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1、Unit 1 Multiple Choices Dialog 1 W: Hi, Mike. Why do you look puzzled? M: I ve learned that there are four big commercial banks in your country.Would you please tell me what they are? W: Yes, it is a pleasure. They are Bank of China, China Construction Bank,Industrial and Commercial Bank of China an

2、d Agricultural Bank of China. M: So, does CCB refer to China Construction Bank? W: I don t see any reason why not. You can simply call them respectively BOC, CCB, ICBC and ABC. Question: Which of the following is NOT among the four major commercial banks of China? (D) 译文 女: 你好!麦克。为什么一脸困惑呀? 男: 我知道你们国

3、家有四大商业银行,请你告诉我是哪几家,好吗? 女: 行,乐意效劳。这四大商业银行是中国银行、中国建设银行、中国工商银行和中国农业银行。 男: 所以 CCB 是指中国建设银行吗? 女: 一点不错。你可以简单地分别称它们 BOC, CCB, ICBC 和 ABC。 Dialog 2 M: It is reported that some joint-stock banks have been established in several major cities. W: Exactly. They are allowed to offer various banking services to i

4、ndividuals and businesses just as the four big commercial banks do. M: You said it. Can you tell me some joint-stock banks? W: It is no sweat. China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd., China Citic Bank,Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Development Bank are all joint stockbanks. M: What about Shenzhe

5、n Development Bank? W: Of course it is one of them. Question: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in their conversation? (A) 译文 男: 有报道说在一些大城市已经建立了数家股份制银行。 女: 对。允许它们像四大商业银行那样对个人和企业提供各种银行业务。 男: 你说对了。你能告诉我一些股份制银行吗? 女: 没问题。民生银行、中信银行、兴业银行和广东发展银行都是股份制银行。 男: 深圳发展银行呢? 女: 它当然也是啊。 Dialog 3 M: Hi! I just r

6、ead the news that many foreign banks have set up branches or representative offices in our major cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. They think China is a huge market and there are more chances for them to make a fortune. W: Sure as shooting. I m told that The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banki

7、ng Corporation Limited has established branches in Shanghai and Beijing.One of my classmates is now working in a branch of the Bank of East Asia. It is also a foreign bank. W: Wonderful! There will be more employment opportunities for you when you graduate a year later. Question: What is the man acc

8、ording to the dialog? (C) 译文 男: 嗨!我刚读了一篇新闻,上面说许多外资银行在我们的一些大城市开设了分行或办事处,比如北京、上海和广州。他们认为中国是一个巨大的市场,有更多的赚钱机会。 女: 消息属实。我也听说汇丰银行在上海和北京开设了分行。我的一个同学在东亚银行的一个分行就职。它也是外资银行。 女: 太棒了!等你明年毕业,就有更多的就业机会了。 Dialog 4 W: Is the president still the head of Bank of China after it became a public corporation through listi

9、ng on the stock exchange? M: No. Generally speaking, the shareholders meeting is the top authority and then the Board of Directors. The president is appointed and confirmed by the Board of Directors. He is authorized by the Board to be in charge of the management and operation of the bank and requir

10、ed to report to the Board. Question: Which of the following has the right to decide the president of BOC? (C) 译文 女: 中国银行在证券交易所上市成为股份有限公司以后,行长还是最高领导吗? 男 : 不是。一般来说,股东大会是最高权利机构,然后是董事会。由董事会提名 确认银行行长。董事会授权行长负责银行的管理和经营,并要求他向董事会 汇报。 Dialog 1 W: Hello, Li. How s tricks? M: Couldn t be better. How about you?

11、 W: Quite well. What are you doing here? M: I want to make some investment in funds. I m told that I can earn much more money. W: Sometimes, I think. We have a Personal Financing Center. The manager will give you some financial advice according to your income and other matters and help you make a re

12、asonable plan. M: Wonderful. Where is the Center? W: Over there. The lady standing besides Counter No. 1 is the manager of the department. You can go and ask her about your affairs. Question: What does the man want to do and which department will he go to? He wants to buy some funds and he will go t

13、o the Personal Financing Center of the bank. 译文 女: 嗨,李, 怎么样? 男: 好极了。你呢? 女: 我很好啊。在这儿干吗呢? 男: 我打算投资一些基金。有人告诉我投资基金可以获得更高的收益。 女: 我觉得有时会吧。我们有个人理财中心。那里的经理会按照您的收入和其他因素给您一些理财建议,并帮您做出合理的计划。 男: 太棒了。理财中心在哪儿呢? 女: 在那边。 1 号柜台旁边站着的女士就是这个部门的经理。关于这事您可以去问 问她。 Dialog 2 M: I m told to go to the Premier Service Center of

14、 your bank to get some advice about the personal investment. Would you please tell me where it is? W: The Premier Service Center is on the second floor, next to the Credit Department. The passenger lift is over there. This way, please. M: Thank you. W: You are welcome. Question: Why does the man go

15、to the Premier Service Center? Where is the Center? To get some advice about the personal investment. It is on the second floor, next to the Credit Department. 译文 男: 有人告诉我去大客户服务中心咨询有关个人投资的事宜。麻烦您告诉我它在哪儿,好吗? 女: 大客户服务中心在 2 楼,信贷部的隔壁。载客电梯在那边,请从这里走。 男: 谢谢! 女: 不客气。 Dialog 3 M: I am going to apply to ICBC f

16、or a mortgage. Which department will attend to it? W: The Credit Department. M: Is it in the Credit Card Center? W: No. The Credit Card Center deals with the business of credit cards, while the Credit Department handles the business of personal loans as well as corporate borrowings. Question: What i

17、s the difference between Credit Card Center and Credit Department? The Credit Card Center deals with the business of credit cards, while the Credit Department handles the business of personal loans as well as corporate borrowings. 译文 男: 我打算到工行申请按揭贷款,哪个部门办理这项业务? 女: 信贷部。 男: 在信用 卡中心里面吗? 女: 不是。信用卡中心处理信用

18、卡业务,而信贷部处理个人贷款和公司货款。 Dialog 1 译文 男: 据我了解中国建设银行目前提供 4 种银行基本业务。 女: 是什么呢? 男: 个人业务、公司业务、信用卡业务和网上银行业务。 女: 公司业务指什么? 男: 公司业务指银行为公司、企业以及机构提供的各种银行业务。 女: 我想我明白了。所以个人业务指银行仅为个人提供的各种业务,而网上业务指通过因特网提供的银行业务。提供这些业务的是同一个部门吗? 男: 不是。提供这些业务的部门分别是个人银行业务部、公司银行业务部、信用卡中心和网上银行业务部。 Dialog 2 译文 女: 请问,理财咨询部在哪里?我要买一些国债。 男: 在那边,

19、1 号窗口旁边。那里的部门经理会为您办理这个业务。 女: 顺便问一下,如果我要存钱,在哪里开存款账户? 男: 哦,就在这里,你看,个人银行业务部,我们为个人客户提供个人存款和个人贷款业务。如果你打算买国债,你得首先在这里开一个活期账户。 Dialog 3 译文 男:这里是信用卡中心吗?贵行通知我说有指定我为受益人的信用证到了。我能够 来审证吗? 女: 哦,信用证?我想你最好去结算部问问。他们会为您办理信用证业务。 男: 对不起,我忘了。他们告诉我要去结算部的。顺便问一句,信用卡不是信用证,是吧? 女: 完全正确。如果您要开信用卡,可以在这里办理。 男: 对不起。我总是把“信贷”、“信用卡”和“

20、信用证”混淆在一起。你能告诉我 信贷部提供什么业务吗? 女: 如果您申请贷款,就去那里。 男: 多谢。我这就去结算部。 Conversation 1 Bank of China W: Dr. Zhang, I d like you to meet Ms. Brown. Ms. Brown, this is Dr. Zhang, Manager of Beijing Branch, Bank of China. M: Nice to meet you, Ms. Brown. Welcome to our branch. W: Nice to meet you, Dr. Zhang. BOC is

21、 one of the four big commercial banks of China. It s my honor to come here and have a visit. M: Well, Ms. Brown. Have you heard of anything about our bank? W: Of course, a lot. I once read the magazine The Banker, er in 2007, I think, and I learnt from a report that BOC ranked the 9th among the worl

22、d s top 1,000 banks. It is incredible for me to be right here, exactly at the bank, Dr. Zhang. I m very excited. Would you please tell me more about your bank? I d like to learn about the 9th largest bank in the world. M: It is my pleasure, Ms. Brown. The full name of our bank now is Bank of China L

23、imited, shortened to BOC. Frankly, I m proud of our bank. W: Yes. I know that. And I ve studied the history of your bank. The rapid development of BOC is really unbelievable. As a public company, what about its management and organizations? M: Generally speaking, BOC has a very effective management

24、structure. Of course, the shareholders meeting is on the top of the management. Then there is the Board of Directors. Under the board, there are some committees making up the top management. W: These committees will discuss important matters and then report to the Board of Directors? M: Without doub

25、t. The main sections under the top management include the operational section and the supervisory section. The operational section includes different departments dealing with banking operations, general business and supporting business. The supervisory section includes the Auditing Department, the I

26、nspection Department, and the Security Department. W: And there are many branches and sub-branches at home and abroad. Am I right? M: Absolutely right. You know so much about our bank. W: You see, Ive made some study of Chinese banking. It is my field of study for a masters degree. Well, one more qu

27、estion. Would you please tell me the types of business offered by BOC? M: BOC is mainly engaged in commercial banking, including corporate banking, retail banking, and online banking or e-banking. We also offer services such as letters of guarantee, syndicated loans, financial advisory services, and

28、 so on. W: Thank you very much for your introduction. I think Ive learnt a lot about BOC. No doubt that BOC is the first largest commercial bank in China. M: Oh, well, there is still a long way for us to go. You know, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ranked the 7th in the world last year. W:

29、Shortly it is ICBC, right? And there are also Construction Bank of China and Agricultural Bank of China. M: Exactly. Together with BOC, they are the four big commercial banks of China. 译文 女: 张博士 , 请允许我介绍您认识布朗女士。布朗女士,这是张博士,中国银行北京分行的经理 。 男: 很高兴认识您,布朗女士。欢迎光临。 女: 很高兴见到您,张博士。中国银行是中国四大商业银行之一。来这里参观是我的荣幸。 男

30、: 布朗女士。您听说过中国银行吗? 女: 当然。听说过很多。我曾经读过银行家这本杂志,嗯 我想是在 2007 年吧,里面有一篇报道说中国银行位居世界 1,000 家最大银行的第 9 名。今 天我能够站在这里,在中国银行,真是太不可思议了。我很兴奋。张博士,您 能够给我多讲讲中国银行吗?我希望了解世界第 9 大银行。 男: 我很乐意,布朗女士。我们银行目前的全称是中国银行股份有限公 司。说实话,我很为它感到自豪。 女: 我知道。我读过中国银行的历史。中国银行的快速发展确实令人刮目相看。 作为一家上市公司,其管理机构设置又是怎么样的呢? 男: 总的来说,中国银行拥有效率非常高的管理机构。当然,股东

31、大会是最高权力机构。其后是董事会。董事会领导某些管理委员会构成银行的高层管理机 构。 女: 这些委员会将讨论某些重大事情,然后向董事会汇报么? 男: 完全正确。高层管理机构主要包括两部分:业务管理机构和监察管理机构。 业务管理机构包括分管银行业务、总务和后勤不同的部门。监察管理机构包 括审计部、 监察部和保安部。 女: 中国银行在国内外还有很多分行和支行,对吗? 男: 不错。关于我们银行,您知道得真不少。 女: 您知道我对中国的金融业做了一些研究。这是我硕士研究的领域。我还有一个问题:中国银行提供哪些方面的业务呢? 男: 我们银行主要经营商业银行业务,包括公司银行业务、零售银行业务以及网上银行

32、业务。我们还提供诸如保函、辛迪加贷款、理财咨询等业务。 女: 非常感谢您的介绍。我想我已经了解了很多有关你们中国银行的事情了。毫无疑问中国银行是中国最大的商业银行。 男: 噢,别这么说。我们仍然任重而道远。你知 道,中国工商银行去年在世界银行中排名第 7 位。 女: 中国工商银行简称是 ICBC,对吗?此外还有中国建设银行和中国农业银行。 男: 非常正确。它们与中国银行一起并称中国的四大商业银行。 Conversation 2 Foreign Banks in China W: Hi, Tony. What is on the TV? M: News about foreign banks.

33、W: Foreign banks? It is said many foreign banks want to set up branches in China. M: Exactly. They line up to enter Beijing. That is the headline in China Daily today. W: Foreign banks have been setting up a lot of new branches in Beijing and Shanghai these years. There will be some changes in the C

34、hinese banking sector as more foreign banks come in. M: I ve heard of the news about Singapore s United Overseas Bank Group, UOB in short. It has upgraded its Beijing representative office into a branch. W: What kind of banking business is UOB allowed to deal with? I know it is one of the three larg

35、est banks in Singapore. M: It is said that the new branch will offer foreign-currency services to foreign-funded companies, including Sino-foreign joint ventures. UOB Chairman Wee Cho Yaw once revealed that his groups next growth engine would come from China. Do you know how many branches the group

36、has? W: Six. M: Yeah, exactly. So you can imagine what will happen to some high-profile banking giants. They are going to extend their reach into Beijing s personal finance services. W: The news said Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. shortened to HSBC, and Standard Chartered Bank will

37、have their branches established in Beijing by the end of this year. M: HSBC s first branch in mainland China was opened in Shanghai several months ago. Customers can choose from a range of services including foreign-currency deposits in eight currencies and 24-hour phone banking. By maintaining a to

38、tal account balance of at least US$50,000, customers can enjoy the services free of charge. W: Nice. If I had an account balance of that amount, I would enjoy the services free of charge. M: Do you have a bank account with HSBC? W: No. I wish I had. M: What is the name of the other bank mentioned ju

39、st now? W: Standard Chartered Bank. M: It is HSBC s major rival in Hong Kong market. It also opened its first retail branch in Shanghai in July. W: Yes. It will also open a retail branch in Beijing in the first quarter of next year. An official said the new retail branch in Beijing will offer simila

40、r services. It will be the first foreign bank to provide mortgage services to Chinese customers. M: The deputy secretary-general of Beijing Banking Association, sorry, I can t remember his name, said to the reporters that major foreign banks expect to expand their business in the capital after a few

41、 years of profitable operations. He said there are now 18 foreign banks that have branches in Beijing and 108 overseas banks have set up representative offices in the capital. W: Are they allowed to offer services to domestic residents? M: I don t think so. The People s Bank of China requires that o

42、nly those that have posted profits for their operations in China for three consecutive years will be given permits to offer services to domestic residents. W: It was reported that foreign banks have diverse expansion strategies. Some emphasize what they already specialize in and some eye a full rang

43、e of services. I believe that foreign banks are tapping the local market step by step despite the policy restrictions. M: Yeah, the United States financial company J.P. Morgan, for example, is expected to launch services such as capital market financing, financial advisory, treasury services and cas

44、h management in China. UOB is targeting foreign-funded enterprises, with the further goal of helping local enterprises list on the Singapore capital market. And HSBC plans to expand in virtually all areas permitted by regulations. W: On one side of the coin are ambitious foreign banking giants but o

45、n the other are the policy limitations that restrict them to a limited range of businesses in the local market. M: The limitations have become fewer and fewer with the development of the economy. Foreign firms have gained more access to China s banking industry with the limitation terminated in Dece

46、mber 2006. Before that, they were confined to taking deposits and issuing loans in foreign currencies. According to promises made by China when it joined the WTO, foreign banks have been allowed to launch consumer banking in Chinese currency since 2007. Of course, many foreign banks have offered var

47、ious RMB businesses, some of them even issue credit cards in RMB. W: HSBC said last Friday that it would be granted access “ soon” to the personal credit information of millions of Chinese under a landmark agreement with the People s Bank of China. The service, run by the central bank s Shanghai bra

48、nch and the Shanghai municipal government, will allow lenders to judge the credit worthiness of potential borrowers. M: Standard Chartered Bank has also joined the service, which holds personal credit data on 2.83 million people. The coming of foreign banks will bring about some changes in the banki

49、ng sector. Oh, sorry, I have a meeting in Room 2401. They are waiting for me. I have to go now. See you in a while. 译文 女:嗨,托 尼,电视在播什么呢? 男: 关于外国银行的新闻。 女: 外国银行?据说有很多外国银行打算来中国开设分行。 男: 对啊。他们排队等候进入北京。这是今天中国日报上的大标题。 女: 近几年外国银行已经在北京和上海新建了许多分行。随着更多外国银行的进入,中国银行业会发生一些变化。 男: 我听说过新加坡大华银行集团(简称 UOB)的有关新闻。他们已经把北京代表处升级为分行。 女: 新加坡大华银行集团可以在华经营哪些银行业务呢?我知道这家银行是新加坡的三大银行之一。 男: 据说新开的分行将为外资公司,包括中

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