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1、1 The Bennetsnew neighbour 1 班纳特家的新邻居 It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife And when such a man moves into a neighbourhood, even if nothing is known about his feelings or opinions, this truth is so clear to the surr

2、ounding families,that they think of him immediately as the future husband of one or other of their daughters 家产万贯而又尚未婚配的男人一定需要一个贤内助,这是一条世界上尽人皆知的真理。当这样一位男人搬到了附近时,这条真理在邻居们心中就显得更加清楚,他们哪怕对他的感情或意见一无所知,也会马上把他当作他们哪个女儿未来的丈夫。 My dear Mr Bennet, said Mrs Bennet to her husband one day, have you heard that some

3、one is going to rent Netherfield Park at last? “亲爱的班纳特先生, ”一天,班纳特夫人对她丈夫说, “你听说了吗?尼日斐庄园到底还是租出去了。 ” No,Mrs Bennet,I havent , said her husband “我还没听说,班纳特太太, ”她丈夫说。 Dont you want to know who is renting it?cried Mrs Bennet impatiently “难道你不想知道是谁要租吗?” 班纳特太太不耐烦地嚷了起来。You want to tell me,and I dont mind list

4、ening “你要想告诉我,我也不妨听听。 ” Mrs Bennet needed no further encouragement Well,my dear, I hear that hes a very rich young man from the north of EnglandIt seems he came to see Netherfield on Monday and was so delighted with it that he arranged to rent it at onceOf course,it is the finest house in the area,w

5、ith the largest gar- dens His servants will be here by the end of the week, and he will be arriving soon afterwards! 班纳特夫人不需要更多的鼓励就开腔了。 “啊,亲爱的,我听说他是个阔少爷,英格兰北部人。好像是星期一来看了看尼日斐,十分喜欢,马上安排把它租了下来。当然,连宅子的花园都那么大,那确实是这一片最好的庄园。他的仆人周末到,他本人随后就到!” What is his name?asked Mr Bennet “他叫什么名字?” 班纳特先生问道。 Bingley “彬格莱。

6、 ” Is he married or single? “结婚了还是单身?” Oh, single, my dear,of course!A single man of large for- tunehe has an income of four or five thousand pounds a yearHow wonderdul for our girls! “啊,亲爱的,当然是单身!家产万贯的单身汉他每年收入四五千镑呢。对咱家姑娘们来说真是再好不过了!” Why? How can it affect them?Mr Bennet asked “为什么?这跟姑娘们有什么关系?” 班纳特先

7、生问道。 My dear Mr Bennet, she replied, how can you be so an- noying!You must realize Im thinking of his marrying one of our daughters “我亲爱的班纳特先生, ”她回答道, “你怎么那么讨厌!你应该想到,我是在考虑他跟我们哪个姑娘结婚。 ” Is that his purpose in coming to the area? “他搬到这儿住就是为了这个吗?” His purpose?No, of course not But its very likely that

8、hell fall in love with one of themAnd I want him to see the girls as soon as possible,before our other neighbours introduce themselves So you must visit him as soon as he arrives “为这个?当然不是。可是真说不准他会爱上我们哪个姑娘。我想尽早让他见见姑娘们,要赶在其他邻居自我介绍之前。所以,他一来你就得去拜访他一下。 ” I really dont see why I should, said Mr Bennet Yo

9、u and the girls can visit him, or perhaps you should send them by themselvesYes, that might be better, as youre as attractive as any of them, and Mr Bingley might like you best “我真是不明白为什么要去拜访他, ”班纳特先生说, “你可以和姑娘们去,或者你让她们自己去。对,还是让她们自己去好,你长得那么迷人,比她们哪个都不逊色,说不定彬格莱先生会看上你呢。 ” My dear, you flatter me, repli

10、ed his wife, I certainly have been called beautiful in the past, but I think a woman with five adult daughters should stop thinking of her own beautyMr Bennet,I beg you to visit himYou know its cor- rect for the gentleman of the family to visit new neighbours firstI simply cannot take the girls to s

11、ee him unless you have already met him “亲爱的,你太夸奖我了, ”他妻子答道, “过去人们当然说我漂亮,可是我觉得,一个女人家,五个女儿都长大成人了,不应该再老想自己漂亮不漂亮。班纳特先生,我求求你,还是去拜访他一下吧。你知道,来了新邻居,家里的男人先去拜访一下是应该的。你如果不先见见他,我怎么好带着姑娘们去呢?” Surely you worry too much about the rules of polite society Im sure Mr Bingley will be delighted to see you allAnd Ill wr

12、ite him a few lines,which you can give him, agree- ing gladly to his marrying any of the girls, although I must es- pecially recommend my dear little Lizzy “你对文明社会的条条框框真是考虑得太多了。我相信彬格莱先生会很高兴见到你们几个的。对了,我给他写几句话,你可以捎过去,就说他随便娶哪个姑娘,我都很乐意。不过,我得特别推荐我的小丽萃。 ” Oh no, Mr Bennet!gasped Mrs Bennet, horrified Plea

13、se dont do that!And Lizzy is no better than the others,al- though I know she is your favourite “哦,不,班纳特先生!” 班纳特太太倒抽口气,吓坏了。 “别那样!再说,丽萃也不比其他几个好,不过我知道你偏爱她。 ” Our daughters are all very silly,ignorant girls, its trueBut at least Lizzy is a little more intelligent than her sisters “我们几个姑娘都很蠢,很无知,这是真的。可是,

14、丽萃至少还比她几个姐妹聪明点儿。 ” Mr Bennet, how can you speak so unkindly of your own children? Oh dear, how ill I feel! Have you no pity for me?Dont you realize how I suffer? “班纳特先生,你怎么能这样无情地说自己的亲生女儿?哦。亲爱的,我难受极了!你一点儿也不心疼我吗?你没想到我多难受吗?” Indeed,my dear, Ive suffered with you for the last twentythree years But I thi

15、nk you will recover, and live to see many more rich young men come into the neighbourhood “怎么没想到,亲爱的,我跟着你难受了 23 年了。不过我想你会恢复过来的,会在有生之年看到更多的阔少爷来和我们做邻居。 ” When he was young, Mr Bennet had made the mistake of falling in love with a pretty but foolish young womanDuring the long years of their marriage, h

16、e had had time to regret his mistakeHe soon realized that his wife had little intelligence or common sense, and was only interested in talking, shopping and finding husbands for her daughtersHis experience had made him rather bitter, and he could not stop himself mocking his wife, who never understo

17、od her husbands sense of humour 班纳特先生年轻时犯了个错误,爱上了一个漂亮却愚蠢的年轻女人。结婚这么多年,他有的是时间来追悔自己的错误。不久,他就认识到妻子没有一点头脑或是常识,只知道唠叨、逛商店、给女儿找婆家。这种经历使得他有点儿尖刻,禁不住要嘲弄他妻子几句,而这种幽默感他妻子却从来都听不出来。 So when, a week later, Mrs Bennet discovered that her hus- band had in fact visited Mr Bingley at Netherfield, she was surprised and v

18、ery pleasedBut she and her daughters tried in vain to persuade Mr Bennet to describe the wealthy stranger,and in the end they had to rely on another neighbours description 所以,一周之后,班纳特太太得知丈夫实际上已到尼日斐拜访过彬格莱先生,感到十分惊奇和喜出望外。可是,她和女儿们怎么求都白搭,班纳特先生就是不肯向她们吐露这位阔少爷的情况,最后,她们不得不从另一位邻居那里探听消息。 He sounds wonderful,Ma

19、ma!cried Lydia,the youngest and noisiest of the sisters Charlotte Lucass father has been to see him, and says hes quite young, very handsome, and ex- tremely charming!And even better,he loves dancing!Every- body knows that means hes very likely to fall in love! “听说他棒极了,妈妈!” 姊妹几个中年龄最小、最爱喧闹的丽迪亚大声说, “夏

20、洛特 卢卡斯的父亲去看过他,说他很年轻,很英俊,极有魅力!还有更棒的呢,他喜欢跳舞!大家都知道,喜欢跳舞就意味着他很可能堕入爱河!” As politeness required, Mr Bingley came to visit Mr Bennet a few days later He was not, however, fortunate enough to see the Bennet girls, who were hiding behind the curtains in an up- stairs room in order to catch sight of the hands

21、ome strangerMrs Bennet planned to invite him to dinner, but in fact they met him at another social event first The Bennets lived in the small Hertfordshire village of Longbourn, and public dances were regularly held in the nearest town, MerytonThe girls were greatly looking forward to this particula

22、r dance, because they had heard that Mr Bingley would be attending, with a group of friends from London 出于礼貌,彬格莱先生几天以后来回访班纳特先生。可是,遗憾的是,他未能见到班纳特家的几位姑娘,因为当时几个姑娘为了一睹这位英俊的陌生人的风采,正躲在楼上一间屋子的窗帘后面偷看呢。班纳特夫人计划邀请他吃饭,可是,事实上他们在另一次社交活动中提前见了面。班纳特一家住在哈福德郡的小村子浪搏恩,公共舞会定期在最近的镇子麦里屯举办。姑娘们在企盼着这次特别的舞会,因为她们听说彬格莱先生要参加,还要带些伦

23、敦的朋友来。On the night of the dance, all eyes were on Mr Bingley as he entered the room He had brought his two sisters, with the husband of the elder, Mr Hurst, and another young man,Mr- DarcyMr Bingley was indeed good-looking and gentleman- like, and his sisters were fine, fashionable womenHowever, ev- erybody was soon talking about Mr Darcy, a tall, handsome man, who,it was

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