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1、一词多义的常用单词Accept释义:accept 在普通英语中的含义是接受,这一点无须赘述。在法律英语accept 也有两个最常用的意思:承诺,是合同法中的概念,与邀约 offer 相对应,如A contract may be formed if an offer is accepted within the specified time and in the required manner。如果在规定的时间并以特定的方式对一项邀约作出承诺,合同即可成立。其他如 revoke an acceptance(撤回承诺)等。Accept 承兑,经常出现在票据法中,如The draft is acce

2、pted by the negotiating bank。议付行对汇票进行了承兑。Action释义:action 是法律英语中最常用的单词之一,它有两个意思:“诉讼”,相当于 lawsuit,如Party A shall defend Party B in any action resulting from the infringement of the licensed intellectual property。就与授权使用的知识产权相关的诉讼,甲方应当为乙方进行抗辩其他的如 file an action(提起诉讼),cause of action(诉因)等。“作为”,与不作为(forbe

3、arance)对应,如Any negligent conduct of Party A, whether it is action or forbearance, that resulted in loss of party B shall be deemed to be breach of this Contract。甲方的任何疏忽行为,无论是作为还是不作为,只要引起乙方损失,即可是为甲方对本合同的违约。Advise释义:advise 在法律英语中有两个常用意思:律师等法律工作者提供法律建议,如The partner of the law firm advised the Manager o

4、n various specialist legal issues。该律师事务所的合伙人就各种专业法律问题向经理提出了法律建议。通知,相当于 notify 或 inform,如The use of advise in the sense of “inform, notify,” was restricted to business correspondence and legal contexts. Thus one may say the suspects were advised of their rights, but it would be considered pretentious

5、 to say youd better advise your friends that the date of the picnic has been changed。advise 表示“通知,告知”的这种用法局限地用于商业往来及法律情况。因此可以说嫌疑犯被告知他们所具有的权利, 但是你最好通知你的朋友,野餐的日期有所改变,这种说法被认为是做作的。acknowledge释义:acknowledge 在法律英语中有两个常用意思: 承认,相当于 admit,但其用法更加正式,一般不能用 admit 来替换,经常与 confess 连用,即 acknowledge and confess,如:Th

6、e suspect acknowledged and confessed all his criminal activities to the court.犯罪嫌疑人向法院承认了全部犯罪行为。告知收到(书信)等例句:Notices given by personal delivery shall be deemed effectively given on the date of personal delivery,provided that receipt shall be acknowledged in writing by the receiving party.参考译文:在专人送达之日

7、视为有效送达,但收件方应书面确认已收到通知。Application释义:application 在法律英语中有两个常见意思: 申请,申请书,如:This two-stage process can be combined by submitting to the MOC a signed technology import contract with an application for import permit.上述两步程序也可合并进行,即向商务部提交已签署的技术引进协议和引进许可申请书。 适用,实施,如:The application of the arbitration rules o

8、f the Arbitration Institute in effect on the date of the signing of this Agreement is not subject to judicial review参考译文:仲裁庭适用本协议签署日有效的仲裁机构的仲裁规则时不受司法审查。注:application 的动词是 apply,同样有两个意思,即适用,实施 经常用在 apply sth to sth 结构中,如 apply the relevant laws and regulations to the disputes between the parties 适用相关

9、法律法规解决当事人之间的争议 申请,通常用在 apply to sb for sth 结构,如 apply to the Ministry of Commerce for approval of the establishment of a joint venture. 向商务部申请批准成立合资企业。Bond释义:bond 在法律英语中通常有两个含义:保证书、保函,即一方为保证履约行为而向对方出具的书面保证,如The Seller requests the Buyer to provide a letter of bond 。卖方要求买方出具一份保函。债券,通常指公司或政府发行的有担保的债券(

10、Secured bond),也可以指泛指所有的债券,这个在前面的 bond 和 debenture 的区别中已经论述过,就无须多讲了。Commission释义:commission 在法律英语中通常有四个常用意思:佣金,即佣金是在商业活动中,具有独立地位和经营资格的中间人的在商业活动中为他人提供服务所得到的报酬。如He came to China to hold a talk about the commission for his new business。他来中国是洽谈有关生意中的佣金问题。二是作为,用法与前面所说的 action 相通,但与 omission(不作为相对),此处不再赘述。

11、三是表示委员会,如中国证监会,就是 China Securities Regulatory Commission,中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会为 China International Economic and Trade Arbitrary Commission。是表示委托,She has received many commissions to design public buildings。她接受多项委托, 设计公共建筑。Contribution释义: contribution 在法律英语中通常有两个意思: 出资,即中国公司法中所说的为了公司的设立而支付一定的金钱或实物。如The Thre

12、shold for the contribution of a single-member company is RMB 100,000yuan,which shall paid in a lump sum.一人有限责任公司的最低出资额是人民币 10 万元,并应当一次性缴纳。分摊(额),通常用于共同侵权或共同保险中,每一责任人都根据自己的侵权行为或赔偿责任承担其应承担的份额。如The right of contribution exists only in favor of a tortfeasor who has paid more than his pro rata share of th

13、e common liability, and his total recovery is limited to the amount paid by him in excess of his pro rata share. No tortfeasor is compelled to make contribution beyond his own pro rata share of the entire liability.分摊请求权仅因某一共同侵权行人支付了超过其在共同责任中的按份份额时而产生,其可获赔偿的数额以其支付超过其按份份额为限。任何共同侵权人都不能够被强迫分摊超过其所占全部责任的

14、按份份额Deposit释义:deposit 在法律英语中通常最常用的意思有两个:存款,这是他在普通英语和法律英语都很常见的意思,既可作名词也可作动词,如He has a deposit of 10,000yuan in ICBC。他在工商银行有 1 万元的存款。People tend to deposit their idle money in the bank。人们喜欢把不用的钱存到银行。定金,保证金,相当于 earnest money。根据中国的合同法,缴纳定金方违约的,定金不予返还,接收定金方违约的,应当双方返还定金。如The shop undertook to keep the goo

15、ds for me provided that I paid a deposit.商店答应, 倘若我付定金就给我保留这批货。不能替换的单词或词组法律英语结构严谨,用词考究,逻辑严密,文体较其它体裁更为正式、刻板,较多地使用被动语态,这是由于法律本身的特质决定的。由于法律英语问题的庄重性,法律文书在单词选择上也有意选择一些非常正式的单词或词组进行表达,这些词在日常用语中很少使用,但在法律英语中出现频率非常高,且不能被普通英语中意思相同的词或词组代替。下面对我们在法律文书中经常遇到或使用的一些正式表达进行分析和比较。Determine decide分析:在作为“决定、确认”理解时,determin

16、e 较 decide 更为正式,因此,法律英语中选用 determine 而不是 decide 来表达该含义。如Where the price of the goods is not speicified in the contract, it shall be determined with reference to the fair market value of the similar commodity.合同中没有明确货物价格的,应当根据类似商品的公平市场价格进行确定。注意:decide 也是法律英语中的一个单词,但一般表示决定或确定,而是判决、裁决。如:The court decid

17、ed that the litigatin fee shall be borne by the losing party.法官判决,诉讼费用由败诉方承担。Due to because of分析:due to 和 because of 无论是在含义、词组结构还是用法上都是相同的,但 due to 比 because of 更为正式,因此,在法律英语中经常使用,且不能用 because of 替换,如:The contract was terminated due to changes in such unforeseeable circumstances as production and ma

18、nagement conditions合同因生产经营条件变化等不可预见的情况而解除。Elect choose分析:elect 和 choose 都有“选择”的意思,但 elect 比 choose 含义更加庄重,因此,在合同等法律文件中,用 elect 来表示“选择”,而不用 choose。Exclusive of excluding分析:两个词组/单词都是由动词 exclude 衍变过来的,都是“不包括”的意思,作为法律英语中的常用语,我们通常选用 exclusive of,而不是 excluding,如All Rates quoted herein are exclusive of tax

19、 and service charge本报价中的所有费用均不包括税收和服务费。However but分析:however 和 but 都是表示转折意义的单词,由于法律英语文体的庄重性,诸如 if,but 等单词在起草法律文书的过程中基本不用,而用意思相同但表达更为正式的 however, provided that 等。如:Without probable cause, a police officer cannot search other persons who happen to be present at the scene of a search. However, if an of

20、ficer has reason to suspect that an onlooker is also engaged in criminal activity, the officer might be able to “frisk” the onlooker for weapons.警察没有正当理由不能对碰巧出现在搜查现场的人进行搜查。但是,如果警察有理由怀疑旁观者也参与了犯罪行为,则可以对其是否携带武器进行拍身搜查。In accordance with according to分析:两个词组都是从动词 accord(如何)变化而来,而且意思也完全一样。但由于 in accordance

21、 with 比 according to 用法更为正式,所以,在法律英语中用 in accordance with,而不是 according to,但可以用其他用法同样正式的词组如 pursuant to, in pursuance with 或 as per 替换。如:A contract made in PRC may not be performed in accordance/pursuance with its related laws and regulations.在中华人民共和国订立的合同不一定根据中华人民共和国的相关法律法规进行履行。As of since分析:as of

22、和 since 在意义上没有什么区别,都表示从.开始(表示时间),但法律英语中常常使用前者,即 as of,很少或基本不用 since。如:As of September 11, Beijing will upgrade or ban more than 92,100 vehicles which failed to meet the citys emission standard.从 9 月 11 日起,北京准备改善 92100 多不符合该市排放标准的车辆或对其予以禁止。This contract shall take effect as of the said date in the first page hereof.本合同从自第一页载明的日期起生效

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