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1、临床技能培训模拟考试题,请直接写出诊断结果1-5题用中文答题6-10题用英文答题,第1题,请用中文 回答,第2题,请用中文 回答,第3题,请用中文 回答,第4题,请用中文回答,第5题,请用中文 回答,第6题,请用英文回答,第7题,请用英文回答,第8题,请用英文回答,第9题,请用英文回答,第10题,请用英文回答,11.名词解释(中文作答)Monteggia fracture,12.简答(中文作答)5 P sign of osteofascial compartment syndrome,13. 骨折并发症,14. 切开复位的指征,15.断肢(指)再植禁忌证,16.transurethral re

2、section syndrome after endoscopic resection of the prostate occurs because of_? A. air embolism during the procedure B. blood loss from postoperative irrigation C. absorption of irrigant D. relaxation of the urethral sphincter from spinal anesthesia,17. Prostate cancer occurs most commonly in which

3、zone of the prostate?A. central zoneB. urethral zoneC. transitional zoneD. perioheral zone,18. 前列腺增生和神经源性膀胱功能障碍的鉴别有赖于 A. B超 B. 静脉尿路造影 C. 尿流动力学检查 D. 放射性核素扫描,19.正常人直肠指诊不能触及 A前列腺 B. 精囊 C. 骶骨岬 D. 子宫颈,20. 患者,男,35岁。左腰部受伤后出现腰痛。体检:血压125/90mmHg,P80次/分,左肾区叩痛(+),腹膜刺激征(-)。尿常规检查:RBC5-10个/HP。该患者最主要的诊断是 A肾挫伤 B. 肾部

4、分裂伤 C. 肾全层裂伤 D. 肾蒂损伤,21.开放性气胸最主要的诊断依据是什么? A 胸部锐器伤 B 胸壁伤口,存在气胸体征 C火器伤,弹道进入胸腔 D胸部损伤,呼吸困难,纵隔摆动 E呼吸时伤口有气体出入,22闭合性肋骨骨折,出现下列哪项提示可能合并张力性气胸? A伤侧肺呼吸音减弱 B伤侧肺有啰音 C伤侧胸部剧痛 D伤侧皮下气肿 E伤侧胸腔积液,23. 胸部损伤下述哪种情况为剖胸探查手术适应征: A:气胸肺萎陷超过30% B:多根多处肋骨骨折 C:胸部爆震伤 D:进行性血胸 E:损伤性窒息发绀严重,24.Which ribs are easier to be fractured? 1-3ri

5、bs 4-7ribs 8-10ribs 11-12ribs e. all ribs,25.Which is wrong about lung cancer?A. Histologically is most commonly a small cell carcinoma.B. Spread via the bloodstream to the brain and boneC .Is often an asymptomatic finding on a chest X-rayD.May have a normal chest X-rayE.Operation is the principle t

6、reatment,26.Right optic tract injury will cause visual field defect A. one eye blindness B. left homonymous hemianopia C. homonymous quadrantic hemianopia D. diplopia E. bitemporal hemianopia,27.which one is the most important sign of the damage of pyramidal tract? A. Paralysis B.Muscle atrophy C. P

7、athological reflex positive D. Muscular tension increase E. Anesthesia,28.一男孩,一月前下午放学时家人发现左眼裂变小,继之右上睑也下垂,晨起时正常。来诊时检查:双上睑轻下垂,瞳孔等大,对光反射正常,令其反复做睁闭眼动作后,上睑下垂加重,最可能的诊断是 A.动眼神经麻痹 B.先天性眼睑下垂 C.周期性麻痹 D.重症肌无力 E.多发性硬化,29.下列关于胸部皮节的体表标志不正确的描述为 A.胸骨角平面为T2 B.乳头平面为T3 C.脐平面为T10 D.腹股沟为T12L1 E. 肋骨下缘为T6,30. 以下哪项不是蛛网膜下腔出

8、血典型的临床表现: A. 剧烈头痛、呕吐 B. 脑膜刺激征阳性 C. 偏瘫 D. 血性脑脊液 E. 动眼神经瘫,31.Each of the following heart sounds may occur shortly after S2 (diastolic phase) EXCEPT: ( )A.Opening snapB.Austin Flint murmur C.Ejection clickD.mitral valve stenosis murmur,32.Each of the following statements regarding the descriptions of t

9、he second heart sound is true, EXCEPT: ( )A.Severe pulmonary stenosis is associated with a softened P2B.Delayed closure of the pulmonary valve with inspiration contributes to physiologic splitting of S2C.Fixed splitting of S2 is the auscultatory hallmark of atrial septal defectD.Fixed splitting of S

10、2 is the auscultatory hallmark of ventricular septal defect,33.Which of the following ECG findings is revealed in a patient experiencing an acute anterior transmural MI? ( )A.Normal ECG at presentation and 3 hours laterB.ST elevation in leads V2V5C.Hyperacute T waves in lead II, III, aVF D.ST depres

11、sion in leads V2V5,34.Conditions may mimic the pain of myocardial ischemia. EXCEPT: ( )A.Esophageal spasmB.Costal chondritis C.Herpes zosterD.Bronchiectasis,35. Each of the following congenital heart diseases is probably referred to interventional therapy EXCEPT: ( )A. ASD B. PDA. C. VSD D. Mitral v

12、alve regurgitation,36. A 35-year-old woman presents with a 2-day history of cough productive of green-yellow sputum. She complains of fever, chills, and dyspnea. On physical examination, T 39.4 RR 26/min Bp 110/65mmHg P 125/min. Examination of the lungs reveals increased fremitus and dullness at the

13、 right posterior base. Crackles and bronchial breath sounds are audible at the right base. Gram stain of the sputum reveals gram-positive cocci and numerous neutrophils. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? ( ) A.Right upper lobe pneumonia B. Right lower lobe pneumonia C.Right middle

14、 lobe pneumonia D. Right pleural effusion,37. A 60-year-old man presents to your office with an 80-pack-year history of cigarette smoking. He complains of some dyspnea on exertion. He has an asthenic body habitus and pursed-lip breathing. He has an increased anteroposterior thickness of the thorax.

15、Lung examination reveals decreased fremitus , hyperresonance on percussion, and diminished breath sounds. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? ( ) A. Bronchiectasis B. Asthma C. Emphysema D. Pleural effusion,38. Massive hemoptysis means ( ) A. Less than 100ml of blood lost in a 24 ho

16、ur period B. More than 100ml to 500ml of blood lost in a 24 hour period C. More than 100ml of blood lost in a 24 hour period D. More than 500ml of blood lost for the whole episode or in 24 hour period,39动脉血气分析pH7.47,PaCO230mmHg,BE-2.1mmol/L。表示: A正常范围 B代谢性碱中毒 C呼吸性酸中毒 D呼吸性碱中毒 E代谢性酸中毒,40. 诊断ALI时应: A. P

17、aO2/FiO2300 B. 200PaO2/FiO2300 C. 200PaO2/FiO2300 D. PaO2/FiO2200 E. PaO2/FiO2100,41、Which one is not the main side effects of anti-thyroid drugs? ( ) A. rash B. hepatic dysfunction C. agranulocytosis D. hypertension,42、A 36-year-old female complains of palpitations, fatigue, heat intolerance, sweat

18、ing, and insomnia. On physical exam, her skin is moist and she is tachycardic. There is a diffuse thyroid gland enlargement and proptosis. Which of the following lab values would you expect in this patient? ( ) A. Increased TSH, FT3 and FT4 B. Decreased TSH, increased FT3 and FT4 C. Increased TSH, d

19、ecreased FT3 and FT4 D. Decreased TSH, FT3 and FT4,43、Which of the followings is not macrovascular disease of diabetes mellitus. ( ) A. Angina pectoris B. Stroke C. Myocardial infarction D. Diabetic nephropathy,44、Which of the following is used as the diagnostic criterion for diabetes mellitus up to

20、 now? ( ) A. Glucosuria B. Blood glucose C. HbA1c D. C peptide,45、Which is the commonest clinical manifestation of primary aldosteronism? ( ) A. moon face B. hypertension and hypokalemia C. buffalo hump D. osteoporosis,46、Stomach pattern can sometimes be seen in patients with ( ) A. Biliary obstruct

21、ion B. Pyloric obstruction C. Intestinal obstruction D. Cardia obstruction,47、Frog belly is a special medical term used to describe the presence of which of the following conditions? ( ) A. Pneumoperitoneum B. Intestinal gas retention C. Ascites D. Obesity,48、Abdominal wall superficial vein dilatati

22、on can be seen in patients with ( ) A. Inferior vena cava obstruction B. Liver cirrhosis of early stage C. Liver cysts D. Liver abscess,49、Which one of the following is not the etiology of ascites?( ) A. cirrhosis of the liver B. tuberculous peritonitis C. malignant tumor D. intestinal tuberculosis,

23、50、The volume of gas that we need to inject into the gastric pouch of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube is A.500ml B.100ml C.100-150ml D.200-300ml,51、Following picture is a smear of the bone marrow under oil microscope vision. Combining with the history, the most likely diagnosis of this patient is ( ).,AMM

24、BAML-M3CALL-L1DALL-L2EAML-M2,52、The depth of sterna puncture is less than ( ). A. 1cm B.1.2cm C.1.5cm D.2.0cm E.2.5cm,53、慢性粒细胞白血病患者,白细胞计数500109/L,巨脾,出现左上腹剧痛,其诊断最可能的是( )。 A. 胃穿孔 B. 脾梗死、脾周围炎 C. 胰腺炎 D. 肾绞痛 E. 胆囊炎,54、关于类风湿关节炎,下列说法错误的是( ) A. RA的病理改变为滑膜炎 B. RA主要发病机制是免疫紊乱 C. 类风湿因子阳性可诊断RA D. RA可引起心脏、肺脏等多脏器受

25、累 E. RA以药物治疗为主,55、关于系统性红斑狼疮下列说法错误的是( ) A. SLE的基本病理改变为血管炎 B. SLE可引起心脏、肺脏等多脏器受累 C.SLE可引起浅表淋巴结肿大和脾大 D.抗核抗体是SLE标记性抗体之一 E.SLE应选用糖皮质激素和免疫抑制剂治疗,56. Right optic tract injury will cause visual field defect A. one eye blindness B. left homonymous hemianopia C. homonymous quadrantic hemianopia D. diplopia E. b

26、itemporal hemianopia,57.which one is the most important sign of the damage of pyramidal tract? A. Paralysis B.Muscle atrophy C. Pathological reflex positive D. Muscular tension increase E. Anesthesia,58.一男孩,一月前下午放学时家人发现左眼裂变小,继之右上睑也下垂,晨起时正常。来诊时检查:双上睑轻下垂,瞳孔等大,对光反射正常,令其反复做睁闭眼动作后,上睑下垂加重,最可能的诊断是 A. 动眼神经麻痹 B. 先天性眼睑下垂 C. 周期性麻痹 D. 重症肌无力 E. 多发性硬化,59.下列关于胸部皮节的体表标志不正确的描述为 A. 胸骨角平面为T2 B. 乳头平面为T3 C. 脐平面为T10 D. 腹股沟为T12L1 E. 肋骨下缘为T6,60. 以下哪项不是蛛网膜下腔出血典型的临床表现: A. 剧烈头痛、呕吐 B. 脑膜刺激征阳性 C. 偏瘫 D. 血性脑脊液 E. 动眼神经瘫,

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