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1、蒋静仪 阅读教程2 课后习题答案(含quotations)Unit One Human Relationship1. Interpretation of the quotations No man can be separated from the society and disconnected with other people as an island is isolated from the mankind. The inherent(内在的) oneness of mankind is just like a whole mass land. when you deal with i

2、ssues about yourself, try to be calm, reasonable and intelligent; but when you deal with issues about other people, you need to be affectionate, sincere and sympathetic. Here is an easy-to-follow, buy established and uncontroversial model for getting along with other people successfully. You just fa

3、ce and accept any serious misfortune or failure peacefully, as if it were something of litter significance or value; but never treat some ordinary, commonplace things as if they were extremely serious.Reference answers to the exercisesReading One:Check your comprehension1-5 ADCCBCheck your vocabular

4、y1. Fisher and Urys theory is based on the belief that the “win or lose” model does not work when two sides try to reach an agreement.2. Use positive statements surrounding ideas that are negative.3. You can often successfully resolve differences if you try this collaborative approach.Reading TwoChe

5、ck your vocabularyResisted; frustration; fluttered; jerked; restless; haltingly; gratefully; thoughtlessReading ThreeCheck your comprehension1-7 FTFFTFTCheck your vocabularyAdministrative; meekly; hysterical; requisition; deposit; severeConfronted; spluttered; irate; bogus; purchaseReading fourCheck

6、 your comprehension1-6 FTTTFTCheck your comprehension1. How often does this seriously affect peoples communication and make them fail in building good relationships?2. Every time parents and children disagree with each other, specialists often explain that “generation gap” is the reason.3. We are no

7、t sure whether the term is an acceptable explanation because the word “generation” is used, but the other word “gap” can be applied when analyzing peoples different opinions.4. Specialists in communication immediately challenge this belief and view it in a different way.5. A speaker may not speak as

8、 fast as the listener can think.6. Because they have free time to spend by themselves, the listeners probably think of other things and no longer concentrate.7. As peoples interests vary, when the topic does not attract them, the listeners stop listening.8. If the speaker does not give a good impres

9、sion because of his looks or other matters, the listener would probably refuse to follow what the speaker says.Check your vocabulary A1. give rise to2. arise from3. imply4. facilitate5. sound6. carry away7. gesture8. exercise9. tune inCheck your vocabulary Bdisposal; distractions; facilitate; resort

10、; skip; contributes; deserted; solutionPost-readingA. Through several incidents in childhood, Mary learned from her father how to listen to others criticisms, hear the truth in the criticisms, and respect her own opinion. When she grew up, she did her Daddy advised and made achievements in her caree

11、r.B. 1-5 DBDABUnit Two1. Interpretation of the quotations Little children, headache; big children, heartache.(Italian Proverb)In terms of problems that children give to their parents, big children are far troublesome than little children. Mother Nature is providential. She gives us twelve years to d

12、evelop a love for our children before turning them into teenagers. (William Galvin)Mother Nature has designed everything for us. She gives us twelve years to establish a close and affectionate parent-child bond before they become troublesome teenagers who keep giving us headaches. Adolescents are no

13、t monsters. They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves. Virginia Satir, The New Peoplemaking, 1988Adolescents are not frightening creatures. They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the wor

14、ld, who are properly not so sure themselves. (Virginia Satir)Reference answers to the exercisesReading OneCheck your compression A1-6 TFTTFFCheck your comprehension B1. to be independent/ independence/ freedom/ their own lives2. primitive/ simple/ tribal way3. become adults4. frustrated, rebellious,

15、 restless5. became/ were furious6. the house keyCheck your vocabularyshelter; sit up; rein; adapt; primitive; puberty; lenient; worked outReading twoCheck your comprehension B1-6 FFTTFTCheck your vocabulary1-5 ACAACReading ThreeCheck your comprehension A1-5 TFTFTCheck your comprehension B1. One chil

16、d sits in a chair and sticks out his/her leg so that another one running by is launched like a space shuttle.2. Several children run to the same door, grab the same handle, and beat each other up, ignoring the fact that there are other doors available.3. In restaurants, small children cast their bre

17、ad on the water in the glasses the waiter has just brought.4. A child uses a chair to slip to the floor.5. They yell at each other with one sticking his/her foot inside the door and waving it around, and the other being disgusted but refusing to close the door.Check your vocabulary A1. You have deci

18、ded to give up the joys of producing copies of some great art pieces at your own ease in order to instead produce copies of yourselves, who keep you on the edge of desperation.2. “Well,” I said, searching deep inside myself to give a paternal suggestion, “The best way is to close your door.”3. And w

19、e decided to have children not for the reason of making my wife look older.4. We did not plan to lose the days when we went shopping after enjoying a comfortable brunch together on fine Saturdays.Check your vocabulary Bintimate; confess; make up; ceaseless; yell; paternal; rewardingReading FourCheck

20、 your comprehension A1-4 DADBCheck your comprehension B1-6 TTTFFTCheck your vocabulary Amanipulative; thrives; squeaked; sabotaged; penetrated; suffocating; juggle; personaCheck your vocabulary B.nasty; sting; addiction; sneak; lease; rigidtactics; unconditional; verge; encounter; franklyPost Readin

21、gB. 1-8 TTTF FTFTUnit Three1. Interpretation of the quotations Beauty more than bitterness makes the heart break.(Sara TeasdaleBeauty is good and of value. But the pursuit of beauty at the cost of other things may cause even bigger trouble than what pain and hardship will bring about. There is no ex

22、cellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.(Francis Bacon)Any beautiful thing is not perfectly proportional. Some deviation from standard is not only allowed but also necessary for beauty to show its characteristics. If you get simple is beauty and nought else, you get about the

23、 best ting God invents.(Robert Browning)Simple beauty is the best thing that you can be awarded of all the things in the world.Robert Browning (7 May 1812 12 December 1889) was an English poet and playwright whose mastery of dramatic verse, especially dramatic monologues, made him one of the foremos

24、t Victorian poets.Reference answers to the exercisesReading oneCheck your comprehension1-7 TTFTTFFCheck your vocabulary1. Some people prefer black hair, but other people like brown hair more.2. You have been so greatly influenced by the environment you are in that you tend to look at beauty that way

25、.3. Womens magazines, advertisements and the media all focus their topics on appearance and looks, and they keep warning you about the harm and risk of bad breath, sweat, being too fat or too thin.4. The image you form about yourself may be very inaccurate.5. Good looks shouldnt exactly follow the m

26、odel of any particular individual.Reading twoCheck your comprehension A1. They were 202 primary school students, most of them aged eight and nine.2. Children as young as seven were unhappy with their bodies and nearly one-in-three girls and boys wanted to thinner.3. It was “worrying that a number of

27、 the children have these sorts of beliefs and attitudes,” and that there are more children with early-onset anorexia, which “is usually a lot more difficult to treat and usually a lot more severe,” though only a minority would go on to develop an eating disorder.4. Ms. Thomas said children needed to

28、 learn that any body shape was acceptable and they should be proud of their body.5. He felt sad and guilty as a professional on the eating disorder research program.Check your comprehension B 1-5 TFTFTCheck your vocabularyindictment; predisposes; purge; specialist; dietary; nominated; onsetReading t

29、hreeCheck your comprehension A1-5 CCDACCheck your comprehension B1-5 FFFTTCheck your vocabularyperused; previous; desperately; convince; belittle; complimented; elated; addictedReading FourCheck your comprehension A1-6 FTFFTFCheck your vocabulary Apeck away; stand out; mould; advance; release.from;

30、normality; hailedPost-readingB. 1-5 CACCDUnit four Sleep is better than medicine.(Proverb)Good health relies more on a good nights sleep than on medicine. A dream is a wish your heart makes, when youre fast sleep.(Disney World advertisement)A dream reflects what you really feel in your subconscious

31、world. A light supper, a good nights sleep, and a fine morning have often made a hero of the same man who, by indigestion, a restless night, and a rainy morning, would have proved a coward.(Lord Chesterfield 1694-1773, British Statesman, Author)When one refrains from having a big supper, enjoys a go

32、od nights sleep, and wakes up to a beautiful morning, he/she will feel like a hero. But if the same person eats too much in the evening, not sleeping well throughout the night, and wakes up to rainy morning, he/she may suffer from a lack of confidence.Reference answers to the exercisesReading OneChe

33、ck your comprehension1. By sleeping in total darkness during the day and working under bright lights that simulate sunlight, rather than conventional indoor lighting.2. It relaxes muscles and stimulates the release of endorphinschemicals that act as natural pain relieves.3. No.4. We need to keep a m

34、eal schedule to get a good sleep.5. We should refrain from a) eating too late in the evening; b) eating heavy or spicy food in the evening; and c) snacking in the middle of the night.6. The side effects of taking sleeping pills are: a) feeling groggy; b) insomnia getting worse; c) developing a toler

35、ance for sleeping pills: and d) a potentially fatal blood disorder with some sleeping pills.7. Alcohol suppresses restorative dream sleep, causes numerous short awakenings and may but unrepressed toward morning.8. We can read a book, listen to quiet music, take a hot bath or try relaxation technique

36、s, such as meditation or yoga.9. Lights absorbed through the eyes can reset our biological clocks and make our sleep problems worse.10. We should stay in bed because we would still get some rest that way.Check your vocabulary1. Because exercise can relax muscles and increase the release of endorphin

37、s, which are chemicals that are natural agents to reduce or get rid of pain, it helps to overcome stress.2. There are no special foods to help you sleep, but you can have a regular timetable for your meals, just like a regular sleep timetable. A regular timetable for your meals helps keep your body

38、clock running smoothly.3. Your body can also become used to the pills, and after a while they are no longer effective and you need larger doses or stronger drugs.4. Alcohol reduces refreshing dream sleep, causes numerous short awakenings and, once its calming effects have disappeared, may leave you

39、wide awake but unrepressed toward mooring.5. The researches used bright light which is as strong as natural sunlight just after dawn (at least 100 times stronger than ordinary room light), which reset subjects body clocks by as much as 12 hours and made them as alert at midnight as they would ordina

40、rily be at noon.Reading TwoCheck your comprehensionFTFFFTTCheck your vocabulary1. spontaneous; 2. provoke; 3. integrity; 4. thrives; 5. inflict; 6. universal; 7. illusion; 8. revertReading Three1.a; 2. d; 3. b; 4. c; 5. cCheck your vocabulary1. aggression; 2. symbolic; 3. disguise; 4. fulfillment; 5

41、. represent; 6. reconstruct; 7. anxious; 8. guilt; 9. therapist; 10. illuminate; 11. random; 12. spareReading FourCheck your comprehension ATFTTTFTCheck your vocabulary A1. image; 2. mood; 3. up-bringing; 4. inanimate; 5. folkloric; 6. depressed; 7. acknowledge; 8 in combination with; 9. relieveChec

42、k your vocabulary B1. indifferent; 2. revolve; 3. monochrome; 4. passionate; 5. decipher; 6. inspired; 7. allusion; 8. correlatedPost-readingA. Getting to sleep at night and waking up in the morning are two perennial problems for human beings, who do not always regard sleep as very important. The im

43、portance we attach to sleep is correlated with what kind of beds we use for sleep and how highly we rate beds in our life.B. 1. b; 2. c; 3. d; 4. a; 5. aUnit Five1. Interpretation of the quotations The physical dimension involves caring effectively for our physical bodyeating the right kinds of food

44、s, getting sufficient rest and relaxation, and exercising on a regular basis. (Stephen R. Covey)The measurement of the elements relating to our body involves paying close attention to our body and keeping it in a healthy state by eating the right kind of food, getting enough rest and relaxation, and

45、 exercising regularly. Early in life, people give up their health to gain wealthIn later life, people give up some of their wealth to regain health! (Ken Blanchard)When people are still young, they earn money at the expense of their healthWhen they get old, they spend money in order to restore their

46、 health. Remind yourself of the exorbitant price you can pay for worry in terms of your health. Those who do not know how to fight worry die young. (Dale Carnegie)Remember that worrying beyond a reasonable limit can affect your health adversely. Those who do not know how to control worry die at an e

47、arly age.Reference answers to the exercisesReading OneCheck your comprehension ATFTFTFTCheck your vocabulary1. While many people in China and Chinatowns in other parts of the world have already known a lot about Tai Chi, the western researchers are just coming up from behind to reach the level of kn

48、owledge about Tai Chi from different perspectives.2. You can learn Tai Chi by following an instruction book or attending a Tai Chi class. Either way the aim is to practice it in accordance with your physical health.3. Tai Chi is a mixture of relaxation and safety. If pains is experienced, it means y

49、ou are overdoing it and getting nothing.4. You may need to practice Tai Chi for several months before you can feel the effects it may bring. But when you start enjoying the effects, youll find yourself on your way to a new lifestyle.5. For older people, Tai Chi will not be the solution to all health problems.6. Though young people might prefer athletic activities that are more physically demanding, they can also benefit from practicing Tai Chi as it helps to reduce stress.Reading TwoCheck your comprehension1. d; 2.b; 3. d; 4. a; 5. c; 6.dChe

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