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沪版牛津英语4A M1 U2试题.doc

1、1牛津英语全程监测试卷 4A Module1 Unit2听力部分(40 分)I. 听句子,圈出你所听到的单词。 (每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)1. A. brother B. birthday C. today2. A. Alice B. Eric C. Eddie3. A. she B. shop C. shoe4. A. he B. her C. here 5. A. read B. ride C. writeII. 听录音,判断下面句子,正确的写 “T” ,错误的写 “F” 。 (每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)1. How old are you? ( )2. Its his bi

2、rthday today. ( )3. Is this your bag? ( )4. Ride your bicycle in the playground, please. ( )5. Happy New Year, Danny. ( )III. 听对话,把人物和相应的年龄连起来。 (每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)nine years oldeleven years oldten years oldseven years oldeight years old一个小女孩Mary一个小男孩Eric一个小女孩Kitty一个小男孩Tom一个小男孩Danny 2IV. 听问句,选出正确的答句。 (

3、每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)( ) 1. A. Happy birthday. B. Thank you. C. Great.( ) 2. A. Its my bicycle. B. Its not a bag. C.OK.( ) 3. A. Yes, its my rubber. B. Yes, its my pencil.C. No, it isnt my ruler.( ) 4. A. How are you? B. Fine, thank you. C. Im ten.( ) 5. A. Shes Ben Li. B. Ben Li. C. Hes Ben Li.笔试部分(60 分

4、)V. 选出每组单词中与其它单词不同类的一项。 (每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)( )1. A. she B. he C. my( ) 2. A. bicycle B. book C. bus( ) 3. A. ruler B. van C. train( ) 4. A. ride B. playground C. birthday( ) 5. A. eight B. five C. for VI. 选择题。 (每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)( ) 1. Ride the bicycle _ the playground.A. under B. in C. at( ) 2. I can r

5、ead _ write.A. and B. but C. are( ) 3. I _ nine today. A. are B. am C. is( ) 4. -_ old are you, Alice?-Im eleven.A. What B. How C. How many( ) 5. -_ this your bicycle?-Yes, it _.A. Are, is B. Is, are C. Is, isVII.根据情景,选择正确的句子,将序号填入括号里。 (每小题 2 分,满分 10分)( ) 1. 你祝朋友生日快乐时,应该说:A. Happy birthday. B. Merry

6、 Christmas. C. Happy New Year.( ) 2. 你妈妈会跳水,你可以这样说:A. My mother can swim. B. My mother cant dive. C. My mother can dive.( ) 3. 老师在登记新生的年龄情况,可以这样问:A. How old are you? B. How old is she? C. How old is he?( ) 4. 警察在调查丢失的汽车,他可以这样问:A. This is your car. B. Is this your car? C. Is this your bicycle?( ) 5.

7、有学生在马路骑自行车很危险,我们可以告诉他:A. Ride your bicycle in the playground.B. Ride your bicycle in the park.C. Ride your bicycle in the zoo.3VIII. 看图,选择正确的句子。 (每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)( ) 1. A. Im ten years old. B. She is ten years old.C. He is ten years old.( ) 2. A. He can write.B. She can write.C. He cant write.( ) 3.

8、A. I can swim.B. I cant dive.C. I cant swim.( ) 4. A. This is her pencil.B. This isnt her pencil.C. This is my pencil.( ) 5. A. Is this your ruler? B. Is this your rubber?C. Is this your pen?IX. 阅读理解。根据短文,选择正确的答案。 (每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)This is Sue. Shes an English girl. Shes ten. Her father is thirty-six

9、. Hes a teacher. Her mother is thirty-five. Shes a teacher, too. That is her dog, Alex. Sue likes it very much.( ) 1. Sue is _.A. a Chinese girl B. an English girl C. a good girl( ) 3. Is her father thirty-five?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. I dont know.( ) 2. Is her mother a teacher?A. Yes, she

10、is. B. No, she isnt. C. I dont know.( ) 4. How old is Sue?A. Shes ten. B. Shes nine. C. Shes eleven.( ) 5. Whats the dogs name?A. Alice B. Amy C. Alex女孩指另一女孩图 男孩写字图女孩套游泳圈游泳图女孩拿着铅笔尺子图4X. 根据提示词,将短文补充完整。 (满分 10 分)Betty Linda Peter Tom SamAge nine eight ten nine elevenIm Alice. Im ten. I have five friends. They are Betty, Linda, Peter, Tom and Sam. Betty is _. Linda is _. Peter is _. Tom is _. Sam is _.你喜欢这些卡通明星吗?你知道他们的年龄吗?试着连一连。36 years old32 years old82 years old挑战自我米老鼠图凯蒂猫图加菲猫图

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