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1、Medical english study,Bazhou peoples hospitalorthopedic and trauma departmentwangyanchao resident doctor,Clinical-Medical English,part1:History collection病史采集Inquirynkwar问诊Details dtelz一般资料Chief complaintskmplent主诉HPC(history of presenting complaint)现病史PMH(past medical history)既往史S/E(systems inquiry

2、)系统回顾FH(family history)家族史SH(social history)社会史P/E(physical examination)体格检查A/E (assistant examination)辅助检查Summary 摘要,Details (Biographicalbagrfk()l data),Name姓名Age年龄Sex性别Maritalmrt()l status婚否Nativityntvt籍贯Race民族Occupation职业Date of admission入院日期Informant nfmnt病史叙述者History病史,Chief complaints(present

3、ing complaintkmplent),主诉的表示方法:症状+时间(Symptom+Time)症状+for+时间如: Chest pain for 2 hours 胸痛2小时症状+of+时间如: Nausea and vomiting of three days duration 恶心呕吐3天症状+时间+in duration如: Headache 1 month in duration 头痛1月时间+of+症状如: Two-day history of fever 发热2天4-hour traffic accident injury to the left leg pain associ

4、ated with activities obstacles.associated with 与有关系;与相联系obstacles n. 障碍;障碍物(obstacle的复数形式);阻碍injury to 损伤,伤害(某个部位)ex1:从昨晚饭后,病人一直感觉寒战。Patient has had chills after dinner since last evening.可简写为Chills since last evening.ex2:主诉:胃肿胀已4个月。C.C.:“Swelling of the stomach“ for 4 months.ex3:2,3个月来,一做工就感觉呼吸困难和眩

5、晕。For 2 or 3 months, dyspnea and dizziness on work.,HPC(history of presenting complaintkmplent),现病史书写的重点包括:一、主诉中症状的详细描述;二、疾病的发展过程;三、诊疗经过;四、目前的一般情况Onset 起病特征,发病情况Duration:n. 持续 (persistent since onset 发病起持续至今)Severe svr 严重性Relievingrliv/exacerbating factors 缓解与恶化的因素Associated symptomssmptm 伴随症状Resk f

6、actors 危险因素起病情况,主要症状的特点,病情的发展与演变,伴随症状(记载与鉴别诊断有关的阴性症状),诊疗经过,一般情况,HPC,Chief complaint: Right breast mass found for more than half a month.Present illness: Half a month ago, the patient suddenly felt pain in her right chest when she put up her hand. After touching it, she found a mass(n. 块,团) in her ri

7、ght breast, but no tendness压痛, and the patient didnt pay attention it. Then the pain became more and more serious, so the patient went to tumour hospital and received a pathologypldn. 病理学 centesis sen:ti:sisn. 临床 穿刺术. Her diagnosis was breast cancer. Then she came to our hospital and asked for an op

8、eration. Since onset(起病特征,发病情况), her appetite was good, and both her spiritedness sprtdns有精神and physical energy(体力) are normal. Defecation大便 and urination小便 are normal, too.,Trauma trm and shock创伤性休克,A teenage boy fails from his bicycle and is run over by a truck.On arrival in the emergency room(ER)

9、,he is awake and alert and appears frightened but in no distress.The chest radiograph suggests an air-fluid level in the left lower lung field and the nasogastric tube seems to coil upward into the left chest. Which of the following is the next best step in the management?a.Placement of a left chest

10、 tube b.Thoracotomy 开胸手术c.Laparotomy 剖腹探查手术d.Esophagogastroscopy 食管镜检查e.Diagnostic peritoneal lavage 诊断性腹腔灌洗,专业词汇翻译,teenage tined adj. 青少年的;十几岁的 n. 青少年时期run over v. 辗过;匆匆看;复查emergency room急诊室alert ltn. 警惕.adj. 警惕的,警觉的appears to be frightened 显的有点害怕in no distress 没有痛苦面容chest radiograph 胸片air-fluid le

11、vel 气液平面left lower lung field 左下肺野nasogastric tube 鼻胃管;胃管coil kl vt. 盘绕,把卷成圈 ;n. 线圈;卷; vi. 成圈状management mndm()nt n. 管理,操纵,治疗Placement plesmnt n. 安置,放置chest tube 胸管,胸腔引流管,专业词汇翻译,CT scanning (computed tomography tmgrf) 计算机断层扫描MRI scanning (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 核磁共振成像diaphragmatic ,daifrmtik膈肌i

12、n the absence of 缺乏,排除 病理 出血 significant hemorrhage 显著的出血traumatic trmtk adj. 外伤的;创伤的Traumatic fracture 创伤性骨折;创伤骨科;外伤性骨折;创伤骨折rupture rpt n. 破裂;vi. 破裂;vt. 使破裂;断绝;发生疝acute traumatic rupture 急性创伤性破裂adjuncts dktsn.附属物,辅助手段accomplish kmpl vt. 完成;实现;达到;代偿Thoracotomy ,rktm n. 外科 胸廓切开术

13、Laparotomy ,lprtm n. 剖腹手术Esophagogastroscopy 食管胃镜检查 esophago 食管gastroscopy gstrskpi n. 胃镜检查 复数 gastroscopies ,part2:Regional Anatomy-局解,Bones of free lower limp-自由下肢骨,lower extremities-自由下肢骨,illium lm n. 解剖 髂骨pubis pjubs n. 耻骨;前胸侧部ischium skm n. 解剖 坐骨coxae kksi: -ae n. 髋骨;髋关节;基节(coxa的复数) os coxae 短语

14、髋骨 ; 无名骨 pelvic girdle 下肢带骨 pelvic pelvk adj. 骨盆的femur fim n. 解剖 股骨;大腿骨patella ptel n. 解剖 膝盖骨fibula fbjl n. 解剖 腓骨tibia tb n. 胫骨phalanges flndiz n. 趾骨;指骨(phalanx的复数)metatarsals ,metts()l n. 跖骨;adj. 跖骨的tarsalsts()l n. 跗骨 ;adj. 跗骨的;眼睑软骨的limb lm n. 肢,臂;分支;枝干 vt. 切断的手足;从上截下树枝anatomy ntm n. 解剖;解剖学;剖析;骨骼,L

15、ower Limb lm-下肢,Boundaries and Divisions (境界与分区)The lower limb is connected to the trunk by the extremity girdle.It is separated anteriorly and posteriorly from the abdome and vertebral region by a line connecting the inguinal,iliac crest, posterior superior iliac spine and the tip of the coccyx. It

16、 connects with perineum medially.下肢借肢带与躯干相连。下肢以腹股沟、髂嵴、髂后上棘至尾骨尖的连线与腹部、脊柱区分界,其内侧与会阴相连。trunk trk n. 树干;躯干 medially mi:dili 内侧extremity girdle 肢带 extremity kstremt; n. 极端;手足 girdle gdl n. 腰带anteriorly ntiri:li adv. 前方地posteriorly pstirili adv. 后侧地abdome n. 腹部; dome dm n. 圆屋顶vertebral v,tbrl adj. 脊椎的;椎骨的

17、;inguinal gwn()l adj. 腹股沟的iliac lk 髂骨; crest krest 波峰;冠;山顶; iliac crest 髂嵴posterior superior iliac spine 髂后上棘 spine span n. 脊柱,脊椎;刺;书脊,Lower Limb,The lower limblm is divided into regions of glutealglutl(hip),thigha,kneeni,leg,ankle k()l and the foot,which can be further divided into several subregio

18、nssbrid()n.下肢可分为臀部、股部、膝部、小腿部、踝部及足部等。各部又可分为若干区。glutealglutl(hip) adj. 臀肌的;近臀肌的thigha n. 大腿,股kneeni 膝部ankle k()l 踝部several subregionssbrid()n 若干区,专业名词词组学习,分离:distraction dstrk()n n. 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱separation sepre()nn. 分离,分开;间隔,距离,diastasisdastss 分离( Syndesmosis,sndsmoss n. 解剖 韧带联合diastasis 胫腓下联合分离)-lys

19、is 后缀Ex: symphyseolysis 耻骨联合分离 arthrodiastasis (arthro- 关节) 关节分离 fracture of medial malleolus with diastasis of inferior tibiofibular joint 内踝骨折伴下胫腓联合分离 inferiornfr adj. 差的;自卑的;下级的,下等的;n. 下级;次品 tibiofibular joint ,tibiufibjul adj. 胫腓的medial malleolus mlils n. 解剖 踝,专业名词词组学习,PLATE-接骨板条目One-third tubul

20、ar tubjl adj. 管状的plate 1/3 管状钢板AOtitaniumtatenm n. 化学 钛 plate AO微型钛金属板standard conventional plate 标准普通钢板conventionalknven()n()ladj. 传统的;常见的 dynamicdanmkadj. 动态的;动力的 compressionkmpre()n n. 压缩,浓缩;压榨 dynamic compression plate动力性加压钢板proximalprksmladj. 最接近的,邻近的 humeralhjmrl adj. 肱骨的;肩的;肱部的 locking proxim

21、al humeral plate肱骨近端锁定接骨板curvedkvdadj. 弯曲的;弄弯的 reconstructive,riknstrktvadj. 重建的;改造的 curved reconstructive plate弧形重建接骨板anatomic ,ntmk adj. 组织的;解剖学上的;结构上的anatomic plate 解剖型接骨板,专业名词词组学习,invasive nvesvadj. 侵略性的;攻击性的 percutaneous ,pkjutensadj. 经皮的;经由皮肤的minimally invasive percutaneous plate经皮微创接骨板Mippbri

22、dgingbrdn. 桥接;v. 架桥(bridge的ing形式) bridging plate桥接接骨板 limited contact dynamic compression plate 有限接触动力加压接骨板IC-DCPclavicularklvkjl adj. 锁骨的hookhkn. 挂钩,吊钩vt. 钩住;引上钩vi. 钩住;弯成钩状 clavicular hook plate锁骨钩接骨板tensionten()n n. 张力,拉力bandbndn. 带,环 plate tension band plate张力带接骨板cable keb()l n. 缆绳;电缆;钢缆wirewa 钢丝

23、tendsion band wiringwar张力带钢丝,Anatomic pattern of four-column of tibia plafond,The Four-column classification is summarized as follows: (I) Anterior column fractures: fractures in the anterior part of the intermalleolus line requiring fixation of anterior fracture fragments; (II) Posterior column fra

24、ctures: fractures in the posterior part of intermalleolus line requiring fixation of the posterior fracture fragments;(III) Medial column fractures: fractures in the medial part of distal tibia plafond and the medial malleolus with the fracture line extending to tibial shaft requiring fixation of me

25、dial fracture fragments; (IV) Lateral column fractures: fractures in the lateral part of distal tibia plafond with or without fibular injury requiring fixation of lateral part of tibia plafond, fibula, and distal tibiofibular syndesmosis,Anatomic pattern of four-column of tibia plafond,Anatomic patt

26、ern :pt()n 模型 n. 模式;图案;样品.vt. 模仿,以图案装饰.vi. 形成图案four-column :klm【解剖学】脊骨,脊柱.【建筑学】柱,支柱;圆柱tibia plafond :plfn 【解剖学】平台,穹窿部 plateau plt 平台;tibia plateausummarized v.总结,概括;概述(summarize的过去式及过去分词形式)Anterior column fractures ntr adj. 前面的;先前的intermalleolus line malleolusmlils n. 解剖 踝 inter- 内anterior fracture

27、fragments ntr adj. 前面的;先前的.fragment:frgm()nt n. 碎片;片断或不完整部分Posterior column fractures pstradj. 其次的;较后的n. 后部;臀部Medial column fractures midl adj.【解剖学】 内侧的;近中的;中层的Lateral column fractures lt()r()l adj. 侧面的,横向的distal tibia plafond dst()l adj. 解剖 末梢的,末端的medial malleolus 内踝distal tibiofibular syndesmosis

28、下胫腓联合syndesmosis:,sndsmoss n. 解剖 韧带联合tibiofibulartibiufibjul adj. 胫腓的,Surgical approaches on the basis of four-columnclassification,Tibialis anterior胫骨肌.胫骨的.胫前肌deep peroneal N 腓深神经peroneal,perniladj. 腓骨的;腓侧的Extensor hallucis拇趾 longus长kstensn. 伸肌;-拇长伸肌Superficial peroneal N 腓浅神经,supf()l 浅表性Anterior t

29、ibial V 胫前动静脉Tendon of the extensor 伸肌腱extensor kstens n. 伸肌Tendontendn n. 解剖 腱Digitorumi longus趾长伸肌Tendon of peroneus longus腓骨长肌腱,Great saphenous sfinsveinsadj. 隐的;隐静脉的。n. 隐静脉-大隐静脉Tendon of the tibialis posterior -胫后肌腱Flexorfleks digitorum longusn. 解剖 屈肌 -趾长屈肌Posterior tibial V -胫后动静脉Achilless tend

30、on k i -跟腱,踝关节CT平扫及矢状位、冠状位重建,各柱骨折在CT片上的表现分别为:腓骨骨折为外侧柱骨折;前外侧的Tillaux-Chaput骨块、后唇的Volkmann三角骨块及位于中央的压缩骨块(die-punch)为中柱骨折(仅有前外侧骨折的为中前柱骨折,仅有后唇骨折的为中后柱骨折);内踝骨折块与胫骨近端明显失去连续性的为内柱骨折,Three-column classification of Pilon fracture,Tillaux-Chaput fragment:(替劳克斯-卡布特)(Tillaux骨折:即下胫腓前韧带在胫骨的起点处发生的撕脱骨折。Tillaux-Chaput

31、骨折:同样损伤机制导致的胫骨后外侧的撕脱骨折。此名来自于两位法国外科医生HenriVictorChaput(1857-1919)和 PaulJulesTillaux(1834-1904)) Volkmann三角骨块:(福克曼)Hueter-Volkmann定律即骨骺压力法则:骨骺所受压力增加,骨的生长就会受到抑制;骨骺所受压力减小,骨的生长就会加速。过度施压可抑制骺板生长,跨骺板牵张力可加速其生长。die-punch fragment:冲床样骨折块(中央的压缩骨块 ),Pilon fracture,Since Pilon fractures are intra-articular fractu

32、res, open reduction and internal fixation with bone graft can help to achieve anatomical reduction and reduce incidence of traumatic arthritis. Staged procedure of external fixation, calcaneal traction and second stage open reduction and internal fixation are considered to be a reasonable therapy. O

33、ther alternatives are also effective. An external fixator combined with limited invasive internal fixation is suitable for fractures with large fragments. This method can also protect local soft tissues from being injured further. But in fractures with comminuted articular surface, this method may b

34、e less effective.,intra-articular fractures rtkjl adj. 解剖 关节的 -关节内骨折open reduction and internal fixation rdk()n 复位 ORIF -切开复位内固定bone graftgrft -植骨anatomical reduction -解剖复位 traumatic arthritis trmtk adj.创伤的;arthritis rats关节炎-创伤性关节炎calcaneal traction klken n. 跟骨-tractiontrk()n n. 牵引-跟骨牵引alternatives

35、n.可供选择的事物 external fixator kstn()l; ek- 外固定 fixatorfikseit固定器 -外固定装置combined with-联合limited invasive internal fixation -有限接触内固定 large fragments -大的骨折块 comminuted articular surface comminutedkm,njt adj. 粉碎的 -粉碎的关节面,orthopaedics: rpidks n. 医整形外科,整形术; orthopedics : n. 矫形术Multifragmentary -多块骨折块 Multi-

36、mlt 多-lag screws -拉力螺钉 lag lg拉 screwsskru:螺钉external fixation -外固定 practical -有用的;实用的feasible fizb()ladj. 可行的wound healing deficitdefst-切口愈合障碍severe soft tissue damage -严重的软组织损伤,Multifragmentary Tibial Pilon Fractures: Midterm Results AfterOsteosynthesis with External Fixation and Multiple Lag Screw

37、s,We therefore propose combined treatment using lag screws with external fixation as a practical treatment option for those fractures for which lag screws combined with a locking plate are not feasible or when there is a high risk of wound healing deficit due to severe soft tissue damage. The Open O

38、rthopaedics Journal, 2012, 6, 419-423,Management and outcome of pelvic fractures in elderly patients:a retrospective study of 40 cases(回顾性研究),Keywords: pelvic fractures; elderly patients; management; outcomeBackground Pelvic fractures are uncommon in elderly patients and so are infrequently infri:kw

39、ntli(稀少的) addressed检索,解决,定位 dresd in the literature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the management and outcome of pelvic fractures in elderly patients.Methods We retrospectively reviewed the records of pelvic fractures in elderly patients (age 55 years) who were treated (v. 治疗(treat的过去

40、分词);对待;招待adj. 治疗的;已处理过的) in our department from September 1997 to May 2010.,Results A total of 40 elderly patients with pelvic fractures were identified. Their mean age was 65.8 years (range 5587years).About 68% (n=27) were men. The average Injury Severity Score-创伤严重度评分 (ISS) was 17.8 (range 645). T

41、welve (30%)patients required blood transfusion 输血(mean 10 units) during the first 24 hours. The fractures were most frequently经常,常见 due to falling from a standing position站的姿势 (48%). Almost half (48%) were grade I breaks. Associated injuries were present in 70%(n=28) of patients, and 65% (n=26) had

42、medical co-morbidities医疗共病. Altogether, 29 patients (73%) underwent non-surgical management of their pelvic fracture. The average hospital stay was 25 days(平均住院日). There were five in-hospital deaths and one death 10 months after discharge获准出院. High ISSs (25) were associated with increased in-hospita

43、l mortality mtlt死亡数,死亡率 (P=0.018). At the final assessment (mean follow-up 15 months), 52% of the surviving patients 存活组had experienced decreased减少的 self-sufficiency 自给自足;自负.,Conclusions Pelvic fractures in elderly patients result in high morbiditymbdt and mortality(发病率和死亡率) rates. A high ISS (25) c

44、an be used to identify a patient at high risk. We recommend(vi. 推荐;建议) aggressive gresvresuscitation r,ssten n. 复苏 (积极的液体复苏)and intensive care 重症护理for that patient. For patients with an unstable pelvic or displaced acetabular fracture-移位型髋臼骨折 (2 mm) who can endure(vt. 耐受) surgery, open reduction and internal fixation can provide adequate-(适当,坚强的) fixation for early weight-bearing(负重) and restoration restre()n n. 恢复of the bone stock. Chin Med J 2014;127 (15): 2802-2807,

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