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1、English TestDecember, 20152.5 Hours150 PointsName:_ School:_Part : Listening Test (30MIN) Section 1 Spot DictationDirections : In this section, you will hear a passage twice. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for t

2、he second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.The first copyright law in the United States was passed by Congress in 1790. In 1976 Congress enacted the latest copyright law,(1) _the

3、 technological developments that had occurred since the passage of the Copyright Act of 1909. For example, in 1909, anyone who wanted to make a single copy of a (2)_work for personal use had to do so by hand. The very process (3)_a limitation on the quantity of materials copied. Today, a photocopier

4、 can do the work in second; the limitation has disappeared. The1909 law did not provide full protection for films and sound recordings, nor did it (4)_the need to protect radio and television, As a result,(5)_of the law and abuses of the intent of the law have lessened the(6)_rewards of authors, art

5、ists , and producers. The 1976 Copyright Act has not prevented these abuses fully, but it has clarifiedthe legal rights of the injured partiesand given them an (7)_for remedy.Since 1976 the Act has been (8)_to include computer software and guidelines have been adopted for fair useof television broad

6、cast. These changes have cleared up much of the confusion and conflict that followed (9)_the 1976 legislation. The fine points of the laware decided by the courts and by acceptable common practice over time. As these decisions and agreements are made, we modify our behavior accordingly. For now, wen

7、eed to (10)_the law and its guidelines as a accurately as we can and to act in a fair manner.Section 2 Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was

8、 said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which the best answer is. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding

9、 space in the ANSWER BOOKLET.11. A) She has completely recovered.B)She went into shock after an operation.C)She is still in a criticalcondition.D)She is getting much better.12. A) Ordering a breakfast.B)Booking a hotel room.C)Buying a train ticket.D)Fixing a compartment.13. A) Most borrowers never r

10、eturned the books to her.B)The man is the only one who brought her book back.C)She never expected anyone to return the books to her.D)She failed to get into the supermarket last Saturday.14. A) She left her work early to get some bargains last Saturday.B)She attended the supermarkets grand opening c

11、eremony.C)She drove a full hour before finding a parking a space.D)She failed to get into the supermarket last Saturday.15. A) He is bothered by thepain in his neck.B)He cannot do his report without a computer.C)He cannot afford to have a coffee break.D)He feels sorry to have missed the report.16. A

12、) Only top art students can show their works in the gallery.B)The gallery space is big enough for the mans painting.C)The woman would like to helpwith the exhibition layout.D)The man is uncertain how his art works will be received.17. A)The woman needs a temporary replacementfor here assistant.B)The

13、 man works in the same department as the woman does.C)The woman needs a temporary replacement for her assistant,D)The man is capable of dealing with difficult people/18. A) It was better than the previous one.B) It distorted the mayors speech.C) It exaggerated the citys economy problems.D) It reflec

14、tedthe opinions of most economists.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversion you have just heard.19. A) To inform him of a problem they face.B) To request him to purchase control desks.C) To discuss the content of a project report.D) To ask him to fix the dictating machine.20. A) They quote the

15、 best price in the market.B) They manufacture and sell office furniture.C) They cannot deliver the steel sheets on time.D) They cannot produce the steel sheets needed.21. A) By making down the unit price.B) By accepting the penalty clauses.C) By allowing more time for delivery.D) By promising better

16、 after-sales service.22. A) Give the customer a ten percent discount.B) Claim compensation from the stool suppliers.C) Ask the Buying Department to change suppliers.D) Cancel the contract with the customer.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversion you have just heard.23. A)StockbrokerB)Physicis

17、t C) Mathematician D) Economist.24. A) Improve computer programming.B) Predict global population growth.C) Explain certain natural phenomena.D) Promote national financial health.25. A) Their different educationalbackgrounds.B) Changing attitudes toward nature.C)Chaos theory and its applications.D) T

18、he current global economic crisis.Part B: ConversationsDirections:In this section, you will hear two conversations.At the end of each passage, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spokenONCE ONLY. After each question there willbe a ten-seco

19、nd pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in the ANSWER BOOKLET. Conversation One 26. A) They are must-haves. B) They are misguided.C) They are not helpful. D) They are interesting .27

20、. A) They let us know the best product. B) They give us sufficient information.C) They fail to convince people. D) They give misleading information.28. A) Manufactures. B) Customers. C) Advertisers. D) All of them.29. A) Because they are designed to be evil. B) Because some encourage people to do wr

21、ong things. C) Because people cannot get rid of them. D) Because people are asked to pay for them.30. A)The woman seems to be negative about advertising B)The man appears to know more about advertising. C) The woman is to be present at a debate on advertising . D) The man has a lot to talk about on

22、advertising,Conversation Two31. A) Because there wasnt enough space in the cupboard. B) Because the hospital would provide him with everything.C) Because he was to stay there for a very short time. D) Because visitors could bring him other things.32 .A) 2:00 pm. B) 5:00 pm C) 7:00 pm. D) 6:00pm33. A

23、) Patients have breakfast at 6.B) Patients have lunch at 12.C) There is no high tea in afternoon.D) Patients should go to bed after 6. 34. A) Smoking in the special lounges. B) Ignoring the No Smoking sign.C) Drinking wine in the wards. D) Having lunch in the wards. 35. A) He knows little about hosp

24、ital rules. B) He can keep alcohol in the ward, C) He knows when to smoke., D) He is used to hospital life.-This is the end of the listening test. -Part II: ReadingTest(30MIN) Directions :Read the passages and answer following questions. You get 30 minutes for this part. There are FOUR passages and

25、20questions. Please write your answers on the ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1-5are based on passage1.Nothing succeeds in business books like the study of success. The current business-book boom was launched in 1982 by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman with In Search of Excellence. Then trend has continued w

26、itha succession of expertsand would-be expertswho promise to distil the essence of excellence into three (or five or seven) simple rules.The Three Rulesis a self-conscious contribution to this typeof writing; it even includes a bibliography of “success studies”. Messrs Raynor and Mumtaz Ahmed workfo

27、r a consultancy, Deloitte,that is determined to turn itself into more of a thought-leader and less a corporate repairman. They employ allthe tricks of the success books. They insist that their conclusions are “measurable and actionable”-guidesto behavior rather than analysis for its own sake. Succes

28、s authors usually serve up vivid storiesabout how exceptional businesspeople stamped their personalities on a company or rescued it from a life-threatening crisis. Messrs Raynor and Ahmed are happier chewing the numbers: they provide detailed appendices on “calculating the elements of advantage” and

29、 “detailed analysis”.The authors spent five years studying the behaviour of their 344 “exceptional companies”, only to come up at first with nothing. Every hunch led to a blind alley and every hypothesis to a dead end. It was only when they shifted their attention from how companies behave to how th

30、ey think that they began to make sense of their voluminous material.Management is all about making difficult tradeoffs in conditions that are always uncertain and often fast-changing. But exceptionalcompanies approach these tradeoffs with two simple rules in mind, sometimes consciously, sometimesunc

31、onsciously. First: better before cheaper. Companies are more likely to succeed in the long run if they compete on quality or performance than on price. Second: revenue before cost. Companies have more to gain in the long run from driving up revenue than by driving down costs.Most success studies suf

32、fer from two faults. There is “the halo effect”, whereby good performance leads commentators to attribute all manner of virtues to anything and everything the company does. These virtues then suddenly become vices when the company fails. Messrs Raynor and Ahmed work hard to avoidthese mistakes by st

33、udying large bodies of data over several decades. But they end up embracing a different error: stating the obvious. Most businesspeople will not be surprised to learn that it is better to find a profitable niche and focus on boosting your revenues than to compete on price and cut your way to success

34、. The difficult question is how to find that profitable nicheand focus on boosting your revenues than to compete on price and cut your way to success. The difficult question is how to find that profitable niche and protect it.There, The Three Rulesis less useful.1. What kind of business books are mo

35、st likely to sell well?A) Books on excellence.B) Guides to management.C) Books on business rules.D) Analyses of market trends.2. What does the author imply about books on success so far?A) They help businessmen on way or another.B) They are written by well-recognised experts.C) They more or less fal

36、l into the same stereotype.D) They are based on analyses of corporate leaders.3. How does The Three Rules different from other success books according to the passage?A) It focuses on the behavior of exceptional businessmen.B) It bases its detailed analysis on large amount of data.C) It offers practicable advice to businessmen.D) It draws conclusion from vivid examples.

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