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1、英语课本剧 机器人历险记角色扮演:机器人商店售货员Amy(付琪)(A)机器人一号John(钟国强)(J)马戏团老板 Mike (马梓腾)(M)小刺猬 Bob (梁策)(B)女主人 Rose (丁月音)(R)旁白 (管大丰)(L)L:在 2050年的机器人的世界里,有一户普通平凡的家庭,这天,女主人 Rose正在天空公园上遛弯L: in 2050, the world of robot, a common ordinary families, this day, girl Master Rose was strolling on the sky park.R:今天怎么了,总是有一种不详的预感呢?

2、R: whats the matter, today there is always an ominous premonition?L:叮呲呲呲呲这是,Rose 的手机响了。L: ding yi yi yi yi.This is Rose s cell phone rang.R:咦,是管家机器人打来的。 (拿起手机)R: hey, it was from the housekeeper robot.(picks up the phoneJ:喂,我的主人 Rose,不好了,不好了J: hello, my master Rose, bad, bad.L:此时,管家机器人 John正在电话的另一端偷

3、笑。L: at this point, the housekeeper robot John are giggling at the other end of the telephone.R:哦,John,怎么了?别着急,慢慢说。R: oh, John, whats the matter?Dont try so hard, the slowly said.J:不好了,不好了,家里的水闸爆了,家里都快成露天游泳池了!J: good, bad, the sluice burst in the home, the home is fast into the open airThe swimming

4、pool!R:什么?我这就回来。R: what?Ill come back.L:不过一会,主人就回来了。她急匆匆地从包里拿出钥匙,慌张的开了门。L: but for a while, the master came back.She hurriedly took out the key from his bag,Panic opened the door.R:哦,John,我回来了,家里怎么R: oh, John, how do I come back, the home.L:Rose 的话还没说完,就止住了。只见屋内一切平静,什么都没发生,而 John正在门口满脸笑容的站着。Rose立即火冒

5、三丈。L: Rose havent say that finish, then stopped.I saw the room all is calm,Nothing happened, standing and John was all smiles at the door.Rose immediately the fire emit three zhangs.J:我的主人,你终于回来了。J: my master, you finally come back.R: John这是怎么回事!R: John, this is how to return a responsibility!J:并没怎么

6、啊,只不过是房顶上掉下来了两滴水而已。J: how do not ah, just dropped two drops of water on the roof.R:你,你R: you, you.L:女主人气的说不出话来。便把门关上,气呼呼地走了。L: mistress gas speechless.Then shut the door, angrily left.R:这个可恶的 John,把我快气死了,要是他再恶作剧R: this damned John, angry to me, if he drinks one more trick.L:这时,电话又响了。L: at this time,

7、 the telephone rang again.R:喂,谁啊!R: hey, who ah!J:喂,您好,请问是 Rose女士吗?J: hello, hello, is that Mrs Rose?L:此时,John 又在电话的一旁用模仿声音系统说着。L: at this point, John said in a telephone aside with imitate sounds system again.R:是,请问您是R: yes, could you tell me you are.J:我是您小区物业的管理人员。J: I am your residential property

8、 management.R:哦,是这样啊,怎么了?R: oh, ah, so whats the matter?J:您家失火了,请赶快来一下。J: there is a fire in your house, please come quickly.R:什么?我马上就回来!R: what?I will be back soon!L:几分钟后,Rose 就赶了回来。L: after a few minutes, Rose was driven back.J:欢迎回家!欢迎回家!J: welcome home!Welcome home!R:John我现在就带你去,我要把你换掉!R: John.Il

9、l take you to now, I want to replace you!L:女主人十分生气,把 John带到了机器人商店里。L: the hostess is very angry, took John to the robot shop.L:他轻轻敲了敲门。L: he gently knocked on the door.R:请问有人吗?R: excuse me, is anyone here?L:她提高嗓音,又喊了一遍。L: she raise her voice, and cried again.R:请问有人么?R: excuse me, anyone?L:这时,商店的售货员出

10、现在了她身后。L: at this time, the shop assistant in the behind her.A:喂,人在这里啊!A: hello, the person is in here!R:啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!吓死我了!R: sigh agghh agghh!Scared me to death!A:你怎么了,我 Amy又不是鬼。A: whats wrong with you, I am Amy and not a ghost.R:但和鬼差不多R: but are similar to those of the ghost.A:什么?A: what?R:没,没什么,我的管

11、家机器人坏了,我打算重新买一台。R: no, nothing, my housekeeper robot is broken, Im going to buy a again.A:那好吧,进来看看。A: ok, come in and have a look.R:这个好,就要这台了。R: the good, the machine.A:你确定。这是本店新进的机型,造价便宜,人工智能,怎么样。A: are you sure.This is our new models, are cheap, artificial intelligence,How is it.R:是吗?太好了。就要这台了,钱我会

12、打到你的卡里的,至于这台机器人吗R: really?Too good.Will this one, Ill take money to your card,As for the robot.A:您不介意就送给我 Amy吧。A: you dont mind gave me Amy.R:就这么定了。R: thats settled.L: Rose高高兴兴的走出了大门,回了家。L: Rose walked out of the door happily and went home.A:切,留着这破烂机器人有什么用!把它扔了去。A: cut with this junk robots have wha

13、t use!Throw it away.L:售货员 Amy毫不犹豫的把 John踢了出去。L: assistant Amy the John kicked out without hesitation.L:John 来到大街上,无心地踢着路边的石子,抱怨着。L: John came to the street, involuntarily playing by the side of the road stone, complain.J:真是讨厌至极,不就开个玩笑嘛。J: really hate, not just a joke.L: John走着走着,迎面来了一只小刺猬。L: John wa

14、lk, right against the face come a little hedgehog.B:我是一只小刺猬,无忧无虑的小刺猬B: Im a little hedgehog, carefree little hedgehog.L:正当两个人走着走着时L: when two people walk.B:啊!谁踩了我的脚!B: ah!Who stepped on my foot!L:小刺猬 Bob立刻疼得跳了起来。L: little hedgehog Bob immediately jumped up in pain.J:哦,对不起,我不是故意的。J: oh, Im sorry, I d

15、idnt mean to.B:什么!一句对不起就完了!天啊!世界上怎么会有这样的人!B: what!A: Im sorry is over!Oh, my gosh!The world how can have like thisThe people!J:我真不是故意的。J: I really didnt mean to.B:不行,你要和我去见我们马戏团的老板!B: no, you want to and I went to see the circus owner!L:就这样,John 被小刺猬 Bob一拉一拽的带到了马戏团。L: so, John was little hedgehog Bo

16、b a pull a drag to the circusGroup.B:诺,到了,这就是我们的马戏团。B: here, and this is our the circus.J:哦。J: oh.B:我告诉你,我可是这里的明星,那。B: I told you, Im the star, that.L:小刺猬 Bob指了指墙上的海报。L: little hedgehog Bob pointed to the poster on the wall.B:看到了吧,今天你把我伤了,我跟你没完!B: see, today you hurt me, Im with you forever!J:哦。J: o

17、h.B: oh what oh, quick with me went to see my boss!B:哦什么哦,快跟我去见老板!L:到了老板办公室,Bob 敲了敲门。可是L: the bosss office, Bob knocked on the door.But.M:谁啊?M: who?L:老板把门开开,这时L: the boss left the door open, at this moment.B:啊!天啊,我的命啊,一天之内被踩两次脚!我的天啊!B: ah!Oh my god, my life, one day is step two feet!Oh my god!M:哦 Bo

18、b,我不是故意的。你来这找我什么事啊?M: oh, Bob, I didnt mean to.What are you here to find my?L:小刺猬站起身来,拍了拍身上的灰,说L: little hedgehog stood up, patted the ash, saidB:老板,这个人踩了我的脚!B: boss, that this man stepped on my foot!M:是吗?那就罚你在我这打工吧!M: really?Then you off the hook in my work!L:从此以后,John 就在马戏团里表演,几个月后,他就和小刺猬 Bob变成了马戏

19、团的大腕,为马戏团吸引来了不少的财源,他们在一起,周游世界,快乐无比!L: since then, John is performing in the circus, a few months later, he wasBig shots and little hedgehog Bob became a circus, attracted to the circusA lot of money, they together, travel around the world, happy and clinking!(星期一,二体育课排练,星期三不排。最后三星期体育课都排练。回去认真读,读熟,要会背,多练习。如果情况特殊,可能下课排,放学排,上课前排,据情况而定。 )

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