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1、六年级英语 Unit1-2 测试卷二、英汉词组互译(10 分)1.写得比我慢_ _ _ reading better_ _ _ 2.看起来一样_ _ _ 7.all of us_ _3.跳得和你一样远_ _ _ 8.need help with English_ _4.比我弟弟重_ _ _ glad to see them _ _5.在星期三早上_ _ _ 10.a basketball player _ _三、单项选择。 (20 分)( )1. My birthday is _ the 4th of March.A. on B. in C. at( )2.Where_

2、you just now? I_at school. A.were,was B.was,was C.were,am( )3.All the students are_to watch the_race. A.excited,excited B.exciting,excited C.excited,exciting( )4.Can you pick_for me,please? A.up it up C.up them( )5.What_the signs _?,mean B.does,mean,means( )6.Mike and I are in differe

3、nt_. A.class B.classes )7.Who wants to _ the goalkeeper ?A. is B. do C. be( )8.The girl _ green is Su Hais sister.A. in B. with C. on( )9. _ ruler is longer,yours or mine?A. Whose B. Who C. Whos( )10._Su Hais kite fly higher than _ ?A. Is ,Su Yang B. Does, Su Yang C. Does ,Su Yangs( )11.Na

4、ncy_for a walk in the park _Saturday morning.A. went ,in B. went ,on C. goes ,at( )12. Do you have_ brothers_ sisters?A. some, and B. any, or C. some, or( )13. Are you as _ as Ben?A. old B. older C. younger( )14. _ stronger, Jim or Jack?A. Whos B. Whose C. Whoes( )15. His eyes_ bigger than_.A. is, h

5、ers B. are, hers C. are, her( )16.Were good at _ and _. A. run, jump B. running, jump C. running, jumping ( )17.Yang Ling skates as _ as Helen. A. well B. good C. better( )18. _your twin sister get up earlier than you ?A. Is B.Does C.Do( )19. My cousin often_housework at the weekends. B.does C.

6、did( ) 20. Betty is twelve years _. She is one year _than me.A. older; older B. old; old C. old , older 四、匹配。 (10 分)( ) 1. Who is younger than Grandfather? A. No, he isnt.( ) 2. Is he older than you? B. Grandmother is, I think.( ) 3. Whose pencil is longer, his or hers? C. No, Liu Tao runs faster.(

7、) 4. Are you as tall as your brother? D. Really? Thats interesting.( ) 5. Whos Jimmy? E. He went for a walk.( ) 6. 3.Would you like to play ball games ? F. Thats Jacks dog.( ) 7. Does Tom run faster than Liu Tao? G. His, I think.( ) 8. Do they look the same? H. Yes, they do.( ) 9. Su Yang has a twin

8、 sister. I. Yes, I am.( ) 10. What did Ben do on Sunday morning? J. Yes ,Id like to. 五、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (10 分)1. My twin sister is ten minutes_(old,older) than me.2. Lucy is good at _(singing, sing).3. Jack doesnt read as _(good, well) as Anna.4. Can he _(flies, fly) like a bird?5. How many _(children,

9、child) are there in your family?6.Who is _(thiner, thinner), you or Ben?7. There are five _ ( people, peoples ) in my family .8.There _( are, is ) some orange juice in the glass . 9.Some _ ( works, workers ) are working over there .10.They all like _ to music. (listening, listen)六、翻译下列句子。 (10 分)1.南希

10、每天起床比她表妹晚。Nancy _ up _than her _every day.2.哪只猫更胖,白的还是黑的?cat is , the white one or the black one?3.她擅长画画吗?不,她擅长书法。_ she do well in _? No. She is good at _.4. 蜜蜂飞得比蝴蝶矮。The bees than the butterflies.七、阅读理解。 (15 分)A 阅读下列短文, 根据文章意思和首字母提示填写单词。15Mike has a new bike now. He g_ to school by bike. So he need

11、nt take a bus every d_. He gets h_ at 4:30 p.m. He does h_ homework first and then watches TV. Sometimes he h_ his mother with some housework. He is a good boy.B根据短文内容判断,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” 。Hello, Im Jack. Im a student in Shanxi Road Primary School. At school I have a good friend. His name is Mike. He

12、is American. He can sing a lot of English songs. Im 150 cm. Mike is as tall as me. We are good at swimming and running. I swim faster than him. But he runs faster than me. Now we are going to school. Theres a basketball match this afternoon. Our school is four kilometres away. We often go to school

13、by bus. There are only two stops. Sometimes we go to school by bike. ( ) 1、The boys arent in the same school. ( ) 2、Mike is about 150 cm. ( ) 3、Jack runs slower than Mike. ( ) 4、Now they are going to the football field. ( ) 5、They often go to school on foot. Its a short walk. C根据短文内容选择。It is Sports

14、Festival today. The students of Jinling Primary School are all in the playground. Some of them are having matches. Some of them are watching. Look, Helen and Yang Ling are running. Helen is running faster than Yang Ling. Liu Tao and David are jumping. Liu Tao jumps higher than some of the boys in hi

15、s class, but David jumps higher than him. Mike and Tom are doing the long jump now. Who jumps farther, Mike or Tom? Oh, Mike is jumping 2 cm farther than Tom! They look very happy.( ) 1、Its today.A. Science Festival B. Sports Day C. Childrens Day( ) 2、The students are having the matches .A. in the sports hall B. in the playground C. in the classroom( ) 3、Liu Tao jumps than David.A. higher B. lower C. as high as( ) 4、 doesnt jump as far as Mike.A. Tom B. Yang Ling C. Helen( ) 5、The students are all very .A. tired B. happy C. hungry

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