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1、 年 12 月的英语四级考试在即,考生们已进入复习冲刺阶段。那么考生如何提高听力的能力、在四六级考场上稳定发挥呢?下面是教要考英语四级的同学如何答才能在英语四六级听力部分拿高分。第一步:预判 ( 3-5 分钟)做题前,一定留出时间看题。正式考试时看题时间约 3 分钟左右。我们只能高效的看而非全面的看。选项中最需要注意的是:高频词,主语,谓语等。同时注意,相似选项和相反选项要保留,准确答案就在其间。复合式听写部分也需要注意高频词汇。例(小对话): A) Shell have some chocolate cake.B) Shell take a look at the menu.C) Shell

2、 go without dessert.D) Shell prepare the dinner.很明显,圈出所有的“she” ,暗示自己稍后听女士的话即可,而男士的话并非重点。 A) marketing consultancy.B) Professional accountancy.C) luxury hotel management.D) business conference organization选项都是某种行业,又因为此题是 08 年 6 月听力长对话中的第一题,所以就暗示自己注意长对话开始部分的行业词汇即可。第二步:听力开始(35 分钟)2006 年 6 月年后的英语四级听力放音时

3、间约 35 分钟左右。请不间断地听完一套题,中间不要停顿,强化自己的耐力注意力和定力。第三步:查阅环节(时间因人而异)1、 对答案。确定准确答案在原文中的位置。同时确定错误 查词和短语。将选项和原文中所有不熟悉的单词和短语全部查阅清楚,不留死角。3、 翻译句子。查阅词语结束后,可以用视译的方式看句子是否可以通顺的翻译明白。若发现人有句子无法理解,那就是单词和短语的含义并未查阅正确。例:2006 年 6 月英语四级听力长对话原文,是一个面试:What benefit package do you offer?误译:你提供什么利益包裹?正译:你们有什么样的福利计划?无独有偶: 2007 年 12

4、月的面试长对话中,又出现了一次benefitThere is a list of extra benefits. (有一个福利清单。 ) resume receipt fasten另外,我们还需要特别注意连读或失去爆破在语句中的使用。第五步:裸听(时间因人而异)本步骤要求在没有原文的情况下,完全靠双耳能力听懂所有细节。这是听力训练的最高环节。你可能会发现刚才边看边听时没有任何理解难度的单词和短语都会出现不懂或模糊的情况,一旦如此,请回到第四步确定是什么词语让耳朵不够熟悉。本环节的训练需要耐心和坚持。第六步:部分听写(时间因人而异) “时间因人而异 ”是指由于同学基础和能力有所差别,耗费的时间也

5、会有差别。-第二部分:例题练习演示例:2007 年 12 月份第三篇短文听力33. A) Itll enable them to enjoy the best medical care.B)Itll allow them to receive free medical treatment.C)Itll protect them from possible financial crises.D)Itll prevent the doctors from overcharging A)They cant immediately get back the money paid for their

6、medical cost.B)They have to go through very complicated application procedures.C)They can only visit doctors who speak their native language.D)They may not be able to receive timely medical treatment.35. A) They dont have to pay for the medical services.B)They neednt pay the entire medical bill at o

7、nce.C)They must send the receipts to the insurance company promptly.D)They have to pay a much higher price to get an insurance 看题(1 分钟):33 题:注意圈出每项的动词,听到确定的动词即为准确答案34 题:选项较难,只能迅速熟悉一下长词或难词的位置,不要强迫自己全部看懂35 题:ABD 都是 pay 做谓语,答案必在其间。第二步 ,听力做题( 3 分钟) (音频见网站链接:附件五)第三步 查阅1、 答案:CAB2、 找出答案在原文的对应:Obtaining go

8、od health insurance is a real necessity while you are studying overseas. It protects you from minor and major medical expenses that can wipe out not only your savings, (33 题 C 选项的高度对应,尤其是“protect sb from you dreams of an education abroad.There are often two different types of health insurance you c

9、an consider buying:international travel insurance and student insurance in the country where you will be going. An international travel insurance policy is usually purchased in your home country before you go abroad. It generally covers a wide variety of medical services,and are often gives a list o

10、f doctors in the area where you will travel who may even speak your native language. The drawback might be that you may not get your money back immediately.(34 题的 A 项有多个单词和短语在此处重合) In other words,you may have to pay all your medical expenses and then later submit your receipts to the insurance compa

11、ny. On the other hand,getting student health insurance in the country where you will study might allow you to only pay a certain percentage of the medical cost at the time of service and thus, you dont have to have sufficient cash to pay the entire bill at once.(35 题的 B 项在此重合)Whatever you decide,obt

12、aining some form of health is something you should consider before you go overseas. You shouldnt wait until you are sick with major medical bills to pay off.33.Why does the speaker advise overseas students to buy health insurance?34.What is the drawback of students buying international travel insur

13、ance?35.What does the speaker say about students getting health insurance in the country where they will study?3、查阅所有词语,确认选项和原文准确中文含义:题目选项举例: 33 题A 它使得他们能够享受最好的医疗待遇;B 它允许他们得到免费治疗;C 它保护他们免受财政危机(的侵扰) ; 它预防医生们过度收费原文举例: In other words,you may have to pay all your medical expenses and then later submit your receipts to the insurance company.译文:也就是说,你可能需要缴纳你所有的医疗费用,然后把你的收据提交给保险公司。第四步 视听原文现在,请你一句一句再把文章听两到三遍,确定发音。现在, necessity 和 receipt 怎么读

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