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1、西安小吃的英文翻译钟楼 Bell tower 大雁塔 Big wild goose pagoda 兵马俑 Emperor Qins terra-cotta warriors and horses 回民街 HUI minority street 羊肉泡馍 cruded pancake in mutton soup 凉皮 cold rice noodles 汤圆 sweet dumpling 肉夹馍 chinese hamburger 烧饼 Clay oven rolls 油条 Fried bread stick 韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings 水饺 Boiled dumplin

2、gs 蒸饺 Steamed dumplings 饭团 Rice and vegetable roll 皮蛋 100-year egg 咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg 豆浆 Soybean milk 糯米饭 Glutinous rice 卤肉饭 Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee 馄饨面 Wonton Hence its name the Chinese Flowering Crabapple Hot Spring or the Lotus Hot Spring.Lady Yang used

3、to make a stay in this pavilion to see sights or to air her hair after a bath. Therefore, it was named the Hair Airing Pavilion. Whether the sun was rising or setting, the pavilion was aglow with sunshine; hence the name the Flying Roseate Pavilion.Southwest of the Gui Fei Bathing Pool stands a bric

4、k-built pavilion. On its head three big Chinese characters “Xi Jia Lou” (Fine Sunset-Bathed Pavilion)are inscribed according to the model of the most celebrated according to the model of the most celebrated Chinese calligrapher, Yu You Ren, here is the source of the spring water.At this spa there ar

5、e four hot springs. They have an hourly flow of 112 tons, and a constant temperature of 43C. The spring water contains lime, sodium carbonate, sodium sulphate and other minerals, which makes it suitable for bathing and considerable treatment of quite a few diseases such as dermatosis, rheumatism, ar

6、thritis and muscular pain. The Fine Sunset-Bathed Pavilion marks the first source of the spring water, which was discovered some 3,000 years ago, roughly in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Its water flow averages 25 tons per hour. Take up the steps east of the source of hot springs, you will gradually see

7、 the Five-Room Pavilion where Chiang Kaishek made a temporary stay during the Xian Incident.The Xian Incident took place on December 12, 1936, and it is also known as the Double Twelfth Incident. After the Incident of September 18, 1936, the Japanese imperialists seized the three provinces northeast

8、 of China, and intensified their invasion of North China. This was the very moment vital to the Chinese nation. Yet Chiang Kaichek persisted doggedly in carrying out his reactionary policy “domestic tranquility is a must for the resistance against Japanese invades,” and commanded the Northeast Army

9、and Northwest Army, respectively headed by Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng, to attack the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. Inspired by our Partys policy “let us stop the internal war and unit to resist the Japanese aggressors,” those two generals made to Chiang Kaishek the proposal of forming a

10、united front with the Communist Party for the resistance. Not only did he reject the proposal, but flew to Xian to scheme the “suppression of the Communist Party.” And the slaughter of the patriotic youth. Out of patriotism, Zhang and Yang started the famous Xian Incident.Very early on the morning o

11、f December 12, 1936 the Incident was impending. Zhang Xueliang, together with Yang Hucheng ordered a squad of bodyguards to surround the Huaqing Pool. They fought a fierce battle there, and wiped out Chiangs bodyguards in one vigorous effort. The sound of firing came to Chiang Kaishek, and he was so

12、 terrified that he crept out of the window with his nightgown and slippers only. Whats more, he hurt his spinal bone, and lost one of his slippers while crossing over the back wall. He staggered up Lishan Mountain, and hid himself behind a stone in the crevice halfway on it. Those brave soldiers began to search the mountain immediately when they rushed into the Five-Room Pavilion to find that Chiangs hat and clothes were still there and that his quilt remained warm. In the end they found Chiang Kaishek, and thus escorted him to Xian

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