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1、键入文字语法专项整理(一)名词1、名词的种类:专有名词 China, Beijing, Amy, January, Monday,单数a book, a pencil, an apple, an umbrella,可数名词复数books, pencils, apples, umbrellas,普通名词不可数名词milk, water, juice, tea, rice,2、专有名词:专有名词是指某个人、某些地方、某样物品专有的名称。Childrens Day专有名词第一个字母要大写,前面不加 a, an, the3、单数名词:(1)一般名词,在前面加 a:a book, a computer,

2、(2)元音字母开头的名词,在前面加 an: an egg, an orange(元音字母是:a, e, i, o, u)少数例外: an hour, a university (以元音发音为准)4、复数名词:规则:键入文字情况 规则 例词一般情况 加 s cats, appleso, s, x, ch, sh 结尾 加 e potatoes, buses, classes, boxes, watches辅音字母加 y 结尾 去 y 加 ies butterfly-butterflies元音字母加 y 结尾 加 s days, keys, boysf, fe 结尾 变成 ves leaf-lea

3、ves, knife-knives不规则:情况 例词改变元音 foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese, man-men, woman-women,词尾发生变化childchildren, mouse- mice单复数同形 sheep-sheep, deer-deer, fish-fish, people-people5、不可数名词:在不可数名词前只能加 some(一些), much(许多)(1)液体:water, milk, coke, coffee, juice, tea(2)气体:air, vapour(3)不能“个别的” 存在:hair, rice, be

4、ef, meat, pork, mutton语法专项整理(二)代词1、 人称代词2、键入文字单 数 复 数人 称主 格 宾 格 主 格 宾 格第一人称 I me we us第二人称 you you you youhe himshe her第三人称it itthey them2、物主代词单 数 复 数人 称形容词性 名词性 形容词性 名词性第一人称 my mine our ours第二人称 your yours your yourshis hisher hers第三人称its itstheir theirs3、指示代词:this, that, these, those如:This is my d

5、oll. That is Marys.Look at the those sheep. They are eating grass.语法专项整理(三)数词1、 基数词:表示数目的多少2、键入文字one one hundredtwo twenty one thousandthree thirteen thirtyfour fourteen fortyfive fifteen fiftysix sixteen sixtysevern seventeenseventyeight eighteen eightynine nineteen ninetyteneleventwelve加 teen 加 ty

6、两位数(非整十)中间加连字符“-”如:fifty-one 51三位数要在百位和十位之间加 and如:one hundred and sixteen 116one hundred and twenty-one 1213、 序数词:表示顺序第一至第十 第十一至第十九 第二十及以上first eleventhsecond twelfth twentieththird thirteenth thirtiethfourth fourteenth fortiethfifth fifteenth fiftieth键入文字sixth sixteenth sixtiethseventh seventeenth

7、seventietheighth eighteenth eightiethninth nineteenth ninetiethtenth 除第 1、2、3, 直接加 th ty 结尾,变 y 为 ie,再加 th语法专项整理(五)介词1、介词的分类词类 例词时间介词at 7:00, in the morning, on Monday, before lunch, after dinner, 方位介词on the desk, in the park, at home, under the tree, behind the door, over the bed, in front of the h

8、ouse, near the lake, next to the cinema,动向介词go to school, jump into the water, climb up the tree, ski down the mountain, run out of the door方式介词by bike, on foot, play with my friend2、at, on, in 在表示时间时的区别:(1)at 用于具体的时刻:at 10:05, at noon, at night,(2)on 用于具体的一天(常与星期、节日、具体的某一天连用,也表示某天上午、下午或晚上):on Monda

9、y, on New Years Day, on June 1st, on my birthday, on 键入文字Friday morning, on the weekend,(3)in 用于某一段时间(常与上午、下午、晚上连用,常与月份、季节、年份连用):in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in March, in spring, in 2007,语法专项整理(六) There be 结构1、 概念:There be 结构又叫存在句,表示某地存在某物。2、 There be 结构的肯定句(1) There is + 可数名词单数

10、 + 地点:There is a book on the desk.(2) There is + 不可数名词 + 地点:There is some water in the glass(3) There are + 可数名词复数 + 地点:There are some flowers in the garden. 就近原则:若句子中有几个并列的主语,be 动词的形式和最近的一个主语保持一致There is a book and 2 pencils in the bag.There are many flowers and a tree in the garden.3、 There be 结构的

11、疑问句(把 be 动词提到句子前面,若句子中有some,要变为 any)Is there a book on the desk? Is there any water in the glass?Are there any flowers in the garden?语法专项整理(七)现在进行时1、概念:表示说话时正在进行的动作。 ( 提示词 :Now, look, listen)键入文字2、构成:be 动词 + 现在分词:形式 例句第一人称单数 + am + 现在分词 I am reading a book.第三人称单数+ is + 现在分词 He is doing homework. She

12、 is flying a kite.第二人称单数/各人称复数+ are + 现在分词We are cooking dinner. They are cleaning the room.3、现在分词规则 例词一般情况,加 ing Walk-walking, do-doinge 结尾,去 e 加ingdance-dancing, make-making, write-writing, have-having,汉堡单词,双写加ingrun-running, swim-swimming语法专项整理(八)一般现在时1、概念:表示现在存在着的状况,也可理解为习惯性的动作,不断重复发生的事。提示词 :alw

13、ays, often, usually, sometimes, never, every morning, every 2、构成:分类 形式 例句键入文字第一人称单数 + am I am a student.第三人称单数 + is He is a boy. She is prettyBe 动词的一般现在时 第二人称单数/各人称复数 + are We are good friends. 第三人称单数 + 动词单三形式She works in the hospital. He lives in the city.其他动词的一般现在时 其他人称 + 动词原形 They work in the far

14、m. We live in the village.3、动词单三形式:规则 例词一般动词,加 s workworks, makemakeso,ch,sh,s,x 结尾加 eswatch-watches, wash-washes, go-goes, do-does辅音字母加 y,去 y 加iesflyflies, cry-cries,元音字母加 y,直接加sbuy-buys, playplays, stay-stays,不规则形式 have-has are,amis语法专项整理(九)一般将来时1、概念:表示将来要做的事,要发生的动作。提示词 :tomorrow, tonight, this afternoon, this evening, this weekend, next weekend, next Monday, 键入文字2、构成:(1)be 动词 + going to + 动词原形:I am going to watch TV after dinner.He is going to buy a book this afternoon.They are going to go swimming next Sunday.

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