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1、熟词新义 1 allow allow 承认 admit We must allow that he is right on this matter. 2 address address vt 处理 To deal with: addressed the issue of absenteeism. 处理旷工事宜 3 advantage take advantage of 欺骗 (deceive) 对 加以利用 took advantage of the customer. 欺骗消费者 4 appreciate appreciate v.意识到 (realize) 抬高 价格、涨价 I appre

2、ciate that I may be wrong. This land has appreciated in value. 这块土地增值了。 5 apprehension apprehension 忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解 The student looked around the examination room with apprehension. 那名学生恐惧地观看检查室的四周。 6 apprehensive apprehensive 理解的 不安的 ,忧虑的 (意思和用法等同于 afraid) apprehensive for sb.s safety 担心某人的安全 7 approac

3、h approach 着手 To begin to deal with or work on: approached the task with dread. 惶恐地开始着手这项任务 8 arch arch adj 调皮的,顽皮的 n.弓形 an arch smile 调皮的微笑 He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture. 9 argument argument 论点,论据 10 as not so“表示 “与其说是 倒不如说 “。否定前者肯定后者 1. He is not so

4、 much a writer as a reporter. 2. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool. (摘自真题 ) Its not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). 11 assume assume 承担,假装,假定,设

5、想, assume an obligation 承担义务 12 balance balance sheet 资产负债表 13 balance balance 余额 Something that is left over; a remainder. 余额:剩下的某物;余数 14 bottle bottle up 装入瓶中控制 (抑制 )To hold in; restrain: bottled up my emotions. 15 cater cater 食物,投合 (cater for) catering 公共饮食 catering industry 公共饮食业 Most of our wor

6、k now involves catering for weddings. 16 check check 控制 阻碍 The condition of being stopped or held back; restraint: kept my temper in check; holding agricultural pests in check with sprays. 克制我的脾气;用喷雾剂灭农业害虫 17 chest chest 箱子 trunk 箱子、象鼻子 18 claim claim 索赔 The sum of money demanded. 赔款:要求得到的金额 You can

7、 make a claim on your insurance policy. 19 compound compound n.集中营、围栏隔开或保围的建筑物或建筑群、化合物 21 compromise compromise 危害 妥协 A concession to something detrimental or pejorative: 危害:对于一些有害或恶劣情况的让步: Such conduct will compromise your reputation. 如此举动将会损害你的名誉。 22 contain contain v. 制服 (To halt the spread or de

8、velopment of) The man was later contained by the police. 23 context social context 社会大环境 24 control control (科技 )对照 (实验 ) controlled experiment 25 controller controller 大企业的会计 26 couch couch vt.表达 (express),隐含 n. 躺椅 The reply was couched in insolent terms. 回答措辞蛮横 27 count count n impede. What embarr

9、asses your making an early start? 什么事妨碍你早些动身? 41 even even n. adj 偶数 (奇数 odd) 42 exclusive exclusive n.独家新闻,专卖店里的商品, adj.排他的,唯一的 A news item initially released to only one publication or broadcaster. 独家新闻:只被一家出版社或电台披露的新闻 An exclusive right or privilege, as to market a product. 专有权:一项独有的权利或优先权,如推销一种产

10、品 We feature an exclusive on the mothers whose babies were swapped at birth. 43 express express adj. 急速的,快捷的 44 fare fare v 生活 live n 费用 Panda cub fares well! 熊猫崽子活得很好。 45 fitting fitting n.配件 adi.适宜的 46 fumble fumble v 摸索 (grope fro) v 失球 To mishandle (a ground ball). fumble for a key. 摸索着找钥匙 A bal

11、l that has been fumbled. 47 gravity gravity n.重大的后果;严重或重大 They are still quite unaware of the gravity of their problems. 他们仍未意识到问题的严重性 48 ground ground 根据,论据 (常用复数 ) Often grounds The foundation for an argument, a belief, or an action; a basis. 常作 grounds 根据:争论,信仰或行动的基础;依据 Often grounds The underlyi

12、ng condition prompting an action; a cause: 常作 grounds 理由,原因:促使采取行动的根本条件;原由: grounds for suspicion; a ground for divorce.See Synonyms at base 1 怀疑的原因;离婚的理由参见 base1 49 harbor harbor (harbour 海港的变体 ) 窝藏 To give shelter to harbor refugees; harbor a fugitive. 收留难民;窝藏逃犯 50 husband husband 节省 (economize),节

13、俭,保存,管理 husband ones energy. 保存体力 to husband ones resources 节约使用资金 51 impart impart 告知,揭发 (reveal),传授 To grant a share of; bestow: 分给;授予:给予某物的一部分;赠予: impart a subtle flavor; impart some advice. 加少许调料;给予一些建议 To make known; disclose: 告知;透露: persuaded to impart the secret. 劝说透露秘密 52 inspire inspire 吸入,鼓舞 (inspirator 注射器 ) To draw in (air) by inhaling. 吸入空气 53 issue issue n 结果 (A final result) vi 造成 .结果 issue from 由于 .的原因 (用法和 result 一样 ) His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience.

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