1、Book II Unit 1A. 1. assess2. alliance3. outcome4. ethical5. identity6. ambiguous7. tolerable8. participates9. pursuit10. constructiveB.1. at stake2. were obliged3. the climate of4. feel well-equipped5. beyond my grasp6. cut back7. other than8. rise above9. care about10. is boundedC.1. incompetent2.
2、indulgence3. migrants4. probes5. complex6. suspense; engaged7. compassionate; committed8. tolerant9. tempted10. interconnectedD.1. A. Judging from2. B. in which3. C. and4. D. believe5. A. is one of/ is that of6. B. must get7. C. likely8. D. unemployed9. C. as well as/ and10. B. simplerE.1. what2. gr
3、aduation3. intend4. getting5. eventually6. survey7. although8. graduates9. transfer10. rise11. attending12. instead13. cause14. because15. attending16. below17. failure18. expectations19. confidence20. educationKey to the translation from English to Chinese:1.德.汤说过,一切进步,一切发展均来自挑战及由此引起的反应。没有挑战就没有反应,没
4、有发展,没有自由。所以,我们首先应该在我们孩子的能力允许的范围内为他们开设最严格最富有挑战性的课程。 2.我们可以向我们的孩子提供第二个机会是允许他们有失败的权力。德.纽伊写道:“不仅是一种特权,也是一种考验。 ”如果没有人可以失败,那它算什么考验,算什么自由呢?美国可以向所有在高中读者完四年课程而不管其是否取得任何明显收获的学生发放毕业文凭的日子已经一去不复返了。我们现在生活在一个外变得很狭隘的世界里,们必须同对现实保持警觉,有所认识;而现实主义要求树立一个要么成功要么失败的标准。这些话听起来很刺耳,但都是残酷的事实。如果我们剥夺了孩子的失败权力,实际上我们就剥夺了他们如实地认识世界的机会。
5、 Key to the translation from Chinese to English:1. Todays university students are struggling to establish themselves, but they still have ambiguous feelings about their future. 2. A man cannot find himself without finding a center beyond hi. So the idealism of the undergraduate experience must help
6、the student transcend himself. 3. We eagerly hope that the lessons leaned in the university will reveal themselves in our performance in the workplace and further education. 4. It cannot go unchallenged to say that the 4-year undergraduate experience is the only path to success in life. 5. We run th
7、e risk of making critical decisions, not on the basis of what we know, the findings of investigations, and the data of experiments, but on the basis of blind faith in professed experts. 6. Our task needs a large group of well-informed, caring young people who can band together, learn from each other
8、, and actively participate in the four modernizations. 7. If it is to endure, the new school should help the students not only acquire a sold basic education and become competent in a specific field, but also be ready to commit themselves to others. 8. It is not too much to say that if undergraduate
9、s excessively devote themselves to examinations, the will push competence and commitment to the fringes. 9. I didnt even speak to him; much less discuss the reconstruction of your school with him. 10. Some people think examinations are second to none, but some think examinations have a lot of disadv
10、antages. Examinations leave us an open essential question - what influence do examinations exert on education? Reading Practice:1.C 2.A 3.A 4.D. 5.BUnit 2A. 1-H 2-I3-A4-E5-K6-N7-L8-G9-D10-CB. 1. perception2. responsibility3. organizational4. marketing5. strategies6. assets7. transitions8. dilemma9.
11、Rivalry10. compensation11. whiz12. invaluableC. 1. Justify, justification, justifiable, justifiably, justified2. strategic, strategy, Strategics/Strategy, strategists, strategized, strategically3. finance, financial, financier, finance, Financially4. resentful, resents, resentment, resentfully5. per
12、ceive, perception, perceptible, perceptive, perceptibly6. diverse, diversify, diversity, diversification, diversified7. destroyed, destructive, destruction, destructionist, destroyers, destroying, destructible8. markets, marketable, markets, marketing, marketer9. prosperity, prospering, prosperous,
13、prosperously10. derived, derive, derivative, derivativesD. 1. A. it even harder2. A. that 3. C. not taking enough exercise4. C. to have gone back on5. B. functioning6. D. on7. A. object to seeing8. B. to go with it9. A. to expanding10. A. anxiously awaitingE. 1. manufacturers2. natural 3. treatment4
14、. experienced5. approached6. relatively7. global8. chaired9. sustainable10. vision11. extended12. improving13. accomplish14. array15. involvement16. activity17. rewarded18. proposals19. domestic20. competitorsKey to the translation from English to Chinese:.业主/企业创建者不仅进取心强,而且精力充沛。他们往往擅长于多种技能。在很多情况之下,他
16、大利益而工作Key to the translation from Chinese to English:1. He is an experienced banker and an acknowledged trade expert, not to mention an excellent managing director.2. Regardless of danger, volunteers from an Italian organization for peace have gone to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, to form a “body sh
17、ield“ for the purpose of preventing the US from bombing the place.3. Nobody in the family is more dedicated to operating the real estate business than Judy.4. Because of the economic depression, real estate agents are in the dilemma of whether to lower prices or let sales fall off.5. More often than
18、 not, Mr. Smith earns great profits by careful investment of his capital.6. John did not make much of a mark in his studies at school, but he excelled at sports.7.Ordrly transition of responsibilities is a condition for the long-range prosperity of a family business.8. You had better have a clear pi
19、cture of prospects before formulating a plan for investment.9. Although sculpture is a time-consuming art, there are still some people following it as a profession.10. The software company is in the midst of being transformed from an individual proprietorship to a joint venture.Q1 1) Plan a successi
20、on management. 2) Define family employment practices 3) Establish and maintain family harmony 4) Plan the estate.Q2 1) Seating an outside board of directors. 2) Developing a family business vision document. 3) Holding family council meetings.Unit 3Suggested Key to Vocabulary and Structure A. 1 -d 2
21、- f 3 - j 4 - a 5 - i6 - h 7 - g 8 - e 9 - c 10- b1.mobility 2. toll 3. accommodate 4. landscape 5. sprawled 6. implement 7. legitimate 8. transit 9. electrified 10. pickupB.1. Integral 2. better off 3. sprawling 4. emissions 5. metropolitan 6. ban 7. commuters 8. clutter 9. accommodate 10. displace
22、dC.1. from coast to coast 2. the great unwashed 3.revere 4.denounce 5. tore up 6. Short of 7. are noted for 8. constriction 9. was guilty of 10. well offD.1. C. overcrowded 2. B. worthy 3. A. sitting 4. D. recovered 5. D. in nonsmokers and nondrinkers 6. D. poured 7. B. unaware of 8. C. recent 9. C.
23、 out of the question 10. B. understandsE.1. move 2. drive 3. down 4. wheels 5. out 6. without 7. majority 8. imagine 9.realize 10. plagued 11. burns 12. that 13.to 14. what 15. But 16.done 17. altogether 18.on 19. electricity 20. practicalKey to the translation from English to Chinese:在历史上,吉普车以其能适应各
24、种路况的出众性能而著称于世。这种美名可以追溯到二战期间,当时由威利斯公司提供的最初型号的吉普车载着盟军部队驰骋于太平洋沿岸及欧洲战场。 一书认为, “吉普”这个名字起源于美国军队决定把这种车辆叫做 GP(for General Purpose)即多功能车之意。而后, GP 这两个字母的读音被误发成为“吉普” ,并成为威利斯公司享有的商标名称。1988 年吉普为克莱斯勒公司所有,此后该公司投入了大量资金更新改造吉普车的生产设备,提高吉普车的产量并开发各种新车型应市。克莱斯勒公司称吉普车在战争年代享有的盛名以及其坚固耐用的形象无疑会有助于它在和平时期树立其作为休闲娱乐车的新形象。该公司说,吉普为休
25、闲,越野车开发了新市场,它有强劲的4 轮牵引装置(商业上称为 4 轮驱动) ,过去军用吉普车曾因此而享誉四方。Key to the translation from Chinese to English:1. The automobile was improved very rapidly after it was invented and soon displaced horses.2. We may have to cut down on the number of privately owned cars and depend more on public mass transit sy
26、stems because cars pollute and maim or even kill people.3. While wheels (automobiles) have brought with them better or more convenient transportation, they are guilty of many sins, such as air pollution, traffic accidents and traffic congestion.4. Americans are noted for their love for cars and grea
27、t job mobility.5. If only advances in fuel quality and efficiency and in technology would radically reduce the emissions from automobiles.6. A highly developed highway network has made possible the easy movement from coast to coast in the United States.7. The very thought of the speed at which the b
28、eautiful avenue was constructed electrified every visitor; the road had only recently been torn up to lay drain-pipes not long ago.8. Environmentalists have denounced automobiles, believing they are a major factor in the production of dirty air.9. Many new residential complexes have risen up in the
29、suburbs of metropolitan cities because of the availability of convenient public transportation.10. Despite their love for cars, many people lend credence to the extensive use of the public transport system, which can cut down on traffic congestion. Unit 4A. 1. a. coercive b. coerced2. a. preoccupati
30、on b. preoccupied3. a. reluctant b. reluctance4. a. adolescent b. adolescence5. a. implication b. implicit6. a. ambivalent b. adolescence7. a. maintenance b. maintainability8. a. privacy b. private9. a. enthusiasm b. enthusiasts10. a . tolerance b. tolerable11. a. statisticians b. statistically12. a
31、. rational b. rationalityB.1. cared for 2. in terms of3. lies behind4. rings a bell5. passed on to6. went against7. lining up8. chiming in9. am open to 11. brought upC.1. have evidencedhas evidenced2. that prevailedthat had prevailed3. associatingassociated4. raiseraising5. onto6. onto7. reluctancew
32、illingness8. havehaving9. are the centerare not the center10. This reflectsThis is reflectedD.1. Adolescents2. involved3. fact4. Therefore5. common6. or7. employed8. fewer9. negative10. contribute11. Studies12. People13. Tend14. Drop15. GrownKey to the translation from English to Chinese:A.一些观察家提出,我
33、们正在看到的这种现象根本就不是什么重大变化,或许它和性革命一样,不是人们行为上的而是表达方式上的一种剧变。一位住在康涅狄格州的精神分析学家说, “也许,一直就有那么一群与众不同的人存着。只不过他们现在从隐蔽外走了出来,公开 表明了他们的观点,就像同性恋者那样。我们这一时代的潮流就是干你想干的事而不是加以掩饰。这些人身上所反映的不是什么变革而是人们现在越来越坦率直言的这样一个现象。B.在最近几十年的时间里,人们渐渐地明白了一个事实,那就是:为数不多的妇女已不再接受并愿意扮演深居简出的传统母亲角色。许多人认为家庭的重要性正日益消失。妇女受教育程度的提高是造成这一文化的重要因素。如今,百分之八十的妇
34、女完成了四年制的高中学习。而在 1940 年,完成这一阶段学习的妇女仅占百分之三十。这与现在美国妇女平均晚一年结婚有关。二十岁至二十四岁未婚者从 1960 年的 28%上升到 20 世纪 70 年代的40%。人们推迟了生儿育女的时间,只有不到 10%的妇女是在结婚后两年内生孩子。除此之外,越来越多的妇女不想要孩子。工作、晚婚、不要孩子是近年来妇女作用发生变化的主要表现。Key to the translation from Chinese to English:1.Some professional observers believe that young people today are n
35、o longer interested in politics and causes, but rather, have become increasingly preoccupied with issues closer to themselves.2.The higher a womans educational attainment, the more likely she is to go out of the private setting of the nuclear family and to realize herself in the community.3. As far
36、as I am concerned, what really lies behind the decision of some married couples not to start a family is that they are so narcissistic and have no margin of love to spare others.4.The company put on the market a registered invention even without asking the inventors permission, which goes against th
37、e patent law.5. Urged by some other countries, the United Nations has pressured the country to give up developing and using nuclear weapons.6. According to the rule that every member should remain childless, Mr. And Ms white have no alternative but to withdraw from the Non-Parent Association, for th
38、ey will attain parenthood soon.7. He expects to reveal, by presenting a soap opera, the complexity implicit in real life.8. In virtually every country, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and child abuse loon as most challenging social problems.9. When interviewed, these elderly people rationalized why they w
39、ere ambivalent about todays young people.10. Many college students are far more concerned with how to get a highly-paid job on graduation and how to receive a quick promotion in the competitive society. Unit 5A.1. A2. B3. C4. D5. B6. A7. D8. B9. D10. B11. CB.1. set him up2. fit in3. is thankful for4
40、. hold down5. built up6. gone through7. weigh heavily on8. working out9. broken away10. let my parents downC. 1. C. will rely on2. D. have3. C. for which4. B. which5. A. coupled6. A. a much greater variety7. B. find it difficult8. A. Acquiring9. C. himself10. C. endangeredD.1. dead2. brought3. like4
41、. expensive5. cost6. worse7. births8. paying9. aged10. figure11. share12. majority13. producers14. poor15. decent16. services17. expanding18. same19. burden20. confinedKey to the Translation from English into Chinese: 在不少拉丁美洲和亚洲的国家,老年化和贫困将引起许多新问题, 而这些问题对于工业化国家来说并不陌生, 但是这些国家拥有资源少得多。在使用有限资源时所遇到伦理道德问题将
42、更为突出,为医疗保健和养老金提供资金可能成为这些国家面临的一件棘手的事。在许多国家,老年人的人数太少,政治上多半相当被动,以致无法成为一个能对长期政策施加有效压力来促进自身利益的团体。但随着其数量增多,这种状况正在改变,他们知道需要集结政治力量。到 2030 年将没有一个政治家大胆到敢于忽略三分之一这部份老年选民特别老年选民一般参加投票的人数要比其他选民多。Key to the Translation from Chinese into English:1.Generally, people have become more compassionate and quite a few fami
43、lies have taken in an orphan from the municipal orphanage. 2.It is a demanding task for a workingwoman to look after her parents and her children while holding down a job.3. At first we were worried about their first stay in a foreign country but things there worked out much better for them. 4. Toda
44、ys middle-aged people have fewer children than their parents did and the aging population problem may weigh on them in about 40 years. 5.It is hoped that the current reform in education will better set students up to meet the challenges from society. 6. The government intends to transfer some of the
45、 health-care burden to the individual family but family members are not always available for the task because they cannot break away from their jobs to look after the sick elderly. 7.There is an increasing demand for beds in the nursing home, and we have to try every possible means to free them up.
46、8.With the large elderly population in this country, financing of health care and pensions could care the devil out of the government. 9.The young couple has to make some sacrifice to avoid letting their old beloved father down. 10.What they had gone through in looking after their sick old father ma
47、de them more compassionate, and they made a donation to the nursing home Unit 6A.1. complexity2. wild3. surplus4. indifferently5. earthly6. acknowledge7. obviously/apparently8. diminish9. artificial10. destructiveB.1-g2-j3-a4-f5-b6-h7-I8-c9-d10-e1. primeval2. whatsoever3. beneficent4. ultimately5. p
48、ointedly6. intricate7. encroaching8. indispensable9. legitimate10. fertilityC.1. In short2. attributed to3. is up against4. were under the spell of5. at the expense of 6. regardless of7. Allowing for8. was involved in9. acting on10. vice versaD. 1. C. increases2. B. that of the general population3.
49、B. largely self-contained4. A. in charge of 5. D. confused6. C. safety provisions7. B. that8. B. by which9. C. put10. D. much ofE.1. survival2. perceive3. public4. occupy5. lots6. hand7. restored8. fertility9. renewed10. dwellings11. wilderness12. transitions13. agriculture14. even15. beyondKey to the translation from English to Chinese:A. 正如诗人埃德蒙.斯宾塞在将近四百年前所说的那样,大自然是“最伟大的女神” 。她似乎担任了上帝驻地球的总督的职务。斯宾塞把她描写成一位母亲和法官。她管辖着所有的生物之间的往来,并不分厚薄地给予他们权利,因为她是一位公正的母亲。她把他们紧密地联结在一起,就象兄弟姐妹。因而,在斯宾塞看来,生物繁殖及生物秩序的
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