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1、1New Senior English For ChinaStudents Book 4Unit 3 A taste of English humorThe Second PeriodTeaching Aims:1. Learn and master the useful words and phrases.2. Let the student learn from nonverbal humor.3. Train the students predicting, skimming and summarizing ability during reading the text.4. Encou

2、rage the students to keep optimistic attitude to life, foster sense of humor and cultivate their taste.Teaching Important Points:1. Master the following phrases and words:feelcontent with, performers, astonishing, unfortunately, worse off, ordinary, bored, entertaining, throughout, homeless, moustac

3、he, failure, overcome, leather, pick out, cut off, chew, convincing, direct, star in, outstanding, Switzerland.2. Enable the students to understand the text better.3. Improve the students predicting, skimming and summarizing ability.Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to make the students understand th

4、e text better.2. How to make the students understand the following sentence.Not that Charlies own life was easy!Teaching Methods:1. Playing the footage of The Gold Rush and asking the students some questions.2. Scanning the text to get some information about Charlie Chaplin.3. Careful reading to sum

5、marize the main ideas of each paragraph.4. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1. a multimedia classroom2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Leading-in and Pre-reading1. Review the content of last class (C

6、omparing Chinese and western humor).2. Play the footage of The Gold Rush.23. Let the students think about and discuss the questions in the part of Pre-reading.If the students can not answer the questions perfectly, the teacher should consummate the answer.Step Reading1. Let the students scan the tex

7、t to get some information about Charlie Chaplin and accomplish Comprehending One.Suggested answers: Born: 1889 Job: Actor Famous character: Little trampCostume: moustache, large trousers, worn-out shoes, small round black hat, walking stick.Type of acting: nonverbal humorDied: Switzerland, 19772. Le

8、t the students carefully read the text and accomplish Comprehending Two.Suggested answers: Paragraph 1: A talent comedy actor3Paragraph 2: LifeParagraph 3: Little trampParagraph 4: ExampleParagraph 5: AchievementStep Discussion Accomplish Comprehending Three.Suggested answers: 1. Yes, I think so. Be

9、cause his poor childhood offered the experience of poor life and toughened him.2. Because he brightened the lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the hard years in between, and up to now no body has been able to do this better than him.Step Summary and HomeworkSummary: In this cl

10、ass, we have read a text about a famous prince of comedyCharlie Chaplin. We have known that Chaplin is a talent performer. We should learn optimistic attitude to life from Charlie Chaplin. We also learned some words and phrases in the text. Homework: Let the students watch one of Charlie Chaplins fi

11、lms and then work in pairs according to Comprehending FourStep The Design of Writing on the blackboardUnit 3 A taste of English humorThe Second PeriodA Master of Nonverbal HumorMain BodyParagraph 1: A talent comedy actorParagraph 2: LifeParagraph 3: Little trampParagraph 4: ExampleParagraph 5: Achie

12、vementStep Record after teaching2 雷 雨雷雨是曹禺先生的戏剧代表作品,也是中国现代戏剧史上的一篇力作,该剧以 20 年代初的中国4社会为背景,通过一个带有浓厚封建色彩的资产阶级家庭内部的尖锐冲突以及周、鲁两家复杂的矛盾纠葛,生动地展现了具有典型意义的剥削阶级家庭的罪恶历史。学习本课,应紧扣故事发生的背景、仔细体味作者是如何通过个性化的对话,来推动故事情节发展的,从而真正把握剧中人物性格冲突及表现技巧,重点掌握戏剧冲突的独特性及戏剧语言的个性化与表现力。本文将采取活动式(表演) 、探讨式、启发式相结合的教学。通过表演课本剧来激发学生的学习兴趣,创设愉悦的课堂情境

13、,在观剧、讨论中不断领略戏剧艺术的独特魅力。拟定二课时。第一课时教学设想:简介作者,观看第一场的戏剧表演,初步感知剧情,分析第一场戏的矛盾冲突,品味戏剧语言,把握人物的基本特征。第二课时教学设想:总结第一场戏所刻画的人物性格特点,观看第二场的戏剧表演,分析戏剧冲突,品味戏剧语言,把握周朴园的性格发展,并由此进入主题提炼,标题阐释,深入鉴赏本剧思想内涵。教学重点 分析两场戏剧冲突,并把握人物形象。教学难点 戏剧语言的言外之意以及学生对戏剧主题的理解。教具准备 多媒体课件。课前准备 指导学生分组编排表演雷雨中的两场戏。课时安排 2 课时。三维目标知识与能力1.了解戏剧基本常识,初步学会鉴赏现代话剧

14、。2.把握戏剧的主要矛盾冲突,善于分析冲突所折射的人物性格特征,从而理解戏剧的主题。3.品味戏剧语言的言外之意。过程与方法1.学生自排自演,在表演中激发兴趣,体会戏剧艺术的迷人魅力。2.通过冲突中人物的言行分析形象。情感态度与价值观体会戏剧尖锐冲突中所表现出来的人性的假恶丑与真善美,认识具有典型意义的剥削阶级家庭的罪恶历史,从而认清半殖民地半封建社会的罪恶与黑暗以及它灭亡的必然趋势。教学过程第一课时导入新课师 上节课,我们在激烈的戏剧冲突中认识了一个善良美丽而又不屈的灵魂,今天我们一起来欣赏一部 20 世纪 30 年代名噪一时的话剧名作雷雨 ,这部戏是戏剧大师曹禺的成名之作,为世界文学长廊留下

15、了一位不朽的人物形象周朴园,这又是一个怎么样的人呢?现在还是先来欣赏几位同学的表演吧。推进新课【创设情境,激发兴趣】生 课文节选了剧本的第二幕,这一幕又可分为两场,现在就请看第一场的表演。(台上倾情表演,台下凝神观看,表演结束后掌声四起)师 好,掌声很热烈,说明演员们的课前努力没白费,哪位同学来点评一下。生 课堂小结师 周朴园的反应一层层地剥去了虚伪的外皮,在这场戏剧冲突中人性的美和丑产生了激烈碰撞,人物性格得到了淋漓尽致地展现。布置作业师 今天的作业就是分别概括周朴园与鲁侍萍一场戏中表现出的性格特征,并准备第二场戏剧表演。第二课时5导入新课师 (微笑)上节课,我们着重分析了课文的第一场戏,戏

16、剧冲突主要在主人公周朴园与鲁侍萍之间产生,人物的性格在冲突中逐渐得到了展现,这节课我们就先来总结周朴园与鲁侍萍在第一场戏中所表现出的性格特征。这也是留给同学们的作业,现在就请几位同学们来展示自己的思考成果。推进新课生 我比较喜欢鲁侍萍,所以我来概括她的性格吧。鲁侍萍是一个旧中国劳动妇女形象。她正直、善良,但是在周公馆却备受凌辱和压迫。大年三十的晚上,被周家赶出家门,她走投无路,痛不欲生,跳河自杀。遇救以后,一直挣扎在社会最底层,含着怨愤生活了三十年。生活磨炼了她,使她认清了周朴园的本性,勇敢地控诉周朴园的罪行。她以撕毁五千元支票的举动,表现了她的骨气和尊严,表达了她对周朴园的蔑视。她的唯一的要

17、求就是“见见我的萍儿” ,表现出她那纯洁、崇高的母爱。师 很好,还有周朴园呢?生课堂小结师 一场雷雨下,周家死的死,疯的疯,旧世界的腐朽造成了人间的巨大悲剧,也毁灭了它自己,曹禺用悲剧雷雨控诉半殖民地半封建社会的罪恶,震撼了当时的文坛。布置作业师 今天的作业就是写一篇雷雨读后感,谈谈自己阅读这部剧本的感受。板书设计第一课时情节发展阶段:偶遇相认冲突缓和第二课时活动与探究一、戏剧语言的主要特点有:高度个性化,丰富的潜台词,富于动作性。请阅读雷雨全剧,研究曹禺戏剧语言的独特魅力,撰写一篇小论文。二、在雷雨中最复杂的就是周朴园对鲁侍萍的感情问题,他对鲁侍萍的爱情有多少是真的,有多少是假的,到底有没有

18、爱过,仔细阅读雷雨说说自己的看法。高中英语说课 模板 一、Introduction(导言)英语说课是英语教学中的重要一环,也是衡量一位英语教师对教材的把握、分析及教师本人对上课进程的宏观控制能力的有力手段,能从理论上指导教师贯彻教学大纲,真正做到教与学相结合,将教材、大纲、教师、学生、课堂融为有机整体,对不断提高教师教学能力和教研能力,有着突出的作用。二、说课的基本原则1. 遵循教学大纲要求,明确说课内容。把握说课与上课的区别与联系,正确理解教材、教案说课、上课之间的层进关系,走出说课即是“说教案” 的误区。2. 以教师为主导,学生为主体,体现先进的教学理念。3. 详略得当,重点突出,体现说课

19、的完整性。4. 与教案相结合,体现其可操作性。三、说课的基本程序1. 说教材:科学分析教材,明确重点难点、教学目标和要求以及教材在单元中的地位和作用。2. 说学生:谈谈学生的知识与能力结构,明确说课内容的难易程度。63. 说教法:谈谈本节课要实施的教学手段、方法以及教具的使用。4. 说学法:谈谈学习方法的运用以及将要实现的目标。5. 说教学程序:说为什么要设计该程序?目的、意图何在?结果如何?6. 说板书设计:谈谈板书设计的根据和理由,力求体现说板书设计的程序性、概括性和艺术性。四、注重说课信息和反馈与总结说课的对象可以是专家、同行甚至是学生。向说课对象征询意见、获取信息,力求不断改进和提高。

20、五、附 SB 2B U16 Lesson 63 说课稿Unit 16 Lesson 63Hello, everyone. Today Im very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2). It is made up of four parts.Part 1 My understanding of this lessonThe analysis

21、 of the teaching material:This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same tim

22、e, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life o

23、f the sea.Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do something to stop it being polluted.Key points / Teaching important points:How to understand the text better

24、.Teaching difficult points:1. Use your own words to retell the text.2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.Something about the Ss:1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.2. They are lack of vocabulary.3. They dont often use E

25、nglish to express themselves and communicate with others.4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aidsBefore dealing with this lesson, Ill do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in

26、 class while the teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.Teaching method:Double activities teaching methodQuestion-and-answer activity teaching method7Wat

27、ch-and-listen activityFree discussion methodPair work or individual work methodTeaching aids:1. a projector2. a tape recorder3. multimedia4. the blackboardPart 3. Teaching steps / proceduresI have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especi

28、ally reading ability.The entire steps are:Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast reading(scanning ), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, HomeworkStep 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2. Revision1. Ask stu

29、dents some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. 3.5% by weight)b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water?c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?2. Check the homework(made

30、a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people). Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for readingShow them

31、some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.Purpose: Arouse the students interest of study.Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.Step 4. Fast readingRea

32、d the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph:1. Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?2. What does the whale feed on?3. What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?Method: Read

33、the text individually, use questionandanswer activity.Purpose: Improve the students reading ability.Understand the general idea of each paragraph.Step 5. Listening(book closed)1. Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)82. True or false exercise.(on the screen)Train the Ss listenin

34、g ability and prepare for later exercises.Step 6. Intensive readingRead the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.1. How much does a whale eat at a time?2. Do all the whales feed on small fish?3. How deep can a sperm whale dive?It is also called depth reading or st

35、udy reading. It means reading for detailed information.Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some different sentences and details of the text.Step 7. Preparation for details of the text on the screen1. .its heart slows to half its normal speed.slow-v. to be

36、come / make slower.2. .using sound wavePresent participle used as adverbial.3. provide sth. for sb.provide sb. with sth.4. at a time: each time5. grow to a length of.Purpose: Train the Ss ability of understanding and using laguage.Step 8. Consolidation1. Find out the topic sentences.2. Retell the pa

37、ssage according to the topic sentences.Purpose: I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they master what I mean to tell them in this class. Whats more, I want to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expression. At the same time, I will write down the t

38、opic sentences on the blackboard according to what the students find, so they can retell it easily.Step 9. DiscussionShow them some pictures about the polluted sea and many living things which are in danger and ask them: What are their opinions about it? In order to let them have free choice, I give

39、 them another topic: The sea is being polluted. What should they do?Purpose: I mean to give them emotional education. I give them multi-media pictures to arouse their interest of study and their love for life. I mean to make them realize: The sea is in danger!I teach them to do their best to help it

40、 and do something from now on. Everyone should do something to love and protect our home.Step 10. HomeworkWrite an article Saving the sea. I want to improve the ability of their writing. At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themseleves.Part 4. Black

41、board designUnit 16 Lesson 63Topic Sentences:1. Some living things can live in Antarctica.(what)2. The whale feeds on small fish.(what )93. The sperm whale feeds on squid.(difference)Discussion:1. The whales are in danger. Whats your opinion about it?2. The sea is being polluted. What should we do?I

42、n my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teachers ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily.In this text, the design is not easy to write. I write the topic sentences on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of the importance in this class. The discussion is of the difficulty.I want to make the design inductive, instructive and artistic.

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