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1、6 年级上册 Unit 4A 卷: 课堂点拨题 写出过去式1.know,does,is 4. go 5.see 6.wear 7.have ,has 8.catch 10. get 11.find 12. fly 13.can 14. lose 15.become 16.bring 17.take 18.are 19.write 20.use 22.make 24.take 25. doesnt 26.invent 1. 复习“过去式” 的各种句型(1)-What did you this morning? -I some brea

2、d for breakfast. A. eat; ate B. ate; eat C. ate; ate(2)【 易 错 】 your sister at home yesterday? A. Did B. Were C. Are(3)I didnt _ cartoons on Saturday. A.see B.watched C. watch(4)She (give) me a book a moment ago.(5)He (not watch)TV yesterday evening.(6)I wrote letters yesterday. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ yes

3、terday? (7)I caught some fish there yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ _ fish there yesterday?2. “can 和 could”,要会区分“一般现在时”和“一般过去式”(1)【 易 错 】 My brother and uncle many books. My sister a mobile phone. She reads e- books on the phone.A. has; have B. have; has C.have; had(2)Mike usually TV on Sunday evening.

4、But last Sunday he kites with his friends.A. watch; fly B. watchs; flew C. watches; flew(3)We should(应该 ) in class. A. look out of the window B. eat and drink C. listen to the teachers(4)【 易 错 】 he look his sister and played with her well? A. Could, at B. Can ,after C. Could, after(5)【 很 易 错 】 My fa

5、ther used the telephone people. A.calling B.called call(6)【 易 错 】 I could not (find) my book, but my father (find) it under the table.(7)【 易 错 】 I _(not have) a mobile phone now.3. 复习现在进行时(1)【 易 错 】 My friends are _ (do shopping) now.(2)【 易 错 】 What are you (wait) for?(3)Jim is playing football

6、. (对划线部分提问) 4. go on:继续(1)【 易 错 】 Everything _. A. go well B. go good C. goes well D. goes good(2)The show (继续) and it went well.5.问星期【 易 错 】 -_ is it? -Its Friday. A. What time B. What day C. What about6.几个易错的短语(1)【 易 错 】 That boy broke(打坏了)my grandmas new water bottle. My grandma . A. got happy B.

7、 got angry C. was thirsty(2)He wrote a letter _ his mother last week. A. for B. to C. of D. from(3)Every year,many people all over the world visit Beijing. B.on C.fromB 卷 : 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1.【 易 错 】 _ your mother see a film yesterday evening? A. Are B. Did C. Was D. Is( )2.【 易 错 】 -Whats Helen_for

8、? -Her new bag. A. looking B. looking C. look ( )3.We _ a kite and _ games in the last Thursday. A. fly; played B. flew; played C. flew; plaied( )4.Tom was 12 years old last year. He _ school by himself. A. could went to B. could go to C. can go to( )5.Helen was only 2 years old. A. She could read a

9、nd write. B. She can read and write. C.She could not read or write.( )6.I cant find my books. They on the desk in the morning. But they there now.A. are; were B. were; arent C. are; were not( )7.The Americans invented the _. A. aeroplane B. ship C. train( )8.-Who invented(发明) the train? -The . A.Can

10、adians B.Australians C.British ( )9. Can you make a sentence _“have”? A. in B. on C. with D. by( )10.Although(虽然) she was ill, she went to work. A. still B. often C. usually二填入适当的词复数) 2. fish(复数) 3. radio(复数) 4. read(过去式) 5.teach(名词) 6.China(形容词) 7. clever(反义词) 8.last(反义词)三单) 10.t

11、hen(反义词) 11.-What day (be) it yesterday? - It (be) Friday.12.They (take) photos near the river an hour ago.13.She (write) her address on the blackboard after class.14.【 易 错 】 There (be) a pair of glasses on the desk yesterday.15.【 易 错 】 How about (watch) the running race? 16.【 很 易 错 】 My father used

12、 a telephone (call) his friends before.17.Dont _ the house. Mum _ it yesterday. (clean)18.What _ you _ just now? I _ some housework. (do)19.【 易 错 】 Yang Ling _ (wait) for the bus now.20.【 易 错 】 Su Hai,_ (put) your hands on the desk.21.Miss Li didnt _ (do) housework last Sunday.22.We (be) hungry now.

13、三翻译1.读读画画 2.写信给 3.听收音机 4.在网上购物 5.朝窗外看 6.在学校交友 7.全世界 8.(变得) 生气 9.继续 10. 一岁 11.十三岁 12.在度假 13.努力工作 14.打电话给人们 15.发明飞机 16.在网上读新闻 17.给他打电话 18.Tom is still _ (朝.外看) the window. 19.My father is a teacher, now he is _ (度假).20.We can use a mobile phone to call people (到处 ).21.你们上个儿童节做了什么?我们参观了动物园。What _ you _

14、 last _ _? We _ the zoo.22.【 易 错 】 你爸爸喜欢干什么?他喜欢读报纸。-What your father ? -He likes .23.鲍比正在干什么? 他正在朝窗外看。 -What Bobby ? -He is the window.24.狐狸小姐正在等什么? 她正在等答案。 -What is Miss Fox ? She the .25.【易错】你为什么打电话给我?我想问你一个问题。-Why you me?I to ask you a . 26.【易错】那天的天气怎样? 又冷又有风。 -How the that day? -Cold and .27.你会弹

15、吉他吗?_ you _ _ guitar?28.两年前我不会骑自行车。 I _ _a bike two years _.29.【 易 错 】 五年前你不会做什么?我不会游泳和画画。What you five years ago? I swim and .30.麦克看起来很伤心,杨林想知道为什么。Mike looked , Yang Ling to why.31.【 易 错 】 小女孩摘了许多花。 The little girl a lot of .四.用 can 或 could 的相关形式填空1. He swim and I sing.2. She read and draw, but she

16、 write five years ago.3. LiuTao play basketball when(当) he was a child.4.I use the mobile phone until(直到) I was fifteen years old.5. What could you do three years ago? We ride a bike to school.五改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1.They are hungry because they didnt have lunch. 2.We saw a interesting parrot s

17、how. 3.Can you swim when she was ten? 4.They flew kite high this afternoon. 5.She could do shopping on the Internet now. 6.Su Hai wants write an email. 7.I would like listen to the radio. 六句型转换1.He has a mobile phone. (对划线部分提问) _ he _?2.He went to Shanghai last holiday. (对划线部分提问) last holiday?3.【 易

18、错 】 My holiday was great fun. (对划线部分提问) _ was _ holiday?4.I watched a film last Friday. (改为一般疑问句) 5.Its Sunday.(对划线部分提问) 6.Id like a cup of milk. (对划线部分提问) 7.I went to the farm last weekend. (对划线部分提问) 8.Liu Tao visited the Palace Museum last year.(改为否定句) 9.My father could drive last year. (对划线部分提问)

19、What father last year?10.He can play the piano. (对划线部分提问) 11.【 易 错 】 They couldnt speak English twenty years ago.(对划线部分提问) 12.He could draw the hill. (对画线部分提问) What _ he _? 13.Mike could read and draw six years ago.(改为一般疑问句) C 卷: 复习提高题 一. 选择( )1. beautiful skirts! A. What B. How C. What a( )2.It was

20、 . I couldnt go to the park. A. rained B. rainy C. rain( )3.My father _ a book now. A. read B. reads C. is reading( )4.Theres a lot of _ here every year. A. rainy B. rains C. rain( )5.The girl _ a nice dress is my sister. A. in B. with C. on ( )6.There_ some orange juice in the glass this morning. A

21、.are B. was )7.-This is Lucy speaking. - Whos that?- . A.Im Tom B.Im Tom speaking C.This is Tom( )8.You look so . A.exciting B.interesting C.excited( )9.【 易 错 】 The football match is very _. A. excite B. excited C. exciting( )10.How was the weather? It _. A. is raining B. was rain C. was rainy

22、( )11.The kite flew too high and we couldnt it. A.get on B.put on C.hold onto ( )12.Its time home. Lets . go;go B. to go;to go C. go;go( )13.【 易 错 】 -Would you like to go there too? - . A.Yes,Id love to B.Yes,Id like C.Yes,I would( )14.【 易 错 】 Tim visited his cousin Jim. They played the toy car

23、s. A./ B.on C.with ( )15.【 易 错 】 My fathr listens to the radio news. B.for C.of ( )16.【 易 错 】 Would you like orange juice? A.any B.some C.a ( )17.【 易 错 】 My hobby is stories. A.writing B.write writing 二填词1.【 易 错 】 He _ (look) sad, because he _(lose) a new pen.2.Look, Sam _ (play) a game wi

24、th Bobby.3.Tom and Mary (come) to China last month.4.An old woman wants (meet) you.5._ (not shout) at the boy.6.【 易 错 】 Dont _ (run) in the school now. 7.I like (play) games with my classmates. Last month, we (play) a lot.8.【 易 错 】 There ( be) any milk in the glass a moment ago.9.【 易 错 】 I want _ (b

25、e) your friend.10.Where _you _(go) yesterday?11.Please_ (put) your hands on the desk.12.My grandma often (read) newspaper. Last night,he (read) news on my computer.13.There were a lot of (people) in the supermarket.14.-Who (teach) you Chinese lessons? -Mr Liu.15.All the students are very (excite).三翻

26、译1.国王什么衣服也没穿。The king isnt clothes.2.下午天气晴朗,我们在操场上踢足球。It in the afternoon.We played in the playground.3.我的妈妈喜欢看报纸。 My mother .4.他的老师很容易生气。 His teacher easily.四.从方框里选择适当的介词填空1. Ten years ago,I liked writing letters my friends in other cities.2. In such cold days,his family stayed home.3. There were s

27、ome teachers the office twenty minutes ago.4. Dad reads newspaper news every evening.5. A lot of people chat with friends the Internet.6. You can get help those women.7. Dont look out the window in class.8. Can you make a sentence the new word?五.阅读短文判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F 。 A mother camel(骆驼) is looking f

28、or water and grass with her son .The son is asking his mother,“What do water and grass look like ?”The mother is answering , “The water is blue as the sky, and grass is not blue, its green and nice . ” After a day and night , her son cries(叫,喊), “Look, mother, theres water and grass there .” “Youre

29、wrong , child . The water and grass are on the left , and the desert(沙漠) is on the right .”The mother camels left eye is blind(瞎的) .Now , the young camel finds an oasis(绿洲), but his mother thinks thats not true . She says she knows more than her son and cant be wrong. Her son is not happy . He doesn

30、t want to stay with his mother , so he goes away . He runs into the grass and eats his fill(饱) .根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) 。( ) 1. Three camels is looking for water and grass .( ) 2. The mother says to his son, “ Youre right, child .”( ) 3. The mothers left eye is blind . 新|课 |标 |第 |一| 网( ) 4. The young camel doesnt want to stay with his mother ,because his mother is, for, of, with, in, from, at, on( ) 5. The mother thinks she is right.

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