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A Study on Junior Middle School Students’ English Reading Strategies【毕业论文】.doc

1、毕业论文 文客久久 本科 毕业论文 (设计 ) 题 目: A Study on Junior Middle School Students English Reading Strategies 学 院: 学生姓名: 专 业: 英语 班 级: 指导教师: 起 止 日期: Contents Abstract. 1 Introduction . 3 1. Reading and Reading Strategies . 3 1.1 The Nature of Reading . 3 1.2 Reading Strategies. 4 1.2.1 Definition . 4 1.2.2 Classi

2、fication. 4 2. An Analysis of Students English Reading Strategies in Junior Middle School. . 6 2.1 The Purpose.6 2.2 The Subjects.6 2.3 The Procedure.6 2.3.1 A Written Questionnaire. 6 2.3.2 Data Analysis . 7 3. Results and Discussions . 7 3.1 Major Findings . 7 3.1.1 About Cognitive Strategies . 8

3、3.1.2 About Metacognitive Strategies . 10 3.1.3 About Affective Strategies . 10 3.1.4 About Communicative Strategies. 11 3.1.5 About Resources Strategies. 11 3.1.6 Summary . 11 3.2 Solutions and Suggestions . 12 3.2.1 Training Students Ability of Using Cognitive Strategies . 12 3.2.2 Cultivating Stu

4、dents Ability of Using Metacognitive Strategies . 13 3.2.3 Stimulating Students Positive Emotion of Reading . 13 3.2.4 Fostering Students Ability of Using Communicative Strategies and Resources Strategies . 14 Conclusion . 15 Appendix . 16 References . 17 1 摘要 在我国 ,英语作为一门外语在非目的的语环境中学习和应用,语言使用者从听的渠道中

5、获取信息的能力十分有限,主要是通过阅读来获取信息。中学阶段,阅读教学一直以来受到重视。但是受多年来传统的教授方式的束缚,英语课堂教学过多强调语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,导致学生无法真正解决在阅读过程遇到的困难,从而导致学生阅读能力的提高相对缓慢。因此,对学生阅读策略的培养就显得尤为重要。 文章首先对阅读策略的本质,定义及分类做了介绍,确立了全文的理论基础。然后以问卷调查的方式,对来自浙江省温州市大荆镇一中的 96 名初二学生在英语阅读过程中阅读 策略使用状况进行了调查,总结了“初中生英语阅读策略”使用中存在的问题。最后就存在的问题,试图提出一些建议,以期使学生和教师注重阅读策略的培养与应用。

6、研究发现大多数学生使用阅读策略都在无意识的情况下进行。在高分组和低分组相比较中,在认知策略,情感策略,交际策略和资源策略使用方面,高分组比低分组好。但在交际策略使用上,两者情况都不太理想。高分组和低分组在元认知策略使用方面差异明显。作者希望通过提出一些培养学生有意识地使用英语阅读策略的建议,能达到提高学生英语阅读能力的目的。 关键词 中学生;学习策略;阅 读策略; 2 Abstract In China, English has been learnt as a second language, and it is hard to seek useful information merely

7、by listening. Hence, reading is an essential way to get information from other countries. In middle school English teaching, reading is always attached great emphasis to. However, as English reading teaching has been fettered by traditional methods for years, teachers focus too much on grammar and v

8、ocabulary teaching. The difficulty students have met in reading comprehension can not be solved completely, which leads to students low reading proficiency. Thus its of paramount importance to training students reading strategies. This paper firstly gives an introduction to the nature, definition an

9、d classification of reading strategies, which establishes a fundamental theory of this paper. Then by using questionnaires, 96 Grade 2 students in Dajing No.1 Junior Middle School are investigated about their ways of using English reading strategies. A summary is put forward by the analysis of the e

10、xisting problems of students different ways of using reading strategies. Finally, the author gives some suggestions in attempt to urge teachers and students to pay more attention to cultivating and using reading strategies consciously. The results obtaining from questionnaires reveal that most stude

11、nts use the reading strategies unconsciously. Compared with low-score students, high-score students can get a better use of cognitive strategies, affective strategies, communicative strategies and resources strategies. However, both high-score students and low-score students use communicative strate

12、gies poorly. There are a significant difference between high-score and low-score students in using metacognitive strategies. All these offer important information for the future English teaching. The author expects that the study will ultimately help improve students English reading ability. Key wor

13、ds middle school students; learning strategies; reading stategies; 3 A Study on Junior Middle School Students English Reading Strategies Introduction With the development of theory and practice in English teaching, reading has been regarded as the most important skill in learning English. The purpos

14、e of reading is to obtain information from written material. Currently, the questions of how to improve teaching effects and how to improve students reading abilities are of paramount importance. It is not only because reading is a more proper way for students to learn English, but also reading is t

15、he main source of language input. Only efficient reading can make students get more information from both abroad and home. Reading is one of the best ways to widen students horizons. In China, developing students reading ability is one of the main purposes in basic education. Furthermore, reading st

16、rategies play important roles in improving students reading ability. However, the inefficiency in English reading class has always been troubling the teachers. English teachers always focus on analyzing new words, phrases, sentences and grammars, but they usually ignore the training of reading strat

17、egies and skills which may partly lead to students low reading proficiency. New English Curriculum Standard (Ministry of Education, 2003: 17) points out that in English reading class, teacher should guide the students to use appropriate reading strategies according to the purpose of reading intentio

18、nally and consciously. Junior middle school period is a significant period for students to lay a good foundation in English. Hence, it is high time for teachers to transform their outdated concept into new one. Moreover, teachers should help students make full use of reading strategies in their read

19、ing comprehension. This paper talks about some questions: (1) What is the general condition of using reading strategies in Dajing No.1 Junior Middle School? (2) What is high-score students and low-score students condition of using reading strategies? (3) What should teachers do to help students impr

20、ove their ability of using reading strategies? 1. Reading and Reading Strategies 1.1 The Nature of Reading Reading is the most basic cognitive activity of our human society. It is also the most important tool for human beings to acquire information. Grellet (1981: 7) points out that reading is to ge

21、t the information from the written words effectively. Williams (qtd. in Chen Weiwei & Gu Lihong, 2005) indicates that reading is a process that one person looks and understands the written material: readers firstly see a series of words, then transform them into proper phonetics and speak them out.

22、Goodman (qtd. in Tang Yun, 2009) points out that reading is a psycholinguistic 4 process of guessing. It has three meanings. Firstly, reading is a psychological process. In English reading process, readers as individuals, turn on various physiological organs, knowledge structure and skills to catch

23、meaningful language symbols selectively. Then they do a series of activities, such as sampling, predicting, testing and final confirming, to help them understand the written material. Secondly, reading is a linguistic process. In English reading process, linguistic knowledge is regarded as tool and

24、bridge. If readers know little about the language in the written material. In that case, no matter how smart the readers are, it is hard for them to finish reading. For instance, when people dont know English, they cant read English newspaper or some English books, articles. Thirdly, readers are the

25、 main part of reading. Readers depend on the language knowledge and cultural general knowledge to understand the literal encoding information. American psycholinguist Frank Smith (qtd. in Tang Yun, 2009) points out that reading is not a passive activity. If readers want to gain knowledge, they shoul

26、d make a positive contribution. At least, the readers should make the same contribution as the authors. However, reading is not one-way linguistic activity. Readers reading process is the process of communication between readers and authors through language symbols. Authors write down their thought

27、through written language symbols. While readers analyze the written language symbols to get information. Any kind of reading activities is the interaction process between written material and readers. Hence, the purpose of reading is to obtain information rather than analyze the language structure.

28、1.2 Reading Strategies 1.2.1 Definition New English Curriculum Standard (Ministry of Education, 2003: 17) defines that learning strategies are the activities that students use to learn English and develop their learning abilities effectively. As indispensable part of learning strategies, reading str

29、ategies refer to activities that learners use proper reading skills selectively and flexibly according to different types of articles, contents and reading aims during reading (Wallace, 1992: 146 ). Johnson (qtd. in Zhang Qiaoying, 2008: 39-42) points out reading strategies are cognitive activities

30、carried out by readers in the process of predicting, confirming or solving problems in reading to fully understand the text. They not only contain some reading skills such as making global inferences, making lexical inferences, skimming and scanning and so forth, but also include selective and restr

31、aining actions taken by readers for certain purposes. 1.2.2 Classification There are many kinds of classifications of reading strategies. In this paper, reading strategies are classified into five main categories: Cognitive strategies, Metacognitive strategies, Affective strategies, Communicative st

32、rategies and Resources strategies. 5 (1) Cognitive strategies (Wang Duqin, 2002: 179) are the operating mode that learners used to obtain knowledge and solve problems. They are more limited to specific learning tasks and involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself. Cognitive str

33、ategies include skimming, scanning, word-guessing, inferencing, and note-taking. Skimming is mainly concerned with finding key topics, main ideas, themes, and basic structure. Scanning requests that learners move their eyes quickly over the page, searching for key words or clues to help them get ans

34、wers to the questions. Word-guessing is to guess the meaning of the new words and phrases according to context, common sense, and word-formation. Inferencing is to inference and understand the hidden meaning based on details of the articles. Note-taking means underlining the key words to help reader

35、s understand and remember the information they get from reading. (2) Metacognitive strategies (Liang Dan, 2011: 124) refer to making study plans, monitoring reading process, and evaluating reading outcomes. That is to say that metacognitive strategies are regulatory strategies. Moreover, learners ex

36、ploit cognition to deal with knowledge and adjust reading methods through planning, monitoring and evaluating. Metacongnitive strategies contain four aspects: planning strategy, monitoring strategy, evaluation strategy, regulatory strategy. Planning strategy includes setting up learning objectives,

37、making study plans, selecting study material and so forth. It may help learners know “what to read, how to read”. Monitoring strategy refers that learners monitor their reading process, reading strategies and learning progress. Furthermore, monitoring makes students pay attention to the problems the

38、y have met during reading. Hence, they can rectify the problems in time. Evaluation strategy refers that leaners can evaluate their reading attitude, reading effect and the usage of reading strategies in an objective way, which may help them find out their shortcomings. Regulatory strategy wants lea

39、rners to adjust their reading methods according to their own reading condition. Moreover, it will help learners find a more suitable way for them to read. (3) Affective strategies (Xu Chunlin, 2006: 29) are to control and adjust ones own interest, attitude, motivation, confidence and volition during

40、 reading. Moreover, affective strategies make people to recognize cultural differences in Chinese and foreign countries, and strengthen the sympathy for the foreign countries. (4) Communicative strategies (Ministry of Education, 2003: 18) refer that learners take various approaches consciously to so

41、lve communicative problems and achieve communicative goals. In daily teaching, teachers and students exchange their experience in order to find a better way to improve students reading ability. Besides, students should ask teachers for advice when they experience reading problems. 6 (5) Resources strategies (Ministry of Education, 2003: 18) refer

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