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1、Chapter TenStomatology 口腔科,外语教研部,The toothache is not a disease actually, but it will torments you as long as it happens.,内容提纲,Task: Students are required to make a PPT by team work. In the team, one student needs to introduce the PPT in English, one needs to give the corresponding Chinese explanati

2、on, and the others have to answer questions from the class.,PPT,How to extract a tooth?,Preparations-Video,Task: Watch the following video, discuss with your group members about the process and method for extracting a tooth.,Preparations-New words,extract vt. ikstrkt 提取; (费力地)拔出n. ekstrkt 汁;提炼物; 浓缩物

3、,e.g. He tried to extract his pole from the mud.,他试图用力将杆子从泥中拔出来。,I would like to quote two extracts from the book.,我很想引用这本书的两段文字。,cavity kviti n. 腔,洞; 蛀牙,龋洞,e.g. I have a toothache because there is a cavity in one of my teeth.,我牙疼,因为我的一颗牙齿上有个洞。,Preparations-New words,sterile sterl adj.贫瘠的; 不生育的; 无菌的

4、,e.g. Medical tests showed that he was sterile.,医学检查表明他没有生育能力。,牙科医生给患者拔了几颗牙?,e.g. The farmers turned thesterileland into high fields.,农民们把不毛之地变成了高产田。,Antonym: fertile 肥沃的,Synonym: infertile 贫瘠的;unfertile 不肥沃的,take out v. 取出,除去; 拔掉,e.g. How many teeth did the dentist take out?,e.g. When you edit the

5、tape you cantake outthe giggles.,你编辑录音时,可以把咯咯笑的部分删了。(去掉),e.g. Jessicas grandparents took her out for the day.,杰茜卡的祖父母带她出去玩了一天。(邀请外出,带出去吃饭),Preparations- Fast Reading,Whats wrong with the patients tooth?,3. What should the patient do after extracting the tooth?,It has a big cavity and the pulp is exp

6、osed.,It is too bad to be filled any more. It should be extracted.,2. What diagnosis dose the doctor give?,Bite on the cotton ball for half an hour and dont suck. Keep from eating and drinking for two hours.,Preparations-Dialogue,I. Dialogue: 1 Extracting a Tooth 拔牙Doctor: Come in, please. What is y

7、our trouble?,Patient: I have a bad tooth that bothers me often. Its terrible.,Doctor: How long have you had this trouble?,Patient: For half a year.,Doctor: Which tooth is it?,Patient: The last one in my left upper jaw.,Doctor: Ok, let me check it. Sit in the chair please.,Lean your head back against

8、 the chair and open your mouth.,Doctor: Oh, I see it.,It has a big cavity and the pulp is exposed.,Patient: Should it be filled?,我有一颗虫牙,经常困扰我。,这样多久了?,是哪颗牙?,左面上面最后一颗。,将头靠在后面的椅子上,张开嘴。,有一个大空洞,而且已经漏神经了。,Preparations-Dialogue,Patient: Its up to you to decide what to do.Doctor: Ok. How old are you?Patient

9、: 45.Doctor: Do you have heart disease?Patient: No. I have always been in good health.Doctor: Thats great. Patient: Will it hurt?Doctor: No.,We will give an injection to keep you from feeling anything except numbness. By the way, have you ever been allergic to anything?,Patient: No.,我们会为你注射麻醉剂。顺便问一下

10、,您有没有对什么东西过敏,Doctor: Im afraid that it is too bad to be filled any more. It should be extracted. If you agree with it we will do it right now.,我恐怕这颗牙坏的太严重了,不能再修补了。应该把它拔掉。如果你同意的话,我们现在就能拔掉。,Preparations-Dialogue,Doctor: Thats good. Now Ill you an injection.,Please open your mouth as wide as you can.,R

11、elax yourself. Dont be nervous. It wont hurt much. Now, it is the time to take it out. (The doctor puts a sterile cotton ball in the wound after the tooth is taken out.),Doctor: Bite on the cotton ball for half an hour and dont suck. Keep from eating and drinking for two hours. And dont rinse your m

12、outh today because it may cause bleeding.,(Patient nods his head.)Doctor: Here are two painkillers. You can take one of them if you feel any pain.,Come back to see me if there is a lot of bleeding.,Patient: Thank you very much.Doctor: Youre welcome.,尽量张大嘴。,咬住棉花球半个小时,不要吸。两个小时不要吃东西和喝水。为了避免出血,今天不要漱口。,如

13、果出血很多,及时就医。,Time for Fun,Preparations-New words,ulcerative lsrtiv adj. 溃疡(性)的e.g. The morbidity of chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis is rising nowadays.,irritant rtnt adj. 有刺激性的; 使无效的,使失效的 n. 刺激物,刺激因素e.g. It is not considered toxic, but is an irritant.,近年来,慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎发病情况呈上升趋势。,它被视为无毒,但是它是刺激物

14、。,e.g. Try not to eat spicy, irritant or greasy food, and drink more water.,少吃辛辣、刺激、肥腻的食物,多喝水。,Preparations-Related Information,口腔溃疡是发生在嘴部任何结构的粘膜炎症,这可能涉及到脸颊,牙龈,舌,嘴唇,咽喉和上牙床。 炎症可以通过口腔本身条件引起,如由于不良的口腔卫生习惯,饮食中蛋白质的缺乏,不合适的假牙,或过热的食物或饮料,有毒植物;或者来自影响整个身体的因素,如药物,过敏反应,放射治疗,或感染。,Stomatitis is an inflammation of t

15、he mucousmju:ks lining of any of the structures in the mouth, which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, throat, and roof or floor of the mouth. The inflammation can be caused by conditions in the mouth itself, such as poor oral hygiene, dietary protein deficiency, poorly fitted denturesdentz

16、, or from hot food or drinks, toxic plants, or by conditions that affect the entire body, such as medications, allergic reactions, radiation therapy, or infections.,Preparations- Fast Reading,Whats wrong with the patient?,3. What should the patient do?,He had oral ulcer in his mouth.,Mental tension,

17、 poor sleep, lower immunity and lack of vitamin or trace element will cause this disease easily.,2. What is the cause of the disease?,Youd better to pay attention to rest, take exercise regularly, and improve your immune system and physique. Whats more, keep to a soft diet and no irritants. Take it

18、easy. Gargle after every meal to keep it clean.,Preparations-Dialogue,Dialogue 2 Recurrent Ulcerative Stomatitis 复发性口腔溃疡Patient: Hello, doctor!Doctor: Hello, please sit down. Whats wrong with you?,Patient: I had oral ulcer in my mouth.,Doctor: How long have you had this trouble?,Patient: For three d

19、ays.,Doctor: Have you had it for the first time?,Patient: No, I have had it before.,Doctor: Have you seen a doctor before?,Patient: No, but I had taken some medicine.,Doctor: What medicine have you taken?,Patient: Vitamins and antibiotics.,Doctor: Had it any improvement after taking medicine?,我得了口腔溃

20、疡。,多长时间了?,是头一次得病吗?,以前看过医生吗?,用过什么药?,用药后有好转吗?,Preparations-Dialogue,Patient: Yes, but it repeated after a while.,Doctor: How many ulcer surfaces did you have?,Patient: One to two.,Doctor: Have you had tuberculosis before?,Patient: No, never.,Doctor: Did you have an ulcer in other parts of your body?,P

21、atient: No.,Doctor: Did you notice any rash on your body?,Patient: No.,Doctor: Are you allergic to anything?,Patient: No.,Doctor: Ok, according to your symptoms. I think you had recurrent ulcerative stomatitis. Dont worry, this is a common disease,治疗过,不过,过一段又得。,发作的时候有几个溃疡面?,以前得过结核病吗?,其他部位有溃疡吗?,身上起过疹

22、子吗?,对什么过敏吗?,根据你的症状,我认为是复发性口腔溃疡,不用担心,这是个常见病,Preparations-Dialogue,Patient: What is the cause?,Doctor: Mental tension, poor sleep, lower immunity and lack of vitamin or trace element will cause this disease easily.,Patient: Oh, I know. What should I deal with it?Doctor: I will prescribe you an ointmen

23、t for local application; use it three times a day.,Youd better to pay attention to rest, take exercise regularly, and improve your immune system and physique.,Whats more, keep to a soft diet and no irritants. Take it easy. Gargle after every meal to keep it clean.Patient: Thank you, doctor. Doctor:

24、You are welcome. Wish you get well soon.,在精神紧张、睡眠不佳、免疫力低下、维生素或微量元素缺乏时容易发病。,要注意休息,经常锻炼身体,提高自身免疫力,改善体质,Practice makes perfect.,Task,Choose one part of the learnt dialogue to perform it . Try to use the learnt words and expressions. Tips: 1. How to extract a tooth? 2. What should you do after extracting?,Students are required to make a PPT by team work. In the team, one student needs to introduce the PPT about Stomatology in English, one needs to give the corresponding Chinese explanation, and the others have to answer questions from the class.,Task,

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