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1、关键词:英语结构动词 Do+Det.+V-ing 发展情况 语料库 中国论文 硕士毕业论文英语结构动词 Do+Det.+V-ing 的发展情况本文以 Do+Det.十 V-ing 结构为研究对象,借助语料库,考察了该结构的历史发展情况,分析结构内各构成要素的特征,并在界理论和语言经济原则的指导下,对该结构的认知和形成机制提出了大胆假设:Do+Det.+V-ing 结构的产生,是其 “赋界”在结构特征和完型组织法则,以及语言经济原则共同作用的结果,是人类对于完型的追求在语言结构上的体现。Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundEnglish

2、structure Do+Det.+V-ing, such as do some cooking and do the talking, is a very common structure in modern English, especially in spoken English. The object wing in the structure is a typical verbal noun derived from a verb. Semantically, it is closely related to the parent verb V, e.g. do a walking

3、and walk. Although being different in grammar form they depict a same scene. Through the observation on data from Corpus of Historical American Englis h (COHA), it is found that the structure is not only widely used in modern English, but has been applied as early as in the 19h century, moreover, a

4、s time goes by and the human society develops, this structure is self-updated with an increased frequency. It is fair to say that this structure is being imbued with vitality and reveals great prospect. However, in contrast to the development of the structure, researches into it seem to be inadequat

5、e and far from being satisfactory. What are the semantic and functional features of each component, i.e. the verb do, determiners and U ing, in the structure Do+Det.+V-ing? What is the similarity and dissimilarity between V-ing and its parent、erb? Is Do+Det.+V-ing identical with its corresponding si

6、mple-verb-structure in terms of semantic meaning? What are the cognitive motivation based on which the structure Do+Det.+V-ing is recognized and preferred by people? To these questions, previous studies havent yet covered them or provided well-grounded answers. Therefore, with the great help of corp

7、us and within the theoretical framework of Bounding Theory, Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization and Economy Principle, the present thesis attempts and hopes to make valuable supplements to the study into this structure.After a thorough extraction and a careful study on the types of Do+Det.+V-ing

8、 in Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), this thesis finds that this structure possesses the main structural features of the English delexicahttp:/ verb structure. As one of the most common English delexical verbs, the verb do in Do+Det.+V-ing owns a relatively light semantic meaning comp

9、aring with the object T ing. The semantic content carried 场 the structure is almost wholly undertaken by the object V-ing. Previous studies shows that the majority of English delexical verb structures have their corresponding simple verbs, e.g. have a discussion and discuss, give a speech and speak. In this regard, this structure is also representative. The parent verb of V-ing often happens to be the corresponding 英语语言学论文范文 simple verb of the structure. References1 Altenberg, B. and S. Granger. The Gramrnatical and I exical Patterning of MAKE in Native and Non-native Student Writing. Applied

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