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1、 18DA 22501 4008 ASCVQ A1430 HLR 硬件更换流程文档编号 8DA 22501 4008 ASCVQ 文档版本 V2.5适应的运营商 CMCC/UNICOM 安全性 风险高作 者 张园庆 联系方式产 品 A1430 HLR 适应版本 R2, R3文档版本历史版本 日期 描述 作者1.0 2006-07-29 Creation of the document 张园庆1.1 2006-07-29 Update 赵荣东1.2 2007-08-28 Modify P4 红色字体 张园庆1.3 2008-07-28 Update key procedure. Lin Chun

2、yi1.4 2009-05-10 Update details LIN Chunyi2.0 2009/5/26 update Hua youping2.1 2009/7/13 增加微动开关的文字说明 Wang peng2.2 2009/10/30 增加 lock 板卡后需检查的状态 Wang peng2.3 2009/11/23 增加 F300 更换流程 Wang peng2.4 2009/11/27 update Lin chunyi2.5 2009/12/1 Add checkpoint before pilot replacement Zhao rongdong2.6 2010-2-9

3、Update procedure for checking hardware clock and stopping DB clusterZhu meng21. Control station 替换准备工作: 1) 用 df 命令检查各目录硬盘空间占用率小于 85%2) 更换硬件前检查系统中是否有自动备份在运行,如果有,请停止自动备份的运行。3) system , platform, all_data, mysql 数据备份。4) emergency restore 窗口已经下载。5) 新的 pilot 备板 BIOS 参数已经重定向设置成通过 COM 接口连接到 IOLAN 输出,并且不从硬盘

4、启动。检查新板卡微动开关的设置和下图一致:注意:只有 SW4 的第二个微动需要设置成 on,其他所有的微动都是 off。注意:以下图片的微动开关方向和板卡上的微动开关方向有可能不一致,以板卡上的微动开关的说明为准,例如:微动开关在板卡上的分布如下:36) PCFS 通过 IOLAN 用 telnet 连接到需要更换的 PILOT 板7) 注意静电防护,比如带上静电手套等等更换过程1.1 lock和set equipment off standby pilot(1)在 active pilot 上执行 fw lsta 命令检查所有板卡运行状态,确认所有板卡的状态都是好的:roothlrsz5st

5、b:# fw lsta*FWLSTA *host_name oper_state syst_state susp_req version STATION_A enabled standby no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_B enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_C enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_D enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 5STATION_E enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_F enab

6、led active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_G enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_H enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_I enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_J enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_K enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_L enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_M dis

7、abled not_installed noSTATION_N disabled not_installed noSTATION_O disabled not_installed noSTATION_P disabled not_installed noSTATION_Q disabled not_installed noSTATION_R disabled not_installed noSTATION_S disabled not_installed noSTATION_T disabled not_installed noSTATION_U disabled not_installed

8、noSTATION_V disabled not_installed noSTATION_W disabled not_installed noSTATION_X disabled not_installed noroothlrsz5stb:#在 pilot 上执行 fw restart x (x 为 standby pilot)重启 standby pilot执行 fw lsta 命令检查 standby pilot 启动完成,确认 active / standby pilot。在 active pilot 上进入buii,执行命令:get staPILOT/*(*);检查 standby

9、pilot 的如下状态参数为:operational_state = enabled,system_state = standby, 检查 active pilot 的如下状态参数为:operational_state = enabled,system_state = active, get logical_nodeNGHLR/A(*);get logical_nodeNGHLR/B(*);检查 standby pilot 的如下状态参数为:functional_name = “Pilot“,adm_state = unlocked,op_state = enabled,failed = no

10、,in_test = no,power_off = no,offline = no,dependency = no,degraded = no,not_installed = no,st_status = hot_standby, node_type = tomas_station,node_subtype = tomas_pilot_station,检查 active pilot 的如下状态参数为:adm_state = unlocked,op_state = enabled,failed = no,in_test = no,power_off = no,6offline = no,depe

11、ndency = no,degraded = no,not_installed = no,st_status = providing_service,node_type = tomas_station,node_subtype = tomas_pilot_station,(2)在 active pilot 上使用 fw lock X(X=A or B)命令锁定 standby pilot:roothlrsz5stb:# fw lock A (假设 A 为 standby pilot 的情况)- OK, connection active- Number of clients = 14/* An

12、swer to request #1 = */ACTION_RSP logical_node NGHLR/A(lock();roothlrsz5stb:#(3)standby pilot 板卡被锁定后检查以下状态是否正确:roothlrsz5stb:# fw lsta*FWLSTA *host_name oper_state syst_state susp_req version STATION_A disabled not_installed no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_B enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_C enab

13、led active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_D enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_E enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_F enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_G enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_H enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_I enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_J ena

14、bled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_K enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_L enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_M disabled not_installed noSTATION_N disabled not_installed noSTATION_O disabled not_installed noSTATION_P disabled not_installed noSTATION_Q disabled not_installed noSTATION_R

15、 disabled not_installed noSTATION_S disabled not_installed noSTATION_T disabled not_installed noSTATION_U disabled not_installed noSTATION_V disabled not_installed noSTATION_W disabled not_installed noSTATION_X disabled not_installed no7roothlrsz5stb:#roothlrsz5stb:# buii- OK, connection active- Num

16、ber of clients = 14BUI get staPILOT/A(*); (假设 A 为 standby pilot 的情况)Answer to request #1 =GET_RSP sta PILOT/A(/* Attributes : */creation_date = 2009/08/28 10:54:32,adm_upd_date = 2009/08/28 10:54:32,tsap = 65,tsap_mirror = 66,hostname = “STATION_A“,profile_name = “_pilot_“,type_sta = pilot,syst_upd_

17、date = 2009/10/30 16:05:12,operational_state = disabled,system_state = not_installed,suspend_requested = no,version = “r3.310.1303-01“) ;The request number 1 has been sent to localhostBUI get logical_nodeNGHLR/A(*); (假设 A 为 standby pilot 的情况)Answer to request #2 =GET_RSP logical_node NGHLR/A(/* Attr

18、ibutes : */creation_date = 2006/06/09 21:52:59,adm_upd_date = 2007/08/10 02:27:12,syst_upd_date = 2009/10/30 16:05:13,functional_name = “Pilot“,adm_state = locked,op_state = disabled,failed = no,in_test = no,power_off = no,offline = yes,dependency = no,degraded = no,not_installed = no,st_status = co

19、ld_standby,node_type = tomas_station,node_subtype = tomas_pilot_station,node_name = “STATION_A“,tsap = 65,memory_size = 4,cpu_number = 2,8(4)给被锁定的 pilot 下电:BUI action logical_nodeNGHLR/A(set_equipment_off(); (假设 A 为 standby pilot 的情况)Answer to request #3 =ACTION_RSP logical_node NGHLR/A(set_equipmen

20、t_off();The request number 3 has been sent to localhostBUI(5)下电完成后检查以下红色标示部分状态是否正常:roothlrsz5stb:# fw lsta*FWLSTA *host_name oper_state syst_state susp_req version STATION_A disabled not_installed no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_B enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_C enabled active no r3.310.1303-01

21、 STATION_D enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_E enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_F enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_G enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_H enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_I enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_J enabled active no r3.310.1303-0

22、1 STATION_K enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_L enabled active no r3.310.1303-01 STATION_M disabled not_installed noSTATION_N disabled not_installed noSTATION_O disabled not_installed noSTATION_P disabled not_installed noSTATION_Q disabled not_installed noSTATION_R disabled not_installed noST

23、ATION_S disabled not_installed noSTATION_T disabled not_installed noSTATION_U disabled not_installed noSTATION_V disabled not_installed noSTATION_W disabled not_installed noSTATION_X disabled not_installed noroothlrsz5stb:# buii- OK, connection active- Number of clients = 14BUI get staPILOT/A(*); (假

24、设 A 为 standby pilot 的情况)9Answer to request #1 =GET_RSP sta PILOT/A(/* Attributes : */creation_date = 2009/08/28 10:54:32,adm_upd_date = 2009/08/28 10:54:32,tsap = 65,tsap_mirror = 66,hostname = “STATION_A“,profile_name = “_pilot_“,type_sta = pilot,syst_upd_date = 2009/10/30 16:05:12,operational_stat

25、e = disabled,system_state = not_installed,suspend_requested = no,version = “r3.310.1303-01“) ;The request number 1 has been sent to localhostBUI get logical_nodeNGHLR/A(*); (假设 A 为 standby pilot 的情况)Answer to request #2 =GET_RSP logical_node NGHLR/A(/* Attributes : */creation_date = 2006/06/09 21:52

26、:59,adm_upd_date = 2007/08/10 02:27:12,syst_upd_date = 2009/10/30 16:13:33,functional_name = “Pilot“,adm_state = locked,op_state = disabled,failed = no,in_test = no,power_off = no,offline = yes,dependency = no,degraded = no,not_installed = yes,st_status = cold_standby,node_type = tomas_station,node_

27、subtype = tomas_pilot_station,node_name = “STATION_A“,tsap = 65,memory_size = 4,cpu_number = 2,注意:standby pilot 被 lock 住后状态必须是 not_installed,如果 standby pilot 被 lock 住后状态仍然是 standby,请停止当前的所有操作,并立即联系相关区域的 TAC 负责人!101.2 替换硬件 拨出要替换的板卡:注意先松开板卡下面的扳手,等蓝灯常亮之后再拔出; 插入新的 PILOT 后,立即在 PCFS 上通过 IOLAN 用 telnet 连接到

28、需要更换的PILOT 板,按 F2 进入 BIOS。如果进入 BIOS 没有成功,应立即启动该PILOT 的 reset 按钮,并在 PCFS 上按 F2 进入 BIOS,记录该 PILOT 的两个MAC 地址,设置该板卡的 BIOS,BIOS 参数设置见附录 4.1,不要退出。 在新插入的 PILOT 板 BIOS 中检查并修改确认系统不从硬盘启动,在 Hard Drive 前加上“!”,并保存退出。注意:如果有 CF 卡,需要将 CF 卡启动放在硬盘启动的前面并去掉卡启动前面的”!”,如下图:Hard Drive 下面 TRANSCEND-(SM)表示 CF 卡启动1.3 修改备用侧的MA

29、C 地址登录到 active pilot: 在Linux 下, 在#后输入以下命令并回车/usr/nectar/bin/nse/nse_clientupdate station-name 说明: station-name is standby pilot; example: station_A. or .station_B 选择2 修改 ethernet address 并回车。 择对应需要修改的pilot 名称并回车。 按照提示替换两个MAC 地址。11 确认MAC地址是否正确。如果检查一致,输入字母 Y并回车。 输入q结束配置。1.4 改备用侧PILOT的BIOS执行restore硬件 r

30、eset 刚插入的板卡 按住PCFS的F2 ,进入BIOS 设置。 在BOOT 选项中将ETH1 和ETH2 移到 Hard drive 之前。 保存退出,备用侧PILOT然后开始自动RESTORE。 等到restore结束(大约 30分钟),会出现以下信息:Do you want to reboot 输入Y ,回车。(请马上按住F2,进入BIOS设置)1.5 修改备用侧PILOT的BIOS 按住终端电脑的F2,进入BIOS 设置。 检查BIOS里的时间设置,如果和active pilot 时间不一致,请修改过来 在BOOT 选项中将ETH1 和ETH2 移到 Hard drive 之后。在Hard Drive前去掉“ !”, 注意:如果pilot板卡安装了CF 卡,将CF卡前面的 ”!”去掉,并放在硬盘启动的前面!,设置完毕之后,如下图:TRANSCEND-(SM)放在第一启动位 卡启动FUJITSU MHV2060AS-(PM放在第二启动位)硬盘启动网卡启动放在后面(IBA GE Slot 012.)

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