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1、第 1 页,共 7 页上 海 海 洋 大 学 试 卷学年学期 20 13 20 14 学年第 2 学期 考核方式 闭卷课程名称 普通生态学 A/B 卷 ( A )卷课程号 1302504 学分 3 学时 48题号 一 二 总分分数阅卷人考生诚信考试承诺书本人郑重承诺:本人已阅读并且透彻地理解了“上海海洋大学学生考场规则”和“上海海洋大学学生违反校纪校规处理规定” ,承诺在考试中自觉遵守,如有违反,按有关条款接受处理。承诺人签名: 日 期: 姓名: 学号: 专业班名: 一、Please explain the following terms (3 points each, 21 points t

2、otally). 名词解释, 每个 3 分,共 21 分1、Liebigs law of minimum2、Shelfords law of tolerance3、law of effective temperature4、innate capacity of increase (or intrinsic rate of increase)第 2 页,共 7 页5、ecological strategy6、Climax7、edge effect二、Put the appropriate ecological terms into the Blank in order to make the s

3、entence meaningful (one point each blank, 10 points totally). 填空题, 每空 1 分,共 10 分1、 According to the shape of age pyramid, it can be classified into three types, that is, , , and .2、 The inter-specific relationship between lion and deer is . The interaction between penicillin and bacterium is . Walnu

4、t quinone secreted by walnut can inhibit the growth of its surrounding plants, so the relationship between walnut and its surrounding plants belongs to .3、 , , and are the three functional groups that consist of ecosystem.4、 The types of natural selection include stabilizing selection, directional s

5、election, .三、True or false (two points each, 16 points totally). 是非题,每小题 2 分,共 16分1、( ) Organisms in the Tropical Zone(热带)are able to tolerate(耐受) much higher temperature than those in Temperate Zone(温带)and Frigid Zone(寒带), so organisms in Tropical Zone are eurytherms (广温生物 ) while organisms in Temp

6、erate Zone are stenotherms (狭温生物).2、( ) The inter-specific relationship between black carp (鳙鱼) and silver carp (鲢鱼) is mutualism.3、 ( ) Species diversity (物种多样性) in Tropical Zone (热带地区) is lower than in Temperate Zone (温带地区).4、( ) Polyclimax hypothesis argue that the climax of a community is determ

7、ined only by the climate.5、 ( ) After a forest is logged by the way of clear cutting (皆伐) , there will occur secondary succession. 6、( ) Molecular ecology belongs to the research domain of classic ecology.7、 ( ) The most plants belong to modular organism (构件生物 ).8、 ( ) The interaction between termit

8、e and flagellate (鞭毛虫) in its intestine is commensalisms.四、 To make the right choice ( 11points totally) 选择题,第 6、7、8 小题各 2 分其余每小题 1 分,共 11 分1、36( ) is/are not the decomposer of the ecosystemA. earthworm (蚯蚓) B. bacteria (细菌) C. fungus (真菌) D. green alga (绿藻)第 3 页,共 7 页2、The parasitizing bees lay egg

9、s in the body of their parasitized insects, and will gradually kill the parasitized insects, so the relationship between them is ( )A. parasitoidism (拟寄生) B. parasitism (寄生) C. amensalism (偏害作用) D. commensalisms (偏利作用)3、( ) belong(s) to r-strategist.A. locust (蝗虫 ) B. giant panda (大熊猫) C. white whal

10、e (白鲨) D. Chinese river dolphin (白暨豚)4、( ) dont belong to positive interaction among the four inter-specific relationships followed.A. competition B. amensalism C. predation D. Mutualism5、When there are short of calcium (钙) in the environment, strontium (锶) can substitutes for calcium (Ca.) in the g

11、rowth and development of mollusk. We can term this effect as ( ).A. Combined effect (综合作用) B. complementary effect (互补作用) C. Non-substitutable (不可替代作用) D. Definitiveness (限定性作用或阶段性作用)6、 The main characteristics of r-selector include(s)( ).A. small body B. large body C. high reproduction rate D. low

12、reproduction rate7、When Tribolium castaneum (杂拟谷盗) and Oryzaephilus surinamensis (锯谷盗) are cultured together, they compete for food and eat each others eggs. The interaction between the two animals belong(s) to ( ). A. exploitation competition B. interference competition C. Apparent competition (似然竞

13、争) D. Amensalism8、 ( ) belong(s) to the research domain of classic ecology.A. population ecology B. community ecology C. ecosystem ecology D. landscape ecology五、 Please answer the questions below in brief (36 points totally). 简答题 共 36 分1、Please list the types of survivorship curve, the characteristi

14、cs and one representative species of each curve. 存活曲线有哪几种?每种存活曲线有哪些特征?各种曲线列出 1 个物种。 (6 分)第 4 页,共 7 页2、What are the four fundamental components of the ecosystem? and what functions the composer, consumer, and producer play in the ecosystem ? 生态系统有哪些主要组成成分?生产者、消费者和分解者在生态系统中各起什么功能?(6 分)3、Please briefly

15、 describe the morphological, physiological, and behavioral differences between r-selector and K-selector. 简述 r- 选择者和 K-选择者在形态、生理、行为特征方面的主要区别有哪些? 第 5 页,共 7 页4、Please briefly describe the reason why the number of trophic levels is less than six? 简要说明为什么不能超过 6 个营养级(6 分)5、简述对于建立自然保护区是建立一个大保护区好还是建立若干个小保护

16、区好?在自然保护区架设“廊道”的生态学意义。建议尽量使用岛屿种群论阐述(12 分)第 6 页,共 7 页六、计算题(共 6 分)1、一个学生估算一块木头下面鼠妇的种群数量。她在木头左端一区域用捕虫网捉了 80 只鼠妇,将它们标记后放回,并与该种群中的其他个体混合在一起。24h 后,她又在木头左端用同一个捕虫网捉了 160 只鼠妇,在新捉的鼠妇中,只有 32 只是有标记的。已知在 24h 内,鼠妇无死亡,没有受伤害,无迁入与迁出。请估算该块木头下鼠妇的种群数量。第 7 页,共 7 页2、有 A、B 两个群落都有 100 个个体,其中 A 群落有 2 个物种,各有 50 个个体;而 B 群落有 10 个种,每种有 10 个个体,请问哪一个群落的生物多样性大?解:DA=1(1/2)2+ 1/2)2=0.5DB= 110*(1/10) 2=0.9DB DA 即,B 群落的多样性大于 A 群落

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