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1、 1 1 如何缓解婴幼儿便秘 对于宝宝来说,每天生活中的大事总离不开这几件:吃奶、睡觉、排便。正因如此,婴儿期宝宝一旦便秘,家长们总会焦虑万分。便秘对宝宝健康的影响 确实不容小觑,如果孩子排便间隔超过 48 小时,即可视为便秘。而便秘时间长了,会导致孩子食欲减退、腹胀甚至腹痛、头晕、睡眠不安等,严重的会出现脱肛或 肛裂出血。因此,家长要积极防治小儿便秘,但同时也要注意使用正确的方法,否则不仅无法解决问题,还会留下后患。 一、宝宝为什么会便秘 1、婴幼儿便秘,大多数与乳类营养成分失调有关:如今很多乳制品中,蛋 白质、脂肪过多而碳水化合物不足。蛋白质 (如牛奶、奶粉中的酪蛋白 )较难 消化吸收,多

2、余的就会与钙结合成坚实的粪块。至于脂肪,多了也可与肠腔中的钙结合成皂块。此外,脂肪分解后形成的短链脂酸,到了大肠可以降低大肠蠕动,大 便在那里贮久了,水分被吸收,就留下了干巴巴的粪块。 2、食物摄入量不足:这种便秘常伴有宝宝体重不增、食后啼哭等症状。 3、滥喝凉茶:有的家长认为宝宝便秘是“上火”所致,一个劲给宝宝喝“凉茶”。但实际上凉茶喂多了反而会扰乱宝宝胃肠消化功能,影响婴儿食欲和削弱婴儿体质。 4、 滥服中药:有的家长以为宝宝的便秘是中气不足引起的,因此乱用党参、北芪等中药给宝宝“提气”,结果闹得婴儿兴奋烦躁不已,更难以排便了。 5、宝宝的生活环境改变了。比如:搬家、换了一个保姆。生活方式

3、的改变会让孩子紧张或有压力感,这些都有可能导致便秘。不过,这些都是临时性的便秘。 6、宝宝变得自我了:随着宝宝长大,到了 1 岁多的时候,有的小孩会开始有一种新的自我观念,他 (她 )需要从父母身上分离出去,所以喜欢对父母要求他们做的事说“不”。于是,宝宝开始拒绝去卫生间,憋着大便,导致便秘。 7、饮食不足: 婴儿进食太少时,消化后液体吸收余渣少,致大便减少、变稠。奶中糖量不足时肠蠕动弱,可使大便干燥。饮食不足时间较久引起营养不良,腹肌和肠肌张力减低,甚至萎缩,收缩力减弱,形成恶循环,加重便秘。 8、食物成分不当:大便和食物成分关系密切。如食物中含大量蛋白质,而碳水化物不足,肠道菌群继发改变,

4、肠内容发酵过程少,大便易呈碱,干 燥; 如食物中含较多的碳水化物,肠道发酵菌增多,发酵作用增加,产酸多,大便易呈酸,次数多而软;如食入脂肪和碳水化物都高,则大便润利。如进食大量钙 化酪蛋 白,粪便中含多量不能溶解的钙皂 ,粪便增多,且易便秘。碳水化物中米粉、面粉类食品较谷类食品易于便秘。小儿偏食,许多小儿喜食肉类,少吃或不吃蔬菜,食 物中纤维素太少,也易发生便秘。 9、肠道功能失常:生活不规律和缺乏按时大便的训练,未形成排便的条件反射导致便2 2 秘很常见。另外学龄儿童常因无清晨大便的习惯,而学习时间不能 随时排便,上课时憋住大便也是导致便秘的常见原因。常用泻剂或灌肠,缺少体力活动:营养不良、

5、佝偻病、高钙血症、皮肌炎、呆小病及先天肌无力 等,都因肠壁 肌肉乏力、功能失常而便秘。交感神经功能失常、腹肌软弱或麻痹也常使大便 秘结。服用某些药物可使肠蠕动减少而便秘,如抗胆碱能药物、抗酸剂、某些抗惊厥 药、利尿剂以及铁剂等。 10、体格与生理的异常:如肛门裂、肛门狭窄、先天巨结肠、脊柱裂或肿瘤压迫马尾等都能引起便秘。应进行肛门指检、下部脊柱和会阴 部检查。有的患儿生后即便秘,如有家族史,可能和遗传有关。 二、如何缓解宝宝便秘 1、婴儿便秘确实还有一些少见原因:比如肛周炎症,或因硬实粪块或手指抠挖造成肛裂,使婴儿排便时肛门疼痛难忍,久而造成继发性便秘,这时粪便表面还会带血。此时除软化大便外,

6、还应勤换尿布,清洁肛周,医 治皮炎。 2、先天性巨结肠患儿自出生后即有大便不正常,时而数日不排便,时而拉出大量稀便,腹胀严重。因多有营养不良,皮脂菲薄,腹部常见扩张的肠段蠕动。此病必须及时请医生诊治。 3、润肠食品:吃奶的婴儿便秘时,可加滑肠食品,如橘子汁、红枣汁、白菜汁等。 4、辅食:正在断奶期内的婴儿便秘时,可增加辅食,除了高营养的蛋类、瘦肉、肝和鱼类外,还要增加纤维素较多的蔬菜、水果及粥类,如菠菜、油菜、白菜、芹菜以及香蕉、梨等。 5、开塞露:婴幼儿若数日未解便,大便干结,此时应先用甘油栓或小儿开塞露通便 。用开塞露一般只要用一半药液即可,挤入后要让药液停留在肠内至少 315 分钟,让药

7、液软化粪块才排便。若挤入后立即拉出,那就白费了。 6、有的家长喜用手指抠粪块,那就要十分小心,千万不要用食指,只能用小手指,还要蘸些凡士林润滑剂,以免不慎撑坏肛门括约肌,造成以后大便失禁,贻害无穷。 7、蜂蜜:民间也有使用蜂蜜通便。其实蜂蜜必须用凉水冲兑才有效,温热水无效,让新生儿、幼婴喝凉水,刺激肠蠕动,虽能导泻,但会引起肠绞痛。 8、双歧杆菌:近年来有用改善婴儿肠道微生态来软化大便的,如用双歧杆菌制剂口服,更有一些奶粉公司将这类细菌直接加入奶粉中,这种方法的确能使婴儿易于排便而防止便秘。 9、五谷杂粮:大些的孩子便秘时,可增加一些五谷杂粮,如标准粉、薯类、玉米、大麦等,油脂类食物、凉开水也

8、都有助于便秘预防治疗。对于 4 5 个月以上的婴儿,可适当增加辅食,最好将菠菜、卷心菜、青菜、荠菜等切碎,放入米粥内同煮,做成各种美味的菜3 3 粥给宝宝吃。此外,辅食中含有大量的 B 族维生 素,可促进肠子肌肉张力的恢复,对通便很有帮助。 10、清凉油:准备一瓶清凉油,最好是白色的那种,用清凉油在宝宝肚脐周围薄薄的抹一层 (一定不能多哦,否则宝宝娇嫩的皮肤是受不了的 ),再在 肚脐相对应的后背也抹一层,稍加按摩,这样过 1 2 个小时,宝宝就会开始放屁了,慢慢就便便啦。如果一次没效,可以弄 2 3 次。 11、定时:不要改变不良饮食习惯。其次要改变孩子排便习惯,养成每天定时排便。 12、注意

9、力:孩子排便时不要逗玩孩子,以免分散注意力。如果上述方法还不能缓解,可寻求医药治疗,在医生指导下使用一些辅助排便措施,如开塞露、缓泻药等。但患儿不宜长期服用泻剂,以免影响营养吸收。 13、鼓励:当 2 3 岁的宝宝憋着大便不愿上卫生间时, 你要鼓励他 (她 )及时去卫生间。可以在马桶上放一个小垫圈,在给他 (她 )脚底下垫个小板 凳,让他 (她 )坐上去感觉舒服些。并说:“没关系,你什么时候想大便,就什么时候去卫生间好了。”这样孩子的反抗期就不会无限地延长。 For the baby, the important events of everyday life always cannot le

10、ave these things: eating, sleeping, defecate. Because of this, once the infant baby constipation, parents will always be anxious. Constipation can affect the health of the baby are indeed to be reckoned with, and if the child is more than 48 hours, defecate can be regarded as constipation. And const

11、ipation after a long time, can cause children anorexia, abdominal distension abdominal pain, dizziness, even sleep uneasy, etc., can appear serious rectocele anal fissure or bleeding. Therefore, parents should take an active prevention and treatment of infantile constipation, but also should pay at

12、tention to use the right way, otherwise not only cannot solve the problem, will leave future trouble. A, why baby constipation 1, infants and young children constipation, most associated with dairy nutrition disorders: now a lot of dairy products, protein, fat and carbohydrates. The casein) protein

13、(such as milk, milk powder is difficult Digestion and absorption, excess will combine with calcium into solid poop. As for fat, much also can combine with the calcium in lumen ChengZao block. Adipose decompose, moreover, after the formation of the short chain fatty acid, in the large intestine can

14、reduce large intestine peristalsis, large storage there for a long time, moisture is absorbed, it left a dry poop. 2, inadequate food intake, it does not increase the weight of this kind of constipation often accompanied by the baby, the symptom such as crying after food. 3, excessive drinking herba

15、l tea: some parents believe that the baby constipation is caused by the “fire“, just for your baby to drink “herbal tea“. But really cool tea to feed 4 4 much would disrupt the baby gastrointestinal digestive function, instead can affect appetite and weaken the baby baby health. 4, excessive medicin

16、e: some parents think that the babys constipation is caused by the gas shortage, so disorderly with dangshen and astragali Chinese medicine to the baby “gas“, the results have gone too far to the baby excited fidgety unceasingly, more difficult defecation. 5, babys living environment has changed. Su

17、ch as: move, change a nanny. Lifestyle changes will make children tension or stress, these are likely to cause constipation. However, these are temporary constipation. 6, the baby become self: as the baby grow up, to more than 1 year old, some children will begin to have a new concept of self, he (s

18、he) need to separate from their parents, so love for parents to ask their do say “no“. So, the baby began to refuse to go to toilet, suppress the shit, lead to constipation. 7, inadequate diet: eating too little baby, digest absorb liquid after less residue, reduce stool, thicken. Insufficient amoun

19、t of sugar in the milk when weak peristalsis, can make defecate dry. Inadequate diet for a long time cause malnutrition, abs and reduction of intestinal muscle tension, and even atrophy, contraction force is abate, form the evil circle, aggravating constipation. 8, improper food ingredients: shit is

20、 closely related to food ingredients. Such as food contains a lot of protein, and carbohydrate is insufficient, secondary change of intestinal flora, intestinal content less fermentation process, defecate is alkali, dry dry; Such as food contains more carbohydrate, increased intestinal bacteria ferm

21、entation, fermentation, produce acid, defecate easily in acid, more and the soft; Such as eating high fat and carbohydrate, embellish the stool. Like eating a lot of calcium cheese, egg white, more is contained in excrement and urine amount insoluble calcium soap, manure increased, and easy constipa

22、tion. Carbohydrate in rice, flour, food grains are easy to constipation. Pediatric partial eclipse, many children like meat, eat less or dont eat vegetables, fiber in the diet is too little, also prone to constipation. 9, bowel dysfunction, irregular life and lack of training on time defecate, did n

23、ot form a defecation reflex common cause constipation. Other school-age children are often the habit of early because there was no shit, but learning time is not At any time defecate, holding her stool in class is also lead to a common cause of constipation. Commonly used laxatives or enema, lack of

24、 physical activity: malnutrition, rickets, hypercalcemia, dermatomyositis, stay ailments and congenital weakness, because of intestinal wall muscle fatigue, dysfunctional and constipation. Sympathetic nerve function disorder, abdominal muscle weakness or paralysis, often also make constipation. Taki

25、ng certain medications can reduce intestinal peristalsis and constipation, such as anticholinergic drugs, antacids, some anticonvulsants Drugs, diuretics, and iron, etc. 10, physical and physiological abnormalities, such as anal fissure, anal stenosis, congenital megacolon, spina bifida or tumor opp

26、ression horsetail, etc all can cause constipation. Should be the anus refers to check, the lower spine and 5 5 perineum department inspection. Some children born after the constipation, family history, if any, may be related to heredity. Second, how to alleviate babys constipation There are still ra

27、re reasons: 1, baby constipation crissum inflammation, for example, or because of hard real-time poop cause anal fissure or your fingers dig, make babies to the anus during defecation pain, for a long time and cause secondary constipation, the surface of excrement and urine with blood. At this time

28、in addition to the softening stool, still should frequently changing diapers, clean the anus week, treat dermatitis. 2, congenital megacolon children since birth have have a bowel movement is not normal, sometimes for days not defecate, and pull out a lot of loose, abdominal distension. Because ther

29、e are many malnutrition, thinning sebum, expansion of the abdomen common bowel peristalsis. The disease must send for a doctor make a diagnosis and give treatment in time. 3, runchang food: nursing baby constipation, food additive slippery bowel, such as orange juice, jujube juice, cabbage juice, et

30、c. 4, see: babies are weaned period of constipation, can increase the side dish, in addition to high nutritional value of eggs, lean meat, liver, and fish, but also increase the cellulose more fruits, vegetables and porridge class, such as spinach, cole, bok choy, celery, bananas, pears and so on. 5

31、, open plug dew: infant if days unanswered, stool stem node, at this time should be with a glycerin suppository or pediatric open dew purge. With general half liquid can be used as long as the dew, opening filling into to make liquid after stay in intestinal at least 3 15 minutes, let solution softe

32、ning poop to defecation. If in pull out, immediately after it is wasted. 6, some parents like fingers dig poop, that is about to be careful, dont use forefinger, can only use pinkie finger, dip in some vaseline lubricants, in order to avoid accidentally hold bad anal sphincter, after causing fecal i

33、ncontinence, truculent. 7, honey: folk have used honey purge. Actually honey must use cool water rushed against the effective, warm water, let the newborn, baby drink cold water, stimulate peristalsis, can catharsis, but will cause colic. 8, bifidobacterium: in recent years is useful to improve the

34、intestinal microecological to soften baby shit, such as bifidobacterium preparation oral, there are some milk powder more companies will join the rest of the milk powder such bacteria directly, this method can really easy baby bowel movements and prevent constipation. 9, grain: larger children const

35、ipation, can increase a few grain, such as BiaoZhunFen, potato, corn, barley, oil kind food, drinking water are also contributes to the prevention and treatment of constipation. For more than 4 5 months baby, can be appropriately increase side dish, it is best to chopped spinach, cabbage, green vege

36、tables, shepherds purse, etc, in the rice porridge with pot to boil, to make all kinds of porridge for the baby to eat delicious food. In addition, assist food contains a lot of B group live, can promote the recovery of intestine muscle tension, is of great help to purge. 6 6 10, cool, cool, prepare

37、 a bottle of oil is the best kind of white, with a cool around the baby belly button with a thin layer (must not be more than oh, otherwise the babys delicate skin is to can not stand), then the navel also apply a layer corresponding to the back, massage, so for 1 2 hours, the baby will start to bre

38、ak wind, slowly will be poo. If one doesnt work, you can get 2 3 times. 11, timing: dont change bad eating habits. Second to change child bowel habit, make it a regular bowel movement every day. 12, attention: dont tease play children when their bowel movement, so as to avoid distraction. If the abo

39、ve methods cant ease, can seek medical treatment, under the guidance of use and some auxiliary measures defecate, such as a plug, laxative, etc. But children should not be long-term use of a laxative, lest affect nutrient absorption. 13, encouraging: when 2 3 years old baby hold shit dont want to go

40、 to the bathroom, you should encourage him (her) to go to the bathroom in time. Can put a small washer on the toilet, in to give him (her) foot pad under a small stool, let him (she) feel comfortable to sit on. And said: “it doesnt matter, when you want to move bowels, when to go to toilet.“ Which will help children rebel period extended indefinitely.

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