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1、洪恩幼儿英语第三册英语教案第一单元 本单元学习目标: 1.会用礼貌用语:How are you-Im fine 互相问候2.学会歌曲Hello3.学习问候语: Good morning Good afternoon Good eveningGood night4.学习歌曲:Greetings5.学习手指游戏:Finger plays Dance your fingers6.复习的单词句子: Good morning(Review); Hi/Hello; How are you?-I am fine. Thank you. Long time no see. Get up /Go to bed.

2、本单元知识拓展:Leftright boygirl2011-3-1(四):1. Review Teddy Bear profile。Name、Favorite Food 、Favorite color 、Best Friends(their favorite food ) ;2.Warm upTeddy bear3.Ask and answerA: Hi,How are you?B:I am fine. Thank you . And you ? A: I am fine, too. Thank you.4. Story time; Nicky 非常的有礼貌,他起床之后,去叫谁啦?Nicky

3、对 Kitty 都说了什么?5. Situational dialogue. 角色互换,一个小朋友扮演 Kitty 在床上睡觉.另一个小朋友扮演 Nicky,按照故事里的情节幼儿预演.(语言点:Now lets go to bed /get up; Good morning ,Teddy)延伸-男孩都扮演 Kitty 角色,女孩都扮演 Nicky 角色,女孩子下地自由活动,叫起孩子睡觉的男孩子.; 角色互换;6. Practice;7. Song time-Enjoy the music Hello8. Homework time;2011-3-2(五):1. Review the dialo

4、gue。A: Hi,Kitty. How are you?B:I am fine. Thank you .How are you ? A: I am fine, too. Thank you.2.Warm upHello Rabbit dance3. Situational dialogue. (幻灯片-太阳)A: Good morning, kitty.B:Good morning, Nicky. (小朋友们,你们有没有互相问候啊 ?如果没有,那么请小朋友们借英语课的机会 ,互相问候下吧.记得要用我们学过的问候语进行问候哦!语言点:Good morning(Review); Hi/Hello

5、; How are you?-I am fine. Thank you. Long time no see.4. Story time; 小朋友再次体会小对话.让小朋友们模仿他们的声音,互换角色.提高语感.5.Follow me;小朋友模范 Nancy 老师有节奏的熟记句子.一切的动作/声音都需要 Copy .6. Practice;7. Song time-Enjoy the music Hello 8. Homework time;2011-3-5(一):1.Warm up Hello Rabbit dance Review the dialogue(情景表演,小朋友们互相问候 )。A:

6、Hi,Kitty. How are you?B:I am fine. Thank you .How are you ? A: I am fine, too. Thank you.2. Situational dialogue. (幻灯片-太阳)A: Good afternoon, kitty.B:Good afternoon, Nicky. (小朋友们,你们有没有互相问候啊 ?如果没有,那么请小朋友们借英语课的机会 ,互相问候下吧.记得要用我们学过的问候语进行问候哦!语言点: Good afternoon (Review); Hi/Hello; How are you?-I am fine.

7、Thank you. Long time no see.4. Story time; 小朋友再次体会小对话.让小朋友们模仿他们的声音,互换角色.提高语感.5.Follow me;小朋友模范 Nancy 老师有节奏的熟记句子.一切的动作/声音都需要 Copy . 把 left hand-right hand 用肢体语言表示出来.6. Practice;7. Song time-Enjoy the music Greetings2011-3-6(二):1. Warm up Hello Rabbit dance Review the dialogue(情景表演,小朋友们互相问候 )。A: Hi,Ki

8、tty. How are you?B:I am fine. Thank you .How are you ? A: I am fine, too. Thank you.2. Situational dialogue. (幻灯片-太阳)A: Good evening, kitty.B:Good evening, Nicky. (小朋友们,你们有没有互相问候啊 ?如果没有,那么请小朋友们借英语课的机会 ,互相问候下吧.记得要用我们学过的问候语进行问候哦!语言点: Good evening, (Review); Hi/Hello; How are you?-I am fine. Thank you.

9、 Long time no see.4. Story time; 小朋友再次体会小对话.让小朋友们模仿他们的声音,互换角色.提高语感.5.Follow me;小朋友模范 Nancy 老师有节奏的熟记句子.一切的动作/声音都需要 Copy . 把 left ear-right ear 用肢体语言表示出来.6. Practice;7. Song time-Enjoy the music Greetings2011-3-7(三):1. Warm up Hello Greetings Review the dialogue(情景表演,小朋友们互相问候 )。A: Hi,Kitty. How are yo

10、u?B:I am fine. Thank you .How are you ? A: I am fine, too. Thank you.2. Situational dialogue. (幻灯片-太阳)A: Good night, kitty.B:Good night, Nicky. (小朋友们,你们有没有互相问候啊 ?如果没有,那么请小朋友们借英语课的机会 ,互相问候下吧.( 记得要用我们学过的问候语进行问候哦!语言点: Good night, (Review); Hi/Hello; How are you?-I am fine. Thank you. Long time no see.4

11、. Story time; 小朋友再次体会小对话.让小朋友们模仿他们的声音,互换角色.提高语感.5.Follow me;小朋友模范 Nancy 老师有节奏的熟记句子.一切的动作/声音都需要 Copy . 把 left eye-right eye 用肢体语言表示出来 .6. Practice;7. Song time-Enjoy the music Greetings洪恩幼儿英语第三册英语教案第二单元- 本单元学习目标: 1.学会歌曲What can you see? 4.学习 Chant: Ant ant ,in a hat. Apple apple,in a cat.5.学习手指游戏: Fi

12、nger plays: Dance your fingers6.学习单词: ant bird frog snail monkey snake 7.学习句子: -What can you see?-I can see a snake.本单元知识拓展:Updown ; rightwrong Tummy ; Fingers ; head ; shoulders2011-3-8(四)1.warm up: Songs:Finger Plays :2. Review animal words: Bear dog cat mouse(mice) rabbit bee3. Story time: Look a

13、t story and can you guess what we will learn today?(Nancy shows the card and ask children whats this?)4. New words: Frog5.Follow me:(小朋友们学习青蛙的样子,蹲在地上,把两个手下垂,边跳边读出单词,)6.Race:小朋友扮演青蛙比赛. 看谁跳得远,读的声音大.每组 5-8 人.选出胜利者(winner). 小朋友们给予鼓励.7. Practice: ; 8. Song time and Homework time.2011-3-9 (五)1.warm up: So

14、ngs:Finger Plays :2. Review animal words: frog3. Story time: Look at story and can you guess what we will learn today?(Nancy shows the card and ask children whats this?)4. New words: snake5.Follow me:(小朋友们学习青蛇的样子,双手上举并合拢, 身体从上往下扭动,扭动一下,读一遍 snake.然后从下往上扭动身子)6.Race:小朋友扮演青蛇比赛 .看谁扭动的漂亮次数多多,读的声音大 .每组 5-8

15、 人.选出胜利者(winner). 小朋友们给予鼓励.7.Practice: ; 8. Song time and Homework time.洪恩幼儿英语第三册英语教案第二单元- 本单元学习目标: 1.学会歌曲What can you see? 4.学习 Chant: Ant ant ,in a hat. Apple apple,in a cat.5.学习手指游戏: Finger plays: Dance your fingers6.学习单词: ant bird frog snail monkey snake 7.学习句子: -What can you see?-I can see a sn

16、ake.本单元知识拓展:Updown ; rightwrong Tummy ; Fingers ; head ; shoulders2011-3-12(一)1.warm up: Songs:Finger Plays :2. Review animal words: frog snake 3. Story time: Look at story and can you guess what we will learn today?(Nancy shows the card and ask children whats this?)4. New words: bird5.Follow me:(小朋

17、友们学习小鸟的样子,双手持平,像翅膀一样在飞.小脚慢慢地向前蠕动,边飞边说 bird)6.Race:小朋友扮演小鸟比赛. 看谁飞得轻盈,读的声音大.每组 5-8 人.选出胜利者(winner). 小朋友们给予鼓励.7.Practice: ; 8. Song time and Homework time.2011-3-13(二)1.warm up: Songs:Finger Plays :2. Review animal words: frog snake bird3. Story time: Look at story and can you guess what we will learn

18、today?(Nancy shows the card and ask children whats this?)4. New sentence: What can you see ?I can see (name)5.Follow me:(老师摆出拿望远镜的样子,在眼前晃动,边晃动边说 :What can you see?-Oh, I can see Wang Chen.)6.Copy:小朋友模仿老师的动作,模仿老师的句子,I can see Zhongchengkun.7.Practice:叫一个小朋友上前面来,其他小朋友都拿着望远镜,一口童声的说:I can see.8. Song ti

19、me and Homework time.2011-3-14(三)1.warm up: Songs:Finger Plays :2. Review animal words: frog snake bird3. Story time: Look at story and can you guess what we will learn today?(Nancy shows the card and ask children whats this?)4. New sentence: What can you see ?I can see a bird.5.Follow me:(老师摆出拿望远镜的

20、样子,在眼前晃动,边晃动边说:What can you see?-Oh, I can see a bird.)6.Copy:小朋友模仿老师的动作,模仿老师的句子,I can see a snake.7.Practice:叫一个小朋友上前面来,其他小朋友都拿着望远镜,一口童声的说:I can see.8. Song time and Homework time.2011-3-15(四)1.warm up: Songs:Finger Plays :2. Review animal words: frog snake bird3. Story time: Look at story and can

21、you guess what we will learn today?(Nancy shows the card and ask children what can you see?)4. New sentence: What can you see ?I can see a bird/two birds/three birds(Look at my PPT).5.Follow me:(老师摆出拿望远镜的样子,在眼前晃动,边晃动边说:What can you see?-Oh, I can see a bird/two birds.)6.Look at PPT.(看谁能第一时间告诉我你看到了什么

22、?)7.Practice:叫一个小朋友上前面来,其他小朋友都拿着望远镜,一口童声的说:I can see(在前面的小朋友).8. Song time9.Homework time.2012-3-16(五)1.warm up: Songs:Finger Plays :2. Review animal words: frog snake birdSentences: What can you see ?I can see a bird/two birds/three birds3. Story time: Look at story and can you guess what we will l

23、earn today?(Nancy shows the card and ask children what can you see?)4. New words: monkey5.Follow me:(老师和小朋友们一起扮演猴子,互相打招呼.)6.Look at PPT.(看谁能第一时间告诉我你看到了什么?I can see a monkey/two monkeys)7.Practice:叫一个小朋友上前面来扮演猴子,其他小朋友都拿着望远镜,一口童声的说:I can see(几个小朋友就是几个小猴子).8. Song time9.Homework time.第二单元- 本单元学习目标: 1.学

24、会歌曲What can you see? 4.学习 Chant: Ant ant ,in a hat. Apple apple,in a cat.5.学习手指游戏: Finger plays: Dance your fingers6.学习单词: ant bird frog snail monkey snake 7.学习句子: -What can you see?-I can see a snake.本单元知识拓展:Updown ; rightwrong Tummy ; Fingers ; head ; shoulders2011-3-19(一)1.warm up: Songs:Finger P

25、lays :2. Review animal words: frog snake bird monkeySentences: What can you see ?I can see a bird/two birds/three birds3. Story time: Look at story and can you guess what we will learn today?(Nancy shows the card and ask children what can you see?)4. New words: ant5.Follow me:(read after me.)6.Look

26、at PPT.(看谁能第一时间告诉我你看到了什么?I can see a monkey/two monkeys)7.Practice:8. Song time9. Homework time.2011-3-20 (二)1.warm up: Songs:Finger Plays :2. Review animal words: frog snake bird monkey antSentences: What can you see ?I can see a bird/two birds/three birds3. Story time: Look at story and can you gu

27、ess what we will learn today?(Nancy shows the card and ask children what can you see?)4. New words: snail5.Follow me:(read after me.)6.Look at PPT.(看谁能第一时间告诉我你看到了什么?I can see a monkey/two monkeys)7.Practice:8. Song time9. Homework time.2012-3-21 (三)1.warm up: Songs:Finger Plays :2. Review animal wor

28、ds: frog snake bird monkey ant snailSentences: What can you see ?I can see a bird/two birds/three birds3. Story time:-Phonics-A a4. New knowledge: A-apple; A-hat; A-ant; A-ant5. Chant: Ant ant ,in a hat ; Apple apple ,in a cat.(边做动作边学习儿歌)7.Practice:8. Song time 9. Homework time.2011-3-22(四) 复习课1.歌词练

29、习:老师和小朋友一起边做边拍手、跺脚、拍腿、拍桌子、拍椅子的动作,边做边说出童谣歌词,要有节奏的说。教学目的:能流利说出英文童谣what can you is winnier 。3 passing down 。2011-12-23(五)复习课1.歌词练习:老师和小朋友一起边做边拍手、跺脚、拍腿、拍桌子、拍椅子的动作,边做边说出童谣歌词,要有节奏的说。教学目的:能流利说出英文童谣what can you is winnier 。3 passing down 。洪恩幼儿英语第三册英语教案第三单元- 2012-3-26(一)Part1 Warm up:

30、what can you see ant ant in a hatStory time:看第三单元故事动画一遍,之后教师问:“小动物们都点了什么食物?他们是怎么说的?”之后再看动画一遍,看完之后请小朋友回答。单词学习:chicken游戏:do the action 。 Chicken jump,chicken jump,chicken jump down。句型操练:I am hungry。I want some chicken。游戏:waiter games 请一名小朋友扮演侍者,手持托盘,托盘里放好 chicken 卡片,扮演侍者的小朋友问全班小朋友:what do you want?其他小

31、朋友回答,谁回答的快谁就当侍者。2012-3-27(二)Part2 一、Warm up:what can you see ant ant in a hat二、Story time:三、单词学习:noodles四、游戏:do the action 。noodles jump,noodles jump,noodles jump down。五、句型操练:I am hungry。 I want some noodles。六、游戏:waiter games 请一名小朋友扮演侍者,手持托盘,托盘里放好 chicken、noodles 卡片,扮演侍者的小朋友问全班小朋友:what do you want?其

32、他小朋友回答,谁回答的快谁就当侍者。2012-3-28(三)Part3一、Warm up:what can you see ant ant in a hat二、Story time:三、单词学习:chocolate四、游戏:萝卜蹲 。chocolate down ,chocolate down , chocolate down then noodles down。五、句型操练:I am hungry。 I want some chocolate。六、游戏:waiter games 请一名小朋友扮演侍者,手持托盘,托盘里放好 chicken、noodles、chocolate 卡片,扮演侍者的小

33、朋友问全班小朋友:what do you want?I want some chocolate。Thank you。You are welcome。 (学习)其他小朋友回答,谁回答的快谁就当侍者。2012-3-29(四)Part4一、Warm up:what can you see ant ant in a hat将上次课所学的单词和句型边拍手跺脚边有节奏的说出来,速度越来越快。如:Chicken chicken ,I want some chicken.二、Story time:三、单词学习:bread四、游戏:萝卜蹲 。bread down,bread down ,bread down t

34、hen noodles down。五、句型操练:I am hungry。 I want some bread。六、游戏:waiter games 请一名小朋友扮演侍者,手持托盘,托盘里放好 chicken、noodles、chocolate 、bread 卡片,扮演侍者的小朋友问全班小朋友:what do you want?I want some chocolate。Thank you。You are welcome。 (学习)其他小朋友回答,谁回答的快谁就当侍者。2012-3-30(五)Part5一、Warm up:what can you see ant ant in a hat将上次课所

35、学的单词和句型边拍手跺脚边有节奏的说出来,速度越来越快。如:Chicken chicken ,I want some chicken.二、Story time:三、单词学习:candy四、游戏:1.萝卜蹲 。bread down,bread down ,bread down then noodles down。 the actions五、句型操练:I am hungry。 I want some bread。六、游戏:waiter games 请一名小朋友扮演侍者,手持托盘,托盘里放好 chicken、noodles、chocolate 、candy 、bread 卡片,扮演侍者的小朋

36、友问全班小朋友:what do you want?I want some chocolate。Thank you。You are welcome。 (学习)其他小朋友回答,谁回答的快谁就当侍者。2012-3-31(六)清明节串休Part6一、Warm up:what can you see Little bee将上次课所学的单词和句型边拍手跺脚边有节奏的说出来,速度越来越快。如:Chicken chicken ,I want some chicken.二、Story time:三、单词学习:egg四、游戏:1.萝卜蹲 。bread down,bread down ,bread down the

37、n noodles down。 the actions五、句型操练:I am hungry。 I want some eggs。六、儿歌学习:egg, egg,in a bed。Elephant, elepant,all in red。歌曲欣赏:london bridge is falling down2012-4-1(日)清明节串休Part6一、Warm up:what can you see chant in Unit 3将上次课所学的单词和句型边拍手跺脚边有节奏的说出来,速度越来越快。如:Chicken chicken ,I want some chicken.二、Story t

38、ime:三、游戏:1.萝卜蹲 。bread down,bread down ,bread down then noodles down。 the actions四、句型操练:I am hungry。 I want some eggs。五、儿歌复习:egg, egg,in a bed。Elephant, elepant,all in red。六.歌曲欣赏:london bridge is falling down注:4-2 、4-3 、4-4 为清明节放假期间2012-4-5(四)2012-4-6(五)这两天为复习时间:1.句型操练:熟练掌握及运用“what do you want?”I

39、 want some candy。2.知识扩展:cook(厨师)3.歌曲歌词学习:london bridge falling down lady4儿歌复习5. 游戏时间:我是大厨 、 萝卜蹲 、 拍卡片6. 手指游戏欣赏洪恩幼儿英语第三册英语教案第四单元- -Nancy2012-4-9(一)Part 1一、Warm up: london bridge is falling down I am a little teaport二、Story time:看完本单元动画 1 遍后提问:小动物们都有什么新的学习用品?,再看动画一遍,看完之后请小朋友们回答。三、单词学习:将本课所学单词的图片反过来贴在墙上,老师以疑问的语气和表情纹小朋友:what is this? Its a pen。四、活动:游戏Flash the cards五、句型操练教师出示一个书包,边拿出来边说:I have a ruler。配上动作,特别强调 I 和 have 两个单词,可以多次重复。六总结本课重点内容。2012-4-10(二)Part 2

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