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1、 1模块一 Unit One School life 一 . 词组记忆1.对.满意_ 2.参加集会_ _3.做某事的最佳方式_ _ 4.赢得尊敬_ _5.致力于做某事_ _ 6.平均,平均来说_ _ _7.有点挑战性_ _ _ 8.过去,曾经做某事_ _ _9.免费_ _ 10.喜欢,爱好(做某事)_ _ _11.回顾,回忆_ _ 12.满意地_ _13.培养对.的兴趣_ _ 14.一.就做某事_ _15.把.捐赠给._ _ 16.充分利用_ _17.后悔,遗憾去做某事_ _ 18.告知某人某事_ _19.掌管,负责_ _ 20.独立的,独立于之外_ _ _二单词拼写1. Who can te

2、ll me the a_ age of the students of Senior One?2. Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be_ (独立的) of your parents help.3.The money and the clothes that he has d_ to the poor people are really of help.4. I asked the headmaster if music could be played during break time, and he _ _(赞

3、成)the idea.5. She can look back on her experiences with great _(满意).6. On arriving in England, I found the homework a bit c_(有挑战的), for it was all in English.7. The parents are often i_(告知) of the students grades at school after mid-term examinations.8.I am fond of l_ _(文学), especially English novel

4、s. 9.The old story was passed down one g_(一代人 )after another .10. I have been working hard recently in order to achieve high g_ in the final exams.11. The mid-term examination is coming. Every minute should be made good use of _ (prepare) for it.12. He earns_(尊敬)from the public by his intelligence a

5、nd diligence.13. 对我来说要记住所有的脸庞和姓名是有难度的。It was a _ for me to remember all the faces and names.14. 从大学毕业之后,他来到中国学习中文。After _ from university, he went to China to study Chinese.15.我很幸运的是能免费得到这张票.I am very lucky to have got this ticket _ _.三单项选择1. I found the homework was not so heavy as _ I _ to get in

6、my old school.A. that; was used B. what; used C. which; used D. that; used2. It is a(n)_job, so it is difficult for me to finish it in a short time.2A. average B. easy C. exciting D. challenging3. Teachers used to_ information from newspapers or magazines, but now they are used to _ for it on the In

7、ternet directly.A. get; search B. getting ; search C. getting ; searching D. get; searching4. Although it had been_ struggle for him to finish_ experiment, he enjoyed the result with_ satisfaction.A. the, an, / B. a, the, / C. a, an, a D. /, the, a5. I regret _that you are putting on weight, but you

8、d better not risk _the weight-loss pills.A. to say, taking B. saying, taking C. to say, to take D. saying, to take 6. Throughout her life, she _ charities, which made her a noble (高尚的) woman. A. devoted to supporting B. devoted to supportC. was devoted to supporting D. devoted herself to support7. T

9、he _ time the Chinese people spend online is 20 hours each week.A ordinary B usual C common D average8. _ the first day of the school, she met her new teacher _ the first time.A. For; for B. On; on C. On; for D. For; on9.The fireman started to put out the big fire_ arriving at the burning building.A

10、. by B. on C. at D. in10. The mother left her son _ the suitcase while she went to buy the tickets.A. in the charge of B. in charge ofC. in search of D. in the search of11.They had to leave their little daughter _their parents when they were busy with their business.A. in the charge of B. in favour

11、of C. in charge of D. take charge of 12. Please keep me informed _ the changes in case they affect our work.A. of B. for C. with D. by 13.He has traveled to a lot of places, and he was an _ traveler with much traveling _. A. experienced; experiences B. experiencing: experienceC. experiencing; experi

12、ences D. experienced; experience14. -What did the head teacher think of what you had done?-He was happy _ it.A. to B. with C. at D. by15.-That would mean _much more money.-Really? I dont mean _any more money.A. wasting; wasting B. to waste; to waste C. wasting; to waste D. to waste; wasting16 . My f

13、ather went to work by car_ today, but he arrived at the company later_.A. as usual; than usual B. than usual; as usual C. as usual; as usual D.than usual; than usual17. I sat next to a girl_ name was Diana. A. whose B. of which C. her D. its 18.John could _ 3,000 dollars a year by writing stories an

14、d keep a family of three people at that time. A. spare B. earn C. cost D. charge319.In order to show _ for teachers, we celebrate Teachers Day each year.A. interest B. surprise C. success D.respect 20.The time that she devotes _ the comic stories is so much that she cant spare any time to look after

15、 her baby. A. with B. in C. to D. on21.Im afraid this is the best way _we can think of _you.A. that; helping B. that; to help C. which; helping D. which; to help22.There is about 400mm rainfall a year _ in the area.A. on average B. in average C. of average D. for average23.When we got to the top of

16、the mountain, we were _ tired, so we stopped to have a rest.A. not in the least B. not a bit C. not at all D. not a little24.In many small restaurants people are served rice _ while the dishes cost a lot.A. for free B. of free C. for freely D. freely25. Can you lend me the book Gone with the Wind? S

17、orry. I returned it to the library just now. Maybe it is still _.A. affordable B. available C. acceptable D. valuable26._ his return from Europe , he set to work on the project.A. As B. At C. Upon D. For27. The money collected should be made good use _ the people in Japan who suffered a lot in the e

18、arthquake.A. of helping B. of to help C. to helping D. to help28. Youd better cut your hair short. Our school doesnt _ long hair.A. approve of students wearing B. approve students to wear C. approve students wearing D. approve of students to wear29. He will be in _ charge of the company, for he has

19、_ rich experience in business.A. the; 不填 B. 不填;不填 C. the; a D. 不填 ; a30. How much would you_for repairing my watch?A. spend B. charge C. cost D. pay一、 1. be satisfied with 2. attend a meeting 3.the best way to do sth. 4.earn respect5.devote oneself to doing sth. 6.on average 7.a bit challenging

20、ed to do sth.9.for free fond of 11.look back on 12.with satisfaction13.develop interest in 14.upon doing sth. 15.donate sth. to 16.make good use of 17.regret to do sth. 18.inform sb. of sth. charge of independent of二、1.average 2.independent 3.donated 4.approved 5.satisfaction 6.challenging7.informed 8.literature 9.genaration 10.grades prepare 12.respect13.struggle 14. graduation 15.for free 4三、1-5 BDDBA 6-10 CDCBA 11-15 AAABC16-20AABDC 21-25BADAB 26CBADBB

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