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1、骨科英语词汇Achilles Tendonitis 跟腱炎Ruptured Achilles Tendon 跟腱破裂Ankle Sprain 踝部扭伤Ankle Fracture 踝部骨折Ankylosing Spondylitis 强直性脊柱炎Aseptic Necrosis 无菌性坏死Bakers Cyst 贝克囊肿Bone Tumors 骨肿瘤 Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕管综合症Colles Fracture 桡骨下端骨折Compression Fracture of the Vertebrae 脊椎压缩性骨折Dislocation 脱位 Tennis Elbow

2、网球肘Fibromyalgia 纤维组织肌痛Flat Foot 扁平足Hammer Toe 锤状趾Plantar Fasciitis 足底筋膜炎Clavicle Fracture 锁骨骨折Frozen Shoulder 冷冻肩Ganglion 腱鞘囊肿Hand Fracture 手骨折Heel Spurs 脚跟骨刺Herniated Disk 椎间盘突出Arthritis of the Hip 髋关节炎Total hip replacement 全髋关节置换术Total knee replacement 全膝关节置换术 Femoral neck fracture 股骨颈骨折骨折Intertro

3、chanteric fracture 粗隆间骨折Infectious Arthritis 感染性关节炎 Knee Arthritis 膝关节炎Meniscus tear 半月板撕裂 Mallet Finger 锤状指Morton Neuroma 莫耳通氏神经瘤Muscular Dystrophy 肌肉萎缩症Wry Neck 颈部僵硬Osteoarthritis 骨关节炎 (退化性关节炎)Osteomalacia 软骨病Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症Paget Disease Paget 氏病Ribs and Cartilage Inflammation

4、肋与软骨炎 Sciatica 坐骨神经痛Kyphosis 脊柱侧弯Scoliosis 脊柱侧弯Shoulder Dislocation 肩脱位Rotator Cuff Tear 肩袖损伤Swollen 肿胀Bursitis 滑囊炎Tenosynovitis 腱鞘炎Trigger Finger 扳机指Acetabulum 髋臼Amputation 截肢Analgesic 止痛药Arthroscopy 关节镜检查Osteofascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合症Avascular necrosis of femoral head 股骨头缺血性坏死Bone tract

5、ion 骨牵引Bowel and bladder dysfunction 二便障碍Brachial plexus anesthesia 臂丛麻醉Bunion 拇囊炎Cervical spondylosis 颈椎病Common peroneal nerve 腓总神经Congenital kyphoscoliosis 先天性侧后凸畸形Congenital scoliosis 先天性脊柱侧凸Contracture of both 臀肌挛缩Core decompression 髓芯减压术Debridement 清创Decompression of spinal canal 椎管减压Discectomy

6、 椎间盘摘除Discectomy of hemivertebrae 半椎体切除Dorsal artery of foot 足背动脉Elastic fixation 弹性固定Extension 伸直External fixture 外固定Faciotomy 筋膜切除术Femoral neck 股骨颈Flexion 屈曲Forklike deformity 餐叉样畸形Fracture of ulnar bone 尺骨骨折Fracture of calcaneus 跟骨骨折Fracture of distal phalange 远端趾骨骨折Fracture of distal radius 桡骨远端

7、骨折Fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus 肱骨大结节骨折Fracture of proximal femur 股骨近端骨折Fracture of phalange 指骨骨折Fracture of radius 桡骨骨折Scapular glenoid fracture 肩胛骨骨折Glenoid fossa 关节盂Hallux valgus 拇外翻Hallux varus 拇内翻Humeral head 肱骨头Humeral shaft fracture 肱骨干骨折Immobilization 制动Ice bag 冰袋Intermittent cla

8、udication 间歇跛行Internal fixation 内固定术Intramscular hematoma 肌间血肿Intrumedullary needle 髓内针Kirschner wire 克氏针lipoma 脂肪瘤Mc Murrays test 麦氏实验Meniscectomy 半月板切除Metacarpophalangeal joint 掌指关节Osteochondroma 软骨瘤Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎Paraplegia 截瘫Patellar fracture 髌骨骨折Plaster slab 石膏托Poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎Posterior ma

9、lleolus fracture 后踝骨折Protrusion of intervertebral disc 腰椎间盘突出Reduction 复位Retinaculum 支持带Revision 翻修Sacroiliac 骶髂关节Sinus tract 窦道Skin traction 皮牵引Spondylolisthesis 脊柱滑脱Stenosis of Spinal Canal 椎管狭窄lumbar spinal stenosis 腰椎管狭窄Subluxation 半脱位subtrochanteric fracture 粗隆下骨折supracondylar fracture 髁上骨折synovial chondromatosis 滑膜软骨瘤病Syringomyelia 脊髓空洞症Tension band 张力带Tibial fracture 胫骨骨折Tibial plateau fracture 胫骨平台骨折Total knee arthroplasty 全膝置换Total hip arthroplasty 全髋置换Trimalleolar fracture 三踝骨折

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