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1、1,光學發展史,幾何光學,波動光學,量子光學,現代光學,牛頓,惠更斯,愛因斯坦,德布羅意,粒子說,波動說,光子說,二象性,2,光學理論體系,幾何光學 : 反射、折射、透鏡 經典光學 波動光學 : 干涉、繞射、偏振 光學 量子光學 : 光的發射、吸收、相互作用 鐳射原理及應用 傅立葉光學、全像光學 現代光學 鐳射光譜學 非線性光學,3,光學發展簡史_反射定律,墨翟(468376 B.C.)所著的墨子一書,載有光的直線傳播、面鏡成像等現象,並對面鏡成像提出一些經驗規則 歐幾里德(Euclid , 330275 B.C.,希臘人)在光學一書中對平面鏡成像進行研究,並指出反射角與入射角相等的關係,4,

2、光學發展簡史_折射定律,阿爾哈金(Alhazen , 9651038,阿拉伯人)研究球面鏡、拋物面鏡,並發明凸透鏡以及描繪眼構造 伽利略首先使用天文望遠鏡1607年還嘗試測量光速但未成功;司乃耳(Willebrord Snell , 15911626,荷蘭人)由實驗歸納出折射定律,5,光學發展簡史,格里馬第(Francesco Grimaldi , 16181663,義大利人)首先觀察到光的繞射(diffraction)現象。牛頓曾以稜鏡進行光的色散實驗,發現白光是由數種色光所組成_色散現象。隆美耳(Ole Rmer , 16441710,丹麥人)由觀測木星的衛星,首次測定光速約為2.1510

3、8 m/s,6,光學發展簡史_光的粒子說,牛頓開始思考光的本質究竟為何?他從自己所建立的力學觀點出發,發表光的粒子說,認為光是由微小粒子組成,並遵守力學定律,因而可解釋光的直線傳播,並推導出光的反射與折射定律。同時也預測了光在介質中(如水或玻璃等)的光速比在空氣中快。,7,光學發展簡史_光的波動說,惠更斯(Christiaan Huygens , 16291695,荷蘭人)則提出光的波動說,經由充滿在宇宙空間中的以太(ether),像水波般向四面八方傳播。由波的現象也可以說明反射定律及折射定律,並且預測光在介質中的速率應較空氣中慢。,8,光學發展簡史_光的波動說(干涉實驗),十九世紀初期,楊氏

4、(Thomas Young , 17731829,英國人)以實驗證實了光的干涉現象,這是波動說才能解釋的現象,9,粒子與波的爭論_Poissons spot (1),Fresnel and PoissonIn 1818 the French Academy held a competition for scientists. Fresnel entered with a paper about diffraction of light. Diffraction is when a wave bends to get behind something. Particles dont do tha

5、t. If you hold a shield in front of you, you dont have to worry about things bending around it to get at you. However, waves do diffract. If you watch a wave go past something like a big rock in the water, you see that it bends and gets in behind the rock. If light diffracts then it is a wave. One o

6、f the judges, Poisson, hated the wave theory. He was sure that light was made of particles. Fresnels paper was brilliant, but Poisson was determined that it couldnt win. So Poisson thought about it and said that it light diffracts then shadows cant be completely black, some of the light bends to get

7、 behind. If you look at the shadow of a small circular object, the light bending from all sides would add up especially strongly in the middle. This means that in the middle of the shadow, there would be a faint bright spot. Poisson was now convinced that he had shown how ridiculous the wave theory

8、really was. He presented his idea to the other judges to prove that they couldnt possible make Fresnel the winner.,10,粒子與波的爭論_Poissons spot (2),Another judge, Arago, decided to test it for himself. He did the experiment as Poisson had described and discovered - to everybodys surprise - that there wa

9、s indeed a bright spot in the middle of the shadow! So instead of proving that Fresnel was wrong, Poisson had done something very important for proving that Fresnel was right - he had used Fresnels theory to make a prediction that was so wild sounding that if it was true it almost certainly meant th

10、at Fresnels theory was right. Poisson had to give up! He had proven the thing he wanted to show was wrong. Fresnel won the contest, and the spot was named Poissons Spot. This gives him the credit he deserves for his part of proving the theory to be true, but it was also very embarrassing for him.,11

11、,光學發展簡史_測量光的速度,1850年兩位法國人菲左(Armand Fizeau , 18191896)和傅科(Jean Foucault , 18191868)分別測出光在空氣中及水中的速率,確認在水中的光速較慢,使光的波動說得以確立,12,光學發展簡史_電磁學理論,馬克士威建立了電磁學理論,推導出電磁波的存在,並算出電磁波以光速傳播,因而認為光是一種電磁波。,13,光學發展簡史_證實電磁波存在,1888年赫茲以實驗證實了電磁波的存在。電磁波的波長範圍極廣,由伽傌射線約10-15m到無線電波約109m。可見光也屬於電磁波,波長範圍僅為電磁波譜中極窄的一段,約在400nm(紫光)到750nm

12、(紅光)之間,14,光學發展簡史_光波有粒子性,二十世紀初期,因電磁波理論無法解釋光電效應(photo-electric effect)的結果,而由愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein , 18791955,德裔美國人)提出光子說才得到圓滿的解釋,他認為電磁波是由許多光子組成,具有粒子性,15,光學發展簡史_光的二象性,今天,我們認為光有時呈現波動性,有時呈現粒子性需要視光與周遭所處狀況來決定其性質。光的粒子性與波動性須交互使用,才能完整地描述光的現象。,16,西元前400年 墨經 光的幾何性質記錄西元前300400年 歐幾裡德 光的直線傳播開普勒(德)光照、光疏密性質、全反射1621年 斯涅爾(荷)折射定律1655年 格拉馬蒂(意)繞射、薄膜干涉現象牛頓(英)提出光的粒子說惠更斯(荷)提出光的波動學說。(以太介質)1801年 湯馬斯.楊(英)楊氏雙縫干涉1808年 馬呂斯(法)光的偏振(光是橫波)1811年 布儒斯特(英)雙軸晶體,結論,17,結論,1818年 菲涅爾(法)惠更斯菲涅爾原理洛埃洛埃鏡實驗 半波損失 為波動說奠定基礎。184962年 菲索和傅科(法)光速測量 證實波動說1872年 麥克遜和莫雷(美)以太尋找實驗1872年 麥斯威爾建立Maxwell方程,光速,光是電磁波1886年 赫茲(德)證實電磁波1905年 愛因斯坦光的量子學說 光的粒子性 相對論光速,

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