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1、选修 6Unit 1 Art核心单词1. faithn. 信任;信念;信心常用结构:break ones faith with sb. 对某人不守信用keep faith with sb. 守信于某人lose faith in 不再信任have faith in 相信; 信任in good/bad faith 真心诚意/虚情假意After repeated failure, he lost faith in himself.不断的失败之后,他对自己失去了信心。Faith can remove mountains. 信仰能移山。Never break faith, or you will los

2、e all your friends. 不要背信弃义,否则你将失去所有的朋友。2. aimn. 目标;目的vi.心气很高He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.他用枪瞄准了敌人的军官。Our factory must aim at developing new models of machines.我们的工厂必须致力于研制新型机械。3. consequentlyadv.成绩好in scores 很多的, 大批的score out 划掉,删去联想拓展scoreboard n. 记分板/牌scorer n. 记分员;得分的运动员scores of 很多(前面不能

3、加数词)温馨提示数词+score ,不加 of;但用 a score of。score 前有数词修饰,而且 score 后所修饰的名词前有 the, those, these 等表示限定的词时,必须加 of。重点短语8. a great deal大量,许多We are living close to each other, so I see him a great deal. 我们住得很近,所以我经常碰到他。联想拓展量词短语归类:修饰可数名词复数的:many, a good/great many, a great/large(small) number of, hundreds (thousa

4、nds/millions/billions) of, dozens of, scores of。修饰不可数名词的:a great/good deal of, much, much of, a large/great amount of。修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词的:a lot of, lots of, plenty of, half of, part of, one third of, .percent of。温馨提示a great deal 可在句中作状语,修饰动词或形容词和副词的比较级,此时不加 of。 deal 用来表示“大量,相当多 ”时不用 large 修饰,而习惯用 great/

5、good 来修饰。a great deal of 表示“许多”时,只能修饰不可数名词。重点句型9. Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris. 在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在法国巴黎的印象派画家。关于倒装句:表示方位的副词或介词短语位于句首,主语是名词,谓语是不及物动词,如 come, go, stand, sit, lie 等时,句子经常采用全部倒装的形式。In fron

6、t of the house sat a small boy.房前坐着一个小男孩。There comes the bus. 车来了。Under the tree stand my English teacher and some of my classmates. 树下站着我的英语老师和几个同学。温馨提示如果主语是代词,而不是名词,句子不用倒装。Here you are. 给你。 Unit 2 Poems 核心单词1. conveyvt. 运送;传达;表达;转让( 财产等)常用结构:convey sth. to sb. 向某人传达/ 运送某物convey sth./sb. to somepla

7、ce 把某物/某人送到某地convey ones feelings/thanks to sb. 向某人表达某种感情/谢意Passengers are conveyed by bus to the airport.旅客们被公共汽车送往机场。A wire conveys an electric current. 电线传导电流。I found it hard to convey my feelings in words. 我觉得难以用语言表达我的感情。The old farmer conveyed his farm to his son. 老农夫将农场转让给儿子。易混辨析convey/transfe

8、r/transportconvey 基本含义指将物体从一地运送到另一地,或指语言、信息等的传递。也可表示财产的转让,但该词更强调通过法律手段转让财产或某种所有权。transfer 主要指工作地点的变换、住所及物体的转移,还可指旅途中交通工具的变换,如转车、转船等。也可指把财产转让给他人。transport 基本含义是运送。但该词通常局限于用交通工具运输货物和人。 2. transformv. 变成,彻底改变;转换;转化;改造常用结构:transform .into . 使变成 transform ones life 改变某人的一生transform to a new place 搬到新地方be

9、 transformed from 由变成;由迁到be transformed from A to B 由 A 处迁到 B 处Hard work transformed her completely into an ordinary housewife.艰辛劳动彻底把她变成了一个普通的家庭妇女。The company is transformed from a family business into one with 5,000 labours.这家公司已从家族企业变成一家拥有 5,000 名员工的大公司。联想拓展transformation n.改革;转变;变化 3. appropriat

10、eadj. 适当的;正当的v. 侵吞;盗用;挪用;拨(专款等 )Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word.在每个空白处填入一个适当的单词。The mayor was found to have appropriated government money.市长被查出挪用了公款。常用结构:an appropriate response/measure/method 恰如其分的反应 /恰当的措施/方法be appropriate to/for 适于;合乎It is appropriate that . (从句中用可以省略 should 的

11、虚拟语气形式)The government appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals.政府拨了一大笔钱用来建造医院。联想拓展appropriately adv. 适当地4. loadn. 负荷物(尤指沉重的),载重物;压力,负担,工作量 v. 装载;给负荷常用结构:a load of= loads of =plenty of 大量,许多take a load off ones mind 打消某人的顾虑 a heavy load for 对某人是一件重负load (up) .with . 用装load .onto/into

12、. 把装到上去load off ones mind 去除某人的精神负担Supporting such a large family is really a heavy load for her.她养这么一大家子,负担真的很重。 I had loads of fun today. 我今天玩得很开心。She loaded film into the camera.她把胶卷装到照相机里。温馨提示load 为及物动词,后面必须接宾语,否则要用被动语态。常见结构为:load (up) A with B 或 load (up) B onto (into) A;被动形式:A is loaded (up) w

13、ith B 或 B is loaded (up) onto A。5. exchangen. 交换;交流;互换 vt. 打招呼exchange words 相互交谈重点短语6. take it easy轻松;不紧张;从容Take it easy. Well take care of everything.放心好了,一切由我们照料。You should take it easy this weekend.这个周末你应该放松一下。Take it easy, and you will make it.别紧张,你会成功的。联想拓展take things easy 别紧张,慢慢来;从容不迫地进行工作tak

14、e ones chance 碰运气take ones time 不匆忙;别着急;慢慢来take sb. Wrong 误解(曲解)某人的意思take sth. Seriously 认真地对待某事 7. run out of用完We are running out of our money.=Our money is running out. 我们的钱快花光了。I run out of breath. 我跑得喘不过气来。联想拓展run out of 意为 “用完了” ,是及物动词短语,表示主动意义,主语一般是人。run out=become used up 意为“用完了” ,是不及物动词短语,其主

15、语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词。其他有关短语: run short of sth. 缺乏,短缺run short 不足;短缺give out (为不及物动词短语)用尽;分发;宣布;发出;精疲力竭use up (为及物动词短语)用完,消耗尽 8. make up of组成;构成(常用于被动结构)Girl students make up 40% of the student number. 女学生占学生总数的 40%。 The medical team is made up of five doctors and ten nurses. 这支医疗队由 5 名医生,10 名护士组成。联想拓展mak

16、e up 构成,组成;编造;化装make up for sth. 弥补be made up of= consist of .由构成,组成be made of 由做成(看得出原材料的样子)be made from 由做成(看不出原材料的样子)make out 分辨,辨认出be made in 在(地方)做成be made by 由(某人)制造make towards sth./make ones way to 向移动,朝走去Ill try to make up for the lost time. 我要尽力弥补失去的时间。 9. let out发出;放走Every time she moved

17、her leg, she let out a moan. 每次她动一下腿,就会发出一声呻吟。Dont let out the plan to the press.别把这项计划泄露给媒体。He let out the bird from the cage.他把鸟从笼子里放走了。联想拓展let down 放下;使失望;给轮胎放气let alone 更不用提;更别说let ones hair down 无拘无束;放松一下let go 放开; 松手let it go 算了;放手let in 让进来;放进来let off 放(炮) ;投放(炸弹) ;宽恕10. stay up挺住;站立;熬夜;不睡觉Ou

18、r flag still stayed up after many attacks of the enemy.经过敌人的数次进攻之后,我们的红旗依然挺立。He stayed up late into the night yesterday.昨天他一直熬到深夜。联想拓展stay ahead (of) (比) 领先; (走在的)前面stay away (from) 不在; 外出; 走开; 别接近stay behind 留下来不走;留在后面stay out 在外;不在家stay still 静止不动重点句型11. And said though strange they all were true.

19、 尽管有点奇怪,但这些都是真实的。联想拓展在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,如果从句的主语与主句的主语相一致,且从句含动词 be 时,从句可用省略主语和动词 be 的形式。在 when it is+adj. 结构中,it is 也经常省略。Ill go to Marys birthday party if invited to.(if invited to 等于 if Im invited to)如果受到邀请的话, 我就去参加玛丽的生日聚会。 What were you doing while staying at the hotel?(while staying .等于 while you w

20、ere staying .)待在宾馆的这段时间你在干什么? Whenever (it was) possible, they would stop him and ask him the question.只要可能,他们就会让他停下问他这个问题。温馨提示在条件状语从句、让步状语从句、方式状语从句中,也经常采用这种省略的形式。Unit 3 A healthy life核心单词1. stressn. 压力;重音vt. 加压力于;使紧张Too much work and stress does damage to your health. 过量的工作和压力会对你的健康有害。In the word “

21、mother” the stress is on the first syllable. 在“mother”这个单词中,重音在第一个音节上。常用结构:under stress 在压力之下under the stress of 在的压力下stress sth.或 lay/place/put stress on sth. 强调某事物;给某物压力The weight of snow stressed the roof to the point of collapsing.雪的重量压得屋顶快要塌了。联想拓展stressed adj. 焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的stressful adj. 压力大的;紧张的

22、高手过招2. accustomvt. 使习惯于常用结构:accustom oneself to=be accustomed to (其中 to 为介词) 习惯于These people accustomed themselves to hard work.这些人习惯于艰苦的工作。I am not accustomed to being interrupted.我不习惯被别人打扰。He is accustomed to loneliness.他对孤独已经习以为常。联想拓展表示“习惯于”的短语还有:be/get used to doingadapt oneself to doingadjust o

23、neself to doing3. quitvt. 停止( 做某事) ;离开常用结构:quit something 离开quit doing something 停止做某事He got his present job when he quitted the school.他退学后得到现在这份工作。Quit talking rubbish. 别胡说八道了。4. ashamedadj.感到羞耻的;感到惭愧的(常作表语)常用结构:be/feel ashamed of (doing) sth./sb./oneself 为做某事/某人 /某人自己而感到惭愧be ashamed to be/to do s

24、th. 因难为情而不愿意做be ashamed that . 为而感到惭愧或羞耻be ashamed for sb. 替某人感到惭愧I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed (of myself) now.我昨天表现得不好,现在感到很惭愧。She was ashamed to ask such a simple question.她不好意思提这么简单的问题。易混辨析ashamed/shameful/shamelessashamed 指事情使人感到羞耻,惭愧,难为情等。shameful 指事情或行为本身不道德。shameless 指某人或行为是可耻的。

25、高手过招5. effectn. 结果,效力;作用;影响( 后接 on/upon) I tried to persuade him, but with little effect.我尽力劝他,但他根本不听。 An effect presupposes a cause.有果必有因。常用结构:put/bring/carry .into effect 付诸实施in effect 事实上;实际上take effect 生效;奏效come into effect 开始实施;开始生效This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son.

26、这对母子俩的将来影响很大。The medicine began to take effect.药力开始生效了。6. riskn. 冒险;风险vt. 冒风险; 冒的风险常用结构:at risk 处于危险之中at all risks=at any risk 无论冒什么险; 无论如何at ones own risk 由自己负责,自担风险at the risk of doing sth. 冒着的危险risk ones life 冒生命危险 run/take a risk/risks 冒风险run the risk of doing sth. 冒着 的风险risk doing sth. 冒险做If yo

27、u dont obey me, you should be at your own risk.你如果不服从我的话,你应该自担风险。They knew they risked being arrested.他们知道自己冒着被捕的危险。重点短语7. due to由于;因造成;归功于;应给予;应属于Due to the foggy weather, the traffic moved very slowly.由于有雾,车辆行进缓慢。Our happy childhood is due to our fathers hard work.我们幸福的童年应归功于父亲的辛勤工作。The failure is

28、 due to his carelessness.失败是由于他的粗心造成的。 联想拓展表示“由于”的短语还有:because of 因为,由于,常用作状语;on account of 比 because of 更正式,多用于书面语中;owing to 构成的短语作状语,既能指积极的原因,也可指消极的原因;thanks to 由于,多亏,常用于书面语,多表示正面的情况,有时也表示反面的情况;as a result of 由于;in/as consequence of 由于的缘故,常用于书面语中;in view of 由于;鉴于(书面语) 。8. be addicted to对上瘾;入迷;沉溺于(

29、其中 to 为介词)常用结构:be addicted to sth./doing sth.=addict oneself to sth./doing sth. 沉溺于某种嗜好;醉心于某种活动Schoolboys are easier to be addicted than schoolgirls to net.男生比女生更容易上网成瘾。He was addicted to cocaine.他吸可卡因上瘾。He was addicted to gambling.他赌博成瘾。联想拓展addict vt. 使成瘾addict n. 入迷的人;有瘾的人addictive adj. 使成瘾的;上瘾的ad

30、diction n. 沉溺;成瘾;上瘾;入迷9. in spite of不顾;不管I went shopping in spite of the rain.尽管下雨,我还是出去买东西了。 I know whatever you try, youll win in spite of early difficulties 我知道你无论做什么,不管最初多么困难,最终都会成功的。In spite of the bad weather, we went fishing. 我们不顾恶劣的天气仍去钓鱼。 易混辨析in spite of/despite/though/although这四个词(组) 意思相近,

31、但 in spite of/despite 后跟名词或动名词。而 though/although 是连词,引导让步状语从句。 10. get into陷入;染上(坏习惯)Im really getting into jazz these days.近来我喜欢上爵士乐了。I havent really got into my new job yet.我还没有真正熟悉我的新工作。常用结构:get into debt 负债累累get into trouble/deep water 陷入困境get into the habit of 养成 的习惯Nobody likes to get into tro

32、uble. 没有谁愿意惹麻烦。联想拓展get along/on (with) 生活;融洽相处;进展;有起色get away 逃脱;离开;把送走get down (从)下来;吞下;写下;使沮丧get down to 开始认真考虑get in 进入;到达;收获;插入;陷入get off 下来;脱下;出发;开始get on 上车get on with sb. 与某人相处get over 爬过;克服;熬过;恢复get rid of 摆脱,除去get through 到达;做完;通过;渡过;打通get across 使通过;被理解重点句型11. Every time you feel like smok

33、ing a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non smoker. 每当你想要吸烟的时候,你就提醒你自己:你(已经)是不吸烟的人了。every time 在这里相当于连词,连接了两个分句;remind 后面又跟了 that 引导的宾语从句。 时间状语从句通常由 when, while, as before, after, as soon as 等从属连词引导,但有时也可由 every time, each time,the moment, the day 等引导,这时这类词或词组就起到相当于一个从属连词的作用。Each time I get

34、a cold, I have a headache.每次感冒我都头疼。He phoned me the moment he reached Chicago.他一到芝加哥就给我打了电话。此外 immediately, instantly, directly 等词也可以引导时间状语从句。He made for the door directly he heard the knock.一听到敲门声他就跑去开门了。I got in touch with him immediately I received the letter.我一接到信就跟他联系了。Unit 4 Global warming核心单词

35、1. subscribevi. 同意;捐赠;订阅vt. (签署)文件;捐助常用结构:subscribe to . 同意,赞许;(在文件等下面)签名,署名subscribe sth. to . 捐助subscribe to/for . 订阅;订购 (书籍等)He did not subscribe to my proposal. 他不赞同我的建议。He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund. 他向救济基金捐赠巨资。He subscribed his name to a petition. 他在请愿书上签名。2. tendvt. 因此;由于的原因联想拓

36、展consequent adj.(+on/upon) 因而起的;随之发生的consequently adv. 结果;因此;必然地 5. averageadj. 平均的;普通的n. 平均;平均数The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 这个班男生的平均年龄为十五岁。It was an average piece of work.那是一件普通的作品。The average man is not interested in this subject. 普通人一般对这个题目不感兴趣。常用结构:on average 平均地;通常 abov

37、e/below average 高于 /低于平均数/ 水平an average of . 的平均数up to average 达到平均数The average of 4 and 8 is 6. 4 和 8 的平均数为 6。Two students are absent each day on average.平均每天有两个学生缺席。6. blamev. 埋怨,责备常用结构:be to blame 应受谴责,应负责任blame something on sb. 把 归咎于blame sb. for sth./doing sth. 因而责备某人City residents also blame m

38、igrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.城市居民还责怪民工造成了城市犯罪率的大幅度上升。They blamed the failure on George. 他们把失败归咎于乔治。Blame me if I dont. 我要是不这样做,随你怎么办好了。联想拓展blameful adj. 该受责备的,有过错的 blameless adj. 无可责难的,无过错的 blameworthy adj. 该受责备的重点短语7. come about发生;产生How did this dangerous state of affai

39、rs come about?这种危险的事态是怎么发生的?联想拓展关于 come 的其他短语:come across 偶然发现;被理解;提供come into being 发生;产生;出现;形成 come into power 开始执政;当权;当选 come into effect/force 开始生效;开始实行 come into existence 形成;产生;开始存在 come into fashion 开始流行 come off (头发、牙齿、纽扣)脱落;离开 come on 上场;开始;赶快;加油come out 出来,发芽;出版;说出;洗掉come to know/realize/understand 开始了解到/ 意识到/明白 come up with 找到(答案) ;拿出(一笔钱等)8. quantities of意思是“大量的” ,既可以修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词。Quantities of apples were on the table.桌子上有很多苹果。Huge quantities of oil were shipped to Japan last year.去年大量的石油被海运到日本。联想拓展in quantity/in large quantities 大量的in small quantities 少量的易混辨析

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