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A Study of Different Attitudes to Marriage of People in China and America【开题报告】.doc

1、毕业论文开题报告 英语 A Study of Different Attitudes to Marriage of People in China and America 一、选题的背景和意义 A socialist has ever said marriage is a social alliance or legal contract between people, and creates kinship. It is a relationship, usually intimate and sexual, in a variety of different ways, depending

2、 on the culture or subculture in which it is found. This combination, often through a formal wedding ceremony, is also known as matrimony. The modern English word “marriage“ derives from Middle English mariage, which first appears in 12501300 C.E. This in turn is derived from Old French marier (to m

3、arry) and ultimately Latin martre (to marry) and martus (of marriage).From one country to another, it is difficult to generalize or draw definitive conclusions as to why, when, or how people marry, but it is true that social and cultural backgrounds play important roles in peoples understanding of m

4、arriage-and marriage tendencies around the world. Marriage for many reasons, including legal, social, emotional, economical, spiritual and religious. These may include arranged marriages, family obligations, a nuclear family unit, and the legal protection of children and the legal establishment of t

5、he public statement of commitment. The act of marriage between individuals always conducts normative or legal obligations. In some societies, these obligations also extend to certain family members of married persons. Marriage is usually recognized by the state, religious authority, or both. It is o

6、ften regarded as the contract. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a government agency, regardless of religion and marriage law jurisdiction basis. If approved by the state religion belonging to the party or in the general community, marriage, change of behavior of individuals who put

7、 it into the personal and social status. Although institution of marriage pre-dates reliable recorded history, many cultures have 1 legends concerning the origin of marriage. The way in which a marriage is conducted and its rules and patterns have changed over time, as has the system itself, dependi

8、ng on the culture. Various cultures have their own theories on the theory of the origin of marriage. So the study on the different attitudes to marriage because of the culture differences is needed. No matter ancient or modern time, human nature is the same. Everyone has various emotions, such as ha

9、ppiness, angry, love and hate. However, due to the difference of the geographical environment, historical background and development process, various ethnic groups have their own characteristics. Compared to the Chinese nation which has five thousand years of history, the United States has completed

10、 only two hundred years of national historical journey which leads to a quite different America. United States maintains “personality“, the importance of individual rights and freedoms, while China focuses on ethical life, pay attention to the interdependence between people. Concept of Marriage whic

11、h reflects the cultural characteristics of China and the U.S. has played a certain important role in China and American cultures. We know the basic mentality of the Americans is the combination of wonder and action, and the character of this attitude is pursuing freedom and independence, making prog

12、ress and adventure, while our attitude to the Chinese people is focuses on concerning caring, compassionate awareness. They are based on these two different attitudes and their concepts of marriage differ totally. Easy to love another is the characteristic of “wonder” and being together forever refl

13、ects the requirements of “concern”. We can find that so many theories have been applied to the analysis of different attitudes on marriage in China and America by the scholars at abroad and at home. Their own researches of different opinions on marriage in China or America are hardly to find up to n

14、ow. As the world tends to be universal, the cultural differences on marriage will be mixed. Thanks to all the forerunners for their sparkling ideas as well as the study already done, I am inspired to work on it and want to have a tentative study on the conceptual difference between America and China

15、 from analyzing the different attitudes of marriage in China and America. 二、研究目标与主要内容 (含论文提纲) Everyone knows the attitude on marriage differs from culture to culture. American 2 people tend to have an opinion of personality, individual right and freedom. Compared with America which has only more tha

16、n 200 years history, China prefers to ethic, paying much attention to mutual relationships. Therefore, we can find out that there are the distinctions about marriage opinions between Chinese and Americans. In the first part of the essay, the author mainly makes a brief introduction of the background

17、. Chapter Two presents the views and a thorough review of the preceding studies of marriage. Chapter Three focuses on the different attitudes towards marriage and divorce. And it divides into three parts: the ways to choose their life mates, the different attitudes towards marriage and a contrastive

18、 analysis the different attitudes towards divorce. Chapter Four analyzes the reasons of the differences, based on a lot of collected data, with the purpose of finding some conceptual differences from the patterns of cultural value system, such as concrete thinking vs. abstract thinking, implicit exp

19、ression vs. direct expression, integrated thinking vs. analytical thinking, individualism and collectivism, the high-power-distance and low-power-distance. Chapter Five is the conclusion. It highlights on the significance of this essay to remind of people to arouse the awareness of culture. In addit

20、ion, there are some limitations in the study of this areas and I suggest others can research more in this field. 1. Introduction 2.The conception of Marriage 3. Different Attitudes Toward Marriage and Divorce 3.1Different ways to choose their mates in China and America 3.11 The way for Chinese young

21、 people to choose their life mates 3.12 The way for American young people to choose their life mates 3.2. Different attitudes toward marriage 3.21 Chinese young peoples attitudes toward marriage 3.22 American young peoples attitudes toward marriage 3.3 Different attitudes toward divorce 3.31 Chinese

22、 young peoples attitudes toward divorce 3.32 American young peoples attitudes toward divorce 4. The Reasons of This Kind of Differences 4.1 Conceptual differences from the patterns of cultural value system 3 4.11 Individualism or collectivism 4.12 Concrete thinking or abstract thinking 4.13 Integrat

23、ed thinking vs. analytical thinking 5. Conclusion 三、拟采取的研究方法、研究手段及技术路线、实验方案等 (1) This paper adopts the comparative approach to analyze and contrast the conceptual different attitudes to marriage between Chinese and American. While describing different conception orientations shown in Chinese and Ame

24、rican marriage, qualitative analysis will be conducted in this essay, At the same time, contrasting the different features between Chinese and American marriage is very important as well. (2) In addition, through the scientific classification and gathering of the materials to expose the difference o

25、f marriage conceptions, the essay can be manifested more clearly. (3) The complete and systemic essay is attributed to the scientific and logical illusion and analysis of the examples. 四、参考文献 1DeFrain, J. Strong families around the world. J. Journal of the Australian Institute of Family Studies, 199

26、9(09). 2Jing Wenshu. The Marriage and Family Structure in Traditional China and America J.Journal of English Teaching, 2009(08). 3Paloma Robles. What is your reason for getting married? J.Women, 2008(05). 4 大卫奥尔森 ,约翰德弗雷 . 美国婚姻和家庭面临的挑 战 J.江苏社会科学家的对策 ,2002 (06). 5邓倩 . 当代中国青年婚恋价值取向的调查分析 J.内蒙古社会科学(汉化版)2

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28、.社会科学研究 ,1988 (03). 14王志章,张淑琴 .美国婚姻家庭观念的新变化 J.道德与文明, 1988( 04) 吴宗友 .当代中国婚姻文化嬗变之探析 J.安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ,2008(30). 15谢小亮 .多解的婚姻方程式 J.婚姻报 ,2005( 04) . 16余慧 .美刊谈婚姻的稳定性问题 J.道德与文明, 1985( 03) . 17徐安琪 .世纪之交中国人的爱情和婚姻 M.北京:中国社会科学出版社 ,1997. 五、研究的整体方案与工作进度安排 (内容、步骤、时间) June, 2010 Hold the meeting and arrange the

29、instructor. Middle of October, 2010 Finish the assignment paper. Middle of December, 2010 Finish the literature review. Middle of January, 2009 Finish the research proposal. 六、研究的主要特点及创新点 Main characteristic: How to look on the culture differences and the different attitudes to marriage between Chin

30、a and America from the aspects of marriage. Innovation: In my paper, I may focus on the tendency of the marriage development in China and America. Characteristics of the research: (1) Presenting a lot of examples helps this essay to analyze the different attitudes toward marriage systematically and

31、completely. (2) Because of the necessity of the marriage in the daily life, the research which mainly focuses on the analysis of the different cultures is quite practical to show the different values and thinking methods. (3) The most primary character of this research is that it adopts the double comparison to expose the theme. That is, the essay uses the different values to present the different cultures. Thus, it makes the essay liable. 5

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