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1、英语话剧剧本 (美女与野兽)剧中人物:Aside 旁白Beautys fathure 美女父亲Beautys brother 美女哥哥Beaury 美女Beast 野兽Playboy 花花公子Beautys sister旁白:Hello,, I will tell you a very very beautify love story.Now let me introduce the members of this story first.The familyof the beauty,beast,playboyand the leading role of ou

2、r,our beautyful story is begining. 第一幕:出场人物:美女全家旁白:One day,beautysfather learn that all hia ships had been lost in a storm. He was penniless and would have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods. 美女父亲(依依不舍的):I m sorry,but all my ships had been lost in a storm, We have to

3、 move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the dear children,I must go to find another job . 美女:Everything will be alright,daddy.美女哥哥(很担心的):where will you go,father?Dont leave us! We dont have any servants and the house is so small.美女姐姐:What can wo do?We cant live well without you,my dear fathe

4、r!父亲:I must go to a far away place,to talk a big business.If I do it well,then I will make very much money. And we can move back home.美女妹妹:what!? Oh yeah! father,if you successedl,please bring us some pretty things! 美女父亲:what pretty thing do you want, my dear childern? 美女哥哥:I just want a diamond and

5、 some beautiful clothes,so the dsught of king would fall in love with me,my dear father! 美女姐姐:I want many beautiful clothes and I can become more beautiful!美女妹妹:Id like much delicious food.I love you ,father!美女爸爸:I love you ,too.My dear. I will bring them to you.And you,(对着美女)my dear little beauty,w

6、hat do you want? 美女:I want a pretty flower,daddy.Ill miss you. 美女父亲:Ill miss you too.But I have to leave.(转身离去) 美女哥哥:good bye, father,rember to bring me a diamond and beautiful cloth! 美女:good bye, father,Ill very miss you!I love you! 美女姐妹:Goodbye father!第二幕: 出场人物: 美女父亲,野兽 旁白:The father made a great

7、bill.He walked back. with the diamond and beautiful clothes ,but there were no flowers. Then he was on the way day he gotto a strange palce.Hefoundhe was lost his way.But a big castle appeared in his eyes.美女父亲:woo I did not knowwhere I was, I must really lost! It was so big and so beauty a

8、castle.(上前敲门)hello!anybody?!plese open the door!(发现门是开的)the door has been opened.(走了进去 )wooso many delicious dishes,Im so hungry now, I think the master of this castle is a kind and warmheart man.Let me eat something.(吃了起来,吃到一半突然发现前面的花园有许多鲜花) Therere so many flowers!I canlbring one to my little daug

9、hter beauty.(走过去采花) 野兽:You! 美女父亲(吃惊的):Oh no 野兽:How dare you!I gave you much food But I didnt know you were so greedy! I will kill you and eat you! 美女父亲:no!Please dont! I only picked a rose for my little daughter I have a son and 3 daughters!If I die ,they will very sad! 野兽:You have 3 daughters?Are t

10、hey beauty? 美女父亲:beauty!beauty!very beauty! They look like angels! 野兽:Ok.Then I wont kill you.But you must take your one of your daughthers here.I want to see her! 美女父亲:but oI understande. 野兽:If you dont take her to here in 7 days after, I will kill you,kiss your son and marry your daughter and eat

11、you! 第三幕:出场人物:美女全家旁白: theer days later,the father arrived at his home and he told his kids about what happened.美女父亲:I am very sad,Iwas cought by a beast when I picked a rose for you.He told me to take one of my daughters to him in 7 days,therwise it would kill me,kill your brother and marry all of y

12、ou and eat me!美女姐姐:No,I dont want to marry the beast.Its so scary美女(伤心的) :daddy,I love you!You were caught it because of me .and I wont let the beast kill you!I wont let the beast kill you! 美女父亲:My dear beauty.I wont let the beast touch you too!But he is so strong that nobody can defeat him! 美女哥哥(对着

13、美女说):If you didnt want the flower, nothing will happened!美女姐姐:Its your fault! Why did you want a flower ?Do you want to kill daddy?hen?!美女:no!Idont!I will go to the place where the beast lives.He said if I go, he wont kill daddy! 美女妹妹:No,my lovely sister,dont you go away.Ineed you .wo .美女父亲:No ! my

14、little beauty!You are my best love!Icant let you go! 美女:Dont be worryI will be me!(转身离去) 美女父亲 妹妹:No!(哭泣) 美女哥哥 美女姐姐(悄悄离开 ):She must be eaten.How frightening!(笑) 第四幕:出场人物:美女, 花花公子,野兽 旁白:when the beauty was on the road, she was became the aim by someone 花花公子:I am a handsome boy,I like beauty

15、 girl 美女(对着他看了两眼): 花花公子:woowhat a beauty girl!here is a present for you!(拿起一枚戒指) 美女:Im sorry but I dont know you,I dont want your present,I just want to save my daddy! 花花公子: Dont leave me, I am a handsome boy and you are a beauty girl, I need you, and I will help you to save your father,heihei(上前要动手

16、动脚) 美女:Dont! Dont touch me ! 野兽:What are you doing! 花花公子:a(晕倒) (美女吃惊地望着野兽) 第五幕:出场人物: 野兽,美女野兽: You must be his daughter. (美女点点头) 野兽:please come with me. 美女:wooIts so nice a castle. 旁白:the beast took beauty to his castle.野兽:This is my home ,do you like it? 美女:yes ,its so pretty. 野兽:This is your bedroo

17、m,you can sleep here at night. 美女:en And where do you sleep? 野兽:I sleep in my room. 美女:o(松了一口气) 旁白:two week later.野兽:Do you feel happy living here? 美女:Yes ,I do. but I want to go home.I want to see my daddy! 野兽(突然认真的):now, tell me, Do you love me ? 美女:enwhat? 野兽:Do you love me ? 美女: Love you? No, Bu

18、t I do like you, I like you a lot. 野兽(伤心的): Never mind , A! (转身离去) 旁白:two hours later 野兽:Do you want to go home ?Just go, never come back. 美女:Thank you.I think you are a kind man. 野兽:thanks . but I am nothing. 美女:bye(转身离去) 第六幕:出场人物: 美女家人,美女美女哥哥 美女姐姐:How did you come back?The beast didnt kill you ?美女

19、妹妹:My dear sister,Im glad to see you again.美女:So do I.I love you美女父亲 Im ill,and I miss you. 美女:I wont go back.美女父亲:No,you have promised to stay there. 美女:daddy,I dont know.美女父亲:I am still very weak, And it will be winter soon. You can return to the Beast in spring.美女:Ok,dad.旁白:one night the beauty h

20、ad a dream,she dreamed that the beast lied on his garden,and he will die soon. 美女:NO!(从梦中惊醒 ,飞快地奔向野兽城堡 ) 美女:Hoo no!Dont pass away,pleases!Pleases dont .pleases. 野兽(躺在地上有气无力地):you have come.Didnt I tell you never come back here again ? I will die soon.Just let me die.leave me 美女:NoI cant leave you, I

21、 love you 野兽:what ? 美女:I love you! (野兽突然变成了王子) 王子:I love you too! 美女(吃惊地):Your face , how handsome you are! 王子:I was maken magic by an old witch,only a beautiful girls ture love could broken the magic, now ,Ihave freedom and I find you .Thank you ,I love you!美女:OHI love you ,too. I wont leave you!( 条件允许的话,抱在一起)(音乐响起)They lived a happy life forever.

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