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本文(印度尼西亚驻华使馆商务专员庞博先生的发言(摘录).doc)为本站会员(gs****r)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1印度尼西亚驻华使馆商务专员庞博先生的发言(摘录)自从印度尼西亚与中国在 1990 年恢复邦交以来,两国的经贸合作发展比想象的要快,货物贸易和服务贸易总值飞快增长 过去的十年中,双边贸易从 1991 年的 18.8 亿美元,增长到 2002 年的79.3 亿美元,平均每年增长 14%近期,2004 年印尼与中国的贸易额达到了 134.7 亿美元,比 2003 年增长了 48.51%,其中包括:印尼从中国进口贸易额 62.6 亿美元;印尼出口到中国贸易额 72.1 亿美元,其分别增长了 39.6%和 25.3%截止到 2004 年印尼呈现贸易顺差,达到了9.6 亿美元,比前一年减少了 25.2%

2、2003 年,印尼是中国的第 15大贸易伙伴,另一方面,中国是印尼的第 4 大贸易伙伴 印尼出口到中国的产品主要有:矿产燃油等;化学品机械木材木浆等机电;油脂类橡胶纸张纸板和矿石印尼从中国进口的产品有:矿产燃油等;机械机电钢铁汽车摩托车钢铁制品无机化学品有机化学品棉纱纤维和塑料 关于投资,至今印尼对中国的投资,比中国对印尼的投资要大然而,中国对印尼的投资有增长的趋势,这是因为中国走出去的政策鼓励中国公司到国外投资;另一方面,印尼国内局势越来越稳定,印尼已经设法使2外国投资者恢复对印尼投资的兴趣 例如:已经批准的中国对印尼的投资额在 2001 年上升到 60.54 亿美元,也就是 2000 年的

3、 39 倍多,这个巨大的增长主要来自于服务行业,比如:餐馆酒店房地产工业区,航运仓储电力燃气水和建筑业在制造业,中国也有投资,例如:在木材造纸金属制品机械和运输业中国投资者对采矿业也感兴趣根据中央统计局的统计,2004 年外国资本投入在前三个季度迅速增长,一季度增长为 4.24%,二季度为 9.25%,三季度为 13.09% 印尼继续采取一系列特殊措施来简化投资程序,使其更快更简单而且更透明具体在以下几个方面: 对外国投资者的非投资领域已经从 16 个减少到 11 个,对外国公司合股参与的非投资领域也从 9 个减少到 8 个 对外国投资的申请审批手续已经简化,时间大大地缩短了外国投资者不仅可以

4、通过在雅加达的中央政府提出申请,也可以通过印尼驻国外的大使馆总领事馆领事馆或地区投资局所在的代表处提出申请 2001 年 1 月 1 日,印尼政府实施了一项新的税务刺激政策,给与投资税务优待,取代先前的免税期 取消了外国投资的最低投资限额,投资数额完全取决于投资项目的可行性 3Since the reopening of diplomatic ties between Indonesia and China in 1990, has brought the economic and trade cooperation of both countries that are significant

5、ly improve beyond the imagination. Total value of trading for goods and services from both countries jumped tremendously. During the last decade, bilateral trade has been increasing from US$ 1.88 billion on 1991 up a record of US$ 7.93 billion on 2002, grew by an average of 14% annually. Recently, t

6、rading between Indonesia and China in 2004 reached of US$ 13.47 billion, increased 48.51% compared to that of 2003, comprising of US$ 6.26 billion of imports of Indonesia from China and US$ 7.21 billion of exports of Indonesia to China, increased 39.6% and 25.3% respectively. Until the year of 2004,

7、 Indonesia has picked the trade surplus, as amount of US$ 960 million a decrease of 25.2% compared with the previous year. In 2003 Indonesia is the 15th largest trading partner of China. In the other side, China is the fourth largest trading partner of Indonesia. Indonesias main export products to C

8、hina among other are: minerals, fuel oil etc.; machinery; wood and pulp, electrical 4machinery;organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry; fats and oils; rubber; paper, paper board; On the other side, Indonesias main import products from China among other are: minerals, fuel oil etc.; organic chemistry;

9、 machinery, etc.; electrical machinery; iron/steel; vehicles, iron/steel products, cotton-yarn, fabric; and plastic. Regarding to investment, up to now investment inflows from Indonesia to China is bigger than Chinese investment in Indonesia. However, there has been an increasing trend of Chinese in

10、vestment to Indonesia, since the Chinese Going Out Policy that encourages Chinese companies to invest abroad. On the other side, as the stability of domestic situation are now getting better, Indonesia has managed to bring back the interests of foreign investors to make investments in Indonesia. For

11、 example, there was a significant increase on approval for Chinese investment in Indonesia reaching US $ 6.054 billion in 2001 or an increase of more than 39 times than that in 2000. The huge increase is mainly from services sector, such as restaurants, hotels, real estate, ndustrial zone, shipping,

12、 5warehousing, electricity, gas,water, and construction. In manufacturing sector, Chinese investments are also recorded in the industry sector such as wood, paper, metal and machinery, and transportation industry. Chinese investors are also interested in mining sector. According to the Central Stati

13、stics Agency (BPS), in 2004 foreign capital inflows has been growing significantly during each of the past three quarters - from 4.24% in the first quarter year-on-year to an annualized rate of 9.25% in the second quarter and 13.09% in the third quarter. Indonesia continues to simplify the regulator

14、y environment for foreign investment by undertaking a series of deregulation measures to achieve faster, easier and more transparent licensing procedures. Some of these changes, among others: The list of Business Sectors closed for foreign investment has been reduced from 16 sectors to 11 sectors. T

15、he sectors closed for investment in which a part of the share has owned by foreign companies has been reduced from 9 to only 8. The approval process for foreign investment applications has been simplified and the time for processing 6applications has significantly reduced. Foreign investor can submi

16、t their applications not only to the central government in Jakarta, but also at the Indonesian Representative Offices overseas (Embassy, Consulate General or Consulate or Agency for Regional Investment). Starting from 1st January 2001, the Government of Indonesia introduced a new tax incentive in the form of investment allowance, which replaced the former tax holiday. The minimum capital requirement for foreign investment has been eliminated. The amount of investment depends entirely on the feasibility of the project.

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