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Electronics Letters - For authors1.doc

1、Electronics Letters - For authorsThese notes are intended to give you the information you need to submit your paper to Electronics Letters and to present it in accordance with our requirements. These notes are intended to give you the information you need to submit your paper to Electronics Letters

2、and to present it in accordance with our requirements. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us at eletterstheiet.orgContentsWhat we look for in your letterConference and patent material policyManuscript presentation - updated Feb. 2012Submit a manuscriptPost-submiss

3、ionCopyright Pre- and postprint policyProofs and permissionsChecklistWhat we look for in your letterElectronics Letters is a forum for the rapid publication of the latest or preliminary results or ideas relating to the electronic or electrical engineering fields. The advance presented must be signif

4、icant enough and of a high enough level of interest to the broad engineering community to merit immediate dissemination, otherwise a different journal is more appropriate.Manuscripts submitted to Electronics Letters should: add significantly to existing research; be original, and not have been publi

5、shed previously; present the novelty clearly and concisely; state the potential engineering applications; be written so as to make the advance clear to the broader engineering community; make reference to the state-of-the-art.Manuscripts should not: present incremental research; present trivial and

6、obvious results; obscure new results with too much background and context; be under consideration for publication in any other journal, book or conference proceedings available through a library or by purchase.Conference and patent material policyElectronics Letters does not accept material that has

7、 previously been presented at a conference for which the conference proceedings are widely available. Any manuscripts that are submitted to Electronics Letters that are based on a conference paper must reference the conference and demonstrate a significant advance in the work.We can consider materia

8、l for Electronics Letters that is also the subject of a patent application. The application number should be stated in the paper in the references and the authors should also make sure that the publication of their work in a journal will not harm their patent application in any way.Top of pageManusc

9、ript presentationIt is important to format submissions in accordance with Electronics Letters house style. Following the presentation guide below will ensure that submissions will move straight to reviewing stage.Please note, submissions which are over the maximum allowed length or formatted incorre

10、ctly will be returned immediately to authors for revision. Double-column formatElectronics Letters is now accepting papers in a double-column format, as they appear in print in the journal. When submitting in the new double-column format, the manuscript should be less than three and a half columns i

11、n length. Figures do not need to appear at the end, but can be placed within the main body of the text.We have provided a Microsoft Word 2003 template and a Microsoft Word 2010 template for you to download and edit to create your manuscript. We have also created a LaTeX class file, and a sample LaTe

12、X source file for you to download and edit with your own text and images to create your PDF. These LaTeX files are available as a .ZIP file and also downloadable from the manuscript submission page, under Instructions and Forms.Source files must be supplied. The only acceptable source-file formats a

13、re Microsoft Word (.DOC or .RTF) or LaTeX (.TEX). If you are submitting in LaTeX, you need to provide a PDF as well as the LaTeX source file, and all source images. Full instructions on how to format your manuscript are contained within the Microsoft Word template, which may also be of some use if y

14、ou are submitting in LaTeX. For submitting in LaTeX, you will need to download the class file and save it into the same folder as your LaTeX source files. For full information on how to use the LaTeX class file, see the sample PDF. Please note from 1 February 2012, we will only accept manuscripts su

15、bmitted within the double-column format.Submit a manuscriptPapers should be submitted in electronic form via the manuscript submission page. Authors should complete all relevant fields in the manuscript upload page.Authors must upload suitable source files when submitting. See above for more details

16、.Authors are encouraged to submit the names and contact details of possible reviewers (although the reviewers selected may not be from this list). These suggestions should be impartial. Authors may also indicate non-preferred reviewers if they are working in competition or have conflicts of interest

17、 with individuals or organisations.Top of pagePost-submissionChanges to the submitted manuscriptIf your submission is returned because it requires changes, you will need to go into your Author Centre on Manuscript Central and resubmit a revised manuscript.It is not usually possible to make changes t

18、o a manuscript when it is under review; although there are exceptions if the changes are minor. Major revisions cannot be made without starting the whole process again.If you wish to make changes, send us the amended manuscript with a list of the changes made, and the Editors will consider which cou

19、rse of action is most appropriate.Due to the fast nature of the Electronics Letters publication process, we do not make proofs of accepted papers available to authors. Each accepted manuscript is checked prior to publication, using copy-editors and proofreaders. If you notice any errors in your pape

20、r after you have submitted, please inform us as soon as possible.Review processAll manuscripts are sent out for review by independent experts in the field, and the decision made by the editors is based on these reports. To maintain the speed of publication, reviewers are permitted to make a binary d

21、ecision without providing comments to authors, and we are therefore not normally able to provide authors with feedback on rejected manuscripts, or give any opportunity for revision. Authors should therefore prepare their manuscript very carefully. The average time between submission and decision is

22、six weeks.CopyrightIf your paper is accepted, you will be required to fill in the online copyright form in your ScholarOne Manuscripts Author Centre.Unless the paper is either United Kingdom Crown copyright or a work of the US Government and in the Public Domain, the Bylaws of the IET require that c

23、opyright should belong to the IET.Right to publish: An author submitting a paper should ensure that he or she has the right to publish the paper and that it contains nothing defamatory. The IET will assume that all co-authors have agreed to the submission of any paper received.The authors should als

24、o obtain, from the owners of the copyright, written permission to reproduce any illustration for which the copyright is not their own. The source of the illustration must be given in full and the words Reproduced by permission of . included with the illustration.Top of pagePre- and postprint policyT

25、he author(s) and/or the organisations for whom the work was performed shall be entitled to post preprints of their work (but not the published PDF) on repositories, servers and websites of any sort, provided that these servers are operated by the authors institution or designated by the funding body

26、 contributing to the research.The conditions attached to this are as follows:1. access to such servers is not for commercial use and does not depend on payment of access, subscription, or membership fees and2. the following wording clearly appears on the front page of the preprint:“This paper is a p

27、reprint of a paper submitted to journal and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. If accepted, the copy of record will be available at IET Digital Library“On acceptance, this may be changed to:“This paper is a preprint of a paper accepted by journal and is subject to Ins

28、titution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. When the final version is published, the copy of record will be available at IET Digital Library“;3. if the paper is rejected, then all mention of the journal should be removed;4. the preprint should be removed if a subsequent postprint is posted.The

29、 author may also post postprints of their work (reviewed, revised and accepted for publication by the IET, but not the published PDF) on repositories, servers and websites of any sort, provided that these servers are operated by the authors institution or the funding body contributing to the researc

30、h. To comply with funding requirements, authors may also deposit their work (reviewed, revised and accepted for publication by the IET, but not the published PDF) in repositories (or mirror sites) designated by the funding body.The conditions attached to this are as follows:1. access to such servers

31、 is not for commercial use and does not depend on payment of access, subscription, or membership fees and2. the following wording clearly appears on the front page of the postprint:“This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in journal and is subject to Institutio

32、n of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at IET Digital Library“;3. the postprint must be the authors version and not the IET version/PDF;4. the postprint must not be posted prior to publication of the paper by the IET and when posted any preprint version should be

33、removed.Any questions should be addressed to the publisher ( of pageProofs and permissionsCopyediting and proof correctionAll accepted papers are copyedited to ensure clarity and consistency, to correct minor errors, to standardise various formatting details and to conform to E

34、lectronics Letters house style.Authors may receive queries if ambiguities in the language or minor errors in a paper are identified by either referees or the copyeditor that cannot be resolved in the editorial office. Delays in replying to such queries may result in a delay to the publication of a p

35、aper.To maintain the speed of publication, proofs are checked in the editorial office and are not normally sent to authors. If you become aware of any errors in your manuscript after submission, please inform us as soon as possible as there may not be time to rectify them if the paper is accepted fo

36、r publication.The time from acceptance to publication in print and online is 2-4 weeksJournal copies and permissionsOnce the paper has been printed, we will send the corresponding author a complimentary copy of the issue in which the paper appears.Authors may also purchase a PDF copy of their paper.

37、 Please note that this is subject to the terms and conditions of our pre- and postprint policy (see above).Permissions to reproduce articles published in Electronics Letters should be emailed to eletterstheiet.orgChecklistPlease use this checklist to help you ensure that your manuscript meets the st

38、andards we expect from submitted papers: Novelty: This is the most important factor that we ask referees to consider when reviewing for Electronics Letters. We are interested in work that is novel, original and where rapid publication would be of benefit to the engineering community. Papers should p

39、rovide significant results and the reporting of incremental work is discouraged. Authors should not submit work merely because they need the paper to be published quickly (e.g. in order to graduate or before applying for a new job or promotion). Scientific merit: is the work scientifically rigorous,

40、 accurate and correct? Originality and justification: is the work relevant? Does the work contain significant additional material to that already published and has its value been demonstrated? Referencing: has reference been made to the most recent and most appropriate work? Is the present work set

41、in the context of the previous work? Appropriateness: is the material appropriate to the scope of the journal? Have the potential engineering applications been made clear? Clarity: is the English clear and well-written? Poorly written English may obscure the scientific merit of your paper and can le

42、ad to rejection. Are the ideas expressed clearly and concisely? Are the concepts understandable? Is the discussion written in a way that is easy to read and understand? Title: is it adequate and appropriate for the content of the article? Abstract: does it contain the essential information of the ar

43、ticle? Is it complete? Is it suitable for inclusion by itself in an abstracting service? Diagrams, figures, tables and captions: are they clear and essential? Are all figures and tables labelled and referred to in the text? Graphs and tables: are these clear and necessary? Are the numbers in the tab

44、les readily understandable? Explanations should be in the caption, or in the immediately surrounding text. Mathematics: is the mathematics necessary? Does it use commonly understood symbols? Are equations numbered if referred to in the text? Conclusion: does the paper contain a carefully written conclusion, summarising what has been learned and why it is interesting and useful?Top of page

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