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Data Dictionary.doc

1、Data Items Definition TableTable “Register”Name Type Length Descriptionm_ID varchar 10 Username for register loginm_pwd varchar 10 Password for register loginm_stuID varchar 10 Student ID or staff ID for registerm_truename varchar 10 Real name of registerm_Email varchar 20 Email of registerm_qq varc

2、har 16 QQ number of Studentm_type int 1 0 for student 1 for teacher 2 for administratorTable “Message”Name Type Length Descriptionsender Varchar 10 the people who send the messagereceiver Varchar 10 The people who receive the messageMs_date datetime When send the messageMs_contentText The content of

3、 the messageTable “course_material”Name Type Length DescriptionA_ID varchar 10 Username for administrator loginA_pwd varchar 10 Password for administrator loginA_name varchar 10 Real name of administratorA_Email varchar 20 Email of administratorA_Icard varchar 18 Identity card number of administrato

4、rTable “Course”Name Type Length DescriptionC_ID varchar 10 Number of courseC_name varchar 20 Course nameTable “online_QA”Name Type Length DescriptionQA_ID varchar 8 ID for online_QAStart_timedatetime When QA startsEnd_time datetime When QA endscontent Text The content of QATable “course_bulletin”Nam

5、e Type Length DescriptionCb_ID varchar 10 ID for course_bulletinCb_date datetime The time course bulletin uploadCb_contentText Content of course bulletinTable “Course_discuss”Name Type Length DescriptionCd_ID varchar 10 ID for course discussCd_name varchar 10 ID for who publish the discussCd_date da

6、tetime When publish the discussCd_contentText Content of the discussTable “reply”Name Type Length DescriptionR_ID varchar 10 Reply IDR_who Varchar 10 Who publish the replyR_date datetime When publish the replyR_contentText The content of the replyTable “own_course”Name Type Length DescriptionC_ID va

7、rchar 10 The course IDM_ID varchar 10 The people who teach or learn this courseTable “own_QA”Name Type Length DescriptionQA_ID varchar 10 The QA IDC_ID varchar 10 The course which has this QATable “own_dis”Name Type Length DescriptionCd_ID varchar 10 The course_discuss IDC_ID varchar 10 The course w

8、hich has this discussTable “get_reply”Name Type Length DescriptionCd_ID varchar 10 The course_discuss IDR_ID varchar 10 The reply which reply to this course discussTable “own_mt”Name Type Length DescriptionCm_ID varchar 10 Course material IDC_ID varchar 10 The course which has this materialTable “ow

9、n_bu”Name Type Length DescriptionCb_ID varchar 10 Course_bulletin IDC_ID varchar 10 The course which has this bulletinData Flow Definition TableNO.Name Data sources Data destinationData Structure ConsistDescriptionF1 Register information1.E3(Unregistered User)P1(Register Verify)Username+pwd+real nam

10、e+student ID/teacher ID+Email+qq+ Identity card numberThe register information given by unregister userF2 Match result P2(UserActivate)E4(Teacher)E5(Student)The result of activate resultF3 Stu login informationE5(Student) P3(Verify login)Username+passwordStudent login informationF4 Teacher login inf

11、ormationE4(Teacher) P3(Verify login)Username+passwordTeacher login informationF5 Admin login informationE2(Administrator)P3(Verify login)Username+passwordAdministrator login informationF6 Requirement of Activate usersE2(Administrator)P2(UserActivate)Submit the Activateusers buttonF7 Requirement of m

12、anage courseE2(Administrator)P12(Course management system)Submit the course manage buttonF8 Requirement of process course materialE2(Administrator)P4(Course material system)Submit the course material buttonF9 Requirement of process Teacher introductionE2(Administrator)P5(Teacher introduction system)

13、Submit the Teacher introduction buttonF10 Requirement of process course bulletinE2(Administrator)E4(teacher)P6(Course bulletin system)Submit the course bulletin buttonF11 Requirement of process course Q&AE2(Administrator)E4(teacher)P7(Course Q&A system)Submit the course Q&A buttonF12 Requirement of

14、process course discussE2(Administrator)E4(teacher)P8(Course discuss system)Submit the course discuss buttonF13 Requirement of process course introductionE2(Administrator)E4(teacher)P9(Course introduction system)Submit the course introduction buttonF14 Message E2(Administrator)E4(teacher)E5(Student)P

15、10(Message management system)Sender+title+ content+receiverA short message between one user and anotherF15 Requirement of process link introductionE2(Administrator)P11(Course link system)Requirement of adding, updating or deleting course F16 result P4/P5/P6/P7/P8/P9/P10/P11/ P12E6(Web) The content t

16、hat system show to user requirementThe systems process resultF17 Requirement of Get back passwordE4(teacher)E5(student)P14(Get back password system)Username+email Process the users requirement of get back passwordF18 Requirement of change passwordE4(teacher)E5(student)P13(change password system)User

17、name+old password+new passwordProcess the users requirement of changing passwordF19 password P14(Get back password system)S2(Users email)The password that user get backF20 New passwordP13(change password system)S1(ID database)The new password that user changeF21 Requirement of attend course Q&AE5(st

18、udent) P7(Course Q&A system)Requirement of attend the course Q&AF22 instruction E5(student) P15(View the Student see the content of website)content of website(course introduction, teacher introduction and so on)F23 Requirement of attend course discussE5(student) P8(Course discuss system)Requirement

19、of attend the course discussF24 New course bulletinE2(administrator)P16 The New course bulletin given by teacherF25 Edit instructionE2(administrator)P17/P20/P23/p26Requirement of Edit F26 Delete instructionE2(administrator)P18/P21/P24/P27Requirement of delete F27 New course topic or replyE2(administ

20、rator)P19 New course topic or reply given by administratorF28 New course introductionE2(administrator)P22 New course introduction give by teacher upload by administratorF29 New course linksE2(administrator)P25 The new course links is asked to add to this webF30 Course materialE2(administrator)P4(Cou

21、rse material system)The course material given by teacher upload by administratorF31 Q&A Time E2(administrator)P29(Set time) Date+hour+minuteThe Q&A time given by administrator according to teachers repuirementData Processing Definition TableNO. Name Input Processing Output DescriptionP1 Register Ver

22、ifyF1(Register information)Verify the register informationThe Verified Register informationThe system that verify the register informationP2 UserActivate F1(register information)F6(Requirement of Activate users)Match the register information with user listF2(Match result)P3 Verify login F3(Stu login

23、 information)F4(Teacher login information)F5(Admin login information)Verify the login informationVerify the login informationP4 Course material systemF8(Requirement of Process course material)F16(result) System that process the course materialP5 Teacher introduction systemF9(Requirement of process t

24、eacher introduction)F16(result) System that process the Teacher introductionP6 Course bulletin systemF10(Requirement of process Course bulletin)F16(result) System that process the Course bulletinP7 Course Q&A systemF11(Requirement of process Course Q&A) F16(result) System that process the Course Q&A

25、P8 Course discuss systemF12(Requirement of process Course discuss)F16(result) System that process the Course discussP9 Message management systemF14(Requirement of process Message management)F16(result) System that process the Message managementP10 Course introduction systemF13(Requirement of process

26、 Course introduction)F16(result) System that process the Course introductionP11 Course link systemF15(Requirement of process Course link )Add, delete, update courseF16(result) System that process the Course linkP12 Course management systemF7(Requirement of Course management)F16(result) System that p

27、rocess the Course managementP13 Change password systemF18(requirement of change password)Match the given information with register informationF20(password) Process the password changingP14 Get back password systemF18(requirement of get back password)Match the given information with register informat

28、ionF19(password) Process the password get backP15 View the content of websiteF22(instruction) F16(result) Process the requirement of view website contentP16 Publish new course topic or replyF24(New course bulletin)F16(result) Publish the new course bulletinP17 Modify the content of discussF25(Edit i

29、nstruction)F16(result) Edit the course bulletinP18 Delete content of discussF26(Delete instruction)F16(result) Delete the course bulletinP19 Publish new course topic or replyF27 F16(result) Upload the new course discussP20 Modify the content of discussF25 F16(result) edit the new course discussP21 D

30、elete content of discussF26 F16(result) delete the new course discussP22 Publish new course introductionF28 F16(result) Upload new course introductionP23 Modify course introductionF25 F16(result) Modify course introductionP24 Delete course introductionF26 F16(result) Delete course introductionP25 Pu

31、blish new course linksF29 F16(result) Add new course link if a new course is neededP26 Modify the course linksF25 F16(result) Update the content of course linksP27 Delete course linksF26 F16(result) Delete the course if this course is overP29 Set time F31 Set the Q&A time by administratorData Storag

32、e Definition TableNO. Name Input Output Data Structure ConsistDescriptionS1 ID databaseStudents name listTeachers name list F18(new 9assword)The database that store the users register informationS2 Users emailF19(password) The email that receive the password from get back password systemS3 Course da

33、tabaseThe database that store the course informationExternal Entity Definition TableNO. Name Input Output DescriptionE1 Registered userThe user who has registeredE2 AdministratorThe registered user who manage the systemE3 Unregistered userRegister informationThe users who have notregisteredE4 Teacher The users who teach the courseE5 Student The student who learn the courseE6 Web The Web Screen that show the Result of Users Requirement

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