1、 - 1 - Sales Contract Address:Pudong District,Shanghai,China NO.: 地址:中国 上海市 浦东新区 Date: Seller/卖方 : Company: Shanghai xxxxxxx Equipment Co.,Ltd 公司 : 上海 xxxxx有限公司 Add: No.5888 zhenshe Road, Pudong District, Shanghai, China 地址 : 上海 浦东新区 Tel : +86 -21-59000000, 电话 : +86 -15900000000 Buyer/买方 : Company/公
2、司名称 : Address/地址 : Tel/电话 : This contract is established by seller and the buyer. The two parties have agreed that the seller sells equipments according to the following terms. 该合同由买方和卖方共同建立,双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售 . 1. 上 海港美金离岸价及设备清单 FOB Shanghai Port USD price for the equipment: NO. 设备名称 Item 型号 Model 数量 Q
3、ty 功率 (KW) Power 单价 Unit price USD 总金额 Amount(USD) 1 Raw material silo 15m3 1 2 7.5 3 4 Total price(FOB Shanghai): US$ 2. 价格及支付方式 : Price and Payment Term. 2.1 此价格为 FOB 上海港口价。本合同设备总价为 : US$ 。 The total value of this contract is FOB Shanghai Port USD: 2.2 合同签订买方应在银行 5 个工作日内 TT给卖方合同总金额的 30%做为预付款 , - 2
4、 - 即 : _US$ 剩余合同金额的 70%,即 US$ 须在发货前由买方 TT 给卖方。 20% of the total contract value,that is: US$, should be paid in advance as deposit by T/T within five banking days after the contract is signed. The balance 80% of the total contract value,thats US$ , should be paid by T/T before equipment being deliver
5、ed out. 2.3 合同自买方预付款到卖方账户之日起生效 , 自签订 “安装调试证书 ”之日截止。卖方自签订 “安 装调试证书 ”之日起履行保证条款。 The contract will come into effect the day when the seller receives the deposit of the contract. The contract shall come to an end the day when the two sides sign the Installation and Trial Document. The Seller shall guara
6、ntee the terms of Installation and Trial Document from the day it is signed. 2.4 价格在合同有效期内 不变。 The contract quotation remains the same during the contract valid period. 3. 卖方指定银行账户信息: The bank account information Seller specifies. Full name: Shanghai xxxxxx Equipment Co., Ltd. Bank: Bank of Communic
7、ations Shanghai Municipal Branch Account Number: 31xxxxxxxx96 Bank Address: No. XXX South Zhongshan Road, Shanghai China Swift Code: COMMCNSHSHI 4. 设备交货期 Delivery Time. 自合同生效后,卖方应在 60 个工作日内交货。 The delivery time is 60 working days after the contract comes into effect. 5. 包装 Package 5.1 货物生产完毕后, 卖方应对部
8、分适合包装的设备部件进行包装,并按技术明细和要求粘贴标签。货物的包装应保证在货物装卸和运输过程中完好。 After the production is finished for all the equipment, the seller should make suitable package for certain equipment parts and label the parts. Besides, the equipment package shall be intact during the loading, unloading and transportation. 5.2 卖方
9、应对由于不正确和不符合要求的包装所造成的货物的损坏和丢失承担责任。并应在货物到达客户公司境内之日起 30 日内解决货物的损坏和丢失问题。 The loss and damage due to sellers incorrect and improper package shall be born by the seller. Also the seller shall solve all the damage and loss problems with in 30 days since the day the equipment reach the buyers site. 6 . 生产运输
10、和交货 Production,transportation and delivery. - 3 - 6.1 设备生产完毕后卖方应邀请买方验货。买方可以到上海 XXXXX 设备有限公司工厂验货或同卖方一起组织通过视频验货。 在验完每一批次货物后买方应签署 “验收证书 ”。 The seller shall invite buyer to check goods after all the products are finished. The buyer can come to Shanghai XXXXXX Equipment Co., Ltd to have a on-site check-u
11、p or carry out the check-up through video together with the seller. The buyer shall sign the Acceptance Certificate after check-up. 6.2 在完成设备的制作有运输船只的条件下货物应在收到相应的支付后 10 日内发运。 All the equipment shall be shipped within ten working days after the payment was paid supposed that the transportation ship c
12、ould be arranged. 6.3 按照以下条款接收货物 Acceptance of all the equipment shall be done according the following terms. -零部件数量的验收 按照提单上注明的数量; Acceptance of parts quantitybased on the quantity marked in the Bill of loading. -货物数量的验收 按照明细表和装箱单上注明的数量; - Acceptance of equipment quantityBased on the quantity speci
13、fied in the Detailed List and Packing List - 质量的验收 应符合卖方的企业标准,应符合中国国家标准要求。 - Acceptance of qualityqualified with the sellers standard and meets the standards specified by the Peoples Republic of China. 7. 质量保证 Quality Guarantee. 7.1 卖方应保证: The seller shall guarantee the followings: 货物的质量将完全符合商品品质的中国
14、标准。 The products quality shall completely meets good standard specified by Chinese standard. 卖方对卖给买方的货物拥有完整的所有权,并保证没有被扣押、抵押或作任何担保。 The Seller enjoys the full ownership of the sold products and guarantees that there is not any equipment that is detained or bonded or given any means as security. 任何第三方
15、不能对出售给买方的货物提出任何权利。 Any claim of any right from any third party upon any equipment sold to buyer is forbidden. 7.2 买方在设备使用过程中应严格执行卖方所提供的使用说明及操作规程,由于违规使用而造成设 备损坏所产生的经济损失由买方自行承担。 During the operation,Buyer shall strictly abide by the instructions and operation regulations offered by the Seller. Any dam
16、age & loss of the equipment caused by disobeying shall be born by Buyer. 7.3 卖方对设备正常使用的质保期为一年,易损件除外。 质保期自签署 “安装调试证书 ”之日起算起。如果由于买方的原因致使 设备不能正常验收,质保期 为合同签订之日起 18 个 月 内 。 The equipment guarantee time is 1 year except wearing parts. Guarantee time starts from the day when the Installation and Trial Docu
17、ment is signed. In case of failure of normal acceptance caused by the buyer, the guarantee time shall be within 18months after the date the contract is signed. 7.4 卖方应在质保期内对正常操作的条件下出现的设备损坏给予无偿修复或更换部件。 - 4 - As to the damage under the normal operation within the guarantee period,the seller shall repa
18、ir or change the damaged for free. 7.5 如果根据卖方专家的鉴定,出现损坏的责 任在买方,卖方应将此通知买方,在此条件下买方应承担卖方专家的差旅费。 In case of damage caused by buyer authenticated by sellers experts,the seller shall notify the buyer and the costs for food, accommodation and flight fees will be born by buyer. 7.6 如果买方不同意卖方专家的鉴定意见,买方和卖方应协商
19、邀请独立的专家进行设备损坏 原因的第二次鉴定。 In case of disagreement upon the authentication from the sellers experts,the buyer and seller shall discuss and invite the independent expert to have a second authentication of the damaged equipment. 8. 不可抗力 Force Majeure 8.1 任何一方如果遭受不可抗力的严重阻碍,在不可 抗力及其影响持续的期限内和受影响的程度内双方中止履行本合
20、同。不可抗力是指本合同签署时合同双方不能预见,发生时不能避免且不能克服的事件,包括但不限于台风,暴风雪,洪水,海啸,地震,战争,内乱,罢工和流行病。 If eight of the Contracting parties be seriously prevented from executing the contract by Force Majeure ,the two sides could stop performance of the contract within the effected degree and within the Force Majeure period or F
21、orce Majeure influence-lasting period. Force Majeure here means such events that can not be foreseen,can not be avoided and can not overcome the impact of the objective situation of the implementation of the contract, as war,serious flood ,snow-storm, typhoon, tunami and earthquake,civil disturbance
22、 strike, epidemic disease or other similar events. 8.2 遭受不可抗力的一方应在不可抗力发生后的 48 小时之内用电话或传真将此通知给对方,并 在不可抗力发生后的 7 日内通过邮政快递将相应文件邮寄给对方。 The party influenced by the Force Majeure shall notify the other party within 48hours after the Force Majeure by telephone or fax and post all the relevant documents to t
23、he other party by postal express within 7 working days after the Force Majeure. 8.3 遭受不可抗力的一方 应该在最短的时间内努力消除不可抗力对履行合同的影响并必须采取措施最大限度减少对另一方的损失。 The party influenced by the Force Majeure shall try to terminate or reduce the Force Majeure influence within the shortest time and also take all necessary ste
24、ps to reduce the other partys loss . 8.4 不可抗力的影响消 除后双方应恢复履行本合同,如果不可抗力发生及其影响持续的时间超过90 天,任何一方有权解除本合同而不承担任何违约赔偿责任。 After termination of the Force Majeure influence within 90days,the two party shall contitue to perform the contract. If the Force Majeure lasts or influence time of Force Majeure lasts ove
25、r 90 days,either of the two parties is entitled to terminate the contract and be free of responsibility of breach of the contract. 9. 责任与罚款 Responsibility and Forfeit. 违约意味着不能履行合同或者不能完全履行合同,不能履行合同的一方应承担以下责任: Breach of the contract means complete or partial failure of performing the contract,the part
26、y - 5 - breaching the contract shall be responsible for the followings: 9.1 如果卖方未按本合同规定的日期生产或供货,或者部分逾期,应按照本合同每日向买方支付未发运货物价值的 0.1 的罚款。 In case of the sellers failure to manufacture or supply all the equipment or exceed the time limit,the seller shall pay for 0.1 of the undelivered equipment value per
27、 day. 9.2 如果买方未在规定的期限内支付货款,买方应每天向卖方支付未付款货物价值的 0.1 。 I f the buyer fails to pay for the seller within the time limit,the buyer shall pay for the seller 0.1 of the unpayed amount per day. 9.3 支付罚金并不意味买方 /卖方解脱履行本合同的义务。 Payment of forfeit does not mean either of the two parties is free of performing the
28、 contract. 10. 安装和调试 Installation and Trial Operation. 10.1 安装和正确试机的培训将由卖方的专家进行。买方应提供安装调试所必需的机械和工具。卖方专家到达买方工厂的日期由双方协商。 Installation and training on the correct operation shall be carried out by the experts from the sellers. The buyer shall provide necessary machines and tools to be used for installa
29、tion. The arrival date of the experts from the seller shall be discussed by the two parties. 10.2 安装调试本设备技术服务的费用:按照每人每天工作 8 小时,买方应支付给卖方技术人员每人每天 60 美金,技术服务费用应在技术人员出发前汇款到卖方公司账户。 Technical Service Fees on the Installation Trial Operation: The buyer shall pay for each technician USD $60 per day based on
30、 8 working hours each day. The technical service fees shall be transferred to the Sellers account before the technicians leave the Sellers factory. 10.3 买方必须支付并保障卖方人员的如下费用: All the following fees shall be born by the buyer. 签证费、往返机票、住宿、饮食、通讯(买方应提供通讯器材并支付电话和互联网的费用),交通、安装费、翻译、意外保险和安装调试期间的医药费。买方应保证安装调试
31、期间 的技术人员 安全。 Consulage, round trip air ticket, accommodation, food and beverage, communication ( the buyer shall provide the communication equipment and pay for the fees from the telephone and Internet), transport ,installation fee,translation fee, accident insurance as well as the possible medical
32、cost. Besides, the buyer shall guarantee safety of the technicians during this period. 10.4 买方须在 技术人员出发 7 日内根据卖方的要求准备三相电源,供水,供气,空压机,电焊机,电焊条,吊车,手工工具,气割工具,其它工具和耗材。 Upon the sellers requirements,the buyer shall prepare water supply,three phrase power supply,air supply,air compressor,welder,hoisting mac
33、hine manual tools,cutting tools and other tools as well as consumptive materials within 7days before the technicians leave the Sellers factory. 买方应为生产线提供足够的空间。 The buyer shall supply sufficient space for the ball mill and flotation machine. 10.5 完成安装调试设备后买方应在 2 日内签署安装调试证书。 After installation and tri
34、al operation,the buyer shall sign the Installation and Trial Operation Document within two days. - 6 - 11. 仲裁和解决争议 Arbitration and Dispute Resolution. 仲裁:因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(上海分会),按照该会现行的仲裁规则在该会进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 Arbitration: Any dispute arising from or in connection with this
35、 contract shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration (Shanghai), which shall be conducted, by commission in accordance with its existing rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and building upon both parties. 10.1 本合同应该受中国法律管辖并按其解释。
36、The contract is subject to Chinese laws and interpretation of Chinese laws. 12. 其它条款 Other terms 12.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日 , 所签条款成立,收到预付款之日 起生效。 The contract shall come into effect from the day the seller receive the down payment, while the term get into effect when the contract was signed by the two sides.
37、 12.2 对本合同的任何修改须经双方一致书面同意。 Any adaptation of the contract should be upon the mutual parties agreement in writing. 12.3 买方与卖方无权将本合同的条款泄露给任何第三方。 Both seller and buyer are forbid to let contract terms out to the third party. 12.4 与本合同有关的所有文件可通过传真或电子邮件传递 。经签字和盖章的传真件和扫描件具有同等的法律效力。 All the documents relat
38、ed with the contract could be sent through fax or email. The faxed or the scanned documents shall have the same legal force. 本合同以中、英文书就,一式两份,双方各持一份,具有同等的法律效力。 This contract is written in Chinese and English in duplicate. Both of them have the same legal force. 12.5 附件为合同必不可少的组成部分,本合同连同所有附件具有等同法律效力。
39、All the Annexes are deemed to be an integral part of the Contract and valid equivalently.This contract has the same legal binding with all the Annexes. 买方 Buyer Company: 地址 (Add): 电话 (Tel): 卖方 Seller Shanghai XXXX Equipment Co.,Ltd. 卖方地址 Add: No.XXXXXXRoad, Pudong District, Shanghai, China 电话 :0086-21-59xxxxxx 传真 : 0086-21-59xxxxxx Date/日期 : Date/日期 : Buyer Seller 买方签字 卖方签字
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