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1、超级大坏蛋中英文对白-1 页 -至今我的生活是这样的:Heres my day so far:蹲过大牢 失去过梦中情人Went to jail, lost the girl of my dreams,被狠狠扁过and got my butt kicked pretty good.仍然 事情变得更加糟糕Still, things could be a lot worse.噢 对了Oh, thats right.我就要摔成肉饼了Im falling to my death.不是吧Guess they cant.你也许会问 怎会如此结局? Howd it all come to this, you

2、ask?结局早已是注定的My end starts at the beginning.从最初就注定了The very beginning.是的 那就是我Yes, thats me.我有一个非常正常的童年I had a fairly standard childhood.我出生于 你们所说的破碎的家庭I came from, what you might call, a broken home.字面意义上的破碎Literally broken.我在八天大的时候 我还和我的双亲在一起I was eight days old and still living with my parents.很悲剧吧

3、How sad is that?显然这个时候该改变了Clearly it was time to move on.这是你的跟班 他会照顾你的Here is your minion. He will take care of you.还有 这个是你的奶嘴And here is your binky.你的命运是.You are destined for.我没有听清楚最后的那一部分 不过听起来很重要I didnt quite hear that last part, but it sounded important.二 一 - 命运是啥? .two, one. - Destined for what

4、?我出发去寻找我的人生I set out to find my destiny.另一个格兰普象限的小鬼与我的想法完全一致Turns out a kid from the Glaupunkt quadrant had the exact same idea.就是那天我遇到了大好人先生.That was the day I met Mr. Goody Two- Shoes.那时我们闪亮的人生轨迹开始了.and our glorious rivalry was born.难道这个就是我命运? Could this be what I was destined for?奢华的梦幻般的生活A dream

5、 life filled with luxury.显然不是的Apparently not.就连命运也会按喜好挑选Even fate picks its favorites.没啥No big deal.一个截然不同的人生等着我A much different fate awaited me.宝宝 真体贴A baby! How thoughtful.超级大坏蛋中英文对白-2 页 -噢 是的 是的 我看到了它就想到了你Oh, yes. Yes, I saw it and thought of you.幸运的是 我找到了一个小小的一个叫家的地方Luckily I found a lovely litt

6、le place to call home.我们能留下它么Can we keep it?这个地方教育我对和错A place that taught me the differences between right.的区别.and wrong.大好人先生Mr. Goody Two- Shoes, on the other hand,过着衣来伸手饭来张口的日子had life handed to him on a silver platter.我们的宝宝会飞呀Our baby can fly.是的 是的 你的宝宝最强了 亲爱的Yes, yes, nothing but the best for y

7、ou, darling.飞行能力 刀枪不入 无敌发型The power of flight, invulnerability, and great hair.我又更加更加强的本领But I had something far, far greater.强大的智慧.My amazing intellect.我有能制造破坏力超强的工具.and knack for building objects of mayhem.在几年的良好表现后After a few years, and with some time off for good behavior,我有机会能继续深造了.I was given

8、an opportunity to better myself through learning.通过一个叫学校的奇怪地方.at a strange place called shool.在那里我再次遇到了大好人先生It was there that I once again ran into Mr. Goody Two- Shoes.在那里他已经有了他的脑残粉丝团了He had already amassed a gigantic army of soft- headed groupies.他用美味食物He bought their affections with showmanship收买

9、友情and extravagant gifts of deliciousness.所以我也要做爆米花 然后赢得这群盲目份子的喜爱So I, too, will make this popp- ed corn and win over those mindless drones.熄灯Lights out.从那时我学到了艰辛的一课:Thats when I learned a very hard lesson:好人总是受到爱戴Good receives all the praise and adulation,干坏事的就是要去蹲墙角while evil is sent to quiet- time

10、 in the corner.看来我无法合群So fitting in wasnt really an option.当他们在学唱儿歌时.While they were learning the Itsy Bitsy Spider.我在学习如何将生物脱水然后再按照意愿水化它们.I learned how to dehydrate animate objects and rehydrate them at will.有些时候 觉得只有小跟班和我在一起 与全世界为敌Some days, it felt like it was just me and Minion against the world

11、.不管我怎么努力No matter how hard I tried,我永远都不合群超级大坏蛋中英文对白-3 页 -I was always the odd man out,是剩下的那个the last one picked,永远一团糟 是老鼠屎the screw- up, the black sheep.瞄准他! Get him!.坏孩子 - 怪胎! .the bad boy. - Freak!傻逼! Weirdo!这就是我的命运吗? Was this my destiny?等等 也许没错Wait, maybe it was.当坏蛋不就是我最拿手的吗Being bad is the one

12、thing Im good at.我恍然大悟 如果我是个坏孩子Then it hit me: If I was the bad boy,我就要当最坏的那个then I was going to be the baddest boy of them all.我命中注定会成为超级大坏蛋I was destined to be a super- villain,我们生来就是对手and we were destined to be rivals.生死已注定The die had been cast,我那不朽史诗般的终身事业就这样开始了and so began an enduring, epic, li

13、felong career.我爱这份工作And I loved it.我们的恩怨越来越错综复杂Our battles quickly got more elaborate.他赢了几次He would win some.我也不逊色I would almost win others.他的名号是曼城卫士 蛮城的守护者He took the name Metro Man, defender of Metrocity.我打算取一个低调点的名字 超级大坏蛋I decided to pick something a little more humble: Megamind.不可比拟的英俊的犯罪天才 一切罪恶

14、的主人.incredibly handsome criminal genius and master of all villainy.超级大坏蛋下班了再看 开门Read on your own time. Open up.- 嘿 - 呸- Hey! - Boo!噢 早上好 典狱官Oh, good morning, Warden.好消息哦 我改过自新了Great news: Im a changed man, and.作为合格的公民 我可以重返社会了.and Im ready to re- enter society as a solid citizen.你是个恶棍 而且永远是个恶棍Youre

15、a villain, and youll always be a villain.你根本没有改过 也就别想着离开Youll never change, and youll never leave.你真搞笑Youre fun.有人给你寄了份礼物You got a present in the mail.是狗狗吗Is it a puppy?曼城卫士给你的 “希望你珍惜 85 次无期徒刑的每分每秒“From Metro Man. “To count every second of 超级大坏蛋中英文对白-4 页 -your 85 life sentences.“真好玩 没想到曼城卫士也会幸灾乐祸Tha

16、ts funny. Never thought Metro Man was the gloating type.噢 但他品位的确不错 我帮你保管吧Oh, but he does have nice taste. I think Ill keep it.能不能不要拖延我的时间了Any chance you could give me the time?今天曼城卫士博物馆开放 我不想迟到I dont want to be late for the opening of the Metro Man Museum.噢 不 看来你要错过了Oh no. Looks like youre gonna mis

17、s it,错过好几千年by several thousand years.噢 是吗Oh, am I?曼城 曼城卫士日快乐Happy Metro Man Day, Metro City.在这美丽的日子 美丽的城市Its a beautiful day in beautiful downtown,我们有幸向这个美丽的人致敬 曼城卫士where were here to honor a beautiful man, Metro Man.他的心胸似海洋 但更宽广His heart is an ocean thats inside a bigger ocean.这些年 他用他的超视力一直看护着我们For

18、 years hes been watching us with his super- vision,用他的超能力解救我们 用他那超宽广的爱心照顾我们saving us with his super- strength and caring for us with his super- heart.现在我们回报他的时候到了Now its our turn to give something back.这里是洛克斯安 瑞驰This is Roxanne Ritchi, reporting live在 曼城卫士博物馆落成典礼现场发回的报道from the dedication of the Met

19、ro Man Museum.喔 好的 刚才他们让你在广播里念的那一段Wow. OK, the stuff they make you read on- air,真难以置信 都疯狂了thats un- freaking- believable. Its crazy.那是我自己写的 哈尔I wrote that piece myself, Hal.其实我想说的是What I was trying to say was,在现代社会里I cant believe that in our modern society,还能出现艺术的美感真是难得啊they let, like, actual art ge

20、t onto the news.补救的不错啊 哈尔- Nice save, Hal. - What are we.我们去喝杯咖啡什么的吧Like, lets just get a coffee or something.拜托 今天是 曼城卫士节的大日子Come on, its time to get in the Metro Man Day spirit.如果我是曼城卫士的话Well, if I were Metro Man,决不会让超级大坏蛋 绑架你那么多次Megamind wouldnt be kidnapping you all the time.- 这是最最最重要的事 - 你真贴心 哈

21、尔- Thats the first thing. - Thats sweet, Hal.我会像澳洲野犬照顾孩子一样看着你And Id be watching you, like a dingo watches a human baby.好吧 那听起来.OK, that sounded.超级大坏蛋中英文对白-5 页 - 好吧 那听起来有点怪 - 是的 确实有一点- OK, that sounded a little weird. - A little bit. Yeah.你的鬼脸让我也感到怪怪的And youre making a weird face, and thats making me

22、 feel weird.重点是 我会看着你就像.The point is, I would watch you like someone.不是爱 我们又没恋爱 我不是说我爱你Not love. Were not in love. Im not saying I love you.嘿 不管怎么样 我爱你Hey, I love you. Whatever.但是 我又没有说就像我爱着你 我是说.But Im not saying like Im in love with you. Im saying.洛克斯安 洛克斯安Roxanne? Roxaroo?- 什么.什么 - 嘿.- Whoa. What

23、? - Hey.好好上班 政府花钱又不是让你游手好闲的Get back to work. The city doesnt pay you to loaf.- 不许动! - 同志们 你们要干什么- Freeze! - Whoa. What are you doing, guys?是我 我是典狱官Its me! Its the warden.喂 开门Hey! Open up!不 你们这些笨蛋 我们被他耍了No, you fools. Hes tricked us.你说得没错You were right.我一直都会是个大坏蛋Ill always be a villain.哎呀帅哥 要搭你一程不Wel

24、l, hello good- Iooking. Need a lift?当然要啊 你这条聪明绝顶的鱼Certainly do, you fantastic fish, you.- 快上车吧 - 我自由了- Get in the car, you. - Im free!是吗Right?你送我的手表太赞了 小跟班Nice work sending me the watch, Minion.- 那还用说 老板 - 用力打- You got it, boss. - Punch it!成功 大家一起来举起双手All right, put your hands in the air.女士们先生们 欢迎曼城

25、卫士Ladies and gentlemen, your Metro Man!- 你们在等谁 - 曼城卫士! - Whos your man? - Metro Man!是的 曼城! Yeah, Metro City!来吧 举高你们的手Gimme some. Come on. Give it now.把手都给我 来吧 很好Give it to me. Right on. Gimme the good stuff. All right.嘿 曼城Hey, Metro City.嘿 嘿Hey. Hey.你们都知道 你们都知道 我是很低调的You know, you know, I just want

26、to bring it down a bit.小伙子们 小点声 谢谢你们 朋友们Boys, a little lower. Thank you, fellas.现在来点实际的Lets get real for a moment.超级大坏蛋中英文对白-6 页 -对的 对的 对的Thats right. Thats right. Thats right.尽管有了博物馆是非常非常酷的事情Although getting a whole museum is super- cool, is super- cool,但你们知道我最大荣誉是什么吗you want to know what the great

27、est honor youve given me is?你们真的想知道吗 真的吗Do you really want to know? Really?那我来告诉你们Ill tell you.你们给我的最大荣誉就是.The greatest honor youve given me is letting me serve you,.让我为你们服务 帮助曼城的市民the helpless people of Metro City.每天结束的时候And at the end of every day,我常常问自己well, I often ask myself.如果没有你们 我会是谁? .who w

28、ould I be without you?- 我爱你 曼城卫士! - 我也爱你们 市民朋友- I love you, Metro Man! - And I love you, random citizen.我跟你说 小跟班 没什么能比得上自己的邪恶老窝了I tell you, Minion. Theres no place like evil lair.我特地为您保持潮湿阴冷Ive kept it cold and damp just for you, sir.我看起来怎样 小根班? 我看起来很邪恶不 ? How do I look, Minion? Do I look bad?先生 您恐怖

29、得一塌糊涂Disgustingly horrifying, sir.你的小嘴儿越来越甜了You always know what to say.噢 我的脑蝇 当然想你们啦Oh, the brain- bots certainly missed you, sir.想你们的老爹不 那个最调皮的捣蛋鬼呢Did you miss your daddy? Whos a menacing little cyborg?是你啊 是的 就是你 不许咬You are. Yes, you are. No biting.不 不 不 不 不No, no, no, no, no, no.要扳手吗? 去捡回来吧You wa

30、nt the wrench? Go get the wrench.- 噢 快看 - 现在欢笑又回来了- Oh, look at that. - Now, back to laughing.她快醒了 快准备干活Shes awake. Quick, to work.瑞驰小姐 我们又见面了Miss Ritchi, we meet again.把袋子洗了你会死啊Would it kill you to wash the bag?瑞驰小姐你就扯起嗓子喊吧You can scream all you wish, Miss Ritchi.你喊破喉咙也不会有人听见的Im afraid no one can h

31、ear you.为.为什么你不叫啊Wh. Why isnt she screaming?瑞驰小姐 如果你不介意的话Miss Ritchi, if you dont mind?就像这样.Like this.但是 那是 可怜女士的叫法But thats, thats a poor lady scream.他比我擅长些Hes a little better.这个是不是在那个傻叉超级恶棍网站上Is there some kind of nerdy super- villain Web 超级大坏蛋中英文对白-7 页 -site搞到的特斯拉线圈和闪光按键where you get Tesla coils

32、and blinky dials?事实上 大部分都是从.Actually, most of it comes from an outlet store in.不要接话Dont answer that.- 罗马尼亚买的 - 不要 停- Romania. - Dont! Stop!她在用她那记者的小伎俩Shes using her nosy reporter skills从你不设防的脑袋里 挖掘我们的秘密on your weak- willed mind to find out all our secrets.这点小伎俩对我没用Such tricks wont work on me.- 能再说慢点

33、吗 - 妖精- Please talk slower. .temptress.你有什么秘密 一眼就看穿了What secrets? Youre so predictable.看穿了 看穿了Predictable? Predictable?噢 你叫这个看穿了Oh, you call this predictable?你的短吻鳄嘛 是的Your alligators. Yes.耶 在来的路上我就想到了Yeah, I was thinking about it on the way over.那这个呢 砰 在你脸上Whats this? Boom! In your face.- 陈词滥调 - 不 看

34、这个- Cliche. - No! Look, watch.- 幼稚 - 震撼吧- Juvenile. - Shock and awe.- 没新意 - 噢 这多可怕啊- Tacky. - Oh, its so scary!- 见过了 - 那这个呢- Seen it. - Whats this one do?浮夸Garish.- 好吧 蜘蛛还有点新意 - 蜘蛛? - OK, the spiders new. - Spider?是的 蜘蛛Yes. The. The spee- ider.即使被这只致命黑寡妇咬一小口Even the smallest bite from Arachnis death

35、icus就会彻底瘫掉.will instantly paralyze.帮我赶走 它在咬我Get it off! It bit me!放弃吧 超级大坏蛋 你的计划就没成功过Give it up, Megamind. Your plans never work.别浪费时间了 赶紧给男朋友打电话吧Lets stop wasting time and call your boyfriend in tights, shall we?很荣幸的能把这个新博物馆献给给曼城卫士It is with great pleasure that I present to Metro Man his new museum

36、.有请If you please.- 曼城卫士! - 嘿 我孩子看不见- Metro Man! - Hey! My kid cant see.- 超级大坏蛋 - 噢 好极了 曼城卫士- Megamind! - Oh, bravo, Metro Man.呸! Boo!没错 我一起玩 呸Yes, I can play along too. Boo!我早知道你会来闹场子Shouldve known youd try to crash the party.超级大坏蛋中英文对白-8 页 -噢 不仅仅是闹场子这么简单Oh, I intend to do more than crash it.今天会让你和蛮

37、城都会很难忘This is a day you and Metrocity shall not soon forget.是读作曼城! Its pronounced Metro City!吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮Potato- tomato, potato- tomato.我们都知道结局会怎么样 那就是你再次入狱We all know how this ends: With you behind bars.正在我的海豹皮靴里发抖呢Im shaking in my custom baby seal leather boots.你就要永别蛮城了 不然的话这是你最后一次You will leave Metro

38、city, or this will be the last听到洛克斯安 瑞驰讲话了you ever hear of Roxanne Ritchi.洛克斯安 不要慌 洛丝 Roxanne! Dont panic, Roxie.- 我马上就到 - 是的 我不慌张- Im on my way. - Yeah, Im not panicking.要想阻止我 你先找到我吧 曼城卫士In order to stop me, you need to find me first, Metro Man.我们在废弃的瞭望台Were at the abandoned observatory.不 不是的No, we

39、re not!不要听她的 她疯掉了Dont listen to her. Shes crazy.曼城卫士就要到了 先生Metro Man approaching, sir.等等Hold on a second.噢 我的天Oh, good heavens!你没想到我们是在真的瞭望台吧You didnt think you were in the real observatory, did you?准备发射死亡射线 小跟班Ready the death ray, Minion.死亡射线 准备发射Death ray, readying.看这里 我的老朋友Over here, old friend.友

40、情提醒下 你掉进我的陷阱啦In case you havent noticed, youve fallen right into my trap.你无法打败正义 这是一种理想 一种信念You cant trap justice. Its an idea, a belief.就算最虔诚的信念也会被时间所侵蚀Even the most heartfelt belief can be corroded over time.正义是耐腐蚀的金属Justice is a non- corrosive metal.但是 金属能被复仇的火焰融化But metals can be melted by the h

41、eat of revange.是仇恨 最好冷冻起来Its “revenge,“ and its best served cold.但能用微波炉方便的进行加热But it can be easily reheated in the microwave of evil.我想保修期快到了吧Well, I think your warranty is about to expire.或许我能延长保修期Maybe I got an extended warranty.不正确使用该产品保修是无效的Warranties are invalid if you dont use the product for

42、its intended purpose.超级大坏蛋中英文对白-9 页 -噢 姑娘们 姑娘们 你们都很漂亮 我能回家了不Oh, girls, girls, youre both pretty. Can I go home now?当然可以了 如果曼城卫士抗住Of course. That is, if Metro Man can withstand the full,太阳的聚光concentrated power of the sun!发射Fire!小跟班 发射Minion. Fire?- 先生 还在预热中 - 你说什么? - Its still warming up, sir. - Come

43、 again?- 预热中 先生 - 预热中 太阳还要预热- Warming up, sir. - Warming up? The sun is warming up?就一下下.One second more and.就一下下 一下下 一下下 下下 下.just tippy- tappy tippy- tap- tap, tip- top more,- 我们马上就准备. - 说实话- and we are ready in just. - Honestly!我就来了 洛丝On my way, Roxie.都跟你说了 要准备好 都说了无数次了I told you to have things re

44、ady. I told you countless times.为嘛老是怪我Why do you always blame me?蜘蛛毒让我开始抽风My spider bite is acting up.你的计划又打了水漂了 承认吧Your plan is failing. Just admit it.是啊 希望下次能行Yeah, good luck with that one.你站哪边Whose side are you on?- 输的一边 - 谢谢- The losing side. - Thank you.能给我的绑架贵宾卡上多积一分吗Could someone stamp my Fre

45、quent Kidnapping Card?这个活动早就到期了You of all people know we discontinued that promotion.- 各位 再见了 - 下周老时间见吗- Ciao- ciao, all! - Same time next week?见鬼! 金刚罩! Dag! Crab nuggets!- 他在讲啥 - 金刚罩- What did he just say? - “Crab nuggets“?天啊 我飞不出去Fackled fish cracker!还剩十秒Ten seconds to full power.- 天呐 我困住了 - 十.- G

46、ood lord, Im trapped. - Ten.- 他又搞什么东东 - 九.- what kind of trickery is this? .nine.- 你这个疯子 .八.- You mad genius. .eight.- 你终于得逞了 .七.- Your dark gift has finally paid off. .seven.- 有吗? .六.- It. It has? .six.这个穹顶镀了铜This dome is obviously lined with copper.- 是的 怎样 - 先生.- Yeah? So? - Sir.- 铜耗尽了我的能量 .二.超级大坏

47、蛋中英文对白-10 页- Copper drains my powers. .two.- 你的弱点居然是铜 .一.- Your weakness is copper? .one.- 开玩笑吧 - 充满- Youre kidding, right? - Full power.我觉得他这次死翘翘了I dont think even he could survive that.还是不抱希望吧Well, lets not get our hopes up just yet.- 快快看 - 曼城卫士! - Look! - Metro Man!曼城卫士Metro Man.曼城卫士! Metro Man!-

48、 你做到了 先生 - 我做到了吗- You. You did it, sir. - I did it?他做到了He did it.- 我做到了 - 他做到了- I did it? - He did it.- 你做到了 先生 - 我做到了- You did it, sir. - I did it!- 你做到了 - 我做到了 蛮城是我的啦- You did it! - I did it! Metrocity is mine!- 你做到了 先生 - 我做到了 是的 我 我- You did it, sir! - I did it! Yeah, me, me!- 是的 我做到了 - 我们 我们一起做到了- Yes, I did it! - Us! We both did it!- 不是我们 是我 - 你 比我做的- Not us! I! - You, a little more- 多那么一点 - 比你多的多- than me but still, come on! - A lot more than you.他们什么时候颁奖When theyre giving out the awards,- 我跟在你后面 - 什么奖 什么奖 为啥颁奖- Im gonna be right there next to you. - What awards? What awards, for what?放

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