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读小说查单词 JANE EYRE.doc

1、1There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery1 an hour in the morning; but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early), the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so somber2, and a rain so penetrating3, that fu

2、rther outdoor exercise was now out of the question.I was glad of it: I never liked long walks, especially on chilly afternoons: dreadful4 to me was the coming home in the raw twilight5, with nipped6 fingers and toes, and a heart saddened by the chidings7 of Bessie, the nurse, and humbled8 by the con

3、sciousness9 of my physical inferiority10 to Eliza, John and Georgiana Reed.1 shrubbery rbri n. * an area where a number of shrubs are planted 灌木丛; * a collection of shrubs growing together 灌木林2 somber adj. 1.昏暗的;阴沉的: That was a somber January day.那是一个阴沉的正月天。smb 2.忧郁的;闷闷不乐的: He had a somber expressio

4、n on his face.他面容忧郁。3.严峻的: His expression was somber as he listened to the report of the accident.他听着关于事故的报告时,脸部表情严峻。4.(颜色等) 暗淡的,灰暗的;朴实无华的 : She was dressed in somber black.她穿一身灰黑色衣服。3 penetrating adj. 1.敏锐的,有洞察力的; 聪明的: a penetrating analysis 透彻的分析peni,treiti He examined the man with a penetrating g

5、aze.他以锐利的目光仔细观察了那个人。2.响亮的: a penetrating scream 尖锐的叫声4 dreadful adj. 1.可怕的;令人畏惧的;使人痛苦的 : He told me a dreadful story.dredful 他给我讲了一个可怕的故事。2.(强调糟糕的程度)极其的,极坏的: Im afraid its all a dreadful mistake.看来全都大错特错了。3.糟糕透顶的;讨厌的;令人不快的: The play last night was just dreadful.昨晚的戏真没意思。5 twilight n.1. the time of d

6、ay immediately following sunset; 黄昏, 黎明; twailait He loved the twilight. Youll most likely see these animals at twilight.黄昏时分你很可能会看到这些动物。2.没落时期;衰退期;晚期 adj. 1.奇妙神秘的;虚幻的; 2.(局面或思想领域)朦胧的,模糊的,界限不清的 6 nip vt.摧残;冻伤: The cold weather has nipped the fruit trees. 寒冷的气候冻坏了果树。7 chide taid vt. 1.责骂, 责备 : She wa

7、s chiding her son for not being more dutiful to her.她在责骂她儿子对她不够尽孝。8 humble hmbl vt. 1.使谦恭, 使卑下: The examination results humbled him.考试成绩挫了他的傲气。2.轻松打败(尤指强大的对手); 3.低声下气;谦逊;虚心 9 consciousness n. 1.清醒状态;知觉: When will she regain consciousness? 她什么时候会恢复知觉?knsns 2.意识, 观念, 觉悟,看法: The experience helped to ch

8、ange her social consciousness.这种经验有助于改变她的社会意识。3.觉察;感觉;意识10 inferiority n. 1.劣势,劣等; 下等;次级: She accepted her inferiority to her rivals. 她接受了自己不如对手的现实。 in,fiririti 2.自卑情绪,自卑感 : He had an inferiority complex about his looks.他对自己的外表感到自卑。 Failure induces a total sense of inferiority. 失败使人产生自卑。Using a fals

9、e accent over the phone is a sign of inferiority.打电话时故意作出某种口音是自卑的表现。2The said Eliza, John and Georgiana were now clustered11 around their mama in the drawing-room: she lay reclined12 on a sofa by the fireside, with her darlings about her (for the time neither quarrelling13 nor crying), looked perfec

10、tly happy. Me, she had dispensed14 from joining the group, saying: “She regretted to be under the necessity15 of keeping me at a distance; but that until she heard from Bessie, and could discover by her own observation, that I was endeavouring16 in good earnest17 to acquire a more sociable and child

11、like disposition18, a more attractive and sprightly19 mannersomething lighter, franker, more natural, as it were she really must exclude me from privileges20 intended only for contented21, happy, little children. What does Bessie say I have done? I asked.11 cluster klst n. 1. (果实、花等的 )串, 簇,团,束: She

12、held a cluster of flowers in her arms.她抱着一束鲜花。2. (人、物等的)群, 组,团: A cluster of tourists was surrounded in the hill.一群游客被困在了山中。vt. 挑剔: You cant quarrel with the decision of the court; its very fair.你不能反对法院的判决, 它判得很公正。14 dispense dispens v. grant a dispensation; grant an exemption; “I was dispensed from

13、 this terrible task“15 necessity n. 1. the condition of being essential or indispensable 必要(性); (迫切)需要 nisesiti You must understand the necessity of education. 你必须懂得教育的必要性。2. anything indispensable 必需品: Telephone is now a household necessity. 现在电话是一种家庭必需品。3.自然规律: Is it a logical necessity that highe

14、r wages will lead to higher prices?工资高物价就高, 这是合乎逻辑的必然规律吗?16 endeavour indev n. 英尽力,竭力vi. attempt by employing effort 努力;尽力;竭力 “We endeavor to make our customers happy“17 in good earnest : 非常认真地,郑重其事地18 disposition n. 1.气质;天性;性格;性情: He has a cheerful disposition. 他性情开朗。dispzin 2.安排;布置;排列: He has made

15、 a good disposition of his property. 他已对财产作了妥善处理。3.倾向;意向; 4.(财产、金钱的)处置,让与19 sprightly spratli: adj. full of spirit and vitality; 生气勃勃的 ,活泼的 : “a sprightly young girl“; “a sprightly dance“ “a sprightly 90-year-old” 90 岁仍精力充沛的老人20 privilege privilid n. 1.特权, 特别待遇; 2.(因财富和社会地位而仅有部分人享有的)权益;3.特殊荣幸; 4.免责特

16、权21 contented adj. satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are; 满意的, 满足的;知足的kntentid “a contented smile“He wont be contented until hes upset everyone in the office. 不把办公室里的每个人弄得心烦意乱他就不会满足。3Jane, I dont like cavilers22 or questioners; besides, there is something truly forbidding in a ch

17、ild taking up her elders in that manner. Be seated somewhere; and until that you can speak pleasantly, remain silent. A small breakfast-room adjoined23 the drawing-room, I slipped in24 there. It contained a bookcase: I soon possessed25 myself of a volume. Taking care that it should one stored with p

18、ictures. I mounted26 into the window seat: gathering up my feet, I sat cross-legged, like a Turk; and, having drawn the red moreen27 curtain nearly close, I was shrined28 in double retirement.22 caviler n. a disputant who quibbles; someone who raises annoying petty objections 吹毛求疵者,苛责者23 adjoin din

19、vi. 1. lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; be in direct physical contact with; make contact; 连接, 毗连, 邻近: The two houses adjoin. 这两座房子邻接。The swimming pool adjoins the hotel. 游泳池临近旅馆。2. attach or add 靠近; 附加; “I adjoin a copy of your my lawyers letter“24 slip in: 偷偷溜进来 ;悄悄溜入 slip slip vi. 1.滑,

20、 滑倒; 滑动; 滑行;轻快地移动;He slipped and fell down the stairs. 他滑倒了, 从楼梯上摔了下来。2.滑脱;滑落: When she heard the news, the cup in her hand slipped down onto the floor. 当她听到这一消息时,手中的杯子一下子滑落掉在了3.(时间) 不知不觉地过去;悄悄逝去(away, by) : One week slipped away, but he wrote out nothing. 一个星期悄然逝去,他连一个字也没写出4.(健康状况等)变差,变坏;衰弱: He sai

21、d his health was slipping.他说他的身体一天不如一天了。5.下降,下跌: The flood has slipped below the warning stage. 洪水已降至警戒水位之下。6.【医学】(椎间盘)滑离正常位置,错位 vt. 1.偷偷悄悄地塞给 : Tom slipped a stamp to me. 汤姆悄悄地给我一张邮票。2.摆脱, 挣脱: The dog slipped its collar and ran away.那条狗挣脱了项圈逃走了.3.逃过; 被遗忘, 被忽视 : Your name has slipped my mind. 你的名字我忘

22、了。4.滑落;滑离;脱落; 5.悄悄疾行;溜 ; 6.迅速放置;偷偷放 ; 7.下降;退步;变差; 8.陷入,进入(困难或不愉快的处境);9.(迅速且容易地)穿上,脱下; 10.摆脱;挣脱;松开;放走; 11.被遗忘;未被了解: What he said slips my mind. 我不知道他说了些什么。名词 n. 1.滑, 溜, 滑倒: One slip and you could fall off the building. 脚下一滑就可能从建筑物上跌下去。2.小过失, 失误: There are a few trivial slips in this lesson.在这篇课文中有几个小

23、错误。3.差错;疏漏;纰漏; 4.纸条;便条;小纸片; 5.衬裙 6.(击球员后侧的)守场员;守场员所站的位置; 7.年轻而瘦弱的人形容词 adj. 1.滑动的;滑移的; 2.打有活结的; 3.(犬项套等)可迅速松脱的; 4.可拆卸的 暂无词性: 1.(教堂等中的)靠背长凳 25 possesss vt. 1. 有; 具有, 拥有; 占有; 掌握(知识); pzes 2. enter into and control, as of emotions or ideas 使受(感情, 观念等)支配; 控制, 抑制;“What possessed you to buy this house?“3.

24、妖魔等)迷住, 缠住; 附体; 4. 保持, 维持; 5. 通知, 使熟悉(of, with)6. 使某人获取(财产, 消息); 7. 发生性关系; 占有(女人)possess courage 有勇气; possess oneself 自制; possess ones mind in peace 保持安静; possess ones soul in patience 耐着性子等待 She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。26 mount maunt vt. 登上 ; 爬上; 攀登; 骑上; 乘上; 跨上The climber

25、s mounted higher and higher. 攀登者越爬越高。27 moreen m:ri:n,m:ri:n n. a heavy fabric of wool (or wool and cotton) used especially in upholstery 波纹织物28 shrine n. 圣地, 圣坛, 神圣场所: Islams most sacred shrine is at Mecca in Saudi Arabia.rain 伊斯兰教最神圣的圣地在沙特阿拉伯的麦加。4Folds of scarlet29 drapery30 shut in my view to the

26、 right hand; to the left were the clear panes31 of glass, protecting, but not separating me from the drear32 November day. At intervals, while turning over the leaves of my books, I studied the aspect33 of that winter afternoon. Afar34, it offered a pale blank of mist and cloud, near a scene of wet

27、lawn35 and storm-beat shrub, with ceaseless rain sweeping away wildly before a long and lamentable36 blast37.v. enclose in a shrine; “the saints bones were enshrined in the cathedral“(synonym) enshrine29 scarlet sk:lt n. a variable color that is vivid red but sometimes with an orange tinge 鲜红色; 猩红色

28、The band was dressed in scarlet. 乐队穿一色鲜红的制服。adj. having any of numerous bright or strong colors reminiscent of the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies 鲜红的; 深红的 He went scarlet with shame. 他因羞愧而脸红。30 drapery n. 1. cloth gracefully draped and arranged in loose folds 绸缎, 呢绒, 布匹; 织物布drepri:

29、 料,(画像、雕像等上的)衣饰2. hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)有褶子的布料。窗帘布料Crimson draperies were looped along the walls.四面墙壁上悬垂着深红色环状打褶的装饰织物。31 pane pen n. 1. sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors 窗玻璃,(一片)窗玻璃 He broke this pane of glass. 他打破了这块窗玻璃。2. a panel or section of panels i

30、n a wall or door (门、墙等上的)嵌板32 drear dri adj. depressing in character or appearance 阴沉的33 aspect n. 1.方面: The training program covers every aspect of the job.spekt 训练计划的范围包括了这种工作的各个方面。2.方位, 朝向: The house has a north-facing aspect. 这栋房子朝北。3.面貌, 模样, 神态: He is a man of enormous size and terrifying aspec

31、t. 他是一个面目狰狞的彪形大4.样子;外观;外表; 5.形势; 6.神态; 7.(建筑物等)朝某方向的一面8.【语法学】体,貌动词的一个语法范畴,表示动作的持续和完成情况9.【天文学、占星术】(太阳系的星体相对于太阳的 )视位置;恒星 (或行星)的相互位置( 占星术认为会影响人事祸福);运气 10.【物理学】有关液体或气态物质的平面的位置34 afar f: adv. (old-fashioned) at or from or to a great distance; far 从远处“we traveled afar“; We heard a shout afar.我们听到远处有喊叫声。Wa

32、ter afar quenches not fire. 远水解不了近渴。n. 1.远处;遥远; 2.远离着,远远地离开着 3.从远方,从远处: A dim light came from afar. 一缕暗淡的光线从远处射来。35 lawn l:n n. a field of cultivated and mowed grass 草地, 草坪They are lying on a grassy lawn. 他们躺在绿草如茵的草坪上。The children are playing volleyball on the lawn. 孩子们在草地上打排球。36 lamentable adj. 1.

33、an archaic word for mournful 可悲的,令人悲痛的:a lamentable tale lmentbl, lmn- 令人惋惜的故事2. bad; unfortunate 糟糕的, 质量低劣的37 blast n. 1.爆炸;(爆炸引起的)气浪,冲击波: Police said that the blast occurred at 9 警方说这次爆炸发生在上午九点。2. a strong current of air 一阵(疾风等), 一股( 强烈的气流) :A blast of hot air came from the furnace. 一股热风从火炉里吹出来。53. 突如其来的强劲气流; 4.严厉的批评;激烈的抨击; 5.热闹的聚会;狂欢6.(吹奏乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等突然发出的)响声,吹奏声,轰鸣vt. 3. 发出刺耳的高音,轰鸣(尤指音乐)4.严厉批评;猛烈抨击; 5.狠打;猛踢vt. 1.向猛吹;(用水)向 喷射; 2.使(植物等)毁于疾病(或寒冷、酷热等)

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