth to sb 把归功于某人,欠某人债114. think highly of 对高度评价115. stay away 不在家,外出116. lock sb. up 将某人锁于某处不得进出,将某人监禁起来117. run after 追赶118. bring sb. back 送回某人119. on t

34、he air 正在播出的120. later on 后来,过了些时间121. in the beginning 在开始的时候122. take ones place 代替某人123. run away from 从跑掉,逃避124. speak well / highly of 对高度评价125. speak ill / badly of 对评价低Unit 6126. leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虚127. stare at 盯着6128. make jokes about sb 以某人为笑柄129. leave alone 不管,不去理会130. leave off 停止,脱掉131

35、. drink to 为祝酒,为干杯132. go over 复习,仔细看;走过去;从一处到另一处133. introduce sb 向某人介绍某人134. pay a visit to 参观135. work out 算出,解出136. work on 忙于;做137. work as 充当138. work for 为而工作139. be in debt 负债140. determine to do sth 决定做某事141. determine on / upon sth 决定做某事142. determine sb. against sth 使某人决定不做某事Unit 71

36、43. in ruins 成为废墟;遭到严重破坏144. bringback to health 使恢复健康145. bring back to life 使苏醒,使生动;使活泼146. come (back) to life 苏 醒 过 来 , 恢 复 生 机147. pull down 拆毁, 推毁,推翻148. pull off 脱去149. pull out 抽出,拔出150. pull up 除去,拉去,拔起151. set up 设立,创立152. set about 开始,着手153. set off 出发,启程154. set aside 放在一边,留着,备用155. set

37、out 动身,启程,开始156. set down 写下,记下157. set in 开始158. be based on 以 为 基 础 , 以 为 依 据159. give in 屈服,让步,投降160. give up 放弃161. so far 到目前为止163. be worried about 为焦急,担心164. stand for 代表,象征165. prepare for sth 为做好准备166. prepare to do sth 为做某事而准备167. in preparation for 为准备Unit 8168. would rather 宁愿,宁可169. tak

38、e part in 参加170. stand by 站在一旁,袖手旁观,支持某一边171. stand against 反对;经受住172. stand back 往后站,退缩173. stand aside 往旁边站;不卷人174. catch / get / take hold of 抓住175. hold sb. down 压制某人176. hold back 阻止177. hold off 延迟;未发生178. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸179. hold out 维持,保持180. hold on (打电话)不挂断181. hold to 不放弃,不改变182. ra

39、nk next to 仅次于Unit 9183. stay in touch with 与保持联系184. call for 要求,需要185. in case (of) 假设,万一,以防186. according to 按照,根据所说187. take over 接收,接管188. break down 毁掉,中止;停止工作189. add to 增加,加到190. add up 加起来,总计191. add up to 总计达到192. call at 访问某家193. call for 要求,需要,提倡194. call back 回电话195. call off 取消,不举行196.

40、 call in 找来,请来197. call on / upon 号召,拜访某人198. call up 给打电话199. on the go 忙个不停,四处奔走,跑来跑去200. dream about 梦想201. come up with 找到或提出(答案、方法等)Unit 10202. in danger 在危险中,垂危203. die out 灭绝,逐渐消失204. as a result of 作为(的)结果205. lead to 导致某种结果206. take measures 采取措施207. adapt to 适应(新环境等)208 make a difference 有

41、关系,有影响7209. devoteto 献身于,专心于210. set free 释放211. in the wild 在自然环境下212. throw away 扔掉213. deal with 处理,安排214. keepfrom 防止做215. be on tour 在旅行;巡回演出216. care for 关心,对感兴趣,喜欢,照料,照顾217. take care 当心218. set about sth 开始,着手219. set sth back 将往后移,拨回220. set off 开始221. set up 设立,建立222 at one time 曾经,以前223.

42、at a time 一次,每次224. at times 有时,间或Unit 11225. in common 共同(的) ,共有(的)226. turninto 把变成227. keep / bear / have sth in mind 心里想着某事228. carry out 执行,实行229. in brief 简言之230. turn off 关231. turnover 把翻过来,翻(地)232. turn to 转到,翻到233. turn against 背叛234. turn away 把打发走235. turn on 开236. turn up 开大237. turn do

43、wn 调低238. turn in 交出,上交239. be satisfied with 对满意240. to ones satisfaction 使 人 感 到 满 意 的 是Uuit 12241. a series of 一连串的,一系列,一套242. in trouble 处于困境之中,有麻烦243. come across 偶然遇见,碰上244. believe in 信任,信仰,支持,赞成245. turn around 转过身来,转过来246. matchwith 把和 匹配247. in process of 在期间248. in process 在进行中249. owing

44、to 由于,因为250. on account of 因为251. due to 由于 ,起因于252. have / get / gain an advantage over 比有利的立场,胜过253. be of advantage to 对有利254. take advantage of sb. /sth 欺骗某人,利用某物255. put away 把收起来,收起,放妥256. put on 穿上;上演(戏剧)257. put up 举起,张贴,住宿,过夜258. put down 放下,写下,记下,镇压259. put off 推迟,延期,关上260. put sth forward

45、 提出某事供讨论,提请审议某事261. put out 使熄灭262. put in 投入;提出263. put aside 把放在一边,积蓄Unit 13264. ought to 应该,应当265. plenty of 许多,大量的266. keep up with 跟上,赶上267. make a choice 做出选择268. now and then 时而;不时;偶尔269. roll up (使)成卷(或筒、球)形270. had better do 最好做某事271. do harm to 对有害272. be harmful to 对有害273. in sbs favour 对

46、某人有利274. do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙275. give advice on 就 提 出 意 见 或 看 法276. be good for 对有好处277. be good at 擅长278. do good to 对有好处279. baseon 建立在基础上,以为依据280. preparefor 为做准备281. be prepared for 为做好了准备282. be ready for 为做好了准备283. get ready for 为做准备284. be short of 缺少285. in short 简言之;一言以蔽之Unit 14286. dress up 盛装,打扮,装饰287. in ones opinion 按照的看法288. play a trick on sb 开某人玩笑,欺骗某8人289. take in 欺骗,摄取29

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