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1、1华中电网麻城希望学校四年级英语上册期中测试班级:_ 姓名:_ 成绩:_一、 读单词,选出不同类的单词。 (20 分)( )1.A. juice B. tomato C. hill( )2.A. boat B. train C. star( )3.A.right B. left C. sing( ) B. jump C. flower( )5.A.math B. English C. book( ) 6、 A. chess B. football C. basketball ( ) 7、 A. hill B. lake C.sing ( ) 8、 A. boy B. teache

2、r C.girl ( ) 9、 A. swim B. boat ( ) 10、 A. elephant B. tiger C. taijiquan 二、英汉连一连。 (10 分)1、at the station A.紧靠- 旁边2、next to B. 在车站3、take pictures C.下国际象棋4、play chess D.西红柿鸡蛋面5、noodles with tomato and egg E.照相三、选词填空。 (10 分)watching get on listening jumping reading1. The girls are to music.2.Th

3、e little boy is on the bed.3.He is TV.4.Lets the bus.5. Grandma is _ a book.四、根据情景,选择正确的答案。 (5 分)2( ) 1、 你与同学赛跑,你赢了,你应说: A: Im hungry. B. Im the winner.( ) 2、 当你收到别人的礼物时,你应说:_ A. Thank you . B. Sorry.( ) 3、 当你问对方正在做什么时,你应说:_ A. How do you do ? B. What are you doing? ( ) 4、 你想把东西给别人,你应说: A: Here you

4、are. B. Hare we are.( ) 5、 你去商场购物,售货员会对你说: A: Can I help you? B. Can I help me?五读一读 选一选。(40 分)( )1. Can you a cake?A . makes B. make C. is making( )2. Where are you now? - Im your left.A . to B. on C. in( )3. Look at these .A . picture B. pictures C. a picture( )4. Amy likes fast food.A . Chinese B.

5、 China C. some( )5. How is it? - Seven yuan.A . much B. many C. any( )6. -What are they doing? _ playing football.A. Are B. Theyre C. Hes D. They( )7. They are _ a boat.A. row B. rows C. play D. rowing( ) 8. Look _ the people _ the park.A. at , on B. at , in C. on , at D. on , in3( ) 9. You _ runnin

6、g and I _ dancing.A. is , am B. are , is C. are , am D. are , are( ) 10. The dog _ lost.A. am B. is C. are D. at ( )11.-Can I help you? _A.I want some fish ,please. B. Yes , I can . C. No, I dont. D.Yes, you can ( )12.My house is_a school.A. next to B. down C. on D. in( )13. _is your school?-Go stra

7、ight on, then turn left.A.What B. Where C.How D.Which ( )14.-Where _ you live? -I live_East Lake Road.A. does ,in B. do , on C. do , in D.did ,in ( )15.-Can you ride a bike? _.A. I can ride a bike. B. Yes, I can. C. No, you dont. D.No, I dont ( )16.Amy and Lingling _to music now.A. are listening B.

8、is listening C. listens D. listened( )17.Look, Tom is _a letter.A. writing B. writes C. drawing D.draws ( ) 18.We_TV at home. A. watching B. watch C. watches D. watched ( )19. Bill and Daming are_ now.A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. swiming.4( )20.-Can Sam swim? _.A. Yes , he can. B. Yes, he does. C. No, you dont. Yes , he dont.六、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写:(15 分)1. tiger , what , the , is , doing?2. jump, can, far, you, Daming?3. milk , is , drinking , he.4. want , you , some , do , rice?5. see , things , lots , can , we , of.

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