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1、1TOEFL 听力学科词汇(based on TPO)2I. Art.31.1 Arts .31.2 Literature.101.3 Architecture .12II. Physical Science .132.1 Geology 地质学 .132.2 Astronomy 天文学 .182.3 Physics 物理学 .232.4 Chemistry 化学 .28III. Life Science.333.1 Zoology 动物学 .333.2 Animal Behavior 动物行为 .393.3 Physiology 生理生化 .423.4 Botany 植物学 .453.5 S

2、peciology 物种学 .503.6 Ecology 生态学 .51IV. Social Science.544.1 Archaeology 考古学 .544.2 Business 经济商学 .564.3 History 历史 .604.4 Psychology 心理学 .614.5 Anthropology 人类学 .644.6 Sociology 社会学 .644.7 Philosophy 哲学 .644.8 Politics 政治 .653I. Art1.1 Artsstyle stail n. 风格 【频】6【例】 TPO 1 L1 Shes got a very unusual

3、style, compared t some of the artists weve looked at this term.technique teknik n. 手法,技术 【频】6【例】TPO 19 L4 And this is something, a technique that you will find in both of their glri n. 画廊 【频】6【例】TPO 1 L1 Remember I said that at some point during this semester I wanted you to attend an e

4、xhibit at the Fairy Street Gallery and then write about it. painter pent n. 画家 【频】5【例】TPO 34 L1 Last week we started talking about the painters and sculptors who were part of the art movement called Dada.【衍】Painting n. 绘画, Paint v. 绘画artist artist n. 艺术家 【频】5【例】TPO 1 L1 The name of the artist exhibi

5、ting there is Rose plei n. 剧本 【频】5【例】TPO 7 L1 In fact, some of the playwrights would start by writing the end of the play.romantic romantik a. 浪漫的 【频】4 4【例】TPO 27 L4 Well Goethe was part of the Romantic Movement in western literature.【衍】Romance n. 浪漫史、冒险故事 ,Romanticist n. 浪漫主义者, Romant

6、icism n. 浪漫主义theater t n. 戏院【频】4【例】TPO 12 L3 They carried theater with them and opera specifically because it was an Italian form.portrait prtrt n. 肖像 【频】3 【例】TPO 1 L1 Frantzen had to paint other peoples portraits at places like art fairs just to make money to buy paint for her more serious art work

7、.【衍】Portraiture n. 肖像画, Portraitist n. 肖像画家, Portray v. 描绘genre anr n. 类型 【频】3【例】TPO 30 L4 I think its fair to say that the sound of the electric guitar typifies the rockn roll genre.scene si:n n. 景象 【频】3 【例】 TPO 1 L1 A lot of impressionist artists painted everyday scenes, like people on the streets

8、 and in cafes, lots of nature scenes, especially landscapes.【衍】Scenery n. 舞台布景,风景recital risaitl n. 独奏会 【频】3 【例】TPO 24 L2 By age fourteen, she was teaching her free dance to young children and giving recitals.【衍】Recitative a. 吟诵的depict dipikt v. 描画 【频】3 【例】TPO 1 L1 It didnt depict scenes or models e

9、xactly as they looked.5【衍】Depiction n. 描画classical klsikl a. 古典的【频】3【例】TPO 16 L4 As piano became more available, they brought classical music, the music which previously had been composed only for the upper classes. patron petrn n. 赞助人,主顾【频】2 【例】 TPO 16 L4 Well, I dont have to spell it out for you,

10、the likes and dislikes of the patron, this wouldve had an effect on what was being composed and performed.【衍】Patronage n. 赞助brushstroke brustrok n. 绘画技巧 【频】2【例】TPO 1 L1 Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brushstrokes.ballet blei n. 芭蕾 【频】2 【例】TPO 24 L2 As I said,

11、 in classical ballet, emotions are conveyed through a set of strictly formalized movements.【衍】Ballerina n. 芭蕾舞女演员composer kmpoz n. 作曲家【频】2 【例】TPO 16 L4 There were many other influences on composers.【衍】Compose v. 作曲texture tekst n. 质地,纹理 【频】2【例】TPO 1 L1 The texture of the canvas was rough.charcoal ta

12、kol n. 木炭,炭笔 6【频】2【例】TPO 3 L3 Theres charcoal marks from their torches on the cave walls clearly dating from thousands of years after the paintings were made.parchment partment n. 羊皮纸 【频】2【例】TPO 15 L3 During the 1400s, when printing was being developed, paper became the predominant material for book

13、s in Europe, but prior to that, it was parchment.manuscript mnjuskript n. 手稿,原稿 【频】2【例】TPO 15 L3 Before the invention of printing and the printing press, all books, all manuscripts were hand-made. realism rilizm n. 现实主义 【频】2 【例】TPO 1 L1 Youve probably studied both of these movements separately, Real

14、ism and Impressionism, in some of your art history courses.【衍】Realistic a. 现实主义的, Realist n. 现实主义者impressionism mprenzm n. 印象主义 【频】1 【例】TPO 1 L1 Impressionism started in the late 19th century.【衍】Impressionist n. 印象主义者exhibit igzibit n. 展示会 【频】1【例】TPO 1 L1 Well, the exhibit that I want you to attend

15、is coming up.canvas knvs n. 帆布 【频】1【例】TPO 1 L1 The texture of the canvas was rough.7bleak blik a. 阴冷的,黯淡的【频】1【例】TPO 1 L1 The overall scene gives an impression of a cold, bleak winter day on a farm.blurry blr a. 模糊的 【频】1【例】TPO 1 L1 You can really see those broad brushstrokes and the blurry lines.expr

16、essive ikspresiv a. 表现的 【频】1 【例】TPO 19 L4 Well, for me, it is her face and hands, I think they are really expressive.【衍】Expression n. 表现、表达,Expressionist n. 表现主义艺术家 contemplative kntempltv a. 沉思的 【频】1 【例】TPO 19 L4 They make the woman seem very contemplative, seems like she is thinking pretty serious

17、ly about something. 【衍】Contemplate v. 沉思, Contemplation n. 沉思 contrasting colors 对比色 【频】1【例】TPO 19 L4 What strikes me is the contrasting colors, the white dress and the dark background.vague veig a. 模糊的 【频】1【例】TPO 19 L4 Well, the background behind the woman is pretty vague. conventional knvnnl a. 常见

18、的,传统的 【频】1【例】TPO 19 L4 Now, the undefined background also shows how Cecilia Beaux was influenced by the French Impressionists, who believed, like Beaux in a personal rather than conventional approach to their subject matter. 8bold color 亮色 【频】1【例】TPO 21 L4 First, Neels use of bold color.critic kriti

19、k n. 批评家,评论家 【频】1 【例】TPO 21 L4 Some critics had declared the genre of portraiture to be dead.【衍】Critical a. 批评的,Criticize v. 批评,Criticism n. 批评abstract art 抽象派艺术 【频】1【例】TPO 21 L4 But keep in mind that she was doing this when abstract art dominated the art scene.fashionable fnbl a. 流行的,时髦的 【频】1 【例】TP

20、O 21 L4 Representations of people werent fashionable in the art world.【衍】Fashion n. 时尚Primary color 原色 【频】1【例】TPO 27 L4 As you probably know, primary colors are, theoretically speaking, the basic colors from which all other colors can be made.Secondary color 次生色 【频】1【例】 TPO 27 L4 But as youll find o

21、ut when you start working on your painting projects, the three primary colors-red, blue, yellow-dont always make the best secondary colors.Prism przm n. 棱镜【频】1【例】TPO 27 L4 He used a prism to break white light down into the various colors of the spectrum.9chromatics krmtiks n. 色彩学 【频】1 【例】TPO 27 L4 S

22、cientists studying optics and chromatics today still marvel at his findings. 【衍】Chromatic a. 彩色的symbolize simblaiz v. 作为.象征 【频】1 【例】TPO 27 L4 His ideas about what colors symbolize, about the emotions that different colors inspire were based on the colors red, yellow and blue.【衍】Symbol n. 象征、符号, Symb

23、olic a. 象征的,Symbolism n. 象征主义、记号 Film-maker 电影制作人【频】1【例】TPO 3 L2 And in that context, today we are going to talk about a film-maker who began making very unique films in the late 1920s.clip klip n. (影片)剪辑 【频】1【例】TPO 3 L2 He might take a clip of a mollusk going up and down in the water and set it to

24、music. documentary dkjmntri n. 纪录片 【频】1 【例】TPO 3 L2 He set the standard really for the nature documentary.【衍】Documentarist n. 纪录片制片人primitive primitiv a. 原始的 【频】1【例】TPO 3 L3 I think you will agree with me that this art is anything but primitive.masterpiece mstpis n. 杰作 【频】110【例】TPO 3 L3 They are mas

25、terpieces .Studio studio n. 画室,工作室, 电影(音乐)制片厂 【频】1【例】 TPO 8 L2 The painting depicts an active crowded studio with women drawing and painting a live model.Salon sln n. 画廊,美术展览馆 【频】1【例】TPO 8 L2 You can have a painting or sculpture in the salon and go back to your home country saying youve been a succe

26、ss in the Paris.scribe skraib n. 抄写员,作家 【频】1【例】TPO 15 L3 So it wasnt uncommon for the scribes or monks who produce the manuscripts.Palimpsest plim(p)sest n. 重写本 【频】1【例】TPO 15 L3 A manuscript page that was written on, erased and then used again is called a palimpsest. Papyrus scrolls 古本手卷 【频】1【例】TPO

27、15 L3 This was extremely fortunate, since later on, the original papyrus scrolls disappeared. preserve prz:v v. 保存 【频】1【例】TPO 15 L3 So the pages, the pieces of parchment themselves, had been preserved.stained glass 彩色玻璃 【频】1【例】TPO 16 L4 Stained glass of course is simply glass that has been colored and cut into pieces and re-assembled to form a picture or a decorative design.Metallic compound 金属化合物

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