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1、七下期末总复习 1 他的加拿大笔友现在住在中国。 His pen pal _Canada _ _ China now . 2. 沿着路直走,你就会发现邮局就在车站的对面。 _ _ the road, and you can find the post office is _ _ the bus stop . 3. 步行穿过公园就是花园之旅的开始。 _ _ the park is the _ _ the garden tour . 4 He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day(提问 ) _ _ _ he usually sleep and

2、relax every day ? _ _ he sleep and relax 20 hours ? 5.What does he do ? He is a nurse. 他是名护士。 What does he do= _ his job ? = _ _ he ? 6 谢谢你帮我学法语。 Thanks for _ me _ my _ . 7一群人正在打沙滩排球,他们真酷啊,真放松! A group of people _ _ beach volleyball, they _ cooland_ 8He gave me a book . (同义句改写 He gave _ _ _ _ . 9动物园

3、的动物对我们很友好。 The animals in the zoo are _ _ us. 10你想参演校园剧吗? Do you want to _ _ the school play ? 11 Hes cleaning his rooms. (划线提问) _ he _? 12. Sally often does some reading in the morning.(变否定句) Sally _ often _ some reading in the morning. 13Its warm in Kunming in winter. (划线提问) _ the _ like in Kunmin

4、g in winter? 14 Theres sometimes lots of wind in the evening . (变同义句) Sometimes _ quite _ in the evening . 15 有些学生在拍照,有些正躺在沙滩上 . Some students are _ _ and _ _ _ on the beach. 16Listen ! Someone_ (chat) outside. 17. -What is Tom doing? - He _(draw) something on the blackboard. 18 Its ten oclock and J

5、ack _ still _ (do) his homework. 19 Be quiet! The children _ .(sleep) 20 Its often _ (snow) in North China in winter. 21 He _(look) for his lost son these days . 22那个中等身材,有点胖的人是我的英语老师。 The man who is _ _ _ and _ heavy is my English teacher. 23你跟他很熟吗?当然了。那时,他很好看并留着短短的直发。 24 The girl would like a medi

6、um bowl of noodles. _ _ bowl of noodles would the girl like ? 25Id like some green tea. (一般疑问 句并作肯定回答 ) _ you like _ green tea ? Yes, Id _ _ . 26The baby didnt cry any more when he saw his mother . (同义句 ) The baby _ _ _ when he saw 27She is of medium build. (划线提问) What _ she _ _ 28Special 1 is 10 RM

7、B for 15 dumplings . _ _ is Special 1 for 15 dumplings ? 29你想要哪种特价服饰? What_of_clothes_you like ? 30想来杯清茶吗? Would you _ a cup of tea _ _ ? 31你还记得这个带着滑稽眼镜的流行歌手吗? Do you remember the pop singer who is _ funny _ ? 32 I had a relaxing trip . (划线提问) _ _ your trip ? 33 I went to summer camp on vacation . (

8、划线提问) _ _ you go on vacation ? 33. Kim did her homework at home after school . (一般疑问句 ) _ Kim _ her homework at home after school? 35. _ the girls _ (give) you a warm welcome ? Yes. 36 Henry watched his dog _ (play) with a cat at that time. 37 We often practice _ (speak) English. 38Have you mended y

9、our shoes ? Yes, I _ (mend) them twenty minutes ago . 39 What about _(stay) at home and _ (study) ? 40I showed each student six things. 同义句: I showed 6 things _ each _ the _ . 41. Mike read a story about Edison for us. (改否定句 ) Mike _ _ a story about Edison for us. 42. She made her mother laugh . (改为

10、被动语态 ) Her mother _ _ _ laught by her. 43. 该吃晚饭了。 Its time _ _ _ . 44. 昨天我看一个很有趣的脱口秀度过了一整晚。 Yesterday I _ the whole night _ an interesting _ _ . 45. 他喜欢听这个节目吗? Does he _ _ _ the programme ? 46. 我们一整天都在拥挤的购物中心买东西,很愉快。 We had fun _ _ in the _ malls . 47. You mustnt stand under a tree on rainy days . (

11、改为祈使句 ) _ _ under the tree on rainy days! 48. Were talking to a boy, he is 13 years old. (变同义句) Were talking to a _ boy. 49. He doesnt want to do anything . (变同义句) Hed _ to do _ . 50. The students think Miss Smith is popular. (划线提问) What do the students _ _ Miss Smith ? 51. How does Solina feel abou

12、t the movie ?(变同义句) _ does Solina _ _ the movie ? 52. He never has any fun .( 变反义疑问句 ) He never has any fun , _ _ ? 53. 她不在乎年轻人怎么评价她。 She _ _ what young people _ _ her. 54. 老师常常让我们在课上练习对话。 The teacher _ us _ _the dialogue in class. 55. 事实上,我不知道他是否同意我的观点。 _ _ , I dont know if he _ _ me. 56. 你得帮你妈妈做饭吗

13、 ? Do you _ _ help your mother _ _ ? 57.我喜欢阅读,并且愿意时常说说我的想 法 I enjoy _ and would like _ _ what I _. 58. We found the boy _(draw) it in the room at 8 oclock yesterday . 59. I help the little girl _(look) for her lost cat. 60. I watched the students _(play) football yesterday. 61. There _(be) a little

14、wind yesterday . 62. Just now my parents _(make) me _ (stay) at home to do my lessons. 63. Would he like to see the movie this evening?= _ he _ _see the movie.? 64. Fangfang would like to go shopping in the evenings. _ _Fangfang like to _ in the evenings? 65.Theyd like some cabbage and mutton noodle

15、s. _ _ _ noodles_they like? 66. We have some bananas. (用 oranges 改为选择疑问句 ) _you _ _ bananas _ oranges ? 67.Uncle Tom is a tall man. He has short hair.(合并为一句) Uncle Tom _a tall man _ short hair. 68.He looks like an actor.(改为否定句 ) He _ _ like an actor. 69. The bad news made her _(feel) sad. 70 The twi

16、ns _(go) to bed very late last night. 70Where _ you _ (see) her yesterday ? 71Did your brother have fun _ (visit) Tianan Men Square. ? 72 They _(not go) to the beach last Sunday . 73Children enjoy themselves playing games. = Children _ great _ playing games. 74Would you like _(show) me around your s

17、chool 75Show me your new watch . = Show your new watch _ _ . 76. Maria is _ _ _ . 一个八岁大的女孩。 77. He is a seven-year-old boy . = The boy is _ _ _ . 78. Who _ _ me ? 谁同意我的意见 He never _ _ play soccer with me . 他从来不同意和我一起去踢球。 79. 放学后,我询问了一些学生关于电脑的事儿 _ _, I _ some students _ computers . 80. Can you please _ (put) my clothes in the box ? Can you _(take) the photos to the classroom ? Would you like _(study) me ? Please _ (stand) there, dont _ (move)!

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