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HK 一年级上册英语期末复习三.doc

1、 HK 一年級上冊英語期末復習三姓名: 成績:A. Complete the following bubbles withhas “have“.1. Sue _ four books.2.I _ one pencil.3. Betty _ two rubbers.4.We _ two _.(書包)5.He _ one _ .(尺子)bb 6.I have no pencils. May I _ two pencils, please ?B. The children are counting their things.E.g. Hello. I am Susan.I have a crayon

2、.This _ (是) my friend, Joe.He _ _(有十支) pencils.Kitty _(是) my group leader.She _.(有兩支鋼筆)The girls _ my classmates.They _.(有六把尺子)The boys _ my friends.They _.(六個筆盒)Emma is in the supermarket. She sees some kinds of fruit. What are they ?one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve th

3、irteen fourteen fifteen sixteenseventeen eighteen nineteen twentyE.g. 提示: 有 5 個葡萄。There are five grapes .提示: 有 3 個西瓜。There are _ _.提示: 有 11 個香蕉。There are _ _.提示: 有 5 個雪梨。There are _ _ .提示: 有 12 個芒果.There are _ _ .提示: 有 6 個蘋果。There are _ _ .提示: 有 7 個鳳梨。There are _ _ .提示: 有 1 個哈密瓜。There is m _ _ .提示:

4、有 4 個菠蘿。There are _ _ .提示: 有 18 個車厘子。There are _ _ .Complete the following sentences.Triangle heart circle star square ovalGreen red yellow orange blue purple1. I like the _ _.(綠色的三角形)2.I like the _ _.(紅色的心形)3.I like the _ _.(黃色的圓形)4.I like the _ _.(橙色的星形)5.I like the _ _.(藍色的正方形)6.I like the _ _.(紫

5、色的橢圓形)Fill in the blanks with This is or That is .提示: Mary 旁邊有一只小鳥,她遠遠的對面有一中兔子。This is a bird. That is a rabbit.提示: Mary 旁邊有一個瓶子,她遠遠的對面有張椅子。_ a bottle. _ a chair.提示: Mary 遠遠的對面有一個窗戶,她旁邊有一個門。_ a window. _ a door.提示: Mary 遠遠的對面有一個球,她拿著一個雪糕。_ a ball. _ an ice cream.Fill in the blanks with This That the

6、se those .提示: Tom 旁邊有兩只貓。I like _ cats.提示: Mary 旁邊有一只兔子。I like _ _.提示: Tom 遠遠的對面有兩只兔子。I like _ _.提示: King 遠遠的對面有一只馬。I _.提示: Kim 旁邊有三只倉鼠。_Complete the sentences.There are _ _ (11 個蘋果) in the basket.There are _ _ (1 個柳丁) in the basket.There are _ _ (12 朵花) in the basket.There are _ _ (14 個柳丁) in the b

7、asket.Fill in the blanks with the following pronouns.I - my You-your We - our They-their1. I have a teddy bear. This is _ teddy bear.2.You have two books._ books are small.3.I am Billy, _ friend is Tom.4.I like Miss Chau. She is _ English teacher.5.What is _ name ? _ name is Ken.6.I have a pencil ca

8、se . _ pencil case is blue and yellow.7.I like to go to your home and play with _ toys.8.My hat is big and _hat is small.1. We are in Class 1B.This is _ classroom.2.They have two toy cars._ toy cars are big.3.They wave _ hands and say goodbye.4.We are happy because _ teacher are happy.5.Mary and I a

9、re good friends. .We share _ toys.6.Peter and Tom are brothers. These are _ school bags.He- his She- her1. Mr Neil is my English teacher. This is _ car.2.Miss Yan is my class teacher. This is _ book.3.Emma is my classmate._ pencils are green.4.Roy is our monitor. _ ruler is long.5. A girl is playing

10、 with _ dog.6.There is a boy and he is playing with _ toy gun.7.This is my sister. She is doing _ homework.8.I have a brother. Can you see _ water bottle?Fill in the blanks with the suitable question words.Who what how how old where1._ is your name ?My name is Mary.2._ are you, Mary?I am fine, thank

11、 you.3._ are you ?I am seven years old.4._ is your class teacher?Miss Lee is my class teacher,5._ is your English teacher ?Mr Wong is my English teacher.6._ is Mr Wong ?He is in the playground.7._ is your good friend ?Tom is my good friend.8._ is your friends name ?His name is John.Fill in each blank with is , am or are.1.Ken _ a baby.2.Sally _ a girl.3.I _ six years old.4.We _ friends.5.The boys and the girls _ happy.6.Miss Chau _ tall.7.They _ my teachers.8.My mother _ in the kitchen.9.Kitty and Mary _ good girls.10.I _ in the playground.11. Mr. Wong _ a tall man.12. I _ sorry, I dont know.

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