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1、英语口语里常用的短语 home 在家 2.right away 马上 free 有空 with 处理 5.get over something 克服/复原6.For good 永远 7.let someone down 使失望8.for nothing 免费/徒然 the way 顺便一提 about some/something 谈到某人/某事11.go out 出去 12.get home/get back 回家/回来13.once in a while 偶尔14.feel like somesthing 想要/意欲15.hear fr

2、om 接到的信息 attention(to) 专心/注意 out 出去吃 18.get ready to 准备好要19.No kidding./?没开玩笑/真的吗?20.sounds good 听起来不错21.take care of 照顾 22.take off 脱下,拿下,起飞23.used to 以前常24.whats going on ?发生了什么事?25.fall in love 坠入爱河;爱上26.leave someone/somesthing alone别理会某人/某事27.on purpose 故意的28.put something back 放回去2

3、9.wake someone up 把某人叫醒 usual 和平常一样31.all of a sudden 突然 32.all over 到处33.pick up 接/捡起来 far, so good 目前一切都好 soon as possiple 越快越好 sorry for something 对感到抱歉e from 从来38.get better 好一点 39.stand up 站起来40.take a walk/go for a walk 散步41.after a while 一会儿之后;一段时间之后42.give back 归还 43.look

4、 for 找 a matter of fact 实际上45.believe in someone/something 相信某人/某事 mistake 不小心弄错了47.count on someone/something 依赖,指望某人或某事48.get rid of someone/something 把丢掉.除去 someone crazy 使某人发狂 a moment 马上 out (of) 用尽,用完 case (that) 以防万一53.think over something 考虑某件事情 on s

5、omething 做55.get along(with) 和相处56.hang up 挂断电话/挂起来 about doing something? 做如何? someone out 帮助某人59.look at/take a look at someone/something 看看某人/某事60.get in touch with someone 和某人联络61.every now and then/occasionally 偶尔62.feel sorry for 为感到难过63.find out 发现 64.far away 很远 (not) good

6、at something 对什么很(不)在行66.first of all 首先 67.bump into 撞见,不期而遇68.have got to do something 得做.Eg:why didnt you sleep last night ?Because I have got to finish my report .69.put away something 把什么东西收拾好70.shut off 关起来 ,关闭71.take sb/sth out 带某人/某物出去 without 不需要/没有也行 into sb/sth 偶然碰到某人/某事74.chan

7、ge ones mind 改变主意75.fill out/in something 填写76.upside down 颠倒 time 赶上;及时78.keepin mind 放在心上;记得79.look forward to something 期待80.go through something 穿过/经历81.not at all 不客气,没关系82.get in 进去;被录取 还好/不过如此84.try on something 试(衣服等)85.cheer up 开心一点/安慰 86.get to 去,到87.hear of someone/somethin

8、g 听说某人/某事88.make money 赚钱 89.take turns 轮流 matter what (happens)不管怎样(发生什么事)91.get well 康复 92.make sure (that)确定93.(had) better do something 最好做某事 around 在附近;来到 off something取消96.get on someones nerves 令某人心神不安; 让人心烦 sick/tired of someone/something 对某人/某事感到厌烦.厌恶98.put up with som

9、eone/something 忍受某人/某事 better off (doing) 比较好100.turn down someone/something 拒绝/回绝101.turninto something/turn into something 把译成/变成102.bring back something 拿回/取回 ones best 尽全力104.fall off 从 上面掉下来 ;摔下105.get away (from) 远离/离开106.go away 走开 ;离开107.look up someone/something 查/找108.take a pic

10、ture (of) 帮照相109.take away someone/something 带走某人/某物110.speak to someone(about) 跟说/谈111.would rather (do) 宁愿 someone good 对某人有好处113.go back (to) 回到114.keep in touch (with) 和 保持联系115.back up someone 支援/后援116.all day/week/month/year 整天/周/月/年 chance 奏巧/偶然 left out 被/觉得被忽略了119.mes

11、s up something 把搞乱120.put on weight 增肥/变胖了121.make up ones mind 决定 ;下定决心122.take ones time 慢慢来123.catch a bus/train 乘公交车/火车e to 到达 125.for sure 确定/当然126.have something to do with someone/something和相关127.make fun of someone 嘲弄取笑某人 on/off duty 值班/不值班129.most of all 最主要;特别 a joke/trick on

12、 someone 对某人开玩笑131.again and again 一次又一次132.take a chance/take the risk 碰碰运气/冒个险133.make sense 明白/了解134.lose ones temper 发脾气 out of order 坏了/乱了136.shake hand (with )和握手137.go/be on a diet 减肥 front of 在之前139.pick on someone/something 挑剔 first 刚开始;起先141.break ones heart 伤某人的心142.brea

13、k off with someone 和某人断绝关系143.break down 抛锚;毁坏 144.go by 经过145.keep on (doing) 持续( 做)146.make up 编造/和好147.make oneself at home 使自在/舒畅(当作在自己的家) away(from) 逃/逃跑149.turn around 转过身来;回头150.get out (of) 出去151.look up to someone 尊敬某人152.take a seat 请坐 a hurry 匆匆忙忙的154.make room (for) 让位;为让出地

14、方155.take advantage of someone/something 占的便宜;利用 another 彼此/相互157.out of date 过时的;落伍的158.take a break 休息一下159.take charge/control of掌管.160.put a stop to something/put an end to something 阻止161.take place 发生/举行162.on ones way to somewhere 去.的路上 out of the question 不可能164.go wrong (with)

15、出错165.lie down 躺下 after someone/something 追着167.stay up 熬夜 168.write down 写下169.get together 聚在一起170.feel funny 觉得别扭,不舒服171.hold on to someone/something 抓住某人/某物172.get hold of someone/something 找到某人/ 找来使用173.let someone/something in 让某人/某物进来174.tell time 辨别时间175.catch/have a cold 感冒 o

16、ff 炫耀177.take it easy 放松; 从容一些178.right here 这里179.(its) no wonder 难怪 up 现身;出现181.give someone a hand 帮某人忙182.millions (of) 很多的,无数的183.on the one hand ;on the other hand一方面,另一方面184.hang out (with) 和闲混在一起185.put on something 戴上/穿上 going to do something 要去做187.fall for someone/something

17、 爱上/中(计)188.face to face 面对面;当面189.listen to someone 听某人的话190.get the hang of something 得到窍门 someones way 阻碍, 挡住某人的路 order 依序 /放整齐193.let go of someone/something 对放手194.not at all 一点也不;毫不195.get away with something 逃避惩罚196.doze off 打瞌睡 197.give up 放弃198.grow up 长大199.take someone/somethi

18、ng for granted 认为是当然之事200.turn in 交(做业)201.make friends (with) 和做朋友202.let someone/something out 让走/出去203.pull up 拉起来204.bring up someone 带大;养育205.fool around (with) 鬼混/瞎弄206.go on a trip 去旅游 207.keep track (of) 记录208.go over 复习 209.catch on fire 着火210.take long (to do) 花了很多时间(做)211.get through some

19、thing 熬过 something over 重做213.hang on to something 守住214.inside out 由里向外215.laugh at someone/something 取笑216.straighten someone/something out 使变好/整理217.take over something 接收/接管218.have had enough (of) 够了/受够了219.keep up (with) 跟上/保持220.keep out (of) 拒进入/( 使)远离221.lend someone a hand 帮助某人

20、 last 终于 once 立刻 oneself 单独地225.take/have a look at 看一看/瞧一瞧226.keep from doing something 避免做 least 至少 228.pass out 晕倒/分发( 传单)229.go to school 去上学230.beat around the bush 说话拐弯抹角 the long run 从长远观点来看232.on second thought 再想一下 /考虑 broke 破产的234.hand out something 分发 over something 读完236.back and forth 来来回回 ,反反复复237.end up 结果以而结束,告终

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