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1、1联络陪同口译教师大纲孙海琴 2007-8-30一、教学目的所谓陪同口译,就是一个老外到了机场,让译员从接机,到入住宾馆,再随同老外参观工厂,出席各个场合等一系列陪同过程,所以联络陪同口译的教学宗旨是以实用、典型的联络陪同场合对话、段落为教学内容,使学生在课堂中学会口译方法和技巧,掌握提供联络和陪同服务的要旨,为大型国际活动和商务事件提供合格的联络陪同口译人才。二、使用教材人民教育出版社出版, 联络陪同口译教程及配套磁带三、教学方法口译学习包括语言学习、知识学习和口译技能学习,口译教学遵循由简到难的过程,从中穿插口译技能的介绍和训练。训练的口译段落由短到长,从短句,短对话,长对话,最后训练较长

2、篇章讲话,口译技能的训练包括:1、口译听力 listening2、口译数字训练 figure training3、口译笔记要则及训练 note-taking四、教材使用方法联络陪同口译应试培训教程内容覆盖了礼宾礼仪、会展会务、商务访问、休闲娱乐及日常生活等外事活动的很多方面,教材内容非常实用,教师可在课堂内抽取部分内容操练并一一指正,对学生又很大直到意义。学习口译是一个从理解到熟练掌握运用的过程。因此,学习口译的过程也是一个大量操练的过程,本套教程就是为联络陪同口译操练而编写的,教师可在课堂训练后布置课外完成的训练量。每次课布置 3 个单元中的 25 篇为佳。以下是陪同口译教材中出现的典型含有

3、数字的句子,可以专门在 23 次课内训练完成:这里有 300 多间国际标准客房,宽敞通风。还有一间中式餐厅,一间豪华西式餐厅大小不一的宴会厅,一间酒吧、24 小时咖啡厅、以及室内饮品店。 (P22)We have over 300 rooms of international standard, all spacious and airy. There is a Chinese restaurant, a deluxe Wstern-style restaurant, large and small banquet halls, a bar, a 24-hours cafe and a ind

4、oor patio that serves drinks.2You may meet your visitors from 9:00 to 21:00.(P23)本店会客时间为上午 9 时至晚上 9 时。The six new bridges spanning the Huangpu River carry more than 60 percent of the cross-river transport.(P27)六座跨江大桥承担了 60%的跨江运输任务。Metro Line 2 at Longyang Road and the Pudong International Airport ar

5、e linked by the train yraveling at top speed of 430 kilometers per hour.(P27)它连接了地铁二号线龙阳路站和普通国际机场,最高时速 430 公里It takes only 7 minutes to cover the 30-kilometer trip, which currently takes 30-40 minutes by taxi. (P27)30 公里的行程,磁悬浮列车只需 3 分钟就能驶完,而出租车则需要 30-40 分钟。每天大概要 20 美圆,不限里程(P30)19 世纪 50 年代,苏州河上是没有桥梁

6、的,渡船是唯一的交通工具。于是在1854 年,经过英国商人萨那姆德威尔士的申请,修建了第一座木桥。 (P30)In the 1850s, there was no bridge across the Suzhou Creek and ferries were the only means of transportation. Then in 1854, under the requirement of a British businessman Surnamed Wells, the first bridge was built.More than 40 contracts have been

7、 signed with about 30 representative companies from China. The total value will be over 500 million USD.(P35)我企业与中国的 30 多家代表公司签定了 40 多分合同,总额达 5 亿多美圆。We would like to use your hospitality suite from 7oclock to 11oclock this evening.今晚 7 点到 11 点我们要用一下迎宾厅。(P51)一次 64 人的宴会,收费的最低标准是 10 200 元,不包括饮料,饮料是单独收费

8、的。(P52)For a banquet of 64 person, the minimum charge is RMB 10,200,not including drinks, which will be charged separately. In June 2001, and operation -also a gall bladder removal-was perfomed with the aid of robots. (P59)在 2001 年 6 月,有一例同样是胆囊切除的手术就是在机器人的协助下完成的。自 2001 年 11 月 2 日正式开业以来,上海新国际博览中心已取得了

9、快速的增长,每年举办约 60 余场世界级的展览会,这一数字未来还会增长。(P63 )3Since its opening on nov.2nd,2001,SNIEC has been experiencing rapid growth.IT hosts more than 60 world-class exhibitions each year and that number is set to grow in the future.目前,上海新国际博览中心拥有 7 个展厅,面积达 80 500 平方米,室外展览面积 45 000 平方米。此外,新建两个总面积为 23 000 平方米展厅的准备

10、工作已经开始。(P63)Currently,SNIEC has seven exhibition halls with 80,500 square maters of indoor exhibition space and 45,000 square meters of outdoor exhibition space.SNIEC has begun preparations for the construction of two more halls,which will given it an additional 23,000 square meters. 所有场馆建设将于 2010 年

11、完成,届时该中心室内面积将达到 200 000 平方米,室外面积 130 000 平方米。上海新国际博览中心的扩建将进一步巩固其在东亚地区会展中心的领导地位。(P64)Construction of all its facilities is expected to be completed by 2010. By then,the centre will contain 200,000 square meters of indoor floor space and 130,000 square meters outdoors.SNIECs expansion will cement its

12、position as the premiere exhibition centre in East Asia.This centre has a total indoor exhitbition space of 60,000 square meters,an outdoor space of 7,000 square meters,a parking lot of 10,000 square meters,a container-ground of 10,000 square meters and a Customers-bonded storage area of 3,000 squar

13、e meters.(P64)该中心拥有 6 万平方米的室内场馆、7 千平方米的室外展场、1 万平方米的停车场、1 万平方米的集装箱场地和 3 千平方米的海关保税仓库。(P64)Located at the north-east corner of Beijing,China International Exhibition Centre is only 10 kilometres from the downtown,5 kilometres from the diplomatic area and 20 kilometres from the airport,with highway lead

14、ing in all directions and more than 20 hotels scattered in the surrounding areas.(P64)地处北京市区东北角,中国国际展览中心周围道路四通八达,里离市中心只有10 公里,离使馆区 5 公里,距机场仅 20 公里,邻近星罗棋布着饭店 20 余家。Since its establishment in 1985,the centr has hosted and organized about 800 international exhibitions with an exhibition area of more th

15、an 9 million square meters.(P64)自 1985 年建成以来,在此举办各类国际性展览会 800 多个,展出面积 900 多万平方米2005 年 8 月 29 日至 31 日,一个新的专业贸易展览会 Asia Styles 2005-亚洲4消费品、礼品及家庭用品贸易展览会将在德国纽伦堡国际展览中心举行。(P68)A new specialized trade fair, known as Aisa Styles 2005 for consumer goods,gifts and housewares,takes place at the Nuremberg Exhib

16、ition Centre in Germany between August 29 and August 31 2005. In the hope of attracting more tourists ,the city has spent nearly $5 million in recent years.(P68)为吸引更多的游客,北京近年来已投资近 500 万美圆实施改造工程。根据有关规定,外国合资者的注册资本投资比例不应少于 25(P71)According to the regulations concerned, the foreign partys share should b

17、e no less than 25%.中国出口商品交易会广交会,又称广交会,创办于 19587 年春季,每年春秋两季在广州举办,迄今已有四十余年历史,是中国目前历史最长,层次最高,规模最大,商品种类最全、到会客商最多、成交效果最好的贸易展会。(P71)Chinese Export Commodities Fair(CECF),also called the Canton Fair, is held twice a year in spring and autumn since it was first held in the spring of 1957.我们保证货物的质量,至于折扣问题,我们

18、可以给你打个 9 折。(P75)We guarantee the quality of our supplies. As for the discount, we can offer you a 10% discount.Well, could you give me a lower price, say 30% off? (P75)恩,价格能不能再低一点?打个 7 折吧。2005 年上海汽车工业展是起劲在中国举办的规模最大的车展。参展面积达到了十二万平方米。(P75)Auto Shanghai 2005 is the largest auto exhibition ever held in

19、China.Total exhibition space area reaches 120,000 square meters.A building that achieves a score of 19 points earns a “gold” rating;52 points earns “platinum”. (P80)得到 39 分的建筑可获“黄金级” ,52 分为“白金级” 。The exhibition centre covers an area of 50,000 square meters and has a follor space of 25000 square mete

20、rs. Facilities of the centre include a main exhibition hall ,with four special-purpose exhibition halls around it, and a multi-functional report hall. And it is expected to arrtact over 10,000 exhibitors.(P84)展会中心占地 50,000 平方米,建筑面积为 25,000 平方米。中心的设施包括一个主要展厅,周围有四个特殊用途的展厅,还有一个多功能报告厅。展会预期吸引参展商过万。5Actua

21、lly,till now 40 exhibitor delegations from 11 countries and regions have attended this exhibition and you know ,the booth area is over 9,000 square meters.(P87)事实上,截止目前,共有来自 11 个国家和地区的 40 个展团参展,你知道吗,展区面积达 9 000 平方米。This exhibition including various events attracted about 14,000 visitors in just four

22、 days.P90(P87)本次会展开展了丰富多彩的活动,短短 4 天时间内吸引观众约 1.4 万人次。This pavilion covered an area of 3,000 square meters and had 142 booths.It is the largest innovation thchnology pavilion in the past Shanghai International Industry Fairs.(P88)展馆面积近 3 000 平方米,共 142 个展位,是以往上海国际工业博览会中规模最大的。The past 15 years have seen

23、 the SSEs development and improvement. Actually after 15 years of operation, the SSE has become the most preeminent stock market in mainland China. Up till December of last year, the SSE recorded 45 billion investors and listed 815 companies.(P100)在过去的 15 你那中,上交所不断发展进步。经过 15 年的持续发展,上海证券交易所已成为中国大陆首屈一

24、指的证券市场,到去年 12 月底,上交所登记的在册的有 1500 多万投资者和 815 家上市公司。截止去年底,它的总资产占国内商行总资产的四分之一.(P101)By the end of last year,ICBCs total assets made up a quarter of the sum of domestic assets owned by Chinas commercial banks.中国工商银行连续五次入围全球企业 500 强,截至去年末,中国工商银行在全球各主要国际金融中心设有 70 余家分支机构.(P101)ICBC has been rated among the

25、 top 500enterprises in the world for five consecutive years It had over 70 sub-branches in all major international financial centres around the world by the end of last year.经过十一年的持续发展,上海证券交易所已成为中国内地首屈一指的市场,到去年底,上证所拥有 4500 多万投资者和 815 家上市公司.(P105)After eleven-year operation, the SEE has become the mo

26、st preeminent stock market in mainland China. December last year ended with over 45.6 million investors and 815 listed companies.6In mainland China ,HSBC continues to operate 130 years after its launch. in May 2000,HSBC moved its head China office form Hongkong to Pudong, Shanghai and renamed it HSB

27、Cs General Representative Office Mainland China.(P105)在中国大陆, 汇丰银行自开业后连续经营了 130 年.2000 年 5 月, 汇丰将其中国业务总部从香港移至上海的浦东,重命名为” 汇丰驻中国大陆总代表处”.产业区最先于 1996 年投入使用,占地面积为 1175 公亩,包括 45 个工业地块。(P116)The industrial zone was first put into use in 1996. It covers an area of 1175 ares, and includes 45 industrial lots.T

28、he park is situated in Zhangjiang, in the southeast of Shanghai, and occupies a total land area of approximately 1450 hectares.(P117)新新高科技园于 1197 年正式成立,是上海最大的科技园区之一。该科技园位于上海东南部的张江,占地总面积大约为 1450 公顷。目前,园区中已有 68 家研究机构和 1500 家高科技公司。 (P121)At present, there are 68 research institutions and 1500 hi-tech f

29、irms within the park.The first will develop 617 acres comprising 31 industrial lots as well as R&D, administrative and support facilities. The second will develop 559 acres with 14 industrial lots.(P121)我科技园区是市政府和我公司的合作工程。该工程分两期发展。第一期工程占地 617 英亩,由 31 个工业区地块以及研发、行政和辅助设施构成。二期工程占地 559 英亩,包括 14 个工业地块。Th

30、e topography of the park is ideal, with an average land elevation of approximately three meters. The water level is controlled year-round between 2.3 nad 2.7 meters.(P121)地面平均海拔大约为 3 米。水平面去年控制在 2.3 到 2.7 米之间。全厂有职工 6000 多名,其中三分之一是女工,半数是 30-40 岁之间的熟练工。大部分车间实行三班制。 (P125)Our factory has over 6,000 worke

31、rs and staff members, one-third of whom are woman and half of whom are experienced workers aged between 30-40.Three shifts are required in most workshops.With more than 4,000 hectares of wheat growing in the field, the average ourput per hectare can reach record high five years on a run.(P125)田里一共种了

32、 4000 多公顷的小麦,没公顷小麦的平均产量连续 5 年达到最高记录。7目前茶厂以在杭州经济开发区征地 200 公顷,总投资两亿元。 (P129)Our factory recently purchased 200 hectares of land in the Huangzhou Economic Development Zone with and investment of 200 million yuan to expand an international tea export enterprise.Now, we have two factories in Dong-Guan of

33、 Chinas Guangdong Province with 75 R&D staff and about 1200 workers. Our production capacity is over 1.2 million units per month.(P129)现在我们共有两家工厂在中国广东东莞,共有 75 为研发人员及 1200 位员工。过去的 50 年中,约有 15 万来自国内外的游客访问过上海市少年宫。 (P133)如今这个占地面积为 6 万平方米的新天地区域,已吸引来自世界数十个国家和地区的 98 个租户,其中半数以上从事餐饮业。 (P142)Covering an area

34、of 60,000 square meters, Xintiandi has attracted 98 tenants from dozen of countries and regions, half of which specialize in food and beverages.新天地区域东面还有一块公共绿地,占地 44000 平方米,游客在那里可以呼吸新鲜空气。 (P142)Neighboring the Xintiandi compound in the east is a park with public greenery,coving 44000 square meters.I

35、n 2001, the New South Wales government provided $69.3 million for several projects to improve the facilities and environment fro performing arts companies, patrons and visitors.(P142)2001 年,新南威尔士州政府拨款 6930 万美圆,用于改善剧院的设施和环境等项目,以满足表演艺术公司、观众和参观者的需求。大剧院位于人民广场西北方位,总建筑面积约为 70000 平方米,一共 8 层。(P145)The theat

36、re is located in the northwest of PeoPles Square. The total floor space is about 70000 square meters with 8 floors in all.大剧院的大堂高 22.35 米,面积约 2000 平方米。(146)The lobby of the theatre is about 22.35 meters high and 200 square meters.观众大厅可容纳 1800 名观众,其中包括三层观众席和六个包厢。主厅的最大的舞台有 1700 平方米,分为四个部分,均可全方位移动。 (P1

37、46)The auditorium has a seating capacity of 1800, including three levels and six boxes. The 1700-square-meter stage of the main hall is diviede into 4 sections movable in all directions.8总共有 26 幢大楼排列在黄浦江的西侧,他们自 1906 年以来相继兴建。(P150)Along the west side of the Bund are twenty-six buildings, which were b

38、uilt in succession since 1906.Paris, the capital of France, has a total of 2 million inhabitants who live in Paris proper, and 11 million people who live in greater Paris, which is one of Europes largest metropolitan areas. Like London, Paris is a city that sits on a river, the Seine, 145 km from th

39、e riverss mouth on the English Channel.(P151)在法国首都巴黎,有两百万居民住在巴黎市中心,另有约 1100 万人住在大巴黎地区,那是欧洲最大的都市区之一。和伦敦一样,巴黎也是坐落在一条河边,即塞纳合,离位于英吉利海峡的河口有 145 公里。南京路东起外滩,西至静安寺,全长 5.5 公里。 (P158)Nanjing Road starts from the Bund in the east and ends at jingan Temple in the west, totaling 5.5 kilometers.Supercentres avera

40、ge between 100,000 and 220,000 square feet of retail space. Depending on size and customer needs, they employ between 200 and 550 associates, each dedicated to exceptional customer service.(P159)购物广场的零售区平均面积为 10 万到 22 完平方英尺。根据不同的规模和客户需要,每家广场雇用 200 岛 550 名员工,他们在自己的岗位上竭尽所能的为客户服务。上海简称“沪”或“申” ,占地 6341 平

41、方公里,其中浦东开发新区占地 532 平方公里。 (P170)Shanghai is also named “Hu” of “Shen” in short. It occupies a total area of 6341 square kilometers, including Pudong New Area which occupies 523 square kilometers.New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole, with a land

42、of 268,105 square kilometers and a population of over three million.(P171)新西兰是一个南太平洋国家,位于赤道和南极之间,国土面积为 268105 平方公里,人口为 300 多万。是的,这是上海最大的体育馆,能容纳 80000 人。 (P182)Yes, it is the largest one in Shanghai and it holds up to 80000 people.墨西哥的运动员们在奥运会上获得过 10 块金牌,15 枚银牌和 23 枚铜牌。(P182)9Their athletes have won

43、10 gold medals, 15 silver medals and 23 bronze medals at the Olympic Games.2008 年,中国北京将举办第 29 届奥运会和第 13 届残奥会。 (P186)China will host the 29th Olympic Games and the 13th Paralympic Games in Beijing in 2008.With 1800 seats, the lyric theatre is divided into the auditorium, the 2nd-floor, the 3rd-floor

44、and six balconies. The drama theatre has 750 seats and the studio theatre has 300 seats.(P191)曼迪逊大剧院兼具歌剧, 、芭蕾及交响乐等节目的演出功能。他共有三个剧场。大剧场有 1800 个座位,分为大厅,二层、三层楼座及 6 个包厢。中剧场有 750个座位,小剧场由 300 个座位。Then follows a 20-minutes tea break, after which two more speakers will give their presentations.(P200)随后是 20 分

45、钟的茶歇时间,之后还有两个演讲。第五届上海国际电影节将于今年 6 月 9 日开幕,至 17 日闭幕,总日期为 9 天。电影节期间,我们组织的主题活动有以下四项。(P203)The 5th SIFF will be open on June 9 this year and closed on June 17, lasting 9 days. During the festival, there are four major activities.从北京始发的 37 次快速列车每天 18:07 分开出,次日早晨 10:54 分到达武汉。另外还有三班北京始发的火车(47 次、29 次和 15 次)途

46、中经过武汉。他们的发车时间分别是 19:19 分、22:19 分和 23:50 分,次日 12:07 分、14:03分和 16:09 分分别到达武汉。(P207)The daily Express Train 37 departs from Beijing at 18:07 and arrives in Wuhan at 10:54 the next morning. Three other express trains (number 47, 29 and 15) departing from Beijing also next day at 12:07, 14:03 and 16:09 r

47、espectively.有通往世界 59 个城市的国际航线和 14 条海上国际航线,两个国际机场;有中国最大的港口,与世界上 200 多个国家和地区的 1100 多个港口建立了航运关系。(P211)It has airline routes to 59 cities in the world and 14 international sea routes. There are two international airports and it has the biggest port in china, linking up with over 1,100 ports in over 200

48、countries and regions.全市有普通高等院校 32 所,成人高校 37 所,高等职业技术学校 5 所,中等职校 267 所。上海在“十五”期间将不断的完善终生教育体系,加快优秀人才培养和集聚,形成人才资源高地。 (P212)Shanghai leads China with its modern educational system. There are 32 10institutions of higher education, 37 adult colleges, 5 senior vocational and technical and colleges and 267

49、 mid-range vocational school. During the Tenth Five-year Plan, Shanghai will continue to improve its lifelong education system and accelerate the training and gathering of talents, in order to build up a large pool of human resources.The hotel occupies an area of 20,000 square meters. (P212)酒店拥有 88 间豪华套房,168 件标准客房,以及一个可以容纳 300 多人就座的会议厅。It takes only 20 minutes by car to get to the international airport and 30 minutes to the railway station.(P212)上海目前约有 60 万户居民家中装有旧式的 13 升抽水马桶,对照国家强制标准中的 9 升抽水马桶,每使用一次马桶就浪费 4 升自来水,若按一家三口日均使用10 次计算,这部分家庭每年在马桶用水的浪费上就高达 14600 升。(P216)It

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