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1、改编自两小儿辩日(J:Jack P:Petter S:stranger)独白:The story happened in a sunny day.Two friends meet each other.J:Hi,nice to see you,Petter.P:Nice to see you,Jack.Its a good day ,isnt it?J:Yeah,I like sunny days.P:Look,whats this?J:Oh,its our luck day. Its 100 dollar.P:Yes, it is.So what should we do to the mo

2、ney?Give it to uncle police? J:I dont think so.I suggest one of us can have it.Since it is in my hand,soP:No ,I dont think so.I think I find it first,I am the person that who should have the money.J:Look at that person.Why dont we ask him to judge it for us.P:I agree.J:Hello,could you please do us a

3、 favour?S:Of course.Whatt up?J:Here is the thing,S:I see.Its really a hard question.Let me think.enOK,I get an idea.Now Ill give you one question and the one who can give the correct answer that can have the money.What do you think?P:Why not.J:Let do it.S:Now you must listen to me carefully.Look at

4、the sun,its beautiful isnt it?And its very far from us.So my question is when is the sun farther away from us,in the morning or at noon?You first.P:Its easy.As we can see,in the morning the sun is very big and at noon it become smaller.So,the answer is at noonJ:That is the most stupid answer I have

5、ever heard.As we can feel ,in the morning its cool and at noon itll be very hot.That is because the sun is farther away from us at morning.争吵S:OK.Stop.Stop. As a matter of fact,each of your answer is incorrect.I think the range is the same.P:Are you crazy?Let me tell you something?(到一边,拿出 50 美元) If

6、you make me win,its yours.S:(think for a while).Its a deal.(回到原地) I am sorry,I made a mistake just now.Ill correct my answer.Petter is right.The answer is at noon.J:What?We need to talk.(拉路人到一边)I did not catch your mean clearly.Could you say it again?S:The sun is farther away from us at noon.So you

7、are wrong.J:(打过路人)Did you change your mind?S:NoOh yes.You are right.Obviously,he was wrong.(一起回去)P:Whats wrong with your face?J:清嗓子S:I just fall over by accident,never mind.And lets go back to the question ,I think it over and over again.Finally I believe Jack is right.You were wrong.J:(Jack 从 petter 手中抢过钱)Then its mine.(kiss it) Its nice to meet you ,petter.Goodbye.P:What?Dont go.(jack 下) Whats wrong with you?S:I m sorry,I just.J:Give me my money,now.(路人拿出钱,jack 一把抢过来,生气地走了)S:(jack 走后,路人掏掏口袋发现)Where is my own 100 dollar.Give me my money.(追 jack)完

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